-Farokh J Master

CADMIUM SALTSAND CANCER [Cad salts] and injurious conditions that could lead to malignancies. Irritations in the gastrointestinal tract due to faulty and adulterated chlorine,and aluminum poisoning from the use of aluminum cookware have all been treated with these remedies. Of course the cause of the irritation must be removed for a permanent cure. Cadmium iod. is used as an antidote to x-ray ad radium poisoning when the capillary beds are destroyed, leaving a neurotic, ulcer as a side effect of the therapy.

The most commonly used cadmium remedies are cadm. sulph., cadm met, cadm . iod.. Others, infrequently used, oxide, cadm, brom, cadm, fluor cadm. selenide and cadm. mur.



Cadmium sulphate is one of the deepest-acting and most terrible medicines of the materia medica, affecting the blood elements and nervous system profoundly.

Though its provings are meagre, through its use many cures of serious illnesses that did not respond to other remedies have been accomplished. In its native habitat it is found closely associated with zinc. Symptomatically in induces many of the states of that metal. Kent places it symptomatically between Arsenicum and Bryonia, but in some of its nerve manifestations it resembles Zinc and Phosphorus, especially in its tendency to produce paralysis of single muscles or groups of muscles, such as in facial paralysis.

The tendency to produce necrosis and gangrene with profound blood changes brings it into competition with Arsenicum and the snake poisons. Wherever inflammatory processes start in the body under cadmium, there soon follows death of cellular tissues. Many cases of gastric and intestinal ulcer have been cured with this remedy; even cancerous conditions have been greatly mitigated and life prolonged.

According to Clarke, apoplexy, boils, chilblains, cholera infantum, corneal opacity, other eye affections, facial paralysis, indigestion, meningitis, nasal polypus, ozaena, and yellow fever have been cured by this remedy.

The Cadmium patient is very chilly, lacking in vital heat to a marked degree; icy coldness even when near a fire; horripilation after drinking, with hit hands. Sweat in axilla like Hepar sulph. Bad effects of checked perspiration from exposure to a draft of cold air. Itching of the skin when cold, by sunshine. Many symptoms are in the morning and after sleep; walking, ascending states. In fact any exertion or motion aggravates this patient and his symptoms (Bryonia)

The wearing effects of grief may require this medicine; also the bad effects following anger may call for it.

One of our best remedies for the complaints and weaknesses of alcoholics. Nausea and vomiting-even the coffee ground type of vomiting-have been cured. An array of skin symptoms: intense itching at night in bed; when touched; when cold: which is (>) scratching, causing a voluptuous feeling. Skin blue, yellow, scaly, cracking, damp;suppurating herpes; chilblains. All agree this remedy is an antipsoric of the highest rank.

The character of the pains in burning, cutting,and lancinating. There is a tendency to spasms and constriction in may parts, but especially the throat, that is often associated with painful, difficult swallowing. The nasal polypus with blocked nostrils and severe types of eczema have been repeatedly cured.

Great irritability of mind is found in the Cad. sulph. patient. Also there is a horror of solitude and of work. These symptoms are compatible with the extreme physical weakness and anemia common to this patient. The appearance of the Cadmium patient is sad to behold: cachexia; thin, anxious expression;' a grayish sallowness; blue circles around puffed lachrymose eyes. Such patients have the mark of deep illness stamped upon them. Blood disorders and other changes in vital organs have long been at work and have culminated, or soon will, in cancer or some other chronic degenerative disease.

In the head there are keen afflictions: constrictions; stitches pulsation; hammering in the head, followed by vomiting;headache with restlessness; icy coldness of he body with epistaxis; constriction of throat; thirst; nausea; vomiting. Headache occurs upon awaking, from open air, from a draft of air, or from sunlight. Herpes of scalp is frequently found. Characteristic eye problems include; cannot read small type; night blindness; scrofulous inflammation; opacity of cornea; hot tears and swellings of the lids; hollow,deep-sunken eyes with blue circles around them.

Ear noise echo in the head. The nose emits an ulcerative or cancerous odor-ozena.

Tightness at root of nose with tension inside. Obstruction of nose with swelling and from the presence of polyps. Numbness of the nose, erysipelas, and boils on the nose. Caries of the nasal bones. Ulceration of the nostrils.

Spasmodic movements of the upper lip;facial paralysis from exposure of cold air-like Causticum and Kali phos. Crawling sensation on the face;chronic eruption on forehead, nose and around her mouth; swelling of the lips. Salivation with an initial sweetish taste, followed by bitterness of burning. FEtid breath; ulcers; dryness and itching; burning constriction in throat-dysphagia.

In the gastrointestinal tract there are many symptoms. Nausea is referred to the mouth,chest , and abdomen, with vomiting of acid- yellow substance accompanied by cold perspiration and great weakness with inability to move, as all symptoms are (<) by the smallest motion (Bryonia) Salty or rancid belching with cold sweat on the face. Aggravated cases of sickness exhibit the black vomiting of the late stages of yellow fever, or the coffee ground vomit of cancer case. Burning and cutting pains in the stomach,. Gastric symptoms (<) after drinking beer. There is (<) in the forenoon;during the pregnant state. Nausea of drunkards, -especially the chronic, broken-down individuals, with pathological changes present.

Severe pain with vomiting occurs in the abdomen; cutting pains in the bowels and kidneys. Lancinations in the left hypochondrium. Symptoms of stomach and hypochondria (<) by walking or carrying burdens. Stools almost gelatinous, yellowish-green, semi-fluid (cholera infantum). Severe cutting in region of the kidneys; urine suppressed, scanty or bloody. Extreme weakness of the male sexual organs manifested by too frequent seminal emissions-cured or checked by the remedy (Clarke). In the female, the remedy is effective during pregnancy. Erysipelas of the mammae;inflamed nipples.

The chest feels dilated. Sensation as if the lungs adhered to the chest. Cough with loss of consciousness, agitation, red face, pain in the stomach or vomiting of bile. Interrupted breathing during sleep. Chest symptoms (<) squatting. Brown spots on the chest. Swelling of external chest. Suppuration of the axillary glands. In fact, the glands everywhere tend to enlarge and break down.

Brown spots on elbow. Boils on the buttocks. Restlessness of the limbs; jactations, starting's.

The sleep symptoms are troubles and broken as those found under Lachesis or Opium. Sleeps with eyes open; stops breathing on going of sleep; wakes up suffocating. Symptoms (<) after sleep; annoyingly protracted sleeplessness. Remedies to compare: Zinc in nervous conditions. Arsenicum is the nearest analog, especially in the chronic gastric and intestinal conditions with weakness, burning pains, and deathly nausea. Ipecac and Tabacum for the extreme nausea and collapse symptoms; but these remedies correspond to the more acute and short-lasting complaints. Ipecac has nausea with a clean tongue as a characteristic. Lachesis may be throat and in other parts; also the onset of aggravation during and after sleep.


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