Discussion on Scientific action of the Homeopathic medicine

Medicine after administration acts on Bio - clock control area in the brain parenchyma and setting the clock according to the time of medicine. Medicine will have own impression and that impression transmits to the living organism, now the control mechanisms in living being are under the control of medicine and fluctuate according to the medicinal memory.

The process of potentization might have generating electromagnetic energy, which might carry the information of the basic substance.

The Homeopathic dilutions will have a kind of network of bonds, as they produced variations in temperature around the clock.

The electromagnetic field around person is subjects to the electromagnetic field around the earth. So the fluctuations in physiological parameters in the living being are related with time in tern the rotation of earth.

It was observed constant fluctuations in physiological parameters in the human body (living beings), around the clock, month and year. These fluctuations are looking to be irregular with time but they are regular at a given time.Fluctuation in temperature, blood pressure, pulse, urine quantity, activity of mind, weight of body or any biochemical values in 24 hrs (around clock) eg –Hb%, wbc, Creatine levels etc.

In this entire universe this process might have happening otherwise this will not happen in living beings, if we observe the inventions till the date, all these processes are in the nature, one can get a thought only the thing if it is in the nature, so I raised my observation to the universal level. Occurrence of seasons at regular interval of time, rotation of earth around the sun in a regular orbit has supported.

I have measured fluctuations in body temperature, it is easy to measure the body temperature in a least possible controlled conditions.

Further I observed that the intensity of fluctuation in temperature is not same with two individuals. This may be due to unique position of individual in the universe. I,e each individual has his own space in this universe. One can’t keep two objects in one place at same time.
If one considers the time of rotation of earth, the given time eg: 10-12 am will only get tomorrow.

From the above observations it is concluded that,

“The physical and physiological parameters of natural regulatory mechanisms are variable in the universe.”

“The variability in physical and physiological parameters of the natural regulatory mechanisms in the universe is similar at a given time.”

"The variability in physiological parameters of natural regulatory mechanisms produced my Homeopathic medicine is similat at a given time in Human body.

“Individuals differ due to space or time effect.”

The action of the Homeopathic medicine is according to the above principles.

What ever may be the time of administration of medicine, the shape of the graph with in the specified time should be similar.

Biorhythm in two individuals will be similar at a given time but with medicine and without medicine it defers.


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