
SOMEWHAT restricted as to space, in these war days, we will try to give some of the minor, but very useful remedies: less extensively proved, probably not known as to their utmost possibilities, yet recognizable and even more easily prescribed, than some of the polycrests. Ptelia is a great stomach and liver medicine; and, as seen in the provings, it causes hurry, and a sensation of burning heat of skin, face; even breath that burns the nostrils.
General depression of spirits. Bilious headaches. Repugnance to animal food and rich puddings of which he is ordinarily fond; to butter and fatty foods, even a small quantity aggravated epigastric pain. Appetite poor, with muddled feeling, or pains in liver. Hepatic and gastric symptoms: worse after meals. Sense of weight and fullness, even after a moderate meal. Burning distress; oppression, vomiting; chronic gastric catarrh. Gastralgia. Obstinate chronic dyspepsia. Chronic gastritis: a constant sensation of corrosion, heat, and burning in stomach, with vomiting of ingesta, constipation, and afternoon fever. Weight and aching distress in hepatic region; dull pain, heaviness; better lying on right side. Turning to left causes a dragging sensation. Liver swollen, sore on pressure, causing dull and aching pains or stitches ; griping in bowels; clothes feel too light (Lyc.). Congestion of liver; chronic hepatitis. Diarrhoea bilious, thin, faecal, dark, offensive; even cadaverous in smell, or sulphuric; with tenesmus, preceded by griping pains and rumbling. Smarting in anus. Constipation and diarrhoea alternately.
When walking, reeling as if intoxicated. Dull aching in forehead, with depression and sour stomach; racking pain, with hurried manner and red face a great desire to hurry his business. Sensation of a nail driven into brain (Thuja). Sensitive to sounds; impression of sounds last heard continue for a long time. Headache in bones of skull (Ipec.). Breath seems so hot that it burns nostrils. Burning heat of cheeks and face. Yellowish face, with dry, hot skin. Teeth feel as if elongated. Fine pricking sensation over whole surface of tongue. Worse from cheese, meat, puddings. Persistent nausea and vomiting, with giddiness and unsteadiness of legs. Better by walking. Stomach feels empty after eating; sensation of goneness (Lyc., Sep.). Griping in stomach, with dry mouth, yellow-coated tongue; bitter taste. Constant weight in both hypochondria when walking; dragging pain. Jaundice with hyperaemia of liver. Pulsation and severe abdominal pain near umbilicus (comp. Dulc.). Pressing suffocation when lying on back. Walls of chest feel as if they would sink in ; asthma. Hectic fever with purulent expectoration, and sweetish taste. Tickling, prickling in fingers and hands, like that produced by electricity. Wakes in a profuse perspiration. Chilly: wants to be near fire. Has cured ague, with profuse vomiting of bilious matter. Of Ptelia NASH says: "Another liver remedy, for it has one very characteristic symptom, viz. Aching and heaviness in the region of the liver, greatly aggravated by lying on the left side; turning to the left causes a dragging sensation. (See Bryonia, which is also worse lying on left side and has the dragging sensation. Remember, Bryonia is generally better lying on the painful side.) Magnesia mur. has all these symptoms, termed `bilious', but, like Mercurius, it is worse when lying on the right side Ptelia may have either constipation or diarrhoea, or like Nux vomica, constipation and diarrhoea alternately. "I cured one bad case of liver trouble with Ptelia after oedema of feet and legs had set in; she had the symptoms, could not lie comfortably on the left side, her breathing was becoming oppressed, and I thought the case looked as if it would not be very likely to be much better. I used the 30th in this case. The trouble rapidly disappeared and never returned. I considered it a brilliant cure.".


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