Kidney Stones:

There are many theories as to the cause of kidney stones. It could be due to infection following which some pus cells & bacteria etc clump together to form stones, or some disorders which cause the amount of calcium &/or phosphorus in the blood to increase, or prolonged periods of bed rest due to illness or parathyroid disease. It is difficult to say which theory is the most accurate. However there are 3 types of renal stones namely calcium, phosphorus & uric acid stones. They could be asymptomatic & exist for years without the patient being aware of them or cause symptoms in the form of severe pains extending from the back to the lower abdomen in front with painful urination & at times there is only a dull pain at the back overlying the region of the kidney. They could be very small to begin with, but over the years could enlarge considerably affecting the kidney function. Hence it is best to treat them when they are small & can be excreted through the urine. Homeopathy has a very good scope of dissolving them & preventing recurrence.


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