$ THERAPEUTICS [Therapeutics]


Generally after mid-night or towards early morning. Daytime Half opened eyes. Restless sleep with sudden starts ; moaning and screaming during sleep. Grinding, stertorous sleep. Somnolence, sleepy yet cannot sleep. Sleeps with hands under the head. Eating too much sugar. Paralysis of bladder. Yellow and scanty. Turbid. Dark red. Profuse deposits of phosphate. Strongly acidic. Scrofulous. Anxiety 3. Quarrelsome. Bilious. Lymphatic. Easy perspiration, faeces escape while urinating, sensation of worms in the bladder.


(Where Nitrum fails): During midnight in girls. Starts up. Awakes with breathlessness and palpitation High coloured. Smells like that of Diathesis horse's. Sour Ammoniacal. Hot. Profuse. Alkaline. Gouty & Rheumatic Diathesis Confused ideas cross. Sheets are unusually brown stained.


Enuresis in bed; When walking. After mid-night. Hysterical and spasm of the bladder. Screams and cannot be pacified. Nightmares. Fearful & fantastic dreams. Snoring. Masturbation. Loss of fluids. Fright. Egotism. Dark brown. Strong odour. White sediment. Offensive. Fat, Flabby children with red faces. Tendency to catch cold. Leucophlegmatic. Scrofulous. Plethoric. Gouty. Delicate. Dull. Delayed, confused fearful, forgetful. Leucophlegmatic. Nervous bilious Sanguine. Easy Perspiration .Pica. Pituitary and thyroid dys-functions. Tendency to take cold.


During first sleep. During cold weather. During cold nights. Restless sleep. Starts laughs and cries. Drowsy - can hardly keep awake. Sensitive wakes up. No sensation of passing urine ; scarcely believes until he makes sure of sense of touch. Fright, Grief, Nightwatching. Retention. Deposits of Urates. Cloudy Uric acid bloody. Children with black hair & eyes & rigid fibres. Delicate skin. Hydrogenoid scrofulous. Nervous girls. Slow in learning. Warts weakness, stools passed in standing position.


During second half of the sleep. Full moon. Restless during sleep. Worms. Lies on abdomen, knee-chest. Talks, cries, screams, wakes frightened. Hangs his head to one side. Will not sleep unless rocked. Worms. Copious. Turns milky on standing. Turbid white. Big, fat, rosy and scrofulous. Restless. Touchy. Capricious. Hungry, worms, Grinds teeth. Convulsions.


Day and night. Dreams of seeing crowds of people. Habitual. (no cause known) Clear, light colour. Profuse. Scanty. Habitual Enuretics.Dyspepsia. FER MET:

More frequently in day time than at night 5/6 night standing Sleepy : of debility. Restless lies on back. Vivid unpleasant, fell into water. Weakness of the sphincter, vesicae. Worms. Light colour ,stains the sheets very dark and smell like strong ammonia. Hot profuse. Mucous sediment. False plethora pale. Emaciated. Weak, delicate, Lymphatic. Haemorrhagic diathesis. Sensitive. Excitable. Sanguine. Choleric, phlegmatic. Allergies changeable.

KALI BROM: 2 a.m. New moon. Somnambulism. Starts. Deep sleep, Moans, Cries, Grinding. Horrible dreams. Nightmare Worries. Spasmodic. Pale, Profuse, Sugar. Obese. Depressed, forgetful, weepy. Lymphatic. Sanguine. Thirst, Appetite, Constipation, Tender liver, Diabetic Headache3.


Night terrors. Somnambulism. Amorous dreams. Restlessness. Wakes up with fright. Nervous debility. Saffron yellow, milky. Nervous, sensitive, depressed, gloomy, forgetful, fearful. Diabetics.


First part of night. Dreams of falling, poisoned, fire, of urination in a descent manner. Wakes with urinating from deep sleep but cannot retain. Restless, Tosses. Would not sleep until caressed & fondled. Copious. Pale urine. Offensive. Brown, red sediment. Overgrown, poorly developed children. Marasmus. Lean, thin, blonde, brunettes. Capricious leucophlegmatic. Black caries.


Screams plus. Lies with one leg flexed and other stretched. She dreams of urinating. Scanty dark. thick, reddish sediment. Dark hair, eyes, Rheumatic enlarged glands. Forgetful,cross, irritable. Diphtheria. sore throat.


Night 3 am . Sleepless of anxiety. Restlessness, dreams of water, thieves, animals. Paralysis Copious / scanty urinates more than he drinks, mixed with blood, white sediment. Strong smelling. Staining diaper. Hot acrid. Tendency to sweat profusely. Light hair with lax skin and muscles. Scrofulous strong, florid complexion. Lively brunette. Nervous. Lack of will. Lymphatic. Choleric. Melancholic, Sanguine. Easily suppurative tonsillitis, Thirst. Plus Plus Sweat. Plus plus Tongue indented Stomatitis.


Nocturnal (Spasmodic forms) Restless sleep, anxious frightful dreams, Screams. Diabetics Turbid. Pale. Fetid, profuse, sweat odour. Lean, thin, robust, anaemic. Rheumatic. Anticipatory, Anxiety, Fear, depressed, irritable. BAR-C:

Night. Talks in sleep. Twitchings. Lies on one side. Scanty, dark brown. Copious. Dwarfish, Retarded, Scrofulous. Absent-minded. Oversensitive to all. Impression. Tendency to take cold.


Alternate days. Full moon. Somnambulism. Starts and talks in sleep. Dreams of robbers, vivid, frightful, tosses. Fright, Grief. Clear, watery red sediment, turbid, dark. Lean, thin, Scrofulous, brown hair, blue eyes. Dark complexion. Awkward, Irritable, Delayed mental and physical nervous, sanguine. Hopeless. School girl's headache, Waterbrash, Diabetics.


Somnambulism. Dreams of fire, lewd, vivid, business she couldn't finish. Starts in sleep. Lies on right side. Anger, Grief. Diabetes, During Typhoid. Profuse, Pale, Haematuria, Albumin, Watery, Turbid, brickdust sediment offensive. Lean, thin, tall, beautiful. Grow too rapidly, Gouty, Scrofulous, Fair, delicate eyelashes and smooth hair, Haemorrhagic. Sensitive, Nervous, Sanguine. Quick, lively perceptions. Craving cold things. Wants to be magnetised.


In little girls in Autumn. Lies with hands over head or crossed on abdomen and feet drawn up. Talks, screams. Restless. Tosses. Dreams confused, frightful. Anger. Spasm Measles after. Mucus, scanty, red brown, profuse. Fair complexion. Sandy hair, blue eyes. Pale face. Scrofulous, robust. Mild, timid, weepy. In- decisive, slow, phlegmatic, sanguine, Hysterical. Thirstlessness.


Night-Midnight in boys. Dreams of exertion, fire ; blood. Restless, tossing. Dark, Turbid, Scanty, Hot. In boys, Rheumatic, Scrofulous, brown, complexion, lean, small stature, tall, slender. Anxious Restless, confused, Hypochondriacal Sanguine.


First sleep. Talks loud, Wakes up. Restless. Dreams of urinating anxious. Anger, Vexation, Foul, Sour, White, milky Red scanty, cloudy. Delicate, plethoric, Yellow complexion, leucophlegmatic, in boys of light complexion with onanist. Dark hair, rigid fibres, Scrofulous. Nervous, Irritable, Sanguine, Bilious, Jovial.


Moon phases Somnambulism. Talks loudly, laughs. Dreams of Lascivious, pleasant, murders, Restless, Wakes up frightened. Worms Blow upon head. Diabetes. Purulent, Bloody, Profuse. Emaciated, large head, open fontanelles, scrofulous, Rachitis. Sensitive, want of grit, Lymphatic, Torpid, Phlegmatic, Sanguine. Night sweats, Constipation. SULPHUR :

Sleeps in catnaps, talks, jerks and twitches in sleep. Wakes up singing. vivid dreams. Greasy particles. Scrofulous untidy.


Dreams of death of falling from a height. Hydrogenoid, Lymphoid. Nervous, Hurried, fixed ideas, irritable.


Dreams of vivid, frightful, restless, tosses, screams. Awakes in horror. Sediments Light complexion, narrow chested. Scrofulous. Sensitive.


Screams, jerks, starts, Somnambulism.


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