Excitement is characteristic either in acute or chronic prescribing.

- BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory,
 Excitement is aggravated or improved by particular conditions which are characteristic of the remedy, either in acute or chronic prescribing.
 Some people alternate between excitement and prostration and the psychiatrist and the family do not always know what is best for these people.

 Normally excited 

 -- always in hurry; anticipates; fears :
 • 3 granules, as needed : ARGENTUM NITRICUM 5C
 -- always very busy; oversensitivity of all the senses :
 • 3 granules, as needed : NUX VOMICA 5C
 -- moving, dancing all the time, in children, at menopause :
 • 3 granules, as needed : TARENTULA HISPANA 5C
 -- hyperactive mentally and physically; joyful :
 • alternate every other week, one dose :
 -- agg. during evening and night; weak memory :
 • one dose, as needed : MEDORRHINUM 9C
 -- child wakes up during night, joyful, he wants to talk and play :

 From mental work 

 • 3 granules, in the morning : KALIUM PHOSPHORICUM 7C

 From emotions 

 -- after joyful news, insomnia :
 • 3 granules, as needed : COFFEA 5C
 -- after bad news, with trembling :
 • 3 granules, as needed : GELSEMIUM 5C
 -- restless; terrible fear of death, agg. before midnight :
 • 3 granules, as needed : ACONITUM 9C
 -- periodical, with loquacity :
 • before and during menses, fears going insane :
 3 granules, as needed : CIMICIFUGA 5C
 • when menses do not come, or are insufficient :
 3 granules, as needed : LACHESIS 5C
 See : anger, delusions, emotional, fear, faintness, fears, insomnia, loquacity, menses, nervousness, parasitism, premenstrual, restlessness, sighing, weeping. 


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