
. Wide extensive research is needed in these lines to identify the Homeopathic medicines.

. Homeopathic medicines if identified in this way it is possible to write a computer programme. By which it is easy to identify similar medicine for patient in a short time, as soon as patient is connected to device the required medicine at that time would be monitored.

. It opines that the solution of medicine contains certain kind of bonds specific to medicines as for Brian theory of water molecule clusters. This network of bonds may be similar to the graphs that obtained from above experiments.

. There is a possibility that if a drop of a medicine separated from its vicinity, the separated drop may also show the same network as if the whole solution likes an amoeba producing from another amoeba in vegetative reproduction.

. Structure of hydrocarbons should be studied. Procedures to identify the bonds in between hydrogen atom and carbon atom are need. The procedure to measure the bond strength should be studied. The procedures to measure Bond energy are needed.

. The procedure to identify alcohol by volumetric analysis is helpful. If it is possible to measure bond energy in homeopathic dilutions then it enables to design a test of identifying different medicines. Alcohol will show various colors at various energy levels.


  1. OK, let's look at these recommendations:

    ". Wide extensive research is needed in these lines to identify the Homeopathic medicines."

    Been done, I'm afraid, and ultra-molecular remedies have been proven time out of number to have zero effect as claimed.

    ". Homeopathic medicines if identified in this way it is possible to write a computer programme. By which it is easy to identify similar medicine for patient in a short time, as soon as patient is connected to device the required medicine at that time would be monitored."

    That's a remarkably simplistic notion, and you can try it if you like. But here's the results in advance: There will be ZERO correlation between any measurements you make and any remedy taken. Any changes will be exactly the same as placebo, since you have obviously no idea how to control for placebo effect.

    ". It opines that the solution of medicine contains certain kind of bonds specific to medicines as for Brian theory of water molecule clusters. This network of bonds may be similar to the graphs that obtained from above experiments."

    Brian's theories on homeopathy are utter nonsense designed to make him look famous. But do run your tests - and try to make them properly controlled. If you can accept your own results, you will see that Brian has been merrily leading you up the garden path all this time. ;)

    ". There is a possibility that if a drop of a medicine separated from its vicinity, the separated drop may also show the same network as if the whole solution likes an amoeba producing from another amoeba in vegetative reproduction."

    ...and there is a much, MUCH greater possibility it will not.

    ". Structure of hydrocarbons should be studied. Procedures to identify the bonds in between hydrogen atom and carbon atom are need. The procedure to measure the bond strength should be studied. The procedures to measure Bond energy are needed."

    Actually, this is an admirable idea. Getting homeopaths to actually learn some basic high-school chemistry, physics and biology might just benefit them far more than anything.

    ". The procedure to identify alcohol by volumetric analysis is helpful. If it is possible to measure bond energy in homeopathic dilutions then it enables to design a test of identifying different medicines. Alcohol will show various colors at various energy levels."

    Of course alcohol will have different colours at various energy levels! You start with brown beer, progress to white wine, then finish off with green creme de menthe!

  2. When we know that Homeopathy is working by producing change in Physiological variability which impacts on metabolism, it is not difficult to know the mechanism of action of homeopathy.

    we have to study how exactly physiological functions carried in living objects.When hypothalamus is the seat for the biorythmns and physiological functions, the study of function of hypothalamus reveal the mechanism of action of Homeopathy.

    If homeopathic medicine produce a specific pattern in physiological variability that is nothing but the signature of the medicine. This signature is non other than that carried from the Homeopathic dilution. We have to search for these pattern within the dilution by means of molecular structure identification. Which connects Homeopathic science to the molecular physics.

    I hope the above explanation is related with your question:

    1, What exactly happens during potentization?

    2. What are the 'active principles' of potentized drugs?

    3. What is the exact molecular mechanism by which these active principles act upon the biological processes in the organism and produce a therapeutic effect.
    Its nice to discuss with you on a valuable topic, Welcome sir for further discussion.


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