TOOTHACHE, Odontalgia [Toothache]


Aconite [Acon]
Patient almost frantic with pain; throbbing pains from taking cold with determination of blood to head; stitching jerks or shocks; heat in face, red cheeks,great restlessness; Coff., being insufficient; especially suitable for children.
Ammonium-carb [Am-c]
Violent toothache on going to bed at night, (<) from warm liquids or cool air; teeth painful on biting them together; pressing teeth together sends shocks through head, ear, nose and eyes; cracking of the articulations of the jaws on chewing. Antimonium-crud [Ant-c] Pains in hollow tooth of a boring, digging, tearing jerking character,penetrating sometimes into the head, in bed, after eating from cold water;(>) when walking in open air; gums bleed readily and recede from teeth; touching the tooth with the tongue causes pain as if the nerve torn; gnawing pain in carious teeth.
Antimonium-tart [Ant-t]
RHEUMATIC TOOTHACHE OF INTERMITTENT TYPE; tearing in roots of teeth after eating (left side) posteriorly; teeth covered with mucus; gums bleed as if scorbutic.
Apis-mell [Apis]
Jumping pain in left upper molars;sudden involuntary biting teeth together; swelling and redness of gums and cheeks, with sore pain and stinging in teeth; violent pains in gums which belled easily.
Apium-grav [Ap-g]
Toothache of left molars, (>) by holding cold water in mouth; dull sore pain in left upper and lower teeth.
Aranea-diad [Aran]
TOOTHACHE EVERY DAY AT SAME HOUR,(>) by smoking tobacco; (<) by humidity at night and after lying down; pinching pressing pain in upper incisors, regularly from 9 A.M. to 7 P. M., leaving a sensitiveness and cold feeling on drawing in air; sensation as if gums and checks were swollen; constant chilliness, rainy days. Argentum-nit [Arg-n] Teeth pain, especially when chewing, eating sour things, or putting anything cold in mouth; rumbling digging pain as when tooth becomes carious; gum tender and bleed easily; one-sided, drawing, dull pain,spreading from right temple to upper jaw and through the dental arches. Arnica [Arn] After extraction of a tooth it will stop the bleeding and hasten healing of gums;ulcers ,pain and swelling after operations on teeth;throbbing toothache, with sensation as if tooth were being forced out from its socket by the blood;pain as if sprained in the teeth; drawing and pulling in teeth while eating; hard swelling of cheeks;beating and tingling in gums. Arsenicum [Ars] Teeth lose or elongated, with constant jerking or burning and tearing in gums, worse when touched,lying on affected side,at rest, from cold;better by heat of stove,by hot applications,by sitting up in bed; great prostration from severity of pains; haemorrhage of dark blood after extracting tooth. Arum-triph [Arum-t] Towards evening toothache in decayed teeth of left lower jaw,painful to touch; fugitive pains extending to eye, temple and throat, and pain in larynx, voice uncertain. Asafoetida [Asaf] Caries of teeth after of mercury, with drawing pains in jaws and copious salvation; bluntness of teeth; severe drawing in lower incisors. Aurum-met [Aur] Toothache from drawing air into mouth; when chewing, suddenly painful dulness in one of the upper molar teeth; TOOTHACHE AT NIGHT; violent tearing in carious teeth;gums swollen,dark-red, sore when touched and eating ,bleed easily bad odor from mouth and heat in head; secondary syphilis and mercurialization loosen all teeth. Baryta-carb [Bar-c] Toothache in decayed teeth BEFORE MENSES, or from a cold; drawing jerking, throbbing toothache, right teeth feel tense; toothache in SINGLE JERKS in decayed teeth,pain going to temple and ear; burning stitches in a hollow tooth when touched by warm food,left side; gums bleed, are swollen,pale-red, with a dark-red border; toothache worse when thinking of it, disappears when mind is diverted;fistula dentalis; abscesses at the roots. Belladonna [Bell] Toothache some minutes after eating, not during, increases gradually to a high degree,and as gradually diminishes; teeth feel on edge; great restlessness from pain with disposition to cry; teeth and gums painfully sensitive; biting causes a feeling as if there were an ulcer at root of tooth, with stinging, cutting, jerking, tearing pain; drawing pain worse after going to bed and during night; burning in carious teeth, as from congestion of blood, with bleeding or sucking at the teeth; painful swelling of gums, with heart,itching vesicles and burning,swelling of cheeks, ptyalism, or dryness of throat and mouth, with great thirst;renewal of pains by mental labor and after a meal, worse in open air and by contact of hot food or liquids; hot and red face; beating in head and cheeks,burning ands redness of eyes; pressing hard upon cheeks sometimes gives relief; worse from 5 to 10 P.M., ceasing before midnight. Bismuth [Bism] Pressure in region of malar bones,(>) running about and holding cold water in mouth., but (<) when water becomes warm; ill-humor, morose and discontented , but solitude is unbearable. Bryonia [Bry] Jerking toothache when smoking, tearing-sticking pains while eating extending to the muscles of worse by warmth; teeth seem too long; toothache relieved by cold water, worse by taking anything warm in mouth; pain more frequent in sound than in carious teeth, shoots from one tooth to another, also in head and cheeks;teeth and gums are sore; toothache momentarily (>) by lying on painful side.
Calcarea-carb [Calc]
Toothache in pregnant females or in carious teeth of scrofulous or rachitic children; pains in hollow teeth,especially around loose stumps; pressing drawing jerking looseness; drawing, pricking, rooting gnawing throbbing pains with swollen gums which are sore, bleed easily throb and pain ; worse from warm or cold drinks,or excited by draught and cold;fistula dentalis on lower jaw; offensive smell from teeth.
Camphora [Camph]
Cutting with painful looseness of teeth, which seem too long; slimy and tenacious saliva in mouth; pains relieved by DRINKING COLD WATER, but not by holding cold water in the mouth, which aggravates.
Carbo-an [Carb-an]
Rending tearing pains caused by SALT FOOD,WITH BLEEDING GUMS AND SORENESS OF TEETH,which become loose and very sensitive to the least cold; sensitive on chewing;toothache on going to bed, during day and during sleep, (<) on waking from sleep; gums red , swollen painful bleeding; taste of manure in mouth. Carbo-veg [Carb-v] TEETH DECAY RAPIDLY; the whole row of teeth too long and very tender,he cannot bite;tearing in teeth from hot, cold, or salt food, worse when touched by the tongue; receding and bleeding gums, with ulcers, much aching or tearing in back part of the palate or in fauces; gumboils. Causticum [Caust] Painful looseness and elongation of teeth; feeling as if the teeth were crowded out of their sockets by the swollen gums;sticking and tearing toothache; pain in sound teeth on drawing in cold air, affecting often the whole left side of face, especially at night when the patient lies on it,and equally sensitive to heat and cold;tedious suppuration of gums; fistula dentalis; (<) evening and by eating. Cepa [All-c] Toothache with coryza, getting better when the catarrh is worse, and worse when catarrh ceases; commence on left side and goes to right side, worse in warm room; throbbing,drawing pressing pains with swelling in cheek, worse when chewing better from cold water; teeth become yellow; for people with offensive breath, fond of the open air, and like to wash themselves frequently. Chamomilla [Cham] Irritable and whiling mood during the pain, stitching digging, gnawing toothache, as from taking cold,during and after eating, if anything warm or cold is taken into the mouth,especially coffee, in the open air and in the room,or after GETTING WARM IN BED, with hot swelling of cheeks, and red, shining swelling of gums;swelling of submaxillary glands; pain in one whole side of the gum, without the patient being able to point out the affected teeth; digging and gnawing in carious tooth, with looseness; stitches and beating pains in the whole affected side of head and face with tenesmus in ears. Chimaphila [Chim] Continues pain in upper teeth, extending into right eye; drawing in upper and lower tooth as if it were being gently pulled, (<) after eating and from exertion,(>) by cold water;cannot close teeth at night jaws feel stiff; sleeps with open mouth.
China [Chin]
Abuse of mercury (Asaf., Aur); TOOTHACHE OF NURSING MOTHERS, of persons who, otherwise cheerful, become cross and irritable; teeth covered with black spots; periodical throbbing, tearing, jerking and drawing pain, with great pressure, as if blood were being forced into the teeth,or boring and numbness about teeth, (<) from contact, moving body, tea, open air or current of air; (>) from pressing teeth together;gums swollen; mouth dry thirst; veins in forehead and hands distended; uneasy sleep, though the pain in bearable; toothache during sleep.
Chloral [Chlol]
NEURALGIA OF INFERIOR DENTAL BRANCH OF FIFTH NERVE; excruciating pain from decayed tooth, with neuralgia affection of jaw; traumatic toothache from pressure of filling.
Cistus-can [Cist]
Twitching toothache in the upper left molar, which is decayed;scorbutic, swollen gums, separating from teeth, easily bleeding putrid,m disgusting.
Clematis [Clem]
Stitching and drawing toothache,worse at night,better for short time from cold water, when drawing in the air, in the open air; worse from warmth of bed,from smoking tobacco, from syphilitic affections,when mercurialized; decayed teeth feel too long,contact extremely painful; free flow of salvia; gums of left lower molar pain as if sore worse while eating.
Coccinella [Cocci-s]
Pain in molars, as if they were carious and cold air entered; tearing drawing ,pulling or pulsating pain in teeth; hot flushes in face, faceache, gums swollen,RAGING PAIN DURING DAY, DISAPPEARING ALMOST ENTIRELY AT NIGHT, sleep sound and undisturbed; PERIODICAL TOOTHACHES (Diadema), coming on every day at noon, extending over whole face and hairy scalp; sensation of coldness in teeth; intermitting pulse.
Coffea [Coff]
Excessive pains, with weeping,trembling,anguish and tossing about indescribable pains,or stinging, jerking,intermittent aching especially at night and after a meal,worse from hot or warm drink, from especially at night and after a meal, worse from hot or warm drink, from chewing at night,better when holding ice- cold water on mouth.
Colchicum [Colch]
Teeth very sensitive when pressed together as in biting, tearing in jaws and gums; teeth feel too long,tearing tensive pains in facial muscles; drawing in bones of face and nose, as if they were rent asunder, (<) when taking something cold in the mouth after having had something warm. Conium [Con] Drawing pains and fine stitches in gums and teeth;pains (<) by cold food; gums bleed easily and teeth feel as if they were loose; tongue dry and swollen. Cyclamen [Cycl] Stitching, boring tearing pains, more on right side, or dull jerking, especially at night in arthritic patients. Dulcamara [Dulc] Toothache from cold, especially with diarrhoea, confusion in head, profuse salvation; teeth feel blunt, or as if asleep, receding spongy gums. Euphorbium [Euph] Aching, stitching or boring pains, with erysipelatous swelling of cheek or with crumbling of teeth, (<) touch chewing when beginning to eat. Ferrum-phos [Ferr-p] Congestive and inflammatory toothache and faceache, always appearing after eating warm food,lessened by cold; toothache with hot cheeks; red spot permanent even during interval of pains. Ferrum-picr [Ferr-pic] Toothache radiating to temples, ringing in ears, which feels as if stuffed. Fluoric-acid [Fl-ac] Fistula at the root or of gum; teeth exceedingly sensitive; violent pains at the root of the right eyetooth, with frequent discharge of pus; great sensitiveness to pressure on gum over right eyetooth; worse from cold ,or improved until the water becomes warm in mouth; mouth and teeth coated with mucus in the morning; roughness and heaviness of teeth. Gelsemium [Gels] Purely nervous toothache, from cold; pains from teeth to temple; irritability and oversensitiveness. Glonoinum [Glon] Toothache from taking cold after having been overheated; beating of pulse is felt in all the teeth, which feel elongated; stabbing in gums, worse from hot applications, better from cold; rush of blood to head, with headache; SUDDEN EXACERBATION in night, then in left jaw, in ear and head. Graphites [Graph] Pressing pain in teeth,worse from touch or biting; drawing pain in molars while walking in the wind; tearing pain, worse by warmth, renewed by going to bed; stinging toothache, after cold drink;swelling of gums and dryness of mouth. Hamamelis [Ham] Teeth ache, can scarcely sleep, yet not decayed; pains worse in warm room; sharp ,lancinating pains along the molars, extending to malar and temporal region; gums sore painful, swollen bleed easily, especially after extraction of tooth. Hecla-lava [Hecla] Facial neuralgia or headache dependent on derangement of the dental nerves, abscess of gums, injuries of alveolar process, diseases of antrum Highmori, which are the causes of the toothache. Hepar-sulph [Hep] Hollow teeth feel too long and painful;looseness of teeth; toothache worse room, when biting teeth together; gums and mouth very painful to touch, bleed easily;painful, erysipelatous swelling of cheeks;jerking and drawing plain in teeth. Hyoscyamus [Hyos] Toothache driving to desire, in sensitive, nervous, excitable persons; tearing throbbing, extending to cheeks and along the lower jaw;tearing raging pain in gums, with buzzing sensation in tooth, which is loose and feels, when chewing as if were coming out; jerking throbbing, tearing drawing, extending into forehead;violent tearing pains in different teeth,as if the blood were pressing into them, with flushes of heat and rush of blood to head; intense pain in gums after extraction of a tooth; worse from cold and in the morning,sometimes accompanied by jerking in fingers and arms, red and shining eyes, convulsiveness. Ignatia [Ign] Jaws and teeth feel as if crushed; soreness and tenderness in teeth FELT MORE INTERVALS BETWEEN MEALS THAN WHEN EATING; boring pain in front teeth and soreness in all teeth, worse after coffee, smoking dinner in the evening, after lying down, and in the morning when awaking; sore taste in the mouth, with sour eructations. Ipecacuanha [Ip] PAIN IN TEETH, AS IF THEY WOULD BE PULLED OUT, in paroxysms; extremely violent pain in a hollow tooth when biting anything, ad if would be pulled out, followed by constant tearing in it. Kali-carb [Kali-c] Tearing, lancinating toothache, with pains in facial bones; stitches in teeth, cheeks swollen with stinging pain, teeth are loose ache only while eating worse when touched by anything warm or cold; bad breath; flat taste. Kali-iod [Kali-i] Feeling as if a worm crawling at the roots of the teeth; gums swollen; decayed teeth, which feel elongated. Kali-nit [Kali-n] Pulsating toothache; stitches when teeth are touched; bleeding gums. Kali-phos [Kali-p] Toothaches in pale, weak, irritable people with easily bleeding gums; brown covering of the teeth; discharges smelling like carrion. Kali-sulph [Kali-s] Toothache worse in a warm room and towards evening, better in fresh air. Kalmia-lat [Kalm] Teeth tender, with neuralgia of face and head; pressing pain in molars late evenings. Kreosotum [Kreos] Pains from teeth to left side of face, extending to temples and ears; teeth decay rapidly and bad odor from decayed teeth; in children teeth wedge-shaped; facial pains burning, patient excitable nervous, in children even convulsions; gums bluish- red,inflamed on upper left side spongy scorbutic discharging dark blood. Lachesis [Lach] PERIODONTITIS from dead nerve pulp in the fang of decayed or plugged molar ending in abscess ,swelling corresponds to external fangs of upper molar; with swelling of cheek; skin feels tense,hot and crisp, as if it would crack;throbbing in cheek;decayed teeth crumble and pain when biting; after sleep from abuse of mercury; gums bluish, swollen bleeding worse from warm drinks;drawing , tearing ,throbbing,boring pains in jaw- bones extending down throat , relieved by discharge of pus; pains in the limbs of the opposite side ; particularly suited for colds in damp,warm spring weather during menstruation the smaller the discharge the greater the pain at the cessation of the menses. Lachnanthes [Lachn] Drinking coffee causes pain in all teeth; upper incisors and eyeteeth feel as if loose, with sensation of soreness,(<) when touching with tongue and closing teeth, or after eating. Lycopodium [Lyc] Teeth excessively painful to touch; from teeth lose, or as if too long; toothache, with swelling of the cheeks,relieved by heat of bed and warm application ; (<) at night, by rest, by cold, when coughing, eating; gums bleed violently when touched;gumboils, fistula dentalis. Magnesia-carb [Mag-c] AILMENTS FROM CUTTING THE WISDOM TOOTH; beating and stinging in teeth after eating; boring pains at night,or tearing;jerking ulcerative pains, becoming INTOLERABLE DURING REST, so that he is obliged to get up and walk the room,with swelling of cheek and twitching in fingers and feet; a cold drink relieves immediately; worse while riding in a carriage in the cold; teeth feel loose and too long;caries of lower teeth; toothache of pregnant women. Magnesia-mur [Mag-m] Toothache almost insupportable if the food touches teeth;sensation as if the upper cuspidati were elongated;painful swelling and easy bleeding of gums. Magnet-pol-arct [M-arct] Pains in carious teeth as if they would be pulled out, or painful jerks and shocks through the periosteum of the jaw, with drawing, aching tearing digging burning and stitching pains,swelling and painfulness of gums to contact,or gums feel numb when the pains abate; worse after eating and in warmth; better in open air and when walking red; and hot swelling of cheek; chilliness of body;nervousness, tremor of limbs. Manganum [Mang] Smarting toothache, made unbearable when anything cold touches the tooth; violent toothache, suddenly going from one place to another up the ears. Mercurius [Merc] Toothache from caries,or when dentine is inflames; tearing lacerating shooting into face and ears,returning in damp weather or evening air; worse from warmth of bed,from cold things; better from rubbing cheek;toothache during day and ceasing at night, followed by perspiration and pains return in the morning in paroxysms with longer or shorter intervals,alternating with giddiness or tearing in limbs;teeth loose, gums swollen,white ulcerated detached from teeth ,burn and ache when touched; gums itch, bleed and suppurated with tearing through the root of teeth and painful swelling of cheeks and submaxillary glands; pulsating toothache, worse at night; gumboil; ptyalism; peevish or whining mood. Mezereum [Mez] Caries of teeth, with burning, boring or drawing stitches, extending to facial bones and temples; sensation as if even sound teeth were dull and elongated and torn forcibly from the maxilla; teeth decay suddenly on the sides above gums; tarter on teeth becomes rough; worse by contact ,motion, or in the evening, with chilliness, rush of blood to head; better with mouth open or when drawing in air; feeling or rigidity and drawing pains in the affected side of head; constipation; loss of appetite; ill-humor. Muriatic-acid [Mur-ac] Pulsating toothache from cold drinks,with earache; tingling toothache; better from warm application ; gums swollen, bleeding, ulcerating, so that teeth rise from their sockets; peevish and restless,frequently changing position; prostration and drowsiness. Natrum-carb [Nat-c] Digging-boring toothache m especially during or after eating sweetmeats or fruit; great sensitiveness of lower teeth;night;y pressing toothache,with swelling of lower lip and gums; pain lessened by smoking; increased salivation; (<) from sweet things (Kali carb., great desire for sweets). Natrum-mur [Nat-m] Epulis fistulas dentalis; drawing-tearing pain from teeth to the ears and throat after eating and at night; sensitive to air and touch; cheek swollen ; decayed teeth feel loose, burn, sting and pulsate; gums sensitive to warm and cold things,swollen, bleed easily are putrid. Natrum-sulph [Nat-s] Throbbing toothache, with great restlessness, worse from warm, but intolerable to hot drinks;better by cool air; gums burn like fire; blisters with burning pain on tip of tongue. Nitric-acid [Nit-ac] Beating jerking stitching and drawing pain, especially in the evening in bed, lasting all night;after abuse of mercury,teeth feel elongated, become yellow and loose; gums white, swollen, bleeding, caries of teeth, excessive physical irritability and weakness. Nitrum [Kali-n] Toothache at three in the morning worse from cold things; sensation as if were rushing in and out from decayed tooth;gums red, swollen, bleed easily; foetor oris. Nux-moschata [Nux-m] Suits children, women (particularly during pregnancy), people with cool, dry skin, who do not perspire easily for pains from taking cold in damp, cold weather, or from night air; from washing from touch or sucking teeth; better from warmth; worse from shaking of body in going up or down stairs; pains in from teeth during pregnancy as if tooth were wrenched out; teeth easily become blunted; pain begins on right side and goes to left. Nux-vomica [Nux-v] Toothache, with swollen face; worse from reading or thinking from cold or cold things, from coffee or wine; better from warm drinks; stinging in decayed teeth; burning stinging in a row of teeth; teeth feel too long, with jerking-shooting pains in lower jaw; drawing pain, extending into the temple; pain from a hollow tooth, affecting the whole face and even the whole side; drawing and burning pains in the nerve of tooth,as if it were wrenched out, accompanied by violent stitches affecting the whole body; particularly on inspiration; worse in bed and in the evening; prevent chewing; grow worse or return as soon as the mouth is opened in the cold air; glands beneath lower jaw painful; gumboils, which seem about to burst; gums white, putrid bleeding. Oleand [Olnd] CONSTANT TOOTHACHE DURING NIGHT, ceasing on rising from bed and again appearing when lying down (Coccinella, the reverse), with anxiety as if he were to die, frequent micturition, qualmishness and heat of left cheek. Petroleum [Petr] Abscess at the root of a tooth, with a swelling externally,painful top touch; fistula dentalis; sensation of coldness in teeth; toothache from contact with the fresh open air; at night with swelling of the cheek; numbness of teeth, they pain when biting on them and when stooping. Phosphorus [Phos] Toothache from washing clothes, from having the hands in cold or warm water;pricking and stinging in decayed teeth; gums stand off from teeth and bleed easily; constant gumboils,incipient disease of maxilla. Phosphoric-acid [Ph-ac] Hollow teeth ache only when food gets into them; teeth become yellow and feel dull; bleeding swollen,tearing pains in teeth; worse in warm bed from heat or cold; burning in front teeth during night. Piper-meth [Pip-m] Toothache and earache; pains agonizing with tossing,twisting and writing, shooting into the ear, temporarily (>) by the attention being diverted ( Bar. carb) digging sometimes tearing pains generally (<) at night, in bed, while and after eating pain compels constant change of position. Plantago [Plan] Excessive boring and digging and digging pain profuse flow of saliva, worse by walking in cold air and by contact; teeth feel elongated and sore; soreness even of sound teeth while eating; very rapid decay of teeth, bleeding of gums (Mez.) Platina [Plat] Pulsating digging through the whole right jaw, worse towards evening and at rest followed by numbness; crampy sensation and numbness in the affected side of face; pains come and go gradually; rhagades in the gums; sensation of coldness in mouth; crack,p pains, numb feeling and boring in malar bones, with feeling of coldness in affected side. Plumbum [Plb] Teeth hollow, decayed, crumbling off and smelling offensively; teeth turn black;yellow mucus on teeth; gums swollen painful with hard tubercles with lead-colored line. Psorinum [Psor] Stitching in teeth from one side to another,radiating to head, with burning in right cheek, which is swollen; teeth feel so loose, fear that they may fall out, worse touch; ulcers on gums; foul taste. Pulsatilla [Puls] Stitching-digging pain worse in evening or early night, a drawing- tearing sensation, as if the nerves were drawn tense and suddenly let go; shooting in gums,looseness of painful teeth; throbbing digging in hollow teeth, with otalgia and drawing extending to eye; jerking tearing in tooth, as if it would start from the jaw; worse in spring at night, from picking teeth, in warm room or warm bed, when eating but not from chewing, from cold water, or from anything warm in. mouth, during pregnancy,better from walking about the toothache mostly ceases entirely in the open air ,or returns of gets worse in a warm room; heat of head, with chilliness of body no thirst. Ratanhia [Rat] TOOTHACHE DURING PREGNANCY, (<) at night, must get up and walk about; teeth seem too long; digging pain in lower back teeth, shooting and jerking fungoid softening of the gums; breath offensive; tasteless water collects in mouth. Rhododendron [Rhod] Neuralgia of inferior and superior dental nerves; teeth loose, snags come away; gums swollen; worse from change of weather,and from cold water better from warmth; toothache with earache; pains cease entirely during and for an hour or two after eating; violent tearing-jerking faceache, better while eating and from warmth. Rhus-tox [Rhus-t] Painful sensation of elongation and looseness of teeth, with sensation as if asleep; toothache, with stinging at root of nose, extending to malar bones; jumping-shooting pain as if teeth were being torn out;slow pricking, throbbing and tearing, extending into jaws and temples; face sore; worse at night from cold,vexation; better from external heat;offensive smell from carious teeth; gouty,rheumatic or tettery patients. Robinia [Rob] Burning-lancinating pains especially in carious teeth, spreading to cheeks,eyes and temples, worse at night,or even coming in contact with food, especially cold or spiced food; teeth become loosened from the spongy and easily-bleeding gums. Sabina [Sabin] Beating or aching pains in the evening or at night,in bed, after eating,with sensation as if the tooth would fly to pieces,or would be torn out, (<) by drinking,smoking , heat of bed; (>) by rising up; swelling of gums around the broken tooth, drawing toothache, caused by masticating; frequent belching; beating in the whole body, chronic ailments of women.
Sabadilla [Sabad]
Remittent or intermittent toothache often extending over whole side of face;worse from hot cold food or drink, from walking in the cold, even with the mouth shut.
Sepia [Sep]
Early decay of teeth, which feel dull; drawing toothache in upper molars,extending to ear,especially at night; beating and stitching pains,especially with patients of a yellowish complexion;gums dark-red, swollen,painful as if burned bleeding from slightest touch;swelling of cheeks cough and swelling of submaxillary; toothache when coughing (Lyc.).
Silicea [Sil]
Teeth feel long and loose, throbbing-stinging toothache, preventing sleep; periodontitis; discharge of offensive matter from openings near root of tooth, or from gums; tedious boring- tearing pains day and night, worse during night, spreading over whole4 cheek also into the bones of face;carious teeth ; pains worse at night and on inhaling cold air; gums sore and inflamed ; gumboils; erysipelatous swelling on gums and roof of mouth after extraction of teeth;pains affecting the jaw as much as the teeth.
Spigelia [Spig]
Throbbing in decayed teeth,pressing outward teeth feel cold; better while eating, worse after eating, after smoking,from cold water and at night,driving out of bed; burning, jerking, tearing pains in malar bones; frequent desire to urinate PALPITATIONS, chilliness, restlessness.
Staphisagria [Staph]
Black, crumbling carious teeth, gnawing tearing in decayed teeth, shooting into ears, throbbing in temples, worse from cold drinks and touch, but not from biting on them; fistula dentalis; gum pale,white, ulcerated swollen and painful,readily bleeding, with tubercles and excrescences; swelling of cheek and submaxillary glands; aching tearing and drawing pains in gums, in the carious, and in the roots of the sound teeth,worse after eating, by exposure to cold air,at night, or early in the morning; toothache during menses.
Sulphur [Sulph]
Great sensitiveness of teeth; painful feeling of looseness of teeth, which feel too long; tearing, boring, pulsating toothache, worse from heat; toothache in open air, from the least draught, at night in bed, or from washing with cold water, accompanied by confection to head and stitches in ear, redness of eyes and nose; swelling and bleeding of gums, receding from teeth, with beating pains.
Sulphuric-acid [Sul-ac]
Teeth lose their polish, become white and brittle; pains gradually increasing and suddenly ceasing (<) from biting on any hard substance and from cold, (>) from warmth, especially lower jaw.
Thuja [Thuj]
Sycotic decay of teeth commences close to gums; eating gnawing pain in decayed teeth, (<) by cold from drinking tea, in bed; (>) from excitement and pressure of hands; gums swollen inflamed, dark-red, in streaks ; DECAY OF THE ROOT OF THE TEETH, THE CROWN REMAINING SOUND.
Veratrum-alb [Verat]
Violent throbbing toothache,driving to madness; face swollen; cold sweat on forehead, teeth feel heavy, as if filled with lead; tearing in cheeks, temples and eyes,with heat and redness,driving to madness, worse in damp weather; right side, or left to right, in anaemic persons.
Zincum [Zinc]
Drawing, smarting, stinging in roots of (upper) front teeth, and in hard palate; teeth feel long and loose,with swelling of submaxillary glands ; gums painful while eating, ulcerated, white, bleed easily; burning, jerking stitching in infraorbital nerve; worse from least touch, and in evening; caries of lower teeth.


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