
Aconite [Acon]
Skin dry and hot, great thirst unrest, nervous excitement, fear and anxiety, pain in region of bladder; retention of urine, with stitches in kidneys, frequent and violent urging to urinate, with scanty emission of red, turbid urine.
Aloe [Aloe]
Incontinence of urine, especially in old people with enlarged prostata and tendency to diarrhoea; every time on passing urine; feeling as if some thin stool would escape with it; urgent desire to urinate, he can hardly retain the urine.
Alumina [Alum]
Frequent urination at night; frequent emission of every small quantities of light colored urine with great straining, severe smarting and burning with the feeling as a if a few drops remained in urethra which could not be expelled; feeling of weakness in bladder and genitals in the evening with fear that he will wet the bed, burning during micturition, and with the discharge of urine a desire to defaecate; the stream assumes a spiral shape.
Ambra [Ambr]
Inability to retain urine after physical exertion, urging to urinate early after riding, so that often be cannot retain the urine; pain in bladder and rectum at same time; copious at night, urine of penetrating odor when standing.
Ammonium-benz [Am-be]
Black urine albuminuria; head heavy, stupid; soreness in region of right kidney.
Anantherum [Anan]
Frequent emission of urine, which is turbid or soon becomes so; sensation of numbness and obstruction in kidneys; or as if kidneys and bladder were always full and swollen, bladder cannot hold the smallest quantity of urine; difficult, painful intermittent urination it stops and commences again the same moment; fulness and distension of the bladder, with inability to urinate, urine turbid, thick and full of mucus, retention of urine with retraction of the urethral canal, urine brownish or yellowish and bloody incontinence of urine, with involuntary urination when walking, and even at night in bed during sleep, as if caused by paralysis of the neck of the bladder; tenesmus vesicae with ischuria.
Angustura [Ang]
Tenesmus of the bladder followed by profuse emission of white urine, tenesmus after micturition, one is obliged frequently to urinate, although but a few dark-yellow drops are emitted each time, causing a burning pain orange colored urine soon becomes turbid.
Apis [Apis]
Burning in the urethra before, during and after micturition; disagreeable sensation in the bladder, with a bearing down in the region of the sphincter and frequent desire to urinate; incontinence of urine, with great irritation of the parts; worse at night and when coughing almost incessant desire to pass urine; high colored or straw-colored with brickdust sediment.
Argentum-nitr [Arg-n]
Paralytic debility of lumbar region kidneys, urine passed unconsciously and uninterruptedly; when going to defaecate urine passes first, then faeces involuntarily; incontinentia urinae most of the time.
Arnica [Arn]
Affections from mechanical injuries, with retention of urine tenesmus of the neck of the bladder, and ineffectual efforts to urinate; urging the urine dropping out involuntarily; one has to stand a great while before the urine is emitted; brown urine with brick-red sediment; urine strongly acid, specific gravity increased.
Arsenicum [Ars]
Retention of urine, as if the bladder were paralyzed; scanty urine passing with difficulty, burning in the urethra during micturition; tenesmus and strangury, great desire to urinate but does not pass any; urine copious and burning hot, involuntary emission of urine in the night when sleeping; urine profuse and dark-brown, turbid, when emitting it, much sediment in the urine haematuria.
Asparagus [Aspar]
Urging to urinate, burning in the urethra; frequent urging with fine stitches in the orifice of the urethra, urine scanty and cloudy a little straw colored urine is passed, which becomes turbid immediately after being passed, after urinating burning in the urethra, with a sensation as if there were some urine yet to pass.
Asafoetida [Asaf]
Urine warm and of a pungent ammoniacal smell, spasm in bladder during and after micturition soreness in kidneys.
Aurum [Aur]
Constant desire to urinate, urine is like buttermilk, more fluid is passed than is drunk, urine ammoniacal decomposes rapidly smells like the otorrhoea.
Baryta-carb [Bar-c]
Constant urging and frequent emissions of urine every other day, in old age frequent micturition; urine clear on passing soon becomes cloudy, before urgent desire; during; burning in urethra, after renewed straining with dribbling, almost complete incontinence of urine and faces.
Belladonna [Bell]
Difficult micturition; the urine being passed guttatim with frequent urging, constant dribbling of urine; sharp stitches low down in the abdomen, in the direction of the perineum, pains come on suddenly and cease in the same way; feeling in the back as if it would break; paralysis of the sphincter vesicae; enuresis with profuse perspiration; urine yellow and turbid; sometimes depositing a reddish sediment.
Benzoic-acid [Benz-ac]
Vesicular catarrh; irritability of the bladder; nocturnal enuresis in children, too frequent desire to evacuate the bladder, urine being normal decrease of the quantity of urine, which is thick and bloody urine has strong odor like that of horse and contains excess of hippuric acid (Nitr-ac) urine brownish, cloudy, alkaline or dark-reddish, high specific gravity and acid reaction, sometimes of a putrid cadaverous smell; morbid condition of urine, as in persons with calculous or gouty diathesis dysuria senilis, when gravel is trifling and the irritable state of bladder and pains are induced by other causes, with too frequent desire to urinate, though urine appears normal.
Berberis-vulg [Berb]
Violent stitching pain in the bladder extending from the kidneys into the urethra, with urging to urinate, frequent recurring crampy pain in the bladder; cutting constrictive pain in the bladder when full of empty; burning pain in urethra, stitching pain in the female urethra beginning in the bladder, violent stitches in the bladder, which compel one to urinate; urine dark- yellow, red becoming turbid, copious mucous sediment mixed with a whitish-gray, and later a reddish mealy sediment, slowly becoming clear, but retaining its blood-red color, symptoms of urinary organs accompanied with pains in the loins and hips (Pareira brava, pain in thighs) renal gravel and calculi (urates, rheumatoid arthritis); worse from slight fatigue; the aggravation increasing as the fatigue increases.
Borax [Bor]
Worse before urination, desire to urinate without being able to pass a drop, violent, urgent desire to urinate, can scarcely hold the urine, frequent micturition preceeded by cries, smarting in urethra after urinating; infant screams before urinating urine hot with peculiar pungent, foetid odor (Petroselinum)
Brachyglottis-repens [Brach]
Constant inclination to urinate, with pains in bladder and renewed desire immediately after the act, as if the bladder were not emptied; sense of swashing in bladder.
Cactus-grand [Cact]
Desire to urinate; after he had desired to do so for a long time he at last succeeds to pass water abundantly constriction at neck of bladder, which at first prevents the passage of urine; but after great straining he urinates as usual; frequent and profuse urination.
Calcarea-carb [Calc]
Pain in the bladder and cutting on urinating; burning in the urethra before and after urinating fine tickling stitches through the urethra, much sour-smelling urine passed at night; trickling of urine after micturition; involuntary passage of urine on every motion during menstruation, nocturnal enuresis, urine very dark colored, without sediment; urine has a pungent odor, is clear and pale, offensive dark brown urine, with a whitish sediment; the urine soon becomes turbid, and deposits a whitish flaky sediment; a fatty pellicle forms on the surface strangury always brought on by standing on a cold damp pavement.
Camphora [Camph]
Diminished power of the bladder, retention of urine, with urging to urinate, tenesmus of the neck of the bladder, painful urination; burning urine, strangury; the urine passes in a thin stream, as if the urethra were contracted, yellowish-green turbid urine of a musty odor, brown urine red urine, the urine on standing becomes very turbid and thick of a whitish green color, without deposits of sediment urine contains mucus without sediment; urine with white or red sediment; urine profuse; colorless, frequent or scanty.
Cannabis-ind [Cann-i]
Inflammation of the bladder, burning, scalding, stinging pain, before, during and after micturition, urging to urinate, with much straining, copious discharge of clear, bright-colored urine, the urine passes freely at times, then again in small quantities, with burning and biting; urine dribbles out after the stream ceases, aching in the kidneys, thick red urine.
Cannabis-sat [Cann-s]
Enuresis, paralysis of the bladder drawing pain in the region of kidneys, extending into the inguinal glands, with nauseous sensation at pit of stomach, burning while urinating, but especially afterwards, stitches along the urethra when not urinating, white or red, turbid urine, urine full of fibres with mucus or pus.
Cantharis [Canth]
Painful retention of urine ; urging to urinate from the smallest quantity of urine in the bladder, intolerable tenesmus, violent burning-cutting pain in neck and bladder, extending to the fossa navicularis, worse before and after urinating, urging worse when standing and still more when walking, better when sitting, hardly any at night, paroxysmal cutting and burning pains in both kidneys, the region very sensitive to the slightest touch, alternating with pain in tip of the penis; painful scalding evacuation, by drops, of bloody urine and at times of pure blood; pain keeps on after micturition; urine turbid and scanty, cloudy during the night like mealy water, with white sediment, urine albuminous with cylindrical casts; deposits granular, grayish- white, looking like fragments of old mortar patient uneasy, restless, dissatisfied, crawling and itching of urethra after micturition.
Capsella-bursa-pastoris [Thlaspi]
Patient has to get up every half hour during the night to pass water.
Capsicum [Caps]
Spasmodic contractions with cutting pains in the neck of bladder, burning in orifice of urethra, immediately before, during and for a minute after urinating, stitches as with needles, in forepart of urethra, when not urinating, burning biting pain in urethra, after urinating; urine red or bloody, scanty, light-colored urine which comes first in drops, then in spurts, alternately.
Carbo-veg [Carb-v]
Pressing pain in the bladder, contraction of the urethra every morning; frequent urging to urinate; urine has a strong odor; dark-red urine, as if it were mixed with blood, urine deposits a red sediment.
Carbolic-acid [Carb-ac]
Involuntary discharge of mucus from the anus during urination, copious flow of limpid urine, dark, smoky color of urine, depositing urate of ammonia greenish urine.
Causticum [Caust]
Frequent painful and difficult micturition, involuntary emission of urine when coughing, nocturnal enuresis, smarting pain in the urethra while urinating, light colored urine with flocculent sediment.
Chimaphila [Chim]
Chronic catarrh of the bladder, scanty urine containing a large quantity of muco-purulent sediment; urine thick, ropy, of brick color and copious bloody sediment, inability to pass the urine without standing with the feet wide apart, and the body inclined forward; frequent urination at night, with increasing debility, from stone in bladder; vesical tenesmus from prolapsus or retroversion, constipation or diarrhoea.
Cicuta [Cic]
Involuntary micturition, frequent desire to evacuate and the urine is expelled with great force, copious micturition, with great urging or no urine at all.
Cina [Cina]
Enuresis, frequent urging, with passage of much urine all day involuntary emission of urine at night, with worm symptoms and ravenous appetite, patient irritable and prostrated; urine white and turbid, or white and jellylike, involuntary micturition under the influence of any strong excitement or emotion; clear, often becoming milky when standing.
Clematis [Clem]
Mucus in urine, but no pus, urine flows by fits and starts he has to wait a long time before he can pass water, with intense pain along urethra at glans penis, long-lasting constriction or contraction of urethra urine emitted by drops, as in spasmodic stricture, involuntary flow by drops after micturition, inability to empty the bladder at once, the last drops of urine cause violent burning.
Coccus-cacti [Coc-c]
Pain in bladder with ineffectual urging to urinate (>) by passing water, pain in urethra when urinating as from an obstruction there, stinging and tickling at the orifice of the urethra, waiting a long time for the stream to pass yellow and turbid, urine contains mucus in form of filaments, clouds and flocks, and the sediment is entangled with much mucus, odor often ammoniacal, or cadaverous when it is cloudy and dark-colored.
Cochlearia [Coch]
Burning and cutting in glans penis during and after urination, with a great deal of strangury, urine on standing becomes thick like jelly, increased desire to urinate and copious excretion of pale, limpid urine.
Colchicum [Colch]
Constant burning in urinary organs, with diminished secretions, passing of urine attended and followed by tenesmus of bladder and burning pain in urethra as if urine were very warm; frequent micturition with diminished discharge urethra hurts while urine passes, as if raw; constriction in neck of bladder; feeling of soreness in kidneys, (<) by straightening out legs, (>) by doubling them upon himself, has to keep quiet to prevent vomiting; feeling of icy coldness in stomach with nausea, brown black urine whitish deposit in urine; gouty diathesis.
Colocynthis [Coloc]
Alternate stitches in bladder and rectum; frequent tenesmus vesicae with scanty emission, difficult urination, pain extending all over abdomen; increased secretion of urine, looking like brown beer which becomes turbid and deposits a copious sediment when cold, retention of urine with retraction of testicles and priapism.
Conium [Con]
Pressure upon bladder as if urine would come out immediately, burning, cutting and drawing through urethra while and after urinating; strangury, urine cannot be retained, passing water does not relieves the desire to do so; intermittent flow of urine with cutting after micturition; pain in kidneys, when the desire to urinate is not quickly satisfied; pressure in neck of bladder, with stitches, (<) when walking, (>) when sitting; pus in urine.
Copaiva [Cop]
Catarrh of bladder; large amount of viscid mucus some blood and patches of mucous tissue in urine, excessive irritation of bladder; spasmodic pains in bladder every morning at nearly same hour pressure on bladder, with fruitless urinary tenesmus and passage of urine in drops, itching, biting and burning in urethra before and after micturition, urine foamy, greenish (Carbol-ac) turbid, with odor of violets, haematuria.
Cubeba [Cub]
Chronic cystitis, cutting and constriction after micturition; urine increased in quantity, deepened in color, and smells of the drug, haematuria, frequent urging to urinate urine contains mucous threads.
Digitalis [Dig]
Inflammation of the neck of the bladder, pressure on the bladder, with sensation as if it were too full, continuing after micturition, continual desire to urinate, only a few drops being passed at each effort, urine dark-brown, hot and burning, alternate emissions of large and small quantities of colorless urine; contractive pain in bladder during micturition the urine is more easily retained in the recumbent posture, relieving pressure from neck of bladder.
Dulcamara [Dulc]
Paralysis of bladder, with involuntary discharge of urine catarrh of bladder, thickening of coat of bladder, retention of urine, strangury from cold and cold drinks, painful micturition, excess of mucus in urine.
Erigeron [Erig]
Vesicular catarrh, with pain and irritation dysuria in children, they have frequent desire and cry when urinating; urine profuse and of a strong odor; external parts inflamed and swollen.
Eryngium-aquat [Ery-a]
Continuous teasing and dribbling of urine, drop by drop, smarting and burning night and day and depriving her of sleep; urine high-colored and of strong odor, (>) by warmth.
Eupatorium-purp [Eup-per]
Dysuria, with profuse and watery urine, deep, dull pains in kidneys, smarting, burning sensation of bladder and urethra; suppression of urine in infants, or incontinence of urine, constant desire to urinate, even after frequent micturition, bladder seems to be full frequent efforts, with passage of only a few drops of urine containing mucus; vesical irritability in women; chronic cystitis tendency to rheumatism.
Ferrum-ac [Ferr-acet]
Difficult micturition, with spasmodic stricture or a tendency to retention of urine, especially on old people of weak and relaxed habits.
Ferrum-met [Ferr]
Urging to urinate entirely absent during the night, but occuring regularly during the day, relieved by sitting and lying but intolerable when walking (neuralgic affection) INVOLUNTARY URINATION, ESPECIALLY BY DAY ; urine light colored, and depositing a whitish sediment, profuse mucous sediment in the urine, urine blood-red, and plentifully, charged with blood- corpuscles.
Ferrum-phos [Ferr-p]
Frequent desire; pain at neck of bladder and end of penis, must urinate at once, with relief, (<) the more he stands, chiefly in day time none at night.
Ferrum-picric [Ferr-pic]
Pain in the entire urethra with frequent desire to urinate.
Fluoric-acid [Fl-ac]
PUNGENT AND STRONG ODOR OF URINE, acid and smelling, offensive which is freely discharged, before and after urinating pain in lower part of bladder pressure on bladder, with sensation of warmth in abdomen, burning in urethra during and after micturition.
Gelsemium [Gels]
Sensation as if something remained behind when urinating the stream stops and then commences again, spasmodic stricture of urethra, profuse urination relieves headache, urging with scanty emission and tenesmus of bladder, spasm of bladder, with alternating dysuria and enuresis children wet bed at night from paralysis of sphincter.
Graphites [Graph]
Cutting pressure from the kidneys, before micturition; anxious pressure in the bladder, with sudden desire to urinate, but scanty emission, nocturnal enuresis, frequent, micturition, especially at night, the urine turbid and deposits a reddish sediment.
Hadeoma [Hedeo]
Suppression of urine, tenesmus; painful micturition, scanty emission of urine with frequent and urgent desire, urine very dark, like black tea.
Helleborus [Hell]
Black spots in urine retention of urine in children without any particular cause, child cross and fretful, will not allow anyone to touch it.
Helonias [Helon]
Profuse and frequent urination weariness and feeling of weight in renal region; after micturition some urine will flow out; burning sensation in urethra when urinating, suitable to women who are enervated from indolence and luxury (Alet., weakness from long sickness and defective nutrition)
Hepar [Hep]
Nocturnal enuresis, weakness of the bladder, URINE PASSES SLOWLY WITHOUT FORCE, dropping perpendicularly from the urethra, flocculent and turbid urine; dark-yellow urine, burning when passing and corroding the internal surface of the prepuce, orifice of urethra red and inflamed; brown-red urine, the last drops mixed with blood.
Hydrastis [Hydr]
Chronic cystitis, catarrh of the bladder, with thick, ropy mucous sediment in the urine, decomposed smell of the urine.
Hyoscyamus [Hyos]
Enuresis, paralysis of the bladder, retention of urine, with pressure in the bladder, frequent micturition, with scanty discharges; retention of urine in children suffering from worm fever or during the progress of various acute affections, retention of urine after labor or in lying in women.
Ignatia [Ign]
Irresistible desire to urinate painful pressure, with a scraping sensation in the neck of the bladder, especially when walking, turbid urine frequent emission of watery urine.
Indigo [Indg]
Urine of a dark-violet color and assuming a bluish tinge after standing.
Iodum [Iod]
Nocturnal urination retention of urine, increased secretion of thick urine, with dark sediment, urine dark, turbid, milky ammoniacal smell of the urine.
Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]
Frequent discharge of watery urine of strong odor; painful drawing from the perineum towards the urethra urine with white film and deposit of white sediment; after micturition, burning in back part of urethra, as if one drop had remained behind, with unsuccessful effort to void it, shooting in renal region, small pulse, prostration, SUPPRESSION OF URINE FOLLOWING CHOLERA.
Kali-brom [Kali-br]
Irresistible desire to urinate, but no flow except with urging and difficulty, DIABETES, urine loaded with sugar, dribbling of urine at beginning of stool.
Kali-iod [Kali-i]
Granulated kidney, urine copious, frequent, pale and watery, red as blood, with unquenchable thirst.
Kali-nit [Kali-n]
Frequent and profuse urination, urine as clear as water; burning in urethra while passing water, with greatly diminished urine, passes at first only a few drops then the usual stream.
Kalmia-lat [Kalm]
Albuminuria, with pains in lower limbs, frequent micturition of large quantities of yellow urine.
Kreosotum [Kreos]
Sudden and imperative desire to urinate, in women micturition is attended and followed by smarting and burning in pudenda urine turbid and offensive depositing a reddish sediment, bland, yellow leucorrhoea preceding each urination, with frequent desire to micturate.
Lachesis [Lach]
Urging to urinate, copious emission of foaming urine, yellow- colored urine, copious red-brown urine, turbid and dark urine, with sediment of dark sand and severe cutting during micturition, sensation as if a ball were rolling in the bladder.
Lac-caninum [Lac-c]
Frequent desire to urinate, which if not immediately attended to causes pain bladder, a numb, dull sensation, if not relieved by micturition, it spreads over whole abdomen, would often wake at night dreaming of the pain and would have to urinate to relieves it, constant desire to urinate, with scanty discharge, enuresis nocturna.
Lac-defloratum [Lac-d]
Albuminuria urine very dark and thick, scanty or pale and profuse, renal pains, passing down thighs, not better in any position, but (<) lying down.
Laurocerasus [Laur]
Retention of urine, pale, yellowish urine, scanty, acrid, depositing a thick , reddish sediment, burning in urethra and pressing after urinating.
Lilium-tigr [Lil-t]
Continuous pressure in region of bladder, constant desire to urinate, with scanty discharge smarting in urethra and tenesmus; frequent urination through the day, with dull headache moving from forehead to occiput finally settling in left temple; if desire is not attended to, feeling of congestion to chest, urine milky, scanty increased and dark, hot like boiling.
Linaria [Lina]
Enuresis, with frequent painful urging to urinate, causing the patient to rise at night.
Lithium-carb [Lith-c]
Almost constant desire to urinate, gradually increasing till bladder is emptied; some difficulty in passing water, and violent tenesmus after; with sensitive pain in middle of urethra, on rising to urinate a pressing in cardiac region, not ceasing until after urinating, mornings, frequent and copious, (<) at night, albuminuria, turbid urine, with much mucous sediment, dark reddish-brown sediment, profuse, with uric acid deposit.
Lobelia-infl [Lob]
Urine has a deep-red color and deposits a copious red sediment.
Lycopodium [Lyc]
Pain before urinating, shown in young children by crying and screaming at that time and by adults referred to the renal region, very severe pain in back before urinating which ceases when the urine flows children awake from sleep screaming, and feel better after urinating, urging to urinate, must wait a long time before it passes, jerking, cutting in urethra after urinating, urine scanty, dark-red, albuminous, with strangury, deposits of red, sandy sediments, frequent and copious at night, scanty by day, greasy pellicle floats on urine painless haemorrhages from bladder, gravel and calculi haemorrhoids, enlarged prostata.
Magnesia-carb [Mag=c]
Involuntary urination while walking or rising from a seat, burning smarting during micturition.
Magnesia-mur [Mag-m]
ANTONY OF BLADDER; urine can only be passed by hearing down with abdominal muscles, frequent desire, but urine passes only by drops, numb urethra.
Magnesia-phos [Mag-p]
Nocturnal enuresis from nervous irritation, spasmodic retention of urine, spasm of the neck of the bladder.
Mercurius [Merc]
Vesical region sore to touch urine passes in a thin stream on in drops and contains blood white flakes and pus, haematuria, with violent and frequent urging to urinate, inability to retain the urine, urging to urinate with copious flow, larger than the quantity of fluid taken with sudden, irresistible desire.
Mercurius-cor [Merc-c]
TENESMUS OF BLADDER; SUPPRESSION URINE albuminuria, filaments flocks or dark flesh-like pieces of mucus in the urine urine scanty, hot bloody, passed in drops with great pain.
Mezereum [Mez]
Itching and sensation of soreness in urethra when urinating, aroused or increased by touch or pressure, intensely painful tenesmus tearing and drawing in anus and perineum, from which it extends through the whole urethra.
Murex [Murx]
Urine diminished in quantity, but the calls to pass urine more frequent and urging than in the normal state, especially during the night, urine foetid, with an odor like that of valerian, while sediment in urine (uterine complications) hysterical polyuria, urine watery.
Natrum-mur [Nat-m]
Involuntary micturition when walking, coughing or laughing; desire to urinate day and night, stitches in bladder during micturition, with burning-smarting sensations in urethra, pale urine, with brick-dust sediment, discharge of mucus from the urethra, dark coffee-colored urine, cutting in urethra after micturition; polyuria with waterbrash and emaciation; haematuria from scurvy, has to wait a long time for urine to pass, if others are near by.
Nitrate-of-Uranium [Nat-uric]
Sore feeling in the pubic region, increased frequency of micturition, profuse nocturnal urination, straw-colored and foetid, burning in urethra, with very acrid urine, desire to urinate again immediately after voiding urine.
Nitric-acid [Nit-ac]
Enuresis, nightly desire to urinate, with cutting pain in abdomen, scanty turbid, bad smelling urine, smarting-burning pain in urethra while urinating, cramplike, contractive pain from the kidneys toward the bladder, discharge of bloody mucus, or of pus from urethra; the urine is cold when emitted (Agar)
Nux-vomica [Nux-v]
Retention of urine, strangury, painful ineffectual desire to urinate, painful emission of thick urine, discharge of pale urine, followed by passage of thick viscid, whitish purulent mucus from the bladder, reddish urine, with brickdust sediment burning and lancinating pain in the neck of the bladder during micturition haematuria.
Ocimum-canum [Oci-c]
Turbid urine depositing a white and albuminous sediment, urine of saffron color, thick purulent urine with an unbearable smell of musk, renal colic with vomiting.
Opium [Op]
Retention of urine from fright or after parturition, atony of the fundus of the bladder, difficulty in passing urine, which is high-colored and scanty, depositing a brick-red sediment, high acidity of urine (Morph).
Oxalic-acid [Ox-ac]
Great prostration, feels much worse mornings after a night's rest, urine scanty with deposits of phosphates and oxalates, urea diminished.
Paeonia [Paeon]
Micturition somewhat impeded by constrictive sensation in region of neck of bladder so that urine is passed only in driblets, small ulcer in, perineum near anus, constantly oozing moisture of a very offensive odor.
Pareira-brava [Pareir]
Sensation as if bladder were distended, with pain going down thighs, and extending down into the feet, strangury with paroxysms of violent pains, urine can only be voided while patient is on his knees with head pressing against the floor, (<) mornings from 3 to 6 almost cartilaginous induration of mucous membrane of bladder, constant urging to urinate, violent pains in glans penis, urine has a strong ammoniacal smell, containing thick viscid mucus; pains in thighs while urinating (Berb, back); lithaemia.
Palladium [Pall]
Urine colors vessel red, red sand in urine (Lyc); frequent urging to urinate and aching in region of bladder cramp in abdomen, (<) when urinating, stitches through bladder and painful weakness in it, bladder feels full and still he passes only a little at a time, notwithstanding the urging.
Petroleum [Petr]
Involuntary discharge of reddish-brown and foetid urine, urine drops out after micturition, weakness of neck of bladder chronic Blennorrhoea, eczema or herpes preputialis with considerable itching, mucous discharge from urethra, burning pains, either in neck of bladder (Chronic prostatitis) or in urethra, chronic catarrh of bladder.
Petroselinum [Petros]
Sudden irresistible desire to urinate with or without gonorrhoea, and strangury so severe as to make him dance about the room.
Phellandrium [Phel]
Urging to urinate, with scanty emission and violent burning after micturition urine pale and watery, almost greenish.
Phosphorus [Phos]
Involuntary emission of urine, smarting and burning in urethra, with frequent desire to urinate, tension over the region of the bladder, acrid, offensive-smelling urine, brown urine, with red sandy sediment bloody urine urine with a sediment of white flocculi, full bladder, but causing no trouble or desire to urinate, unable to pass water or incontinence, both from paralysis of bladder.
Phosphoric-acid [Phos-ac]
Enuresis, with burning cutting pains in urethra and crampy pain in the kidneys, spasmodic constriction of the bladder, profuse discharge of watery urine, in which immediately forms a white cloud; milky urine with bloody jellylike lumps, burning in urethra while urinating.


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