Bio rhythms – Homeopathy:

Circadian biorhythms, the daily ebb and flow in metabolic processes, have been studied seriously by Western biomedics since the 1930s. Drugs such as digitalis (a heart drug), cortisone and anti-histamines, all have stronger effects and last longer in our bodies when taken at certain times of the day. Since this means that smaller doses and consequently reduced side-effects could be used to achieve better results, chronotherapy, the synchronising of medication with our biorhythms, has gained respectability within some Western medical circles.

Homeopathic prescriptions are guided by several factors - the symptoms, the timing of those symptoms, and any changes in character which might accompany the symptoms.

It is interesting that an anti-histamine remains in the body for up to 17 hours if taken at 7.00 am. Taken at 7.00p.m. it stays for only seven hours. Hayfever and other allergies typically are worse at this time. One homeopathic remedy for this is pulsatilla, which, constitutionally, is suitable for shy, gentle and eager to please types. Sepia, (made from cuttlefish ink) also treats allergies but here the personality is indifferent, snappy and irritable. The allergies treated by sepia are worse in the morning.


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