
Showing posts from June, 2014

Lymphnodes Nodes Swelling Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic Treatment for the Swelling of Lymphnodes by BOUKO LEVY M.,from Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory  Inflammation and swelling of the lymph nodes can be caused by many different types of pathology which will always require a clinical and laboratory checkup.  The psoric has fast centrifugal reactions, their lymph nodes appear and disappear quickly, the fevers are high and violent. The sycotic has chronically enlarged lymph nodes, especially in the E.N. T. and genitourinary systems.  All allopathic drugs are poorly assimilated and slow down the resorption of  toxins.   The tuberculinic has violent attacks to which  they cannot react, causing inflammatory processes that lasts throughout their entire life.  They produce organic lesions, such as lung emphysema, nerves sclerosis, and liver degenaration.  The luetic produces ulcerations and necrosis of the tonsils, vascular walls, etc.  They  develop irritating inflammat...

Odors from Body Treatment in Homeopathic Medicine

Homeopathic Reemdies for the Treatment of Bad Odors from body by BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory,  Sensitivity to odors is so developed in some people that they can faint from a simple smell :  • COLCHICUM , IPECA, NUX VOMICA, PHOSPHORUS, SANGUINARIA   Homeopathic Remedies for Odors In general  --  intolerant of all senses; nose obstruction at night; hayfever; anger :  • one dose, as needed : NUX VOMICA 9C  --  fetid body odor; sensitive to strong odor; red nostrils :  • one dose, as needed : SULFUR FLAVUM 15C  --   very acute sense of smell, provoke headache, amel. uncovering, hepatic insufficiency :  • one dose, as needed : LYCOPODIUM 15C  --  smells all kinds of odors real or not; cough agg. flower odors :  • one dose, as needed : PHOSPHORUS 15C  --  oversensitive in general; nausea and faintness by tobacco; palpitations :  • 3 granules, as needed : IGNATIA 9C...

Osteoarthritis Best Treatment In Homeopathy

Homeopathic Treatment for Osteoarthritis suggested by  BOUKO LEVY M.,Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory  Osteoarthritis is a disease that affects anyone.  Some people start at a young age, due to their heredity and traumatic factors.  Others begin the process at a much later age, due to the normal wear and tear of the joints from gravitational stresses.  The psoric has an autointoxication with all of the overabundance pathologies.  The symptoms are periodical inflammatory arthritic attacks that alternate with other elimination diseases like eczema, E.N. T., diarrhea, etc. The sycotic has a specific rhythm related to the endocrine fraction, especially genital.  The disorders accelerate during puberty and menopause or andropause.  Aggravation by dampness is an essential modality.  The tuberculinic is an aggravated psoric.  Violent, inflammatory attacks start at an early age during growth periods and quickly appear as arthriti...

Best Homeopathy Treatment for Otitis Media and External

Homeopathic Treatment for Otitis with most effective Remedies suggested by  BOUKO LEVY M., From Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory  Otitis media is one of the most frequent traumas of  infancy, especially in the tuberculinic and sycotic reactive modes, which are aggravated by early vaccinations.  Tonsillectomies have been replaced in recent pediatric medicine by tubes in the ears.  Only the otitis that is caused by a bacteria may require the use of  antibiotics.  In fact, most cases of  otitis are called "viral" or "allergic" and are recurrent in spite of antibiotic treatments.  Antibiotic therapy has created systemic mycotic disorders and provoked a weakening of the entire immune system. This condition will not allow the patient to respond to their current daily stresses such as cold, heat, wind, fears, and pathogens, etc.  Homeopathic medicine is the only way to cure this pathology, especially if it is related to Eustachian...

Ovarian Diseases Treatment in Homeopathy

Homeopathic treatment for Ovary Diseases like Polycystic Ovaries or PCOD, Tumours and Pain Suggested by  BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory  The pathology of the ovary must be related to the other menstrual and endocrine disorders of the breast, leukorrhea, eczema, and to the general evolution of the patient along their line of life.  In terms of  functional pathology (See : menses, premenstrual), the ovary may produce tumors. Early homeopathic care, in many cases, will help the woman avoid surgery.   Homeopathic Remedies for Ovarian Pains  No particular side   --  essential remedy in melancholy related to uterine disorders in pregnancy; metritis; painful and tender nipples ; bearing-down sensation;  amel. by distraction :  • 3 granules 3 times a day, as needed : HELONIAS 5C  --  bearing-down sensation; must keep legs tightly crossed; sinking sensation in stomach; easy sexual excitement; agg. b...

Homeopathic Remedies for Pain Relief Management

Homeopathic Treatment for Pain relief given by BOUKO LEVY M.,in his  Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory  Pain is of the first reasons why a person goes to see a doctor.  Each patient has a personal way of expressing their suffering and the homeopath must insist on the particular sensations and modalities to find the correct remedy.  A general painkiller, especially for headaches and migraines :  • 20 to 100 drops, 1 to 4 times a day, as needed :  EUPHORBIA PILULIFERA M.T.  Injectable homeopathic may be used (See : lumbago).  Aspect Homeopathic Treatment for Pain relief According to the way of development   --  appear and disappear suddenly :  • argentum nitricum, BELLADONNA, KALIUM BICHROMICUM, NITRIC ACID, phytolacca  --  appear and disappear gradually :  kalmia latifolia, natrum muriaticum, phosphorus, PLATINA, spigelia, STANNUM METAL, sulfuric acid  --  periodical; increase and de...

Homeopathic Treatment for Pin Worms and Parasites

Homeopathic Remedies for the treatment of Parsites infestation by BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory  Introduction: The intestines are a microcosm of the external world and contains the same bacteria, fungi, and parasites that exist in the external world.  This microcosm interacts with the matter, energy, and information coming in with the foods from the outer world. The homeopathic analysis of the patient, especially during chilhood , can lead to the precise remedy that will heal many digestive disorders.  If these digestive disorders are not corrected early in life, there will be several manifestations of chronic parasitism, such as : cough, eczema, insomnia , nervousness, palpitations, spasms, etc., that will continue on into adult life.  Only homeopathic treatments can control the recurrences.   Homeopathic Remedies for Oxyuriasis   General drainage  Homeopathic Medicines for Parasites In children   (Se...

Nasal, Rectal, Bladder Polyps Treatment in Homeopathy

Homeopathic Remedies for the treatment of Nasal Polyps given in Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory from BOUKO LEVY M.,  Introduction for Polyp Treatment: These benign tumors can have dreadful consequences due to their location and recurrence. Homeopathic remedies are essential to treat chronic polyps.  The sycotic patient develops all kinds of growths, this is the main focal point of their reactive mode.  If the sycotic has a tuberculinic or luetic evolution, or both, there is an increased risk of cancer .  There are times when surgery is needed, especially, if there is a major obstruction.   Homeopathic Treatment for Polyps In general  --  every day, 3 granules :  • HYDRASTIS 4C  --  alternate every other week, one dose :  • CALCAREA CARBONICA 9C, or THUYA 9C  --  alternate the nosode every other month, one dose :  • MEDORRHINUM 15C, or TUBERCULINUM RESIDUUM 9C  --  general ageing drai...

Homeopathic Treatment for disorders of Pregnancy

Pregnancy Disorders and Homeopathic Treatment by BOUKO LEVY M. from Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory  Intrroduction for Pregnancy problems: Pregnancy is the perfect field of action for homeopathic remedies.  The mother can safely use homeopathic medicines during the entire gestational  period for the classical disorders of pregnancy.  The doctor can prescribe a treatment to the pregnant woman to prevent the child from acquiring hereditary predispositions (eugenism).   Homeopathic Remedies for Digestive Nausea, vomiting during Pregnancy (See :dyspepsia)  --  with tendency to faintness :  • at smell, sight or thought of food; tendency to vomit after eating; acidity; craves vinegar, sour foods, acids and pickles; aversion to milk :  3 granules, as needed : SEPIA 5C  • sinking feeling in pit of stomach with coldness, vomiting with much spitting, agg. with least motion and tobacco smoke; palpitations:  3 granul...

Premenstrual Syndrome Treatment in Homeopathy

Homeopathic Remedies for the treatment of Premenstrual Syndrome suggested by BOUKO LEVY M.from Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory  Introduction for Pre menstrual Syndrome: Through the eyes of the homeopathic practitioner, the premenstrual syndrome is the perfect image of the evolution of a woman through her fertile life.  During the second part of the mentrual cycle , a general congestion, of the head, breasts, ovaries, uterus, lower limbs, tonsils, liver, kidney, skin, etc., predominates.  The intensity and  recurrence of premenstrual syndrome, in a woman, is directly proportional to the degree of sycotic reactive mode she possesses.  The tuberculinic reactive mode has particularly violent symptoms with extreme nervous weakness . Homeopahtic Treatment for Pre menstrual Syndrome General drainage   • 1 or 2 capsules (300 or 500 mg), 3 times a day, from  the 14th day to menses : OLEUM OENOTHERAE BIENNIS  Organotherapy ...

Psoriasis Treatment in Homeopathy best and Most effective

Homeopathic Treatment for Psoriasis with Most Effective remedies by BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory Introduction to Psoriasis:  The skin is a protective screen which perfectly reflects the internal conflicts of the organism and the way it overcomes them.  No skin disease is more related to the nervous system than psoriasis.  Therefore, one must use neurovegetative regulators in treating this condition (See : anxiety, insomnia, nervoussness, etc).  The skin, digestive, and respiratory system are the major ways in which the body detoxifies. Psoriasis, like any other skin problem, is the result of the body riding itself of toxins. All medicine, allopathic and homeopathic, must observe that the treatment does not send a disease from a superficial tissue to a deeper tissue level, such as skin to lung and intestines, heart to mind, etc.  The homeopath must be careful when treating skin diseases.  The body adheres to basic healing ...

Restlessness Treatment in Homeopathy

Homeopathic Treatment for the Restlessness with most Effective remedies by BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory  Introduction for Restlessness: Some people live in a state of continuous restlessness.  Nothing can help, they always need movement.  For the homeopath, this symptom must be related to the complete expression of the patient's resources.  When restlessness appears suddenly during an acute disease, the symptom takes an essential value for the diagnosis of the correct remedy.  In acute diseases , 5C is used most of the time.  In chronic cases, or in extremely acute situations, all high potencies can be used.  Start with a 9C, which is often sufficient.  Occasional Homeopathic Remedies for Rest lessness During fever   --  extreme anxiety about dying, intense thirst; vascular congestions :  • one dose, as needed : ACONITUM 15C  --  bed feels to hard; refuses to be touched or even...