TONGUE [Tongue affections of]:


Absinthium [Absin]
Thick, protruding can hardly talk; trembling bites it.
Aconite [Acon]
Dry, numb coated yellow -white; feels as if swollen, tingling, biting piercing, feeling of dryness and roughness in middle, without thirst; paralysis especially at tip.
AEsculus-hip [Aesc]
Tip sore, as if ulcerated; uncontrollable, cannot form words properly.
Ailanthus-glan [Ail]
Dry, parched, cracked; brown in centre,tip and edges livid.
Alumen [Alumn]
Scirrhus of tongue, dry, burning in evening;stitches worse at the tip.
Alumina [Alum]
Dry on waking, followed by increased of salvia; tingling, itching, must scratch it; sore as if burned.
Antimonium-crud [Ant-c]
Milky-white as if whitewashed, border red and sore.
Antimonium-tart [Ant-t]
Pasty, thick, white; very red and dry in centre.
Apis-mell [Apis]
Red at tip, swollen, dry, glossy; cracked, sore, ulcerated or covered with vesicles be protruded, hinders talking; stinging blisters and edges (Caps.).
Argentum-nit [Arg-n]
Dry,hard as a chip and black like the teeth; red streak down centre.
Arnica [Arn]
Bruised feeling; dry, with a brown streak down centre.
Arsenicum [Ars]
Thickly furred, edges red, dry and morbidly red, with raised papillae at tip; swollen at root; violent burning gangrene.
Arum-triph [Arum-t]
Cracked,red, papillae prominent, burning, sore.
Baptisia [Bapt]
Very dry, yellowish-brown in centre, with red shining edges; cracked, sore ulcerated; feels swollen, thick.
Baryta-carb [Bar-c]
Paralysis of tongue cannot talk, but seems conscious; burning sense of excoriation on tip; tongue cracked, feels very sore.
Belladonna [Bell]
Strawberry tongue, tip and edges bright-red,white centre; feeling of coldness and dryness in forepart; paralytic weakness.
Benzoic-acid [Benz-ac]
Ulcerated, with deeply-chapped,fungoid surfaces.
Bryonia [Bry]
Dry tongue, white coating along middle,or very much furred.
Calcarea-carb [Calc]
Dry at night and morning on awaking.
Cantharis [Canth]
Trembling (Lach., when protruded); thickly furred, but red at edges; swollen; excoriated and full of blisters at the base; suppurating.
Capsicum [Caps]
Flat, sensitive spreading ulcers, with a lardaceous centre; pimples with stinging pains when touched.
Carbo-an [Carb-an]
Knotty indurations dry, immovable; burning blisters on tip and edges.
Carbo-veg [Carb-v]
Lead-colored; blue, sticky, moist; dry parched, fissured, turns black.
Causticum [Caust]
White on edges,red in middle;sensation as if tongue were adhering to palate;paralysis of tongue;painful vesicles on tip of tongue.
Chamomilla [Cham]
White tongue, with islands in it; red, cracked; dry, with thirst.
Chelidonium [Chel]
Thick, yellow with red margin. showing imprint of teeth.
Cicuta [Cic]
White, painful, burning ulcers.
Cimicifuga [Cimic]
Clean, but pointed and trembling; swollen, coated light-brown in centre; cannot utter a word, though she tries it.
Cina [CIna]
Ulcers on edges and dorsum of the tongue.
Cocculus [Cocc]
Paralysis, pain at base when protruded.
Colchicum [Colch]
Bright-red, heavy, stiff and numb; projected with difficulty.
Conium [Con]
Swollen, painful, stiff; paralysis.
Dulcamara [Dulc]
Inarticulate speech from a swollen tongue, but talks incessantly; breathing impeded.
Gelsemium [Gels]
Yellowish-white; thick, brown; margins red; trembling, can hardly put out tongue; partial paralysis; tongue feels thick can hardly speak or swallow.
Graphites [Graph]
Burning vesicles on lower surface and tip;painful tubercles and vesicles on back part; sensitive.
Hamamelis [Ham]
Canker spots on tips; blisters on sides;scalding sensation.
Hydrastis [Hydr]
White or with a yellow strip;swollen marks of teeth.
Ignatia [Ign]
Bites tongue when chewing or talking;anterior half of tongue feels numb when talking , feels burnt and sore when eating.
Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]
Broad or with scalloped edges; thick, yellow, edges red and full small painful ulcers; sensation as of a hair on back part and velum, not (>) by eating or drinking (Natr.m.).
Lachesis [Lach]
Enlarged papillae;dry, red, cracked at tip; trembling when protruded or catches behind teeth.
Laurocerasus [Laur]
Cold tongue; rough and dry, numb as if burnt; left side stiff and swollen, with loss of speech.
Lycopodium [Lyc]
Red and dry, becomes black and cracked; heavy trembling, tubercles; vesicles on tip,feeling scalded and raw; ulcers on and under tongue.
Magnesia-mur [Mag-m]
Yellow,flabby,large tip; rhagades,with violent burning pain.
Mancinella [Manc]
Burning dry tongue; white as in aphthae, with sharply defined clean spots;foetid yellow salvia.
Mercurialis-peren [Merl]
Burning and smarting; tongue feels heavy and thick m tastes nothing; burning dryness in mouth and throat;no salvia secreted; increased thirst.
Mercurius [Merc]
Red, with dark spots and burning; swollen; flabby takes imprint of teeth; moist,with violent thirst or covered with mucus; hollow ulcers,with swelling; painful as if chapped, or feels burn; ranula.
Muriatic-acid [Mur-ac]
Tongue heavy as lead, hinders talking; feels lame, sore: atrophy, thick, dark, almost whole mouth and fauces covered with a grayish-white membrane, painful blisters, with burning carcinoma.
Natrum-mur [Nat-m]
Mapped, heavy; sensation of hair on tongue; feels dry, but is not; vesicles and ulcers; smarting ands burning when touched by food.
Nitric-acid [Nit-ac]
White, with sore spots; green coating with ptyalism; sensitive,even milk food causes smarting; deep irregular ulcers on edge with tough, ropy mucus.
Nux-vomica [Nux-v]
First half of tongue clean, sometimes red and shining, back covered with deep brownish fur;black and cracked with bright-red edges.
Phosphorus [Phos]
Dry, coated white on the middle,swollen at root; aphthae.
Phosphoric-acid [Ph-ac]
Tongue, clammy mucus, tongue swollen and painful when talking, smarts only at night; bites the side involuntarily at night;feeling of dryness, without thirst.
Phytolacca [Phyt]
Burnt feeling on tongue; hot rough tender and smarting at the tip; ulcers on tongue.
Plumbum [Plb]
Yellow or green coating; dry, brown, cracked, painful; aphthae; dirty-looking ulcers and purple blotches on tip.
Podophyllum [Podo]
Tongue takes the imprint of the teeth; furred, white, foul taste.
Pulsatilla [Puls]
White or yellow and coated with tenacious mucus; feels in middle as if burned, even when moist, night and morning; feels too broad and too large; edges feel sore, as if scalded.
Ranunculus [Ran-b]
Exfoliated in spots, which are raw; both sides of tongue denuded,like islands the rest thickly coated; tip smarting.
Rhus-tox [Rhus-t]
Not coated, but very dry, red cracked; triangular red tip, rest covered with parched brown mucus, taking imprint of teeth.
Sabadilla [Sabad]]
Tip bluish, white in centre; painful even down the throat.
Sempervivum-tect [Semp]
Induration and cancer of tongue.
Sepia [Sep]
Dry, rough, painful as if sore or scalded,vesicles.
Silicea [Sil]
Numb sensation as of a hair on forepart of tongue; ulcer on right border eating into it and discharge pus (cancer).
Sulphur [Sulph]
White with red tips and borders in acute cases;or white, yellow, brown and dry, furred forenoon, but slimy taste during day in chronic cases.
Sulphuric-acid [Sul-ac]
Tongue sticks like glue, dry, inelastic, embarrassing speech.
Thuja [Thuj]
White without thirst; tip sore to touch; rough, scraping feeling on surface,bites tongue frequently,ranula,surrounded by varicose veins; aphthae.
Veratrum-alb [Verat]
Cold tongue (; withered, swollen dry, cracked and too red, white with red tip ands edges; yellowish-brown, back part black and heavy.
Veratrum-vir [Verat-v]
Yellow, with red streak down middle, feels scalded.
Yucca-filam [Yuc]
Tongue takes imprint of teeth; greasy-looking, with elevated papillae.
Zincum [Zinc]
Dry, does not talk, coated at root and dry, swollen on left side and covered with vesicles; painful shooting in tip, with increased flow of salvia and metallic taste; seems too broad.


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