Ipecac cntd...
Respiratory Organs
Takes long breaths, as if panting during haemorrhage.
Spasmodic, amelioration cold drinks; suffocative, 7 p.m. (L): Suffocative cough, child becomes stiff and blue in face. Child becomes rigid and stiffens during cough, loses its breath, face turns pale or blue, like Cina which also grinds the teeth. Whooping cough, spasmodic rigidity which is characteristic, loses breath, turns pale or blue, strangles, gags, vomits mucus, may bleed from nose and mouth. Spasmodic cough, amelioration cold water.
Anxiety about heart, amelioration copious expectoration; pressing pain in diaphragm. (L): Inflamed lungs, pneumonia, of infants; the leading remedy. Haemorrhage, bright red blood, dyspnoea, nausea; best remedy during phthisis. Coarse rattling, great expulsive power, reverse of Ant-t. Differs from Ant-t. in chest troubles in that it brings on a crisis speedily, Ant-t. slowly.
Convulsions of limbs, thigh weak, during pregnancy. (L): Pain in femur. Cold hands and feet not perceptible to one's self.
Sleepy, after vomiting.
Internal, aggravation heat; of upper part of body. (L): From disordered stomach. Short chill, long fever. Aggravation warm room, amelioration drinking.
Night, alternating with chill, with sweat; short chill, long heat, no thirst. It is said that Ipec. should be given in the beginning of all intermittent fevers, if no other remedy seems clearly indicated. Very similar to Eup. in intermittent fever, but Eup. lacks the persistent nausea of Ipec., and the paroxysms are only partially developed, while Ipec. lacks the bone pains of Eup., yet the paroxysms are fully developed. Pain between shoulders, down back as if it would break, rigors, fever, vomiting of bile, and seldom thirst usher in the febrile state. Dry hacking cough; constipated with pleuritic stitches: Acon.; dry teasing constipated before and during chill: Rhus; constipated during chill and head: Bry.
Copious, only after abuse of quinine. Copious sour sweat, often soaking through bed.
Itching with nausea, must scratch until one vomits. Considered, when used locally and internally, a specific for malignant pustules and anthrax. Uncontrollable desire to scratch between the acts of vomiting. Erysipelas, vomits, chill, pain in back thirstless, constant nausea.
Convulsions, from indigestion; weak, after menses, out of all proportion to the loss of blood. (L): Weak, after menses. Haemorrhages come with a gush; Ipec. ceases to be the remedy in headache when the patient becomes anaemic and dropsy threatens, it is then that China comes in; persistent nausea accompanies all the headache of Ipec.; when there is a steady flow of bright red blood give Ipec. and do not resort to applications, manipulations, etc. Ipec. is just as important for spasms as Bell. Ipec. does its best work when there is thirstlessness; it is considered a short acting drug. Like Lach., the pains fly from left side to right, reverse of Lyc., but with nausea, those of Cim. from side to side.
Respiratory Organs
Takes long breaths, as if panting during haemorrhage.
Spasmodic, amelioration cold drinks; suffocative, 7 p.m. (L): Suffocative cough, child becomes stiff and blue in face. Child becomes rigid and stiffens during cough, loses its breath, face turns pale or blue, like Cina which also grinds the teeth. Whooping cough, spasmodic rigidity which is characteristic, loses breath, turns pale or blue, strangles, gags, vomits mucus, may bleed from nose and mouth. Spasmodic cough, amelioration cold water.
Ipecac |
Anxiety about heart, amelioration copious expectoration; pressing pain in diaphragm. (L): Inflamed lungs, pneumonia, of infants; the leading remedy. Haemorrhage, bright red blood, dyspnoea, nausea; best remedy during phthisis. Coarse rattling, great expulsive power, reverse of Ant-t. Differs from Ant-t. in chest troubles in that it brings on a crisis speedily, Ant-t. slowly.
Convulsions of limbs, thigh weak, during pregnancy. (L): Pain in femur. Cold hands and feet not perceptible to one's self.
Sleepy, after vomiting.
Internal, aggravation heat; of upper part of body. (L): From disordered stomach. Short chill, long fever. Aggravation warm room, amelioration drinking.
Night, alternating with chill, with sweat; short chill, long heat, no thirst. It is said that Ipec. should be given in the beginning of all intermittent fevers, if no other remedy seems clearly indicated. Very similar to Eup. in intermittent fever, but Eup. lacks the persistent nausea of Ipec., and the paroxysms are only partially developed, while Ipec. lacks the bone pains of Eup., yet the paroxysms are fully developed. Pain between shoulders, down back as if it would break, rigors, fever, vomiting of bile, and seldom thirst usher in the febrile state. Dry hacking cough; constipated with pleuritic stitches: Acon.; dry teasing constipated before and during chill: Rhus; constipated during chill and head: Bry.
Fever |
Copious, only after abuse of quinine. Copious sour sweat, often soaking through bed.
Itching with nausea, must scratch until one vomits. Considered, when used locally and internally, a specific for malignant pustules and anthrax. Uncontrollable desire to scratch between the acts of vomiting. Erysipelas, vomits, chill, pain in back thirstless, constant nausea.
Convulsions, from indigestion; weak, after menses, out of all proportion to the loss of blood. (L): Weak, after menses. Haemorrhages come with a gush; Ipec. ceases to be the remedy in headache when the patient becomes anaemic and dropsy threatens, it is then that China comes in; persistent nausea accompanies all the headache of Ipec.; when there is a steady flow of bright red blood give Ipec. and do not resort to applications, manipulations, etc. Ipec. is just as important for spasms as Bell. Ipec. does its best work when there is thirstlessness; it is considered a short acting drug. Like Lach., the pains fly from left side to right, reverse of Lyc., but with nausea, those of Cim. from side to side.
Convulsions |
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