
Showing posts from November, 2014

Homeopathic treatment for Dyspepsia if not given will last for years

- BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory  Abnormal and unpleasant digestion is certainly the most frequent symptom appearing in functional medicine.  When a situation cannot be "swallowed" (mentally or physically), one of the first reaction of the body is to make stomach acid.  Newborn dyspepsia  Dyspepsia  In the newborn, this pathology must be considered with particular care, because often it announces the future E.N. T. and respiratory tract diseases which will last for years if a correct homeopathic treatment is not given.  Prepare the remedy for the day by placing the granules in a water bottle and allow them to melt.  Shake the preparation before each use and give a small amount to the baby 10 minutes before feeding.  Usual  treatment   -- ten granules in 100cc bottle, a gulp before each feeding :  • CHELIDONIUM / SEPIA / SOLIDAGO VIRGA / TARAXACUM / a.a. p. 3X  -- three granules in 20 cc bo...

Homeopathic Treatment for Eczema are Effective?

- BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory  It is striking to see how many infants develop eczema during the first year of life that often disappears in spite of all the specialists and ointments.  This a natural attempt of the body to clear out the hereditary toxins and must be understood and helped by the homeopathic strategy.  It is the only way to resolve this condition.  Even when  the precise chemical cause is found, it is essential to activate the skin and produce an eczema.  Remember, the first reactive mode on any person's line of life is the psoric.  Careful !  What is hiding behind an eczema ? Eczema Infant This symptom is always the visible image of the disease inside.  Usual treatment   Trace elements   -- in case of E.N. T. allergies and arthritic background :  • alternate every other day, one dose : MANGANESE or SULFUR  -- in case of respiratory allergy and tubercul...

Homeopathic Remedies for Oedema Treatment

- BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory  Edema can be caused by a decrease in the venous circulation, as well as by severe heart disease.  Some women have a periodical edema before menses (sycosis).  Limbs  Heart disease   -- acute, in general :  • 20 to 40 drops, every hour, as needed : Edema Face APOCYNUM / CONVALLARIA / CRATAEGUS / DIGITALIS / a.a. p. 1X  -- chronic, in general :  • 20 to 40 drops, 1 to 4 times a day : ADONIS / DIGITALIS / STROPHANTUS / a.a. p. 3X  -- mitral disease (See  heart) :  • 3 granules, 1 to 3 times a day : KALIUM CARBONICUM 9C  Arthritic   -- acute, in general :  • alternate 3 granules, as needed : APIS 4C, or GUAIACUM 4C, or LEDUM 4C  -- chronic, in general :  • 3 granules, daily  :  morning, DULCAMARA 5C  evening, KALIUM IODATUM 5C  one dose, weekly : NATRUM SULFURICUM 9C  Venous inflammation  ...

Nocturnal Enuresis Treatment with Homeopathic Remedies

- BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory  A symptom such as enuresis cannot be understood without looking at the totality of the patient: constitution, reactive mode, mental and physical symptoms.  The choice of a good remedy is founded on an analysis, in particular, of the general symptoms.  --  fearful agg. at twilight; cannot go to bed at night; desire of smoked things : Enuresis • 3 granules, as needed : CAUSTICUM 9C -- sad; desire of vinegar; sexual blockage; girl behaves like a boy :  • 3 granules, as needed : SEPIA 9C  -- peevish; screams; desire of meat; teething :  • 3 granules, as needed : KREOSOTUM 9C  -- likes caresses; doesn't drink; many horrible nightmares :  • 3 granules, as needed : PULSATILLA 9C  -- plays with needles and sharp objects but terror of them; aversion for milk :  • 3 granules, as needed : SILICEA 9C  See : anxiety, capricious, dreams, fears, excitement, insomni...

Homeopathic Remedies for Epilepsy Treatment

- BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory,  Homeopathic remedies alone cannot treat epilepsy.  They are the necessary background treatment that permits the reduction of allopathic drugs to a functional minimum and progressively balances the patient.  Attack   Mental blanks   -- at puberty; agg. during menses; from amenorrhea :  • 3 granules, as needed : ARTEMISIA 9C  -- hysterical :  • 3 granules, as needed : MOSCHUS 5C Myoclonic form  Epilepsy  -- agg. by noise; prolonged lack of memory :  • 3 granules, 3 times a day : CICUTA VIROSA 4C,  • one dose every week, as needed : CICUTA VIROSA 200  -- agg. during night; agg. at new moon; cyanosis :  • 3 granules, as needed : CUPRUM METAL 9C  -- cold and numbness of hands and feet :  • 3 granules, as needed : OENANTHE CROCATA 4C  -- angry; retarded; sexual excitement with epilepsy during menses :  • 3 gran...

Treatment for Eructations with Homeopathic Remedies

- BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory,  Extremely disagreeable for the family circle, extremely rude in Occidental societies, the eructation is a necessary and sometimes very pleasant moment during many people's digestion. Homeopathic remedies are helpful for the patient who cannot assimilate their meals properly.  Nervous remedies   -- paradoxical, sinking feeling in stomach amel. by a deep breath :  • 3 granules, as needed : IGNATIA 5C  -- aversion to food; spasmodic nervous hiccough; fainting attacks :  • 3 granules, as needed : MOSCHUS 5C  -- painful empty eructations which amel., big quantity of wind :  • 3 granules, 1 to 4 times a day : ARGENTUM NITRICUM 5C  -- acid eructations; intensely timid; blushes easily :  • 3 granules, as needed : AMBRA GRISEA 5C  -- liquid regurgitations; pulsations in pit of stomach :  • 3 granules, 1 to 4 times a day : ASA FOETIDA 5C   Eructations ...

Erythema has congestion of capillaries curable with Homeopathy

- BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory,  Erythema is characterized by a redness of the skin due to congestion of capillaries which disappears for  a short time with pressure.  It has various causes and the affected area can easily get infected, especially in the skin folds.  Newborn   Local treatment   • clean with a solution, in one liter of water, 20 grams of :  POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE  • with infection : CALENDULA ointment  -- very often :  • one dose : MEDORRHINUM 9C Erythema  -- acute diarrhea; otitis; amel. being carried :  • 3 granules, as needed : CHAMOMILLA 4C  -- aversion for milk which provokes diarrhea :  • 3 granules, as needed : SEPIA 4C  -- greedy baby too quickly satisfied, craves sweets :  • 3 granules, as needed : LYCOPODIUM 4C  -- extensive and severe cases:  • 3 granules, as needed : ARSENICUM ALBUM 4C  From sun  ...

Excitement is characteristic either in acute or chronic prescribing.

- BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory,  Excitement is aggravated or improved by particular conditions which are characteristic of the remedy, either in acute or chronic prescribing.  Some people alternate between excitement and prostration and the psychiatrist and the family do not always know what is best for these people.  Normally excited  Excitement   -- always in hurry; anticipates; fears :  • 3 granules, as needed : ARGENTUM NITRICUM 5C  -- always very busy; oversensitivity of all the senses :  • 3 granules, as needed : NUX VOMICA 5C  -- moving, dancing all the time, in children, at menopause :  • 3 granules, as needed : TARENTULA HISPANA 5C  -- hyperactive mentally and physically; joyful :  • alternate every other week, one dose :  CALCAREA FLUORICA 9C, or FLUORIC ACID 9C  -- agg. during evening and night; weak memory :  • one dose, as needed : MEDORRHINUM 9C ...

Expectoration:A good productive cough is an indication of healing

- BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory,  During an acute respiratory disease, a good productive cough is an indication that healing has begun.  Homeopathic remedies are extremely useful.  Copious   -- profuse soft coryza with burning lachrymation :  • 3 granules, as needed : EUPHRASIA 4C  -- repeated, lasting bronchitis, sensitive to damp cold :  • 3 granules, as needed : DULCAMARA 4C  -- purulent, thick lumpy, white yellow :  • 3 granules, as needed : CALCAREA SULFURICA 4C  -- extremely painful cough :  • 3 granules, as needed : HEPAR SULFUR 4C  -- extremely exhausting, chronic bronchitis :  • 3 granules, as needed : STANNUM METAL 4 ch  Difficult   -- with constant tickling, hayfever :  • 3 granules, as needed : RUMEX 4C  -- vomits big quantities of mucus; agg. at 11.30 P.M. ; allergic coughs :  • 3 granules, as needed : COCCUS CACTI 5C  -- ...