Osteoarthritis Best Treatment In Homeopathy

Homeopathic Treatment for Osteoarthritis suggested by  BOUKO LEVY M.,Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory

 Osteoarthritis is a disease that affects anyone.
 Some people start at a young age, due to their heredity and traumatic factors.
 Others begin the process at a much later age, due to the normal wear and tear of the joints from gravitational stresses.
 The psoric has an autointoxication with all of the overabundance pathologies.
 The symptoms are periodical inflammatory arthritic attacks that alternate with other elimination diseases like eczema, E.N. T., diarrhea, etc.
Osteoarthritis Homeopathy
The sycotic has a specific rhythm related to the endocrine fraction, especially genital.
 The disorders accelerate during puberty and menopause or andropause.
 Aggravation by dampness is an essential modality.
 The tuberculinic is an aggravated psoric.
 Violent, inflammatory attacks start at an early age during growth periods and quickly appear as arthritic joint and bone decalcifying lesions.
 Thyroid dysregulation and allergies are always present.
 The luetic has primary tendon and venous weaknesses, esthetic deformations appear early with sprains and night pains.
 The destruction of the osteoarticular substance is early in the evolution and  the lesions are irreversible.
 The articular degeneration provokes a movement restriction that will increase proggressively with the loss of essential bone substance.
 Organotherapy is very important for the correct treatment of this natural evolution.
 The metabolism of the chondrocyte requires the proper enzymatic stimulation to delay the natural ageing process.
 This is the perfect field of action for the use of trace elements.
 Plants are the basis for all of the treatments.
 They can be prepared in M.T.  (phytotherapy), in 1X (gemmotherapy), or classically as a homeopathic substance (satellites).
 Stimulation is a pecularity of the sympathetic system's action.
 During the chronic treatment of osteoarthritis, nervous system drainage is an essential part of the treatment to arrest the everyday intoxication and get the best results.

 Daily Homeopathic Remedies for Osteoarthritis

 Trace elements
 one dose, daily :
 --  muscular spasms, cramps :
 • morning : MAGNESIUM
 • evening : POTASSIUM
 --  deformed joints :
 • morning : IODINE
 • evening : SULFUR
 --  inflammatory attack :
 • 4 times a day : COPPER

 Homeopathic Remedies for Osteoarthritis Phytogemmotherapy

 • 50 to 100 drops, daily :


 • 20 to 40 drops, daily :

 Homeopathic Remedies for Osteoarthritis Mineral salts

 • 5 granules, daily :
 morning : CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA / SILICEA / a.a. p. 6X
 evening : CALCAREA FLUORICA / SILICEA / a.a. p. 6X

Week  Homeopathic Remedy for Osteoarthritis 

 --  fat subject :
 • alternate every other week, one dose :
 --  thin subject :
 • alternate every other week, one dose :
 --  severe deformity :
 • alternate every other week, one dose :
 --  very sensitive to dampness :
 • one dose, each week :
 on Wednesday : DULCAMARA 15C
 See : ageing, air, arthritis, ankle, back, cold, coccyx, decalcification,  fingers, headache, heat, heel, hip, knee, lumbago, migraine, pains, rheumatisms, seaside, sensations, since, shoulder, torticollis. trauma, vaccination, wind.

Samuel Lilienthal Suggesting us Following Homeopathic Remedies for the Treatment of Arthritis.

Abrotanum [Abrot]
      Chronic arthritis. Gouty deposits about fingers-joints, during cold, stormy weather, painful, sore and hot at that time; metastasis to heart; piercing pain in heart; high fever; emaciation, though appetite is good. Painful and inflamed wrist and ankle-joints, stiff, with pricking sensation; ailments after suppressed gout.
Antimonium-crud [Ant-c]
      Especially when the stomach is involved; tongue white, bowels costive, vomiting and retching.
Arnica [Arn]
      Inflamed joint shining, red and hard, CONSTANT FEAR OF BEING TOUCHED; pains unbearable during night; bed feels too hard; sensation as if the foot were compressed by a hard body (Arn., stitching pains; Sabin., burning pains).
Benzoic-acid [Benz-ac]
      Tearing in joints with nearly clear urine; old nodes become painful, and as the pains abate palpitation sets in, ceasing only when pains increase; gout going from left to right of or commencing in right great toe; urine of offensive odor, depositing a reddish cloudy sediment. CHRONIC RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, wandering pains (Puls).
Berberis-vulg [Berb]
      Tearing, burning, stinging pains; patient subject to formation of biliary or renal calculi; darting, sharp pains radiate from the kidneys, usually downward and along the ureters; urine cloudy, grayish, depositing sediment; fistula in ano.
Bryonia [Bry]
      Joint swollen, tense, not very red, (<) by motion or touch; deathly sickness when raising the head; tongue white down the centre; patient unbearably cross.
Causticum [Caust]
      Nodes; joints stiff; toes or fingers contracted; pains relieved by warmth of bed.
Colchicum [Colch]
      GOUT ATTACKING MANY JOINTS; shifting from one to another, with burning and tearing pains, from any external impressions, noise, odor, touch or bright light, The joints becomes inflamed, dark red, hot and intensely painful, patient nearly beside himself with agony; oedema and coldness of legs and feet, with weariness, heaviness and inability to move; urine acid, dark and scanty; even the smell of food nauseates; frequent, ineffectual inclination to sneeze on waking in the morning; uric acid diathesis; GOUT IN PERSONS OF VIGOROUS CONSTITUTION.
Graphites [Graph]
      Tearing in toes, awakens at night and springs out of bed suffocating, relieved by eating; gastralgia; arthritic nodosities on fingers; swelling of toes balls of toes ; coldness of dorsum of feet ; red nose; bloated features; skin rough, herpetic.
Guaiacum [Guai]
      Arthritic lancinations and contraction of limbs; (<) by slightest motion and accompanied by heat on affected parts. Gouty inflammation and abscess of the knee; IMMOVABLE STIFFNESS OF THE CONTRACTED PARTS; pinching in abdomen from incarcerated flatulence; pyrosis; constipation.

Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]
      GOUTY PAINS, ESPECIALLY OF FINGERS, ALTERNATE WITH GASTRIC AILMENTS; periodical wandering pains, shooting, pricking; stiff all over, (<) mornings; audible cracking in joints on slight motion in the wrists or ankles; lumbago ischias, periostitis.
Kali-carb [Kali-c]
      Tearing pains in small articulations and big toe, which make him irritable; migraine with nausea; anorexia bulimy; flatulence; haemorrhoids; urine red, smarting, with brickdust sediment. It prevents relapses.
Ledum [Led]
      Low, asthenic cases (maltreated by large doses of Colch); lancinating, tearing pains; (<) by motion than by touch and at midnight, when joints feel so hot that he throws off all covering; OEDEMATOUS SWELLING OF JOINT, WHICH MAY FEEL COLD TO THE TOUCH; affects chiefly left shoulder and right hip-joint, habitual gout in the articulations of hands and feet; ball of great toe swollen and painful; soles very sensitive; tendons stiff; gouty nodosities in joints; fine tearing pains in toes; face bloated; pimples on forehead, after abuse of alcoholic drinks.
Lithium-carb [Lith-c]
      Gout in knees, sides of feet and soles; ankle-joints pain on walking; profuse urine, with uric acid deposit; painful urination; pain in heart before and at time of urinating; valvular deficiencies; (<) from mental agitation, which causes a fluttering and trembling of heart, general puffiness of body and limbs; increase of bulk and weight; clumsiness in walking at night and weariness in standing; swelling, tenderness, sometimes redness of lasts joints of fingers; intense itching of feet and hands at night from no apparent cause; urine acid deposits in urine.
Lycopodium [Lyc]
      Tophi; nocturnal pains, (<) by heat; muscular contractions; gravel; haematuria; drawing, tearing in the limbs at night and on alternate days; (<) at rest; muscles and joints rigid, painful, with numbness; finger joints inflamed; also with arthritic nodes, swelling of the dorsa of the feet;(>) in warmth (Led. (<)); sour eructations; frequent belching without relief; pressure in scrobiculum; fulness in stomach and bowels; tension in liver; abdominal and renal colic; constipation; lithic acid deposit in urine, must rise often at night to pass urine.
Natrum-mur [Nat-m]
      Big toe red, with tearing and stinging on walking or standing; tarsal joints feel bruised; veins of feet distended; cracking of joints which feel stiff on moving them; lame; bruised sensation in small of back as if a portion of the spine were taken out; urine muddy and red; skin tawny. unhealthy looking, (<) at the seaside and in cold weather; . in warm weather; constant sensation of chilliness.
Nux-vom [Nux-v]
      Awakes towards morning with severe pain in great toe, in high livers who lead a sedentary life.
Rhododendron [Rhod]
      Arthritic nodes; paralytic weakness of the limbs, aggravated in rough weather and rest; sensation in lower legs and feet as if asleep; periosteal affections.
Ruta [Ruta]
      Pains in back or coccyx, as if bruised; pains in bones of feet, cannot step heavily on them; all parts of the body feel bruised on pressure; (<) in wet, cold weather.
Sabina [Sabin]
      Red and shining swelling of the big toe, with excessive pains, aggravated by the least touch or slightest motion; heaviness of the affected limbs; fever worst in the evening; wandering pains, burning, affecting one joint after another, especially the big toe and hand; relieved by cool applications (Apis). She changes her position often to get some relief.
Sepia [Sep]
      Anomalous or regular gut; urates in blood and deposited in or near the joints; pains in hepatic region, (>) by lying on affected side. (Magn. mur. (<)); bleeding, painful piles; after stool weakness and emptiness in abdomen.
Staphisagria [Staph]
      Arthritic nodes from deposition of urates of soda; pain from the eyes to the teeth; eyes burn and feel dry despite profuse lachrymation; patient weak and exhausted from dissipation; face sallow. Chronic gout of men advanced in life, corpulent with feeble pulse, palpitations, dyspnoea on exertion; pains in smaller joints of hands and feet, with much swelling and hardness; SKIN AFFECTIONS ALTERNATING WITH PAINS IN JOINTS; weakness of knees; soles of feet tender.
Sulphur [Sulph]
      Habitual gout, especially of drunkards and those who indulge in rich food and take but little exercise, red blotches in face, nose habitually red; disgust for animal food; dyspnoea with desire to take a deep inspiration; uric acid urine; dull, aching., pressive pain in joints; as soon as he falls asleep the affected limbs jerk and arouse him; pains erratic and leave a sensation of numbness; alternate constipation or diarrhoea, with excessively foetid stools and foetid flatulence; haemorrhoids.


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