Penicillin Homeopathic Medicine
+ Benzylpenicillin Sodium C16H17N2O4SNa
#Emotive and Sentient Sphere
Feels very lazy and tired.
Felt much stronger.
Prover feels stronger on medicine.
Felt less tired.
Becomes stronger physically.
Not so tired.
Was tired from the shopping in afternoon.
In evening suddenly felt very exhausted and the pulse was 106.
A dizzy spell once in the afternoon and twice in the evening and she staggered.
In evening the pulse was 94.
Feels weak.
In evening very tired and exhausted after doing a little shopping in the afternoon.
Very very tired. Very tired in evening.
Felt stronger, somewhat overtired at end of working day.
Sometimes was a little more nervous than usual, either easily disturbed or a sense of being shaky internally, and tense.
Sense of being shaky internally, and tense.
Felt weak all over and exhausted for 2 days.
Dizzy worse towards evening.
Nervous trembling.
Felt very much stronger.
Fidgety Felt stronger.
Vague shooting pains at different areas from the neckline upwards.
Very pallid in evening (seen in a mirror.)
Was quite dizzy late in evening, as if objects were turning. A in the afternoon.
Very very tired. Very tired in evening.
Felt stronger, somewhat overtired at end of working day.
Sometimes was a little more nervous than usual, either easily disturbed or a sense of being shaky internally, and tense.
Sense of being shaky internally, and tense.
Felt weak all over and exhausted for 2 days.
Dizzy worse towards evening.
Nervous trembling.
Felt very much stronger.
Fidgety Felt stronger.
Vague shooting pains at different areas from the neckline upwards.
Very pallid in evening (seen in a mirror.)
Was quite dizzy late in evening, as if objects were turning. A few hours after arising in morning the dizziness returned and the prover felt a pressure in the head and ears.
Slight flushing of the face and a rapid heart beat in the afternoon. Later, pressure on the top and back of head.
Sudden flushing of face in the late afternoon.
Headache all day. It is frontal, with throbs in the ears. which was constant.
Flushing of the face in the evening and the face looked red.
The proving tends to stuff up the nose when it first gets cold.
The eyes are puffed in morning.
Dull constant headache through the forehead and eyes all day.
Has had a few generalized heat flushes with slight sweating, and more on the face.
Noted marked pulsation in left ear for a few seconds each evening since Thursday. Fever blister in the left nostril.
For first time in months, the vision became very clear. Could read numbers from hymn board for first time in about a year.
Nose ran very freely after drinking water. A pain in his gums when he brushed his teeth.
A feeling of fullness or pressure back of right ear in mastoid area.
The mouth was dry with no thirst.
Nose gets stuffed up a little in the morning.
A feeling in the back of the throat, as if full of mucus but it is not sore.
A headache in the middle of the head itself. It is dull and constant from 11 A.M. until 5 P.M.
When she read, her eyes felt tired. They felt as if they were being pulled. She noted that the sunlight was harder to get used to.
Dizzy in the morning and objects were whirling around.
In the morning is puffed up over the eyes.
Had hot flashes in the face and in the neck. They were intermittent and in the afternoon.
The face remained flushed for about four hours. in the evening, however, the face became very pale. Flushing of face in afternoon, with a dull, constant frontal headache, but felt better in the evening.
Rhinorrhoea is thick and perfectly white.
When glancing sideways, the eyes feel as if they were pulled.
Mouth very dry in morning.
Dull pain shoots through head on right side, it starts from the back and goes to the vertex.
Itching around the face in the evening.
Dull and constant bi-temporal headache.
Occipital headache. This is in the evening when tired.
Stood up to needle-work guild labors much better because of proving (aged female) Sharp headache in evening on lying down, on vertex of left side, constant, better after sleep.
Dry mouth, with thirst around noon.
A dizzy spell once in afternoon and twice in evening and she staggered.
In evening pulse was 94. For two days, nose membranes felt very dry. Sneezed a number of times.
The back of the nose at throat area seems swollen.
Muscle in right side of neck is not as tight as it was.
Headache generalized, a dull and constant state.
Painless hoarseness is worse in morning. It is an effort to talk.
Headache at 4 P.M., frontal, dull and constant.
Nose would run dreadfully, just thin watery mucus, it would come in spells (the running); could hardly get up her handkerchief in time.
Three spells of very dry mouth and very dry nose.
Dull and constant generalised headache all week and soreness in left side and back of the neck.
Frontal and vertical headache, at times sharp. other times dull; pretty constant for a whole day.
Blood and pus is discharged from the nose off and on.
The nose gets stuffed, and later starts to run. It alternates Aching in the malar bone area. A dull ache. In evening, for a short spell, the vision seemed somewhat blurred, with a feeling of fullness in head. Fullness in head. Slight flushing of face in afternoon.
Constant, dull frontal headache. Had headache all day; worse in afternoon.
Dry mouth with thirst. (*Very thirsty-constant drinking does not help. The mouth feels dry, with usual amount of saliva. Lachrymation at any time Dizzy worse toward evening. Headache generalised and dull. Constant and worse frontal area. Ringing in ears is quite pronounced in later afternoon (at 5 P.M.) It lasted three or four minutes. Nose began bleeding a little. Next day three times. in evening bled 15 minutes. It was bright red and started suddenly.
Last night nose became stopped up. Prover sneezed before it became stopped up. Sneezed a lot at night. Watery Rhinorrhea, nocturnal and profuse. The back of nose is stopped up. Fidgety when the nose is stopped up. Puffed over eyes which betters as the day went on. Flushing of the face. Mouth a little drier than usual with thirst in the morning.
Distressing asthmatic breathing with difficult secretion.
Pain in area under ribs on right side. It was dull.
Pain under the heart extending to the left shoulder blade. Rapid heart beat in the afternoon. the heart beats rapidly most of the time. Heart beats rapidly at 5 P.M. Pressure around the heart in the afternoon.
Entire back has been very dully painful all week both spine and muscles. Feels a crushing and squeezing pain through body as if from cold. Out of breath on fast walking in the morning.
Around the body, in the middle area and mostly in the back, sore to breathe.
Itching across the front of the chest after support it lasted for one hour.
A catching backache develops in the middle of the same, rather sharp and it was constant.
A sensation of weight on the front of the chest.
A soreness and pain which is sharp and quick around the heart. Next day, still had soreness and pain around the heart and the prover found it difficult to take a deep breath. Pain and it was pressive, under the breast bone and it radiated over the chest.
Backache, rather sharp, lower middle area, pretty constant, lasted all day, better by lemon juice.
Itching on the body (evening.) Seems stopped up in the chest "in the tubes" it is difficult to breathe. She could not walk fast, and was forced to slow up. Became very short of breath when walking in the afternoon. Became short of breath several times whilst sitting at her desk in the evening.
The pulse is 94 and irregular. it seemed to hesitate then fade away. then hasten to catch up. Heart beat seems many times like a nervous beating.
Some pain in left chest (sharp). Pain in both chests constant and dull, and the chest is tight and heavy.
Coughed kind of dryly several times during the day.
Her painless hoarseness is worse. Brought up only a little mucus.
Larynx is much irritated, mucus is sticky and difficult Wants to clear throat often.
Painless hoarseness continues, worse in morning and evening It is an effort to talk.
Felt as if a weight were on chest, after walking out of doors a few yards in early evening, but this did not continue after riding in a car.
At 4.40 A.M. had a bad spell in bed. Could hardly get her breath. It felt as if something were closing her throat. Awoke so suddenly she thought she thought she was hit. Better by lying still. This lasted one hour. Felt all right at 8 A.M. Some shortness of breath or rather a feeling of tightness in the chest. The pain is sharp and constant around left ribs.
Dry cough comes at any time Darkish (blackish) streaks in sputum.
Aching in the inside of throat.
Hoarseness comes and goes. Thought she was in for tonsillitis.
Dry cough comes on in spells.
Shortly after taking medicine had hiccoughs for a few minutes. Hiccoughs again in morning.
Pulse rapid during evening, with slight palpitation of the heart then. Pulse a little rapid in afternoon.
Had pressure and soreness around heart, with an occasional intermittent pain.
Sense of weight on chest, with rather sharp pains in left arm and under left shoulder blade. Lasted two days.
Sense of weight on chest.
Until Tuesday heart beat was slow but the rate has been more rapid today.
Hoarse, worse talking loud (?) The whole back is stiff and sore and it is worse on motion. Hot flashes from mid chest upwards in afternoon but for a short time only. The area is reddened.
Dull and constant backache.
Less discomfort on exertion and less dyspnoea.
Burning in bladder after voiding noted for a few days.
Diarrhoea at 3. A.m. copious. The pain left following evacuation.
Pain in area under ribs on right side. it was dull.
Urinary specific gravity moves from 1008 to 1.011 but systolic pressure goes from 110 to 123. Kidneys become more active, about 10 Percent more than usual.
Hot flashes from abdomen up in afternoon.
Kidneys more active, amount unchanged for a greater frequency.
Constant soreness and tenderness in right lower side (Ovarian area). It lasted all day.
Primary costiveness.
Urge to stool is acute and with gas pains. Was hungry all day long, and was especially keen for lunch. She felt as if she wanted to eat something sweet. (This is unusual, the amount of this desire.) Urine is darker and not passing so much. Did not void so much urine for two days running. Passed more urine in evening. Stopped the nocturia which had been as often as thrice.
A lot of gas in her stomach. Gas pains in stomach which were sharp.
Urine was much darker and voiding less that day.
Last night itching lower down in body. It was around the waist.
Too frequent passing of urine. Urine darker in color.
In three days specific gravity went from 1.008 to 1.017 with frequent repetition.
After breakfast, acid eructation, white and curd-like water brash.
Rather a burning irritation and slight soreness in the pit of the stomach.
Digestion much better, less gas, and not puffed after eating. Improvement continued during following days. little gas, quieter pulse.
Had some intestinal pain with loose bowel movement about 4.30 P.M.
Increasing sense of fullness after evening meal. Rather puffed after eating.
Awakened by intestinal pain which disappeared after copious bowel movement.
Return of burning irritation in pit of stomach, relief after belching gas.
Copious bowel motion about one hour after eating dinner.
Kidneys somewhat more active and at times urine was more highly colored.
Occasional ovarian neuralgic pain, not of constant duration.
Bowels mostly regular and at times stools are claycolored.
Kidneys were more active as to frequency but amount unchanged and this has kept up. Urinated much more often and a larger quantity (?).
Caused stool to be lighter in color (?) (But she was on a milk diet.).
Passing less urine.
Last night voided twice. This is unusual. A soreness and tenderness in lower right side (ovarian area) with occasional sharp and intermittent pain extending across abdomen to the left side. Pain and soreness in right side (ovarian area).
Urination more frequent but only during the day.
Slight burning during urination.
Numbness in right foot.
Sharp and intermittent pain in right arm, also left arm painful.
Dull pain in left knee, worse in bending.
Hands and feet were puffed with pressure.
The left hand gets puffed and hard to close.
Sharp and intermittent pain in right arm, lasts 2 hour. Pain descends. it is very painful when it hits the wrists.
Numbness in the right foot in afternoon.
A generalized stiffness noted after picking up apples and walking.
Soreness and pain which is sharp and quick in the right arm and in the palm of the left hand. Numbness in hands and feet in the afternoon.
In morning, is puffed up in hands.
Cramps in calves of the legs every day for more than a week. The cramps came and went.
Sore to touch around the right shoulder.
Hands a good bit better as regards the cold clamminess.
After bathing, itching went from left in morning.
Left leg and lower back ached sharply and severely upon awakening. Was soon relieved and saw no reason for the relief.
In afternoon, a strange feeling of weight and numbness in the second and third right toes.
For a few seconds, feeling as if needles were sticking into the right toe; this happens occasionally.
A little numbness in left leg and foot about noon and again in the evening.
Considerable trouble again with right toes and foot.
A pain in right leg and foot and a tiny bit in the left leg.
The right ankle is puffed, the left only a little bit. In early morning, had a very sharp cramp covering entire right leg for about a minute.
All week has noted a tingling sensation in legs and feet at intervals, especially when sitting.
Pain in right leg continues.
Pain under right shoulder, constant and dull.
Tingling sensation in feet and legs while sitting in the chair in evening.
Some evening had a slight aching pain down the left leg from under the knee and twinges in the large toe. Similar pain and mild soreness to pressure in the right thumb at the first joint.
Sharp pains in left arm and under the left shoulder blade It lasted two days.
Constant crampy sensation in calves of legs, and it is worse in the left one.
Puffing in the hands and feet.
Numbness in right hand and right foot.
#Back and Body
Entire back has been very dully painful all week, both spine and muscles.
Feels a crushing and squeezing pain through body, as if from cold.
A generalized stiffness noted after picking up apples and walking.
Itching of whole body in morning. It was very marked.
An old women notes a steady but sure gain in weight, she is now 118 pounds but had been 105 pounds.
A catching backache develops in the middle of the same, rather sharp and constant.
Backache rather sharp, lower middle area, pretty constant lasted all day, better by lemon juice.
Body itching (evening). Last night itching lower down in body. It was around waist.
Lower back ached sharply and severely upon awakening.
Lower back pain, comes and goes at times. It is a sharp aching pain.
The neck is not doing so much of the severe sudden jerking but it is still shaking. Aching all over the body in morning. This is sharp and constant.
All of body ached sharply and constantly. it was very much the entire day.
Body pain is sharp.
Muscle in right side of neck is not so tight.
Twice in late evening felt pain all over body like "grippe" for few minutes. It was a constant dull condition for a few minutes then there was sweat followed by relief.
Whole body ached with a dull pain all day.
Sore back of neck.
Muscular pains at various spots noticeable upon stretching or reaching.
The whole back is stiff and sore and it is worse on motion.
A dull and constant backache.
Very pallid in evening (seen in a mirror) Itching on right side at base of neck posteriorly noted after supper. When it is touched, a reddening develops. The eyes, hands and feet were puffed with pressure.
Slight flushing of the face.
Left hand gets puffed and hard to close.
Sudden flushing of face in late afternoon.
Eyes and feet are puffed in morning.
Flushing of the face in evening.
Face looked red.
Face sweating Fever blister in left nostrils.
Itching of whole body in morning (very marked.) Itching across the front of the chest after supper. It lasted for one hour.
In morning is puffed up over the eyes and in the hands.
Had hot flashes in the face and in the neck they were intermittent and (<) in the afternoon.
The face remained flushed for about four hours.
In the evening the face became very pale. Flushing of the face in afternoon.
Itching around neck was bothersome and worse towards bed time.
Itching around face and neck in evening.
Itching on the body the next evening.
Hands a good bit better as regards the cold clamminess.
Itching around the neck when getting undressed at night.
At night itching lower down in body it was around the waist.
After bathing itching went from left leg in morning.
Right ankle is puffed Face flushing in afternoon.
Puffing in hands and feet and over eyes, which betters as the day went on.
Flushing of face.
#Chill Fever and Sweat, and Circulation
Systolic pressure goes from 110 to 123.
Rapid heart beat in afternoon. Hot flashes in late afternoon.
The heart beats rapidly most of the time.
Systolic blood pressure goes to 160 from 140.
Felt drowsy at 5 P.M. and heart beat rapidly then.
Pressure around heart in afternoon.
Has had a few generalized heat flashes, with just a little sweating, and more on the face.
Pulse was 62 before breakfast. Very weak at that time.
Proving raises blood pressure from 160 to around 184.
Pulse average drops from 94 to 84 (systolic unchanging.) Sharp and quick pain around heart.
Sore and painful around heart.
Pain (pressive) under breast bone and it radiated over chest.
Hot flashes in face and neck. They were intermittent and in the afternoon.
Face flushed for about four hours. In evening, face became very pale.
Flushing of face in afternoon.
Hot flashes in afternoon.
Thirst in middle of the night.
Hands better as regards the old clamminess.
Thirst at noon with dry mouth.
Pulse was 106 in evening.
Again in evening pulse was 94.
Proving dropped the systolic pressure to 128 (lowest in my memory).
Pulse is 94 and irregular. It seemed to hesitate, then fade away, then hasten to catch up. Heart beat seems many times like a nervous beating.
Pains like grippe pains. Then there were sweats followed by relief from the pain.
Pulse goes from 82 to 86, temperature from 97 1/5 to 96, and systolic from 137 to 134. Two sweats generalized during evening.
Several sweats during afternoon and evening.
Pulse becomes quieter.
Pulse rapid during evening. Slight palpitation of heart then.
Pulse a little rapid in afternoon.
During past week, while taking medicine, was more thirsty, particularly afternoon and evening.
Chilly at times until. Tuesday heart beat was slow but the rate has been more rapid today.
Temperature rise from 96 4/5 to 98 2/5.
Became very chilly in afternoon all over from being in a cold house.
Hot flashes from mild chest upwards in afternoon.
The area is reddened.
Flushing of the face.
Morning thirst. #Sleep
Felt asleep more rapidly Afternoon drowsiness.
Felt drowsy at 5 P.M.
Sleeps more soundly than for a couple of months Slept more soundly.
Sleeping much sounder in an old women. She does not now hear alarm clock go off. This is unusual.
Slept in fits and spells all night until 4.30 A.M.
Amelioration after sleep.
Has not been sleeping well, only four hours, then awakens, then falls asleep.
Dreaming in sleep.
Confused dreams, somewhat terrifying.
Slept better and felt stronger.
+ Benzylpenicillin Sodium C16H17N2O4SNa
#Emotive and Sentient Sphere
Feels very lazy and tired.
Felt much stronger.
Prover feels stronger on medicine.
Felt less tired.
Becomes stronger physically.
Not so tired.
Was tired from the shopping in afternoon.
In evening suddenly felt very exhausted and the pulse was 106.
A dizzy spell once in the afternoon and twice in the evening and she staggered.
In evening the pulse was 94.
Feels weak.
In evening very tired and exhausted after doing a little shopping in the afternoon.
Very very tired. Very tired in evening.
Felt stronger, somewhat overtired at end of working day.
Sometimes was a little more nervous than usual, either easily disturbed or a sense of being shaky internally, and tense.
Sense of being shaky internally, and tense.
Felt weak all over and exhausted for 2 days.
Dizzy worse towards evening.
Nervous trembling.
Felt very much stronger.
Fidgety Felt stronger.
Vague shooting pains at different areas from the neckline upwards.
Very pallid in evening (seen in a mirror.)
Was quite dizzy late in evening, as if objects were turning. A in the afternoon.
Very very tired. Very tired in evening.
Felt stronger, somewhat overtired at end of working day.
Sometimes was a little more nervous than usual, either easily disturbed or a sense of being shaky internally, and tense.
Sense of being shaky internally, and tense.
Felt weak all over and exhausted for 2 days.
Dizzy worse towards evening.
Nervous trembling.
Felt very much stronger.
Fidgety Felt stronger.
Vague shooting pains at different areas from the neckline upwards.
Very pallid in evening (seen in a mirror.)
Was quite dizzy late in evening, as if objects were turning. A few hours after arising in morning the dizziness returned and the prover felt a pressure in the head and ears.
Slight flushing of the face and a rapid heart beat in the afternoon. Later, pressure on the top and back of head.
Sudden flushing of face in the late afternoon.
Headache all day. It is frontal, with throbs in the ears. which was constant.
Flushing of the face in the evening and the face looked red.
The proving tends to stuff up the nose when it first gets cold.
The eyes are puffed in morning.
Dull constant headache through the forehead and eyes all day.
Has had a few generalized heat flushes with slight sweating, and more on the face.
Noted marked pulsation in left ear for a few seconds each evening since Thursday. Fever blister in the left nostril.
For first time in months, the vision became very clear. Could read numbers from hymn board for first time in about a year.
Nose ran very freely after drinking water. A pain in his gums when he brushed his teeth.
A feeling of fullness or pressure back of right ear in mastoid area.
The mouth was dry with no thirst.
Nose gets stuffed up a little in the morning.
A feeling in the back of the throat, as if full of mucus but it is not sore.
A headache in the middle of the head itself. It is dull and constant from 11 A.M. until 5 P.M.
When she read, her eyes felt tired. They felt as if they were being pulled. She noted that the sunlight was harder to get used to.
Dizzy in the morning and objects were whirling around.
In the morning is puffed up over the eyes.
Had hot flashes in the face and in the neck. They were intermittent and in the afternoon.
The face remained flushed for about four hours. in the evening, however, the face became very pale. Flushing of face in afternoon, with a dull, constant frontal headache, but felt better in the evening.
Rhinorrhoea is thick and perfectly white.
When glancing sideways, the eyes feel as if they were pulled.
Mouth very dry in morning.
Dull pain shoots through head on right side, it starts from the back and goes to the vertex.
Itching around the face in the evening.
Dull and constant bi-temporal headache.
Occipital headache. This is in the evening when tired.
Stood up to needle-work guild labors much better because of proving (aged female) Sharp headache in evening on lying down, on vertex of left side, constant, better after sleep.
Dry mouth, with thirst around noon.
A dizzy spell once in afternoon and twice in evening and she staggered.
In evening pulse was 94. For two days, nose membranes felt very dry. Sneezed a number of times.
The back of the nose at throat area seems swollen.
Muscle in right side of neck is not as tight as it was.
Headache generalized, a dull and constant state.
Painless hoarseness is worse in morning. It is an effort to talk.
Headache at 4 P.M., frontal, dull and constant.
Nose would run dreadfully, just thin watery mucus, it would come in spells (the running); could hardly get up her handkerchief in time.
Three spells of very dry mouth and very dry nose.
Dull and constant generalised headache all week and soreness in left side and back of the neck.
Frontal and vertical headache, at times sharp. other times dull; pretty constant for a whole day.
Blood and pus is discharged from the nose off and on.
The nose gets stuffed, and later starts to run. It alternates Aching in the malar bone area. A dull ache. In evening, for a short spell, the vision seemed somewhat blurred, with a feeling of fullness in head. Fullness in head. Slight flushing of face in afternoon.
Constant, dull frontal headache. Had headache all day; worse in afternoon.
Dry mouth with thirst. (*Very thirsty-constant drinking does not help. The mouth feels dry, with usual amount of saliva. Lachrymation at any time Dizzy worse toward evening. Headache generalised and dull. Constant and worse frontal area. Ringing in ears is quite pronounced in later afternoon (at 5 P.M.) It lasted three or four minutes. Nose began bleeding a little. Next day three times. in evening bled 15 minutes. It was bright red and started suddenly.
Last night nose became stopped up. Prover sneezed before it became stopped up. Sneezed a lot at night. Watery Rhinorrhea, nocturnal and profuse. The back of nose is stopped up. Fidgety when the nose is stopped up. Puffed over eyes which betters as the day went on. Flushing of the face. Mouth a little drier than usual with thirst in the morning.
Distressing asthmatic breathing with difficult secretion.
Pain in area under ribs on right side. It was dull.
Pain under the heart extending to the left shoulder blade. Rapid heart beat in the afternoon. the heart beats rapidly most of the time. Heart beats rapidly at 5 P.M. Pressure around the heart in the afternoon.
Entire back has been very dully painful all week both spine and muscles. Feels a crushing and squeezing pain through body as if from cold. Out of breath on fast walking in the morning.
Around the body, in the middle area and mostly in the back, sore to breathe.
Itching across the front of the chest after support it lasted for one hour.
A catching backache develops in the middle of the same, rather sharp and it was constant.
A sensation of weight on the front of the chest.
A soreness and pain which is sharp and quick around the heart. Next day, still had soreness and pain around the heart and the prover found it difficult to take a deep breath. Pain and it was pressive, under the breast bone and it radiated over the chest.
Backache, rather sharp, lower middle area, pretty constant, lasted all day, better by lemon juice.
Itching on the body (evening.) Seems stopped up in the chest "in the tubes" it is difficult to breathe. She could not walk fast, and was forced to slow up. Became very short of breath when walking in the afternoon. Became short of breath several times whilst sitting at her desk in the evening.
The pulse is 94 and irregular. it seemed to hesitate then fade away. then hasten to catch up. Heart beat seems many times like a nervous beating.
Some pain in left chest (sharp). Pain in both chests constant and dull, and the chest is tight and heavy.
Coughed kind of dryly several times during the day.
Her painless hoarseness is worse. Brought up only a little mucus.
Larynx is much irritated, mucus is sticky and difficult Wants to clear throat often.
Painless hoarseness continues, worse in morning and evening It is an effort to talk.
Felt as if a weight were on chest, after walking out of doors a few yards in early evening, but this did not continue after riding in a car.
At 4.40 A.M. had a bad spell in bed. Could hardly get her breath. It felt as if something were closing her throat. Awoke so suddenly she thought she thought she was hit. Better by lying still. This lasted one hour. Felt all right at 8 A.M. Some shortness of breath or rather a feeling of tightness in the chest. The pain is sharp and constant around left ribs.
Dry cough comes at any time Darkish (blackish) streaks in sputum.
Aching in the inside of throat.
Hoarseness comes and goes. Thought she was in for tonsillitis.
Dry cough comes on in spells.
Shortly after taking medicine had hiccoughs for a few minutes. Hiccoughs again in morning.
Pulse rapid during evening, with slight palpitation of the heart then. Pulse a little rapid in afternoon.
Had pressure and soreness around heart, with an occasional intermittent pain.
Sense of weight on chest, with rather sharp pains in left arm and under left shoulder blade. Lasted two days.
Sense of weight on chest.
Until Tuesday heart beat was slow but the rate has been more rapid today.
Hoarse, worse talking loud (?) The whole back is stiff and sore and it is worse on motion. Hot flashes from mid chest upwards in afternoon but for a short time only. The area is reddened.
Dull and constant backache.
Less discomfort on exertion and less dyspnoea.
Burning in bladder after voiding noted for a few days.
Diarrhoea at 3. A.m. copious. The pain left following evacuation.
Pain in area under ribs on right side. it was dull.
Urinary specific gravity moves from 1008 to 1.011 but systolic pressure goes from 110 to 123. Kidneys become more active, about 10 Percent more than usual.
Hot flashes from abdomen up in afternoon.
Kidneys more active, amount unchanged for a greater frequency.
Constant soreness and tenderness in right lower side (Ovarian area). It lasted all day.
Primary costiveness.
Urge to stool is acute and with gas pains. Was hungry all day long, and was especially keen for lunch. She felt as if she wanted to eat something sweet. (This is unusual, the amount of this desire.) Urine is darker and not passing so much. Did not void so much urine for two days running. Passed more urine in evening. Stopped the nocturia which had been as often as thrice.
A lot of gas in her stomach. Gas pains in stomach which were sharp.
Urine was much darker and voiding less that day.
Last night itching lower down in body. It was around the waist.
Too frequent passing of urine. Urine darker in color.
In three days specific gravity went from 1.008 to 1.017 with frequent repetition.
After breakfast, acid eructation, white and curd-like water brash.
Rather a burning irritation and slight soreness in the pit of the stomach.
Digestion much better, less gas, and not puffed after eating. Improvement continued during following days. little gas, quieter pulse.
Had some intestinal pain with loose bowel movement about 4.30 P.M.
Increasing sense of fullness after evening meal. Rather puffed after eating.
Awakened by intestinal pain which disappeared after copious bowel movement.
Return of burning irritation in pit of stomach, relief after belching gas.
Copious bowel motion about one hour after eating dinner.
Kidneys somewhat more active and at times urine was more highly colored.
Occasional ovarian neuralgic pain, not of constant duration.
Bowels mostly regular and at times stools are claycolored.
Kidneys were more active as to frequency but amount unchanged and this has kept up. Urinated much more often and a larger quantity (?).
Caused stool to be lighter in color (?) (But she was on a milk diet.).
Passing less urine.
Last night voided twice. This is unusual. A soreness and tenderness in lower right side (ovarian area) with occasional sharp and intermittent pain extending across abdomen to the left side. Pain and soreness in right side (ovarian area).
Urination more frequent but only during the day.
Slight burning during urination.
Numbness in right foot.
Sharp and intermittent pain in right arm, also left arm painful.
Dull pain in left knee, worse in bending.
Hands and feet were puffed with pressure.
The left hand gets puffed and hard to close.
Sharp and intermittent pain in right arm, lasts 2 hour. Pain descends. it is very painful when it hits the wrists.
Numbness in the right foot in afternoon.
A generalized stiffness noted after picking up apples and walking.
Soreness and pain which is sharp and quick in the right arm and in the palm of the left hand. Numbness in hands and feet in the afternoon.
In morning, is puffed up in hands.
Cramps in calves of the legs every day for more than a week. The cramps came and went.
Sore to touch around the right shoulder.
Hands a good bit better as regards the cold clamminess.
After bathing, itching went from left in morning.
Left leg and lower back ached sharply and severely upon awakening. Was soon relieved and saw no reason for the relief.
In afternoon, a strange feeling of weight and numbness in the second and third right toes.
For a few seconds, feeling as if needles were sticking into the right toe; this happens occasionally.
A little numbness in left leg and foot about noon and again in the evening.
Considerable trouble again with right toes and foot.
A pain in right leg and foot and a tiny bit in the left leg.
The right ankle is puffed, the left only a little bit. In early morning, had a very sharp cramp covering entire right leg for about a minute.
All week has noted a tingling sensation in legs and feet at intervals, especially when sitting.
Pain in right leg continues.
Pain under right shoulder, constant and dull.
Tingling sensation in feet and legs while sitting in the chair in evening.
Some evening had a slight aching pain down the left leg from under the knee and twinges in the large toe. Similar pain and mild soreness to pressure in the right thumb at the first joint.
Sharp pains in left arm and under the left shoulder blade It lasted two days.
Constant crampy sensation in calves of legs, and it is worse in the left one.
Puffing in the hands and feet.
Numbness in right hand and right foot.
#Back and Body
Entire back has been very dully painful all week, both spine and muscles.
Feels a crushing and squeezing pain through body, as if from cold.
A generalized stiffness noted after picking up apples and walking.
Itching of whole body in morning. It was very marked.
An old women notes a steady but sure gain in weight, she is now 118 pounds but had been 105 pounds.
A catching backache develops in the middle of the same, rather sharp and constant.
Backache rather sharp, lower middle area, pretty constant lasted all day, better by lemon juice.
Body itching (evening). Last night itching lower down in body. It was around waist.
Lower back ached sharply and severely upon awakening.
Lower back pain, comes and goes at times. It is a sharp aching pain.
The neck is not doing so much of the severe sudden jerking but it is still shaking. Aching all over the body in morning. This is sharp and constant.
All of body ached sharply and constantly. it was very much the entire day.
Body pain is sharp.
Muscle in right side of neck is not so tight.
Twice in late evening felt pain all over body like "grippe" for few minutes. It was a constant dull condition for a few minutes then there was sweat followed by relief.
Whole body ached with a dull pain all day.
Sore back of neck.
Muscular pains at various spots noticeable upon stretching or reaching.
The whole back is stiff and sore and it is worse on motion.
A dull and constant backache.
Very pallid in evening (seen in a mirror) Itching on right side at base of neck posteriorly noted after supper. When it is touched, a reddening develops. The eyes, hands and feet were puffed with pressure.
Slight flushing of the face.
Left hand gets puffed and hard to close.
Sudden flushing of face in late afternoon.
Eyes and feet are puffed in morning.
Flushing of the face in evening.
Face looked red.
Face sweating Fever blister in left nostrils.
Itching of whole body in morning (very marked.) Itching across the front of the chest after supper. It lasted for one hour.
In morning is puffed up over the eyes and in the hands.
Had hot flashes in the face and in the neck they were intermittent and (<) in the afternoon.
The face remained flushed for about four hours.
In the evening the face became very pale. Flushing of the face in afternoon.
Itching around neck was bothersome and worse towards bed time.
Itching around face and neck in evening.
Itching on the body the next evening.
Hands a good bit better as regards the cold clamminess.
Itching around the neck when getting undressed at night.
At night itching lower down in body it was around the waist.
After bathing itching went from left leg in morning.
Right ankle is puffed Face flushing in afternoon.
Puffing in hands and feet and over eyes, which betters as the day went on.
Flushing of face.
#Chill Fever and Sweat, and Circulation
Systolic pressure goes from 110 to 123.
Rapid heart beat in afternoon. Hot flashes in late afternoon.
The heart beats rapidly most of the time.
Systolic blood pressure goes to 160 from 140.
Felt drowsy at 5 P.M. and heart beat rapidly then.
Pressure around heart in afternoon.
Has had a few generalized heat flashes, with just a little sweating, and more on the face.
Pulse was 62 before breakfast. Very weak at that time.
Proving raises blood pressure from 160 to around 184.
Pulse average drops from 94 to 84 (systolic unchanging.) Sharp and quick pain around heart.
Sore and painful around heart.
Pain (pressive) under breast bone and it radiated over chest.
Hot flashes in face and neck. They were intermittent and in the afternoon.
Face flushed for about four hours. In evening, face became very pale.
Flushing of face in afternoon.
Hot flashes in afternoon.
Thirst in middle of the night.
Hands better as regards the old clamminess.
Thirst at noon with dry mouth.
Pulse was 106 in evening.
Again in evening pulse was 94.
Proving dropped the systolic pressure to 128 (lowest in my memory).
Pulse is 94 and irregular. It seemed to hesitate, then fade away, then hasten to catch up. Heart beat seems many times like a nervous beating.
Pains like grippe pains. Then there were sweats followed by relief from the pain.
Pulse goes from 82 to 86, temperature from 97 1/5 to 96, and systolic from 137 to 134. Two sweats generalized during evening.
Several sweats during afternoon and evening.
Pulse becomes quieter.
Pulse rapid during evening. Slight palpitation of heart then.
Pulse a little rapid in afternoon.
During past week, while taking medicine, was more thirsty, particularly afternoon and evening.
Chilly at times until. Tuesday heart beat was slow but the rate has been more rapid today.
Temperature rise from 96 4/5 to 98 2/5.
Became very chilly in afternoon all over from being in a cold house.
Hot flashes from mild chest upwards in afternoon.
The area is reddened.
Flushing of the face.
Morning thirst. #Sleep
Felt asleep more rapidly Afternoon drowsiness.
Felt drowsy at 5 P.M.
Sleeps more soundly than for a couple of months Slept more soundly.
Sleeping much sounder in an old women. She does not now hear alarm clock go off. This is unusual.
Slept in fits and spells all night until 4.30 A.M.
Amelioration after sleep.
Has not been sleeping well, only four hours, then awakens, then falls asleep.
Dreaming in sleep.
Confused dreams, somewhat terrifying.
Slept better and felt stronger.
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