- M.L.Tyler.

Orange Spider.

THE venom of a small, very poisonous spider: found upon orange trees in the West Indies. In addition to its habitat, it has orange coloured spots on the posterior part of the body,and a large square yellow spot on the belly. the alcoholic tincture is prepared from the live spider, crushed. This remedy was introduced and proved by Hering in 1832. It is interesting because of some very peculiar symptoms. It has been found useful in vertigo: affections of the head: cough:spinal irritation: hysteria: and scrofulous conditions. The spider poisons are especially virulent,and are found curative in the difficult states known as hysteria, with extra ordinary and perverted sensitiveness to external impressions, We have already discussed that very important drug, Tarentula, with its intense reaction to music,and its violence and suddenness. Theridion reacts more especially to noise. Its keynote its, "Every sound seems to penetrate through the whole body, causing nausea and vertigo:every shrill sound penetrates the teeth." It is one of the remedies to be thought of in Meniere's disease (Salicylic acid). Here, as in sea-sickness, its peculiar indication are: Vertigo on closing the eyes: or,"when they close their eyes to get rid of the ship's motion,they grow deathly sick." This spider poison has extreme nervous sensitiveness. We will give extracts from provings, of some of its RARE, PECULIAR AND NOTEWORTHY SYMPTOMS, leading to its successful employment where symptoms correspond., WHENEVER SHE CLOSES HER EYES she is afflicted with nausea and vertigo; worse by noise, motion, stooping. It feels so thick in her HEAD as if it were another strange head. Nausea and vomiting on least movement, particular on closing the eyes. VERTIGO with nausea even to vomiting;worse stopping; from least movement:from every noise and sound; with cold sweat. Wakes at 11 p.m. with slow pulse Vertigo with blindness caused by pain in eyes. Violent frontal HEADACHE, with throbbing extending to occiput; or with heavy pressure behind eyes. Headache on beginning to move. For days feeling as if vertex did not belong to her: it felt as if separated from the rest of head: as if she could lift it off; felt she would like to remove it. Headache deep in eyes, or behind eyes, worse left. A remedy for sunstroke. Head feels like another strange head,or as if she and something else upon it's Headache like a pressing band in root of nose and over and round ears. Head internally hot and oppressed and heavy,at the same time joyousness nd singing. Owing to pains deep in brain she must sit or walk; it is impossible to life. Headaches with nausea and vomiting like seasickness,and shaking chills. Flickering before EYES in frequent paroxysms. Like a veil before eyes. Must lie down. Thighs look double; through this fluttering, nausea is created: cold hands. Long afterwards she dares not stoop. Dizziness and confusion of vision: everything went together and became indistinct. Worse from the least Noise: every shrill sound and reverberation penetrates her whole body,especially teeth: makes vertigo worse and causes nausea. Rushing,roaring in both EARS: itching behind ears,would like to scratch them off. Coryza and ozaena. Chronic, offensive discharge thick,yellow, or greenish yellow. NOSE dry as if too much air passed in: itching: violent sneezing. At times. and on waking,lower jaw is immovable (Has been used in tetanus). Cold water affects TEETH: every shrill sound penetrates teeth. MOUTH benumbed; salt taste,and salty mucus. CRAVES oranges and bananas;wine, brandy ,tobacco,and acid fruits and drinks. SENSATION as if a child were bounding in body (Croc., Thuja). Anxiety about HEART: sharp pains radiate to arm and left shoulder. Slow pulse with vertigo. SPINAL irritation;great sensitiveness between vertebra; sits sideways in chair to avoid pressure against spine. Spinal irritation: could not bear least noise: jar of foot on floor was so aggravating that it made her cry out. Pains in BONES as if broken,as if they were about to fall asunder. After every exertion,fainting. During sleep bites tip of tongue. It has been found useful in Angina pectoris. Also in spinal irritation:rickets; caries; necrosis; phthisis florida; infantile atrophy with enlargement of glands. Of Theridion Clarke says (Dictionary of Materia Medica): It is very poisonous. It produces a highly sensitive,nervous condition with weakness,trembling, coldness, anxiety, faintness, and easily excited cold sweat. There are two well-marked keynotes, one or other of which will be found in most cases calling for Therid (I) extreme sensitiveness to noise:worse by least noise:sounds penetrate the teeth. The sensitiveness extends to vibrations of any kind, jar of a step. riding in a carriage or in a boat. They symptom also shows the relation Therid. has to bony structures as well as the nervous organs they enclose., it meets cases of spinal irritation; and also cases of disease of the spinal and other bones. Caries, necrosis and scrofulous disease of bones have all been cured with it. (2) Worse closing eyes. This applies to vertigo and symptoms of the head and stomach, and this forms the indication in many cases of seasickness, or sickness of pregnancy but though there is worse closing eyes, there is also intolerance of light. A species of intoxication,hilarity, talkativeness. BOERICKE says:" has an affinity for the tubercular diathesis noises seem to strike on painful spots over the body. Restless: finds pleasure in nothing. Time passes too quickly. Stinging thrusts everywhere. He suggests the 30th potency. Theridion is worse for NOISE; touch: CLOSING EYES; least motion. Better for rest and warmth. NASH writes of Theridion: There is one peculiar and characteristic symptoms under this remedy, which has been verified by myself and others. "Vertigo with nausea especially on closing the eyes (Lach., Thuja), on opening them (Tabacum),. on looking upwards (Puls., Sil), from any,even least noise; aural or labyrinthine (Meniere's disease). Again, "Every sound seems to penetrate through the whole body, causing nausea and vertigo." Asarum has a similar symptom which is worth remembering, "Oversensitiveness of nerves, scratching of linen or silk, crackling of paper is unbearable." (Ferr., Tarax.) The vertigo occurs in different affections of the head or stomach and cures the whole trouble when it is present. Another symptom which seems to be very valuable in chest affections is, "pain runs though upper left chest to shoulder." (Phthisis florida has been cured on this symptom for a guide, if given early.) This is like Myrtus communis,with which I have helped many cases having that peculiar local symptom. (Sulphur, Pix liquida and Anisum stellatum also have it.).


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