Sycotic Co [Syc-co]:


+ Bowel Nosode


Sallow; pale; anaemic puffy. Greasy skin. Dark haired more than fair haired. Prematurely grey hair. Hairs on face, and upper lip. Alopecia.


Nervous, tense, Cross; restless, weepy, depressed, shy; sensitive, fussy Fear of being alone of animals and dogs. Exhausted. Mostly cold sensitive. Bites nails.


Headache- weekly every Sunday morning (<) left side (lasts weeks); throbbing (>) heat and rest (<) noise. Headache - frontal congestive, lasts days. Headache-sick headache (<) at menstrual period (before or after) Headache-slight, but recurring in child.


Alopecia. Painful dry scaly spots.


Puffy in morning especially under eyes acne rosacea. Erythema. Vesicular eruption cheeks. Malignant growth right cheek (prognosis hopeless) Facial neuralgia (left)


Conjunctivitis. Tarsal cysts. Photophobia hemiopia. Pain eyeballs. Vitreous opacities.


Deafness. Otorrhoea. formation of wax in excess. Cracks under ears. Itch meatus.


Nasal catarrh (50 percent. of cases). Post nasal catarrh. Turbinates congested. Sinus infection. Dry crusting and burning. Polypi. Cracks in angles of nose. Epistaxis. Sense of smell lost. Hay fever. Vasomotor rhinorrhoea.


Lips dry and cracked. Cracks in angles of mouth. Persistent herpes of mouth. Tongue- sore scalded, dry, fissured, furred. Deep ulcer on tongue. Tongue dry. sticks to roof of mouth. Wart on tongue Bad taste. Sense of taste lost. Pins and needles on tongue Ulcers in mouth. Salivation increased.

#Throat External- Goitre Glands posterior triangle enlarged. Fibrositis neck and throat. Internal - Tonsillitis (recurring) cheesy masses from tonsil. Tonsils and adenoids enlarged. Quinsy. Throat feels raw scorched dry. Profuse mucus from throat in morning. Swallowing difficult. chokes easily. Tracheitis.


Finicky; fastidious Averse egg (50 percent of the cases) Upset by egg nausea vomiting, bilious attack and hay fever. Even thought of egg in morning produces nausea. Upset by fat onion and oranges. Aversion to egg. fat milk, Milk pudding cream, salt, sugar, vegetables, tea, vinegar, cheese, meat bread, potato and tomato. Fond butter, fat, cheese, sweets, milk and salt. Averse to breakfast. Nausea with smell of cooking.


Nausea. Anorexia. Burning pain in stomach Eructation (acid) bilious attacks. Pain and distension in epigastrium. Flatulence Nocturnal vomiting must empty stomach. Acidosis attacks.


Distended colon-? Hirschsprung. Enteroptosis. Abdomen distended. Pain R.I.F (Acute appendix at 69.) Pain L.I.F.

#Bowels Constipation or looseness (in morning or with excitement) Distended feeling in rectum. Spliter pain in rectum. Prolapse of rectum. Peri-anal warts.


Liquid motion after every meal. Loose frothy motion. Mucus P.R. or with motion. Motion pale crumbly, bad odour.


Albuminuria (High percentage of cases Urine- heavy smell. Nephritis pyelitis, nephrosis; cystitis. Frequency and urgency with micturition- pain Urinary tantrums. Kidney pain. Urine corrosive.


Menorrhagia and metrorrhagia. Polypi uterus. Amenorrhoea up to 6 months Dysmenorrhoea Leucorrhoea. Yellowish, white, dark brown offensive and corrosive. Leucorrhoea. Profuse and bland (one case) Pruritis vulvae. Ovarian cyst. T.B. ovary and gland Mastectomy- malignancy. Balanitis. Impotent.


Pleurisy. Intercostal neuralgia Pleurodynia. Fibrositis of chest wall? Patch lungs - Sudden pain at base of right lung. Pain in left shoulder blade- rales apex (X-ray neg.) #Respiration

Asthma - Asthma and bronchitis- generally (<) with damp and frost and (>) at the seaside Wheeze and cough -2-3 A.M. Wheeze and cough on waking. Breathless- Worse waking. gasping. Frequent bronchial colds. Bronchitis in winter. Hard spasmodic cough at night - 2 A.M., 4 A.M.., or 6 A.M. Cough till sick Morning cough with easy sputum. Head to chest colds. Cough bad with tough sputum.

#Neck and Back

Fibrositis neck; shoulders and back. Backache- severe, fibrositis back; myositis back Stiff all over. Neuritis of head and neck. Sebaceous cyst back. Lumbo-sacral pain ++ Pain loins ileo sacral joints. Hips stiff. Pain generally - (<) after sitting (<) at night (>) moving (>) heat (<) beginning to move.

#Shoulders and Arms

Fibrositis shoulders Rheumatism - shoulders. Neuritis - arms. Arms ache at night Muscular rheumatism of arms. Rheumatic pain in shoulders and arms. elbows and wrists. Arthritis- wrists.


ARTHRITIS FINGERS. Pain generally- (>) dry day (>) hot water. FIngers deformed nodules on fingers ARTHRITIS metacarpo-phalangeal joints. Arthritis - especially of middle finger. Nodule between metacarpal 2 and 3 Fingers go dead numb, with spasm of the fingers. Prickly feeling in hands Nails brittle.

#Legs and Feet

Rheumatism knees. Bursitis knees Ankles swollen and stiff ++ Soles of feet painful ++ Feet swollen at night. Big toe joint painful Fidgety feet. Pes planus. Feet and legs painful at night.


Cracks on finger tips Cracks on heels; Taenia heels. Warts hands- large, flat and rugged. Warts feet. Warts-body. Circinate eruption each arm. Nails brittle. Palmar dermatitis - vesicles itch + at night + heat (<) excitement (<) flour (<) detergent. Wrists dermatitis - erythema, cracks. Eczema back of hands pustules with heat and itch- arms to elbows. Circinate eruption of thighs and shins. Varicose eczema of ankles Toe nails painful. Toe nails brittle Chilblains on feet (<) with heat. Paronychia. Herpes on face, neck and chest. Herpes groin Varicellar eruption of limbs since immunization. Intertrigo breasts. Eczema of face from 4 months to 2 years of age.

Restless; won't be left alone. Night terrors Nightmares. Perspiration ++ head and body during sleep. Dreams of dead people. Wakes 2-3 A.M. wheeze or cough. Can't sleep till 3 A.M. Insomnia.


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