- Article by Dr Sunitha Devi Vannemreddy M.D(Hom) drsunithavannemreddy@gmail.com Urethra is the opening that allows the urine to leave the bladder. Urethra has a sphincter mechanism that holds urine inside the bladder. When urine fills in the bladder, there is both voluntary and involuntary control to open the urethra to allow the urine to come out. In men, it is thin tube like structure that starts from lower opening of the bladder, traverses entire length of penis. In women, it is a short opening coming off lower opening of bladder and between 2.5 to 4 cms length. You might also interested: . Cases . children . Clinical . Drdevendra . Homeopathic Therapeutics . Homeopathy . General . Homeopathy . Products . Materia medica . Pharmacy . Philosophy . Repertory . Research . Therapeutics . Treatment . Women Urethral stricture refers to narrowing of urethra for any other reason, whether or not it actua...
PLEASE SHARE THIS POST ON TO YOUR FACEBOOK, TWITTER AND GOOGLE PLUS ACCOUNTS. I am Dr.Devendra Kumar, I am a Homeopathic physician. I pursued my BHMS degree from Dr.Gururaju Govt Homeopathic Medical College,Gudivada and MD Homeopathy from JSPS Govt Homeopathic Medical College,Hyderabad,India. After completion of MD Homeopathy, I worked as Senior Research Fellow under Central Council for Research in Homeopathy, during this period I worked with Baba Atomic Research Centre scientists in Mumbai for 2 years; I was worked for the project “Fundamental Research “in Homeopathy. Our study related to measuring physiological variability in Heart Rate and Blood Flow after giving Homeopathic medicine to human subjects with the equipment called Medical Analyzer, developed by bio medical division at BARC, Mumbai. I was interested in research since from the college days. I used to experiment on plants during my B.Sc study. After joining in BHMS my attention was diverted to...
- Dr.Devendra Kumar MD Homeo, Hypothyroidism is due to deficiency of production of Thyroid Hormone. There are many causes for the low production of Thyroid Hormone. Most common cause is Auto immune. Auto immune thyroid is also called Hashimato's Thyroiditis. The next most Common cause is Deficiency in Iodine intake. In these cases Thyroid gland will be enlarged in order to produce more thyroid hormones. It is also called Grave's disease. Homeopathic Natural Remedies are the best alternate treatment for the cure of Thyroid Problems permanently. I have seen most cases of Hypothyroidism under lying cause is the excess use of steroid medicines in allopathy. Those cases who underwent cesarean or major surgery are commonly prone for this auto immune hypothyroid problems. People who underwent surgery for the second time are most likely the victims of this Hypothyroidism. I would like to explain how Homeopathy can treat Hypothyroidism: Homeopathic treatment for Hypothyroi...
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