Alumen [Alumn]
Predisposition to tonsillitis,catarrh of fauces and throat; throat sore and dry when talking or swallowing fluid; prickling sensation in both side of throat and great dryness with constant desire top drink.
Ammonium-carb [Am-c]
Burning in throat; tendency to gangrenous ulceration of the tonsils, discharging offensive mucus,(<) night and morning. Ammonium-mur [Am-m] Both tonsils much swollen, can neither swallow, talk, nor open mouth; after taking cold; THROBBING IN TONSILS; mouth and throat filled with a viscid phlegm,expelled with great difficulty. Amygdala-persica [Amyg-p] Dark-red injections of fauces, uvula and tonsils, with sharp pains causing some difficulty in swallowing; marked general prostration. Apis-mell [Apis] Stinging-burning pain when swallowing; dryness in mouth and throat; red and highly inflamed tonsils; deep ulcers on tonsils and palate, with erysipelatous or oedematous appearance around ulcers; oedema glottidis, tenacious mucus in throat; (<) heat or hot drinks, (>) from cold or cool drinks.
Baryta-carb [Bar-c]
Liability to quinsy after cold or suppressed sweat of feet; tonsils tend to suppurate, especially the right; throat feels worse from empty swallowing; pricking sensation when swallowing; general malaise; palate swollen , chronic induration of tonsils; sensation as of a plug in throat , worse when swallowing solids; paresis of muscular structure of throat; scrofulosis,enlargement of glands in neck,under jaws and behind ears.
Baryta-mur [Bar-m]
Chronic hoarseness from enlarged tonsils, which may also be indurated; difficulty of swallowing , mercurial odor from mouth, unnoticed by himself, whole mouth full of vesicles especially inside of mouth;great salivation;elongation of uvula with hyperaemia and Blennorrhoea; catarrh extends over tonsils; epiglottis, into tubes; disposition to tonsillitis with suppuration each time, after every cold or checking foot-sweat.
Baryta-iod [Bar-i]
Hypertrophy of tonsils, chronic enlargement and induration of tonsils, swelling of lymphatic glands,it often prevents suppuration.
Belladonna [Bell]
Tonsillitis, worse right side,parts bright-red; worse swallowing liquids; during deglutition sensation as if throat were too narrow and as if nothing would pass properly; rapidly forming aphthous ulcers on tonsils; intense congestion , throbbing of carotids, swelling of neck; externally painful to touch and motion.
Benzoic-acid [Benz-ac]
Angina faucium et tonsillaris, with the characteristic high- colored strong urine.
Bromium [Brom]
Tonsils deep-red and swollen, covered with a net work of dilated blood vessels,accompanied by hard swelling of the external glands; feeling of rawness in throat and pain when swallowing (forerunner of tuberculosis).
Calcarea-carb [Calc]
Inflammatory swelling of palate,uvulas and tonsils, with sensation as if throat were contracted when swallowing; pain in throat extending to ears, whitish-yellow on tonsils.
Calcarea-iod [Calc-i]
Chronic tonsillitis with disposition to laryngeal catarrhs; enlarged tonsils filled with little crypts or pockets.
Calcarea-phos [Calc-p]
Chronic tonsillitis, with inflammation of middle ear, throat hurts more when swallowing saliva than from food or warm drinks.
Cantharis [Canth]
Aphthous ulcers on right tonsil and at back part of fauces, covered with a whitish, adherent crust; throat inflamed, with intense burning and covered with plastic lymph; swallowing very difficult, (<) at night, when drinking,(>) when lying down.
Capsicum [Caps]
Tonsillitis, with smarting burning pain,(>) between acts of deglutition; burning soreness, with ulcers in fauces; catarrhal deafness.
Colchicum [Colch]
Tonsils inflamed and swollen, here and there spots covered with pus; difficult swallowing; throat dry with flow of watery saliva; nausea and discomfort in abdomen.
Conium [Con]
Enlarged tonsils without any tendency to suppurate.
Cuprum-met [Cupr]
Tonsils, palate and fauces red and inflamed, dull, piercing pain in left tonsils, (<) from external touch. Drosera [Dros] Dry, but not shining (Phos., shining), mucous membrane; muscles of pharynx swollen ; deglutition painful; incessant cough, sometimes ending in vomiting; color of throat of a dark coppery red. Elaps-coral [Elaps] Tonsils swollen so that no passage is visible, deglutition impossible, throat sensitive to touch. Ferrum-phos [Ferr-p] Tonsils swollen and raw, great pain in swallowing; high fever. Graphites [Graph] Swelling of tonsils, food with not go down, with feeling of a lump which prevents swallowing. Guaiacum [Guai] Threatened tonsillitis violent burning in throat,formation of abscesses; PUS HAS A HORRID TASTE AND SEEMS TO FASTEN ON PHARYNX. Hepar-sulph [Hep] Chronic tonsillitis,especially when accompanied by hardness of hearing with sensation like splinter or fishbone in throat when swallowing ; sharp lancinating pains , throbbing rigors and chills, with stitches in throat, extending to ears, worse when swallowing; cannot bear cold air. Ignatia [Ign] Indurated tonsils, but not much inflamed , sometimes ulcerated; throat worse when not swallowing and when swallowing liquids,better from swallowing food; follicular tonsillitis; stitching pain when not swallowing. Indium [Ind] Left tonsil, pain and difficulty in swallowing,(>) from eating and drinking COLD water; destructive ulceration of tonsils, uvula and soft palate; stinging soreness in throat.
Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]
TONSILLITIS HERPETICA WITH membranous EXUDATIONS, inflammation of uvula and pharynx , foul, yellow tongue fauces covered with ropy mucus (often mistaken for true diphtheria); Eustachian tubes blocked up; pains shoots from ear down throat.
Kali-nitr [Kali-n]
Tonsillitis in strong plethoric persons; sore throat day and night, with inflamed velum palati uvula' foetid odor from mouth;stinging pains during deglutition.
Kali-mur [Kali-m]
Acute and chronic swelling of the tonsils which are covered with a whitish coating ; hawking up cheesy lumps having a disgusting odor and taste.
Lac-caninum [Lac-c]
Tonsils inflamed, shining and very sore swollen so as almost to close the throat; suppuration from left to right or changing from side to side,or both tonsils equally affected , whole posterior portion of throat oedematous; tonsils enlarged; pricking cutting pains from from empty swallowing great dryness of tonsils at night; throat sensitiveness to touch externally ash-gray exudation.
Lachesis [Lach]
Throat purplish, patient very nervous; least touch unbearable tonsils swollen, left (<) with tendency to right; inability to swallow, threatening suffocation; liquids escape by the nose when swallowing is attempted and are more difficult to swallow than solids; (<) from hot drinks; on swallowing burning pains shot in left ear; PUS FROM TONSILS UNHEALTHY, WITH TENDENCY TO DEGENERATE INTO ULCERS; excessive dryness,particularly if it appears in spots,(<) by inhaling cold air. It may break up the disease in its conception or promote resolution in later stages. Lycopodium [Lyc] Tonsils enlarged, indurated and studded with many small ulcers , swelling and suppuration of tonsils, going from right to left; chronic enlargement of tonsils; (>) from could drinks, and smarting in throat from hot drinks.
Mancinella [Manc]
Great swelling and suppuration of tonsils with danger of suffocation;whistling breathing; yellowish-white ulcers on tonsils, with violent burning pain ; great elongation of uvula; offensive breath.
Mercurius [Merc]
Parenchymatous tonsillitis ( after Bell.); throbbing pain, tonsils and fauces yellowish-red ,often with a thin false membrane; tongue pale flabby and indented by the teeth; pain on deglutition and speaking pain on empty swallowing; salivation increased; throat sore externally when pressed upon; tonsils dark-red studded with ulcers; quinsy with stinging pain in fauces when pus has formed it hastens maturation; mercurial breath (Merc. biniod); aphthae profuse nightsweats, bringing no relief.
Mercurius-iod-flav [Merc-i-f]
Hypertrophy of tonsils with enlargement of cervical and salivary glands and inflammation of the mucous membrane of mouth and pharynx, which is succulent and freely secreting; ptyalism; foetor oris; swallowing difficult.
Mercurius-iod-rub [Merc-i-r]
Scalded feeling in throat, dark-red fauces, left tonsil most affected; extensive implication of submaxillary glands.
Naja [Naja]
Sharp pains as from needles in throat; short hard cough; larynx tender to touch, with inclination to cough from any pressure, (<) at night.
Natrum-phos [Nat-p]
Catarrh of tonsils with golden, yellow-tinged exudation, from an acid condition of stomach.
Natrum-sulph [Nat-s]
Sycosis; tonsils and uvula inflamed and swollen, with ulceration.
Petroleum [Petr]
ANGINA GRANULOSA, WITH STITCHES IN EARS DURING swallowing and burning in neck; slimy or putrid taste in mouth, with mucous secretions or dry sore throat.
Phosphorus [Phos]
Tonsils and uvula much swollen, dry shining, polished, glistening (Lac can.); stinging and raw feeling (<) towards evening and when talking;hawking of heavy mucus morning and forenoon, with a horrible taste, as if had been kept there for some time, often feels quite cold in mouth.
Phytolacca [Phyt]
Chills alternating with fever, great weakness; tonsils large bluish, ulcerated intense dryness of throat; rough, burning, smarting fauces; pain in throat extends to ears when swallowing; aching in back, neck, head and limbs; ulceration on tonsils and fauces; with grayish-white sloughs and little or not foetor; cannot drink hot fluids; great prostration.
Plumbum [Plb]
Tonsils inflamed, covered with small, painful abscesses, angina comes back into the mouth.
Psorinum [Psor]
Tonsillitis, submaxillary glands swollen, foetid otorrhoea; throat burns feels scalded pain when swallowing saliva; ulcers on right side, with deep-seated pain and burning in fauces.
Ranunculus-scel [Ran-s]
Swelling of tonsils, with shooting stitches in them; scraping or burning in throat.
Rhus-tox [Rhus-t]
ERYSIPELATOUS SWELLING OF THROAT; tonsils (right) covered with yellow membrane; intense pain on swallowing; constant aching and bruised feeling; sticking or stinging pain on tonsils,(<) when beginning to swallowing and at night.
Silicea [Sil]
Deep ulcers even gangrene; tonsils swollen each effort to swallow distorts face; tonsillitis when the suppurating gland will not heal; pricking in throat, as from a pain causing cough; left side.
Sinapis-nigra [Sin-n]
Sore hot pains, with sensation of extreme dryness of throat and tongue, the latter thickly coated, fissured in median line; voice nasal; hardly any thirst.
Stannum [Stann]
Cutting pains like knives in throat on swelling food or saliva; taciturn,does not wish to talk and gives short answers.
Sulphur [Sulph]
When after the bursting of the abscess the parts still remain irritated and the patient is only slowly recovering.
Syphilinum [Syph]
Chronic hypertrophy of tonsils, a symptoms of hereditary syphilis.
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