Lymphnodes Nodes Swelling Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic Treatment for the Swelling of Lymphnodes by BOUKO LEVY M.,from Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory Inflammation and swelling of the lymph nodes can be caused by many different types of pathology which will always require a clinical and laboratory checkup. The psoric has fast centrifugal reactions, their lymph nodes appear and disappear quickly, the fevers are high and violent. The sycotic has chronically enlarged lymph nodes, especially in the E.N. T. and genitourinary systems. All allopathic drugs are poorly assimilated and slow down the resorption of toxins. The tuberculinic has violent attacks to which they cannot react, causing inflammatory processes that lasts throughout their entire life. They produce organic lesions, such as lung emphysema, nerves sclerosis, and liver degenaration. The luetic produces ulcerations and necrosis of the tonsils, vascular walls, etc. They develop irritating inflammat...