Hair Falling:

Hair grows from a structure called hair follicle which is situated in the skin of the scalp.So the number of follicles & the health of the follicles determines the health of our hair.Each hair follicle has it's own cycle. From the follicle arises a single strand of hair which grows for about 3-4 years after which it is shed. The follicle then rests for a few months after which a new strand of hair grows from it. We have millions of follicles on our scalp & the number varies from individual to individual which is unalterable with medicines. Also if the follicles have been destroyed, as happens if the hair is vigorously plucked or from vigorous combing no hair will grow from it & no medicine can revive a dead follicle. Medicines only help to prevent fast shedding of the hair or accelerate the growth rate if it is very slow in some people. Hair grows at the rate of about a millimetre each day & the growth is faster in summer & slower in winter. Also, it is normal to lose about 50-100 hair per day & should be no cause of concern. Among the causes of excessive hairfall, we can divide them into medical & non-medical causes. Medical causes could be certain hormonal diseases like thyroid, acute infections like typhoid, after-effects of antibiotic intake, scalp infections like lice, dandruff, ringworm, certain treatments like chemotherapy in patients of cancer etc.Among non-medical reasons, the most important of course is diet. Improper nutrition is the most common cause of hairfall. the present generation practically gorges on fast foods & junk food which do not provide enough nutrition. This is detrimental to the health of the follicles.Homeopathy treats the cause of hair falling and there by strenthen the hair root.


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