Expectoration:A good productive cough is an indication of healing
- BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory,
During an acute respiratory disease, a good productive cough is an indication that healing has begun.
Homeopathic remedies are extremely useful.
• 3 granules, as needed : EUPHRASIA 4C
-- repeated, lasting bronchitis, sensitive to damp cold :
• 3 granules, as needed : DULCAMARA 4C
-- purulent, thick lumpy, white yellow :
• 3 granules, as needed : CALCAREA SULFURICA 4C
-- extremely painful cough :
• 3 granules, as needed : HEPAR SULFUR 4C
-- extremely exhausting, chronic bronchitis :
• 3 granules, as needed : STANNUM METAL 4 ch
• 3 granules, as needed : RUMEX 4C
-- vomits big quantities of mucus; agg. at 11.30 P.M. ; allergic coughs :
• 3 granules, as needed : COCCUS CACTI 5C
-- scanty compared to cough; burning hoarseness :
• 3 granules, as needed : CAUSTICUM 4C
-- nausea, vomiting, hiccough, bloody, asthma :
• 3 granules, as needed : IPECA 4C
-- suffocation by tough mucus; chronic bronchitis :
• 3 granules, as needed : SENEGA 4C
-- chest full of secretions, but difficulty to expectorate; asthma :
• 3 granules, as needed : IPECA 4C
-- lungs congestion; burning pains in chest :
• weak patient :
3 granules, as needed : FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM 7C
• sudden hemoptysis :
3 granules, as needed : PHOSPHORUS 5C
• 3 granules, as needed : ARGENTUM METAL 4C
-- profuse mucus in old age emphysema :
• 3 granules, as needed : SENEGA 4C
• 3 granules, as needed : KALIUM BICHROMICUM 4C
-- like soapsuds; agg. in the morning; pneumonia; asthma; maxilar sinusitis :
• 3 granules, as needed : KALIUM IODATUM 4C
• 3 granules, as needed : KALIUM MURIATICUM 4C
-- scanty expectoration must be swallowed; teasing cough :
• 3 granules, as needed : CAUSTICUM 4C
• 3 granules, as needed : PULSATILLA 4C
-- thick, tenacious, ancient bronchial catarrh; sinusitis :
• 3 granules, as needed : HYDRASTIS 4C
See : adenoids, asthma, bleeding, bronchitis, coryza, cough, drainage, emphysema, infections, nodes, nose obstruction, rhinopharyngitis, sinusitis, whooping cough.
During an acute respiratory disease, a good productive cough is an indication that healing has begun.
Homeopathic remedies are extremely useful.
-- profuse soft coryza with burning lachrymation :• 3 granules, as needed : EUPHRASIA 4C
-- repeated, lasting bronchitis, sensitive to damp cold :
• 3 granules, as needed : DULCAMARA 4C
-- purulent, thick lumpy, white yellow :
• 3 granules, as needed : CALCAREA SULFURICA 4C
-- extremely painful cough :
• 3 granules, as needed : HEPAR SULFUR 4C
-- extremely exhausting, chronic bronchitis :
• 3 granules, as needed : STANNUM METAL 4 ch
-- with constant tickling, hayfever :• 3 granules, as needed : RUMEX 4C
-- vomits big quantities of mucus; agg. at 11.30 P.M. ; allergic coughs :
• 3 granules, as needed : COCCUS CACTI 5C
-- scanty compared to cough; burning hoarseness :
• 3 granules, as needed : CAUSTICUM 4C
-- nausea, vomiting, hiccough, bloody, asthma :
• 3 granules, as needed : IPECA 4C
-- suffocation by tough mucus; chronic bronchitis :
• 3 granules, as needed : SENEGA 4C
-- chest full of secretions, but difficulty to expectorate; asthma :• 3 granules, as needed : IPECA 4C
-- lungs congestion; burning pains in chest :
• weak patient :
3 granules, as needed : FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM 7C
• sudden hemoptysis :
3 granules, as needed : PHOSPHORUS 5C
-- easy expectoration like starch; chest and larynx great weakness :• 3 granules, as needed : ARGENTUM METAL 4C
-- profuse mucus in old age emphysema :
• 3 granules, as needed : SENEGA 4C
-- easy; agg. by use of voice, with sore, raw larynx, and chest weakness; sinusitis :• 3 granules, as needed : KALIUM BICHROMICUM 4C
-- like soapsuds; agg. in the morning; pneumonia; asthma; maxilar sinusitis :
• 3 granules, as needed : KALIUM IODATUM 4C
-- in chidren, thick and tenacious; chronic serous otitis :• 3 granules, as needed : KALIUM MURIATICUM 4C
-- scanty expectoration must be swallowed; teasing cough :
• 3 granules, as needed : CAUSTICUM 4C
-- copious mucus; dry cough at night, loose in the morning :• 3 granules, as needed : PULSATILLA 4C
-- thick, tenacious, ancient bronchial catarrh; sinusitis :
• 3 granules, as needed : HYDRASTIS 4C
See : adenoids, asthma, bleeding, bronchitis, coryza, cough, drainage, emphysema, infections, nodes, nose obstruction, rhinopharyngitis, sinusitis, whooping cough.
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