Time of aggravation – Homeopathy:

Chronobiology is the study of the temporal characteristics of biological phenomena, thus leading to an objective description of biologic time structure. Biologic time structure, in turn, can be defined as the sum of nonrandom, and thus predictable, temporal aspects of organismic behavior, including bioperiodicity and developmental changes, among others. It characterizes species, groups of organisms, and individuals as well as their subdivisions: organ systems, organs, tissues, cells, and intracellular elements (including ultramicroscopic structures). Rhythmic changes can be demonstrated at all these levels of organization, and they can be considered objectively as a fundamental property of living matter.

The hours of changing responsiveness or susceptibility have been clearly demonstrated by Halberg and Reinberg among others. Cyclical changes in susceptibility to toxic and/or pharmacological agents are based on circadian rhythms.

Based on all the previous concepts on the different hourly, seasonal, and periodical aggravations that most of our homeopathic medicines have in the Materia Medicas and Repertories, it could be that the different types of aggravations, as described by Kent might be explained as changes in the patient's chronosusceptibility on one hand, and as different schedules in the administration of a single remedy on the other.

The patient's individuality or chronosusceptibility and the hourly, seasonal and periodical changes in disease might be explained by immunologic allergic reactions (leukocytes, histamines and immunoglobulins among other substances). The individuality of the remedy must then be determined according to the opposite hours of each remedy.

The table of Moon Phases consists of an enumeration of the times, at which a particularly successful prescription has been made ; thereby accentuating the importance of the time period in which the remedy has been found more useful.

Time of aggravation of Homeopathic remedies:

Ars ----- 1-2 a. m. and 1-2 p. m.

Kali Carb ----- 2-4 a. m.Calc. ----- 3 a. m.

Sulphur ----- 3-5 a. m.

Nux Vom. ----- 4-5 a. m.

Arn., Hep., Nux Vom. ----- 6 a. m.

Bov., Bry., Eupat., Pod. ----- 7 a. m.

Eupat., Pod. ----- 7-9 a. m. (Fever)

Nat. Mur., Stann. ----- 9-10-11 a. m.

Chin. S., Nat. Mur. ----- 10-11 a. m.

Cactus, Bapt., Nat. Mur., Nux, Sulph. ----- 11 a. m.

Sulph. : Weak Faint ----- 11 a. m.

Lach. ----- 12 Noon regularly.

Angust., Ant-t., Apis.Ced. ----- 3 p. m.

Bell. ----- 3-4 p. m.

Ced. : Migraine every other day 11 a. m. ; epilepsy starts with slow Convulsions with menses ; abortion occurs at same period each time..

Aranea : Toothache, neuralgia, fever and chill ----- at same hour.

Apis, Lyc., Puls. ----- 4 p. m.

Kali Carb., Puls., Rhus, Thuja. ----- 5 p. m.

Hep., Rhus., Sil. ----- 6 p. m.

Lyc., Rhus. ----- 7 p. m.

Am-m., Lac-vac-defl., Sulph. ----- Every 7 days.

Ars., Carb-v., Lach., Psor., Rhus Rad., Sulph., Tub. ----- Return same day, week, month, year.

Rhus Rad. ----- Yearly recurrence at same hour of day.


  1. Would you care to provide any valid and supported documentation for this claim of "Cyclic susceptibility to toxins"?

    No, I thought not.


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