Homeopathic treatment for Dyspepsia if not given will last for years

- BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory Abnormal and unpleasant digestion is certainly the most frequent symptom appearing in functional medicine. When a situation cannot be "swallowed" (mentally or physically), one of the first reaction of the body is to make stomach acid. Newborn dyspepsia Dyspepsia In the newborn, this pathology must be considered with particular care, because often it announces the future E.N. T. and respiratory tract diseases which will last for years if a correct homeopathic treatment is not given. Prepare the remedy for the day by placing the granules in a water bottle and allow them to melt. Shake the preparation before each use and give a small amount to the baby 10 minutes before feeding. Usual treatment -- ten granules in 100cc bottle, a gulp before each feeding : • CHELIDONIUM / SEPIA / SOLIDAGO VIRGA / TARAXACUM / a.a. p. 3X -- three granules in 20 cc bo...