Physicains you can try this simple exp:

Physicians you can note down the oral temparature of your patients hourly(,7am,10am,11am,12pm,1pm,2pm,3pm,4pm,5pm,6pm) after giving 6-9 pills of freshly medicated Homeopathic medicine. draw a graph using these readings. Like that at least you take10 subjects per a medicine. In the same way you experiment with other medicines.Now you will have graphs of a set of medicines. To select a similar medicine for a patient, in the same manner as above you note down the temparature readings of patient from morning to evening and draw a graph then compare patient graph with your remedy graphs. The graph which looks similar when compared is the medicine for that patient at that time.

physicians if you have datalogger, you can note temparature of your patients at a specific time in the day and apply FFT or obtain AR spectrum from the raw data. This way you can find the remedy in a short a time.


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