

Ambra [Ambr]
Foetor of mouth; pressure in stomach and hypochondria, itching in chest; sour smelling urine; COUCH WORSE WHEN MANY PERSONS ARE PRESENT: hollow, spasmodic barking cough, worse from talking or reading aloud, with frequent eructations and hoarseness.
Aconite [Acon]
Clear ringing or whistling whooping-cough, excited by burning sticking in larynx and trachea; generally without expectoration; rarely during day expectoration of mucus, wit coagulated blood.
Anacardium [Anac]
Fits of vexation cause paroxysms of cough; dyspnoea accompanies and succeeds the coughing spell; the coughing shakes the patient thoroughly; paroxysms every there or four hours, excited by ticking in throat; at night, without expectoration during day, with expectoration; during day, with expectoration of sweetish, flat-tasting mucus, or yellow, purulent, and acrid; cough (<) every time they speak and AFTER EATING (not while eating); vomiting of food with relief; much sneezing; after cough yawning and sleepiness; almost only adapted to ill natured children. Ambra [Ambr] Severe paroxysms of hollow sounding cough, worse morning, evening and during night; oppression and rapidity of respiration and expectoration of large quantities of a salt or sour taste; ABUNDANT ERUCTATIONS WITH THE COUGH; emaciation (<) from talking. Ammonium-brom [Am-br] Cough and inclination to cough come suddenly; cough dry, spasmodic and very severe, at times an interval of only a few moments; an ALMOST CONTINUOUS COUGH for hours, especially lying down at night; sensation of tickling irritation, with heat and burning. Angustura [Ang] Violent cough excited by an irritation low in trachea, mornings, and during day, expectoration of much yellow mucus; hoarseness from accumulation of tenacious mucus in larynx; intermitting spasmodic respiration, much dyspnoea. Antimonium-crud [Ant-c] Whooping-cough from deep in abdomen, with coughs, which become gradually weaker and weaker as if from increasing closure of fauces; in the evening without expectoration, in the morning with expectoration of tenacious bloody mucus;vomiting of drinks only; involuntary micturition;weakness or loss of voice; concussion of whole body; (<) from becoming overheated in a warm room, in the sun or from radiation of a fire, from washing and bathing, desire for fruit and sour things. Antimonium-tart [Ant-t] Whooping-cough provoked when the child gets angry, or after eating, which culminates in vomiting of mucus and food. Arnica [Arn] Paroxysms of whooping-cough excited by a creeping and soreness in trachea, bronchi or larynx, generally dry, often with expectoration of frothy blood mixed with coagula, or of a bandy- tasting slime, which patient has to swallow; cough (<) at night, child cries as if it dreaded the attack,coughs till the blood gushes from nose and mouth; crying before and after he paroxysm; child places his hands upon chest to support it during the coughing fit; left cheek swollen swollen and red, with heat in head and coldness of body, child feels sore all over, as if bruised cough off and on during day, but more frequent and severe in evening, till mid-night; (<) when child becomes angry, from motion, in warmth and after drinking; intercostal neuralgia. Arsenicum [Ars] Clear ringing, crowing, or whistling cough, excited by burning tickling in trachea and throat-pit as if from vapors of sulphur; at night without, in daytime with expectoration of scanty frothy mucus, or in lumps, sometimes mixed with florid blood, returning periodically with increasing violence; before paroxysms, face pale and cold, vomiting of food and drink, starting up in sleep as if from suffocation; during paroxysm face puffed and blue, burning in throat, nausea, retching, sensation of bruised soreness in abdomen; restlessness,m anxiety and despair; paroxysm ends with sweat. Asafoetida [Asaf] Hoarse, ringing, short cough, with asthmatic feeling in trachea and sensation of spasmodic constriction in chest, with accumulation of stringy mucus in trachea; pressure and burning under sternum, with frequent disposition to cough; compression of chest, as by a heavy weight, preventing expansion of lungs; slow, small, contracted pulse (Crot. tigl., Phos.). Badiaga [Bad] Occasional severe fits of spasmodic cough, ejecting viscid yellowish mucus from bronchi, often flying forcibly out of mouth, terminating in sneezing and fluent coryza; worse afternoon and evening, with headache, aching pains in posterior parts of eyeballs, slight shocks in eats; pale. ashy face; sharp lancinating pains in chest, especially below the scapulae ; soreness of flesh and integuments of whole body. Baryta-carb [Bar-c] Whooping-cough in old people and atrophic children, wit roughness in throat, and tickling sensation in pit of stomach; evening without, morning with difficult expectoration of yellowish, tenacious, starchy, often salty mucus; worse from getting feet wet, sleeping in cold room, lying on left side, or from thinking on it; swelling and suppuration of tonsils after slightest cold; loss of voice; chest obstructed by mucus; drowsiness and chilliness day and night. Belladonna [Bell] Spasmodic cough at night, in quarter-hours paroxysms, each fit consisting of but few coughs, wit rough, barking tone, excited by tickling in throat as from down, or as if larynx were constricted,with none or scanty expectoration of some florid coagulated blood; most violent just after midnight, worse by movement or touch, especially of throat, from talking, deep inspiration, awaking from sleep; weeping and pains in stomach before coughing; during it peevishness,congestion to head, which aches as if it would burst; photophobia, face livid and puffed; retching and vomiting, first of food, then of bile; involuntary micturition and defaecation. Suitable at beginning, or later from cerebral congestion. Bromium [Brom] Crampy, rough, barking, or whistling cough, excited by tickling in throat, as if from vapor of sulphur, without expectoration, worse from motion, deep inspiration, tobacco-smoke; oppression and melancholy; SENSATION OF COLDNESS IN THROAT; much frothy mucus in mouth; dyspnoea, gasping for breath; chilliness with shuddering. Bryonia [Bry] The child coughs almost immediately after eating and drinking, and vomits what it has eaten, then returns to the table, fishes its meal, but coughs and vomitings again; spasmodic cough excited by tickling in throat and epigastrium evening and night without, morning and daytime with expectoration of flat-testing mucus mixed with coagulated, and abdomen;soreness of ribs as if beaten;cough (<) on coming into a warm room. Calcarea-carb [Calc] Short spasmodic cough in brief but often-repeated paroxysms, excited by tickling as if from down in throat and trachea; evening and night without, morning and day with copious mucous or purulent, yellow or grayish, or sometimes bloody sputa, of sour taste and offensive odor; worse in damp, cold air, from getting wet, washing, bathing, from talking, after sleep; in teething children cough comes always after eating, and they vomit their food; diarrhoea. Capsicum [Caps] Frequent and short barking cough, especially towards evening; after lying down tingling and tickling in throat; pain in throat when coughing, as if an ulcer would burst; head feels like bursting when coughing; continued stitches in throat, exciting dry, convulsive cough, with earache when coughing. Carbo-an [Carb-an] Suffocating hoarse cough, excited by rawness and dryness in larynx and trachea; at night without, during day with gay, greenish, sometimes purulent expectation of an offensive, sour taste; sensation as if brain were loose, epistaxis; concussion of abdomen; asthmatic breathing; hoarseness morning, Aphonia at night, FEELING OF COLDNESS IN CHEST. (Brom., in throat). Carb-veg [Carb-v] Short, hard, but infrequent coughing spells, excited by a with creeping irritation in larynx and throat, in the evening without, in the morning with yellow, greenish, purulent, or tenacious mucous sputa, worse by eating or drinking cold things, in damp cold air, by passing from a warm into a cold atmosphere; dependency and irritability; bleeding from eyes and nose; scorbutic condition of gums;hoarseness and aphonia; chill and coldness with trust, especially in cold damp, or cold frosty weather; cough with mucous sputa, painful pressure in chest, resulting in vomiting of mucus and followed by a stitching headache. Castanea-vesca [Cast-v] During day, slight pain in centre of right lung; great lassitude. Causticum [Caust] Uneasing short hollow cough, excited by tickling and much mucus in throat, in daytime without, at night with detaching of an acrid, fatty-tasting mucus, which apparently comes up easy enough, yet cannot be discharged, but must be swallowed; worse from getting warm after taking cold, from cold air or being in a current of air, waking out of sleep (a swallow of cold water allays the cough); basal catarrh, at night dry, fluent in daytime; restlessness sleepiness in daytime, sleepless at night; constant chilliness; copious sweat in open air. Improvement stops, and a dry hollow cough remains. Cepa [All-c] Hoarse, harsh, dry, spasmodic cough, causing a raw splitting pain in larynx, so severe that he tries to suppress the cough, worse a warm room and when lying down; better in the open air, but getting worse again on entering a warm room;copious; fluent, acrid coryza and profuse gland lachrymation; constant sneezing when coming into a warm room; catarrhal ophthalmia; chills run up the neck, weakness in hips and loins; lassitude. autumnal epidermis. Cerium-oxalicum [Cer-ox] Vomiting and epistaxis with every coughing spell. Chamomilla [Cham] Early catarrhal stage; constant irritation in larynx causes a dry, tight, hollow, suffocating c cough, accompanied by crampy sensation and excited by titillation under sternum in upper part of chest; difficult expectoration of tenacious mucus, with hoarseness and followed b soreness on part from which mucus; loosened; wheezing, rattling noise after (<) daytime, hardly any at night; cough and vomiting most frequently DURING meals; crossness of child keeps up the cough and the latter aggravates crossness; fever, diarrhoea; cough (<) in windy weather, from emotion, (>) when warm in bed.
Chelidonium [Chel]
Frequent fits of violent, dry, hollow or short exhausting cough, excited by severe tickling in larynx, which bring tears to eyes; heat and sensation of dust in trachea, throat and behind sternum, not (<) by cough; deep in lungs; tightness in neck and throat and difficult breathing; stitches in left clavicle and in left mammary region. China [Chin] Weakly children, debilitated by the long continuance of the whooping cough; nervous erethism combined with adynamia;copious mucus in throat and chest; loss of appetite from exhaustion (Chin. ars). Cina [Cina] Violent periodically recurring paroxysms, excited by sensation or down in throat, and by a quantity of adherent mucus in throat in morning without, in evening with expectation of a whitish, slimy, tasteless substance, detached with difficult, OBSTINATE CHILDREN, WITH BLACK HAIR AND BLACK EYES (Bell: quiet, mild children, with blonde hair and blue eyes); before attack ravenous hunger,m bellyache, mucous diarrhoea, itching of anus, fluent nasal catarrh; during fit loss of consciousness, pale face, cold sweat on forehead, bleeding from mouth and nose, tonic spasms of legs, suffocating, turgidity of body; after the attack whimpering when touched; vomiting of food, mucus or bile; difficult deglutition of fluids; clucking in abdomen; thorax seems too narrow;sleeplessness; with crying and weeping, clucking sound down oesophagus, as the child goes out of the paroxysms; grinding of teeth; child is afraid to speak or move for fear it will ring on a fit of coughing. Coccinella [Cocci-s] At the coughing spell a quantity of albuminous, ropy mucus is poured forth; SENSATION OF ICY COLDNESS IN THE WHOLE BUCCAL CAVITY. Coccus-cacti [Coc-c] Child awakens in the morning and is immediately seized with a paroxysm, ending in vomiting of clear ropy mucus hanging in great long s strong from the mouth; it racks the system all over, head pains as if it would split, purple face; second stage, suffocative cough, with expectoration of much tough, ropy, white mucus, which accumulates in chest and throat, difficult to raise,causing nearly strangulation and vomiting of food; protracted bronchial catarrhoea remaining after whooping-cough, irregulars in urinary secretion. Conium [Con] Powerful spasmodic NOCTURNAL paroxysms of cough, at night without, in daytime with difficult, bloody, purulent, sometimes hardened sputa, of putrid taste and smell, especially after measles, scarlatina, or during pregnancy. Corallium-rubr [Cor-r] Fits of violent spasmodic cough, commencing with gasping for breath and continuing with repeated crowing inspirations until he grows purple and black in face, and is quite exhausted; worse in latter part of night and mornings; larynx and trachea more involved than chest; mucous membrane of throat and chest very sensitive, any change of air set the a patient coughing; loss of appetite and thirst severe fit of coughing followed by a loose cough, with vomiting of quantities of tough, ropy, strong mucus. Crocus-sat [Croc] Chorea complicating whooping-cough, evening paroxysms accompanied by ludicrous gestures and continued caresses, followed for one hour y beating, biting unruly manner, followed by quiet sleep, from which patient awakes whooping, and a repetition of the whole scene; violent exhausting dry cough, relieved by laying the head on pit of the stomach. Crotalus [Crot-h] Pertussis with great debility, much cardiac weakness, blueness or pallor of countenance after the attack and tardy return to natural color; fit followed by puffiness of face or haemorrhagic spots, purple lips blood-shot eyes nosebleed or much frothy, stringy, bloody expectoration, threatening pulmonary oedema or paralysis. Cuprum [Cupr] CONVULSIONS DURING THE COURSE OF WHOOPING-COUGH, SPASMS OF FLEXORS PREDOMINATE; long uninterrupted paroxysms, which last until the breath is nearly exhausted, exited by mucus in trachea and spasms in the larynx, cough sounds as if water were pouring from a bottle; dry evenings, the morning scanty sputa of mucus, with dark blood, of a putrid taste and odor; fits recur every half to two hours, (<) by eating solid food, inhaling cold air; bending body backward; (>) by swallowing cold water; before fit alternation of gaiety and anxious depression; during fit pale, sunken face blue lips, frothing at mouth, retching, vomiting of bile and blood; constriction of chest; chronic spasms and convulsions, beginning at fingers and toes; stiffness and rigidity of whole body; after attack headache; audible gurgling of drink down oesophagus; vomiting only a solid food; spasmodic asthma, rattling of mucus in chest; oversensitiveness of all senses; jerking during sleep.
Daphne-ind [Daph]
Cough with vomiting and yellowish frothy expectoration, mixed sometimes with streaks of blood; cough fatigues and hinders sleep.
Digitalis [Dig]
Hollow, deep, spasmodic cough, excited by roughness and scratching in the roof of mouth and trachea; morning without, evenings with expectation of scanty, jellylike mucus; worse midnight and morning; from drinking cold fluids, from eating,walking talking, bending body forward; pulse very slow, much accelerated by the slightest motion; chilliness with heat and redness of face; heat with cold sweat on forehead; one hand hot, the other cold; desire for bitter food; vomiting of food, then of bile; after the attack great prostration.
Dirca-pal [Dirc]
Cough day and night; gaggling and vomiting dyspnoea; suffocative cough; hoarse after eating; hoarseness ,and rawness of larynx; takes cold early. follows well after Carb.v.
Drosera [Dros]
Whooping cough in periodically returning spasms, made up of quickly succeeding barking coughs,which do not allow the patient time to recover breath; excited by sensation of dryness, of of feathers in throat, in the evening without in the morning with yellow,bitter expectoration, which the patient has to swallow;worse after lying down and after midnight, by laughing, singing, weeping; wind colic; bloody mucous diarrhoea; attacks of suffusion; gasping for breath; constriction in chest; bruised feeling in limbs; sleepiness immediately after sunset; shivering during repose even in bed; cough with vomiting of food first and latter, at the end of the fit, of mucus; gigging with the paroxysms, child holds each hypochondrium during cough,and if sputum is not raised, retching and vomiting ensue.
Dulcamara [Dulc]
Whooping-cough excited by copious secretion of mucus in larynx and trachea,attended by copious, easy expectoration of tasteless mucus, and often of florid blood; worse from taking cold, by getting wet, or from, repercussion of eruptions, from damp cold atmosphere.
Eupatorium-perf [Eup-per]
Hoarse, rough, hacking cough, excited by sensation of soreness and heat in bronchi, WITHOUT EXPECTORATION; patient supports chest with his hands when coughing aching and bruised pains through body; worse evenings and by motion (Arn.).
Euphrasia [Euphr]
Suffocative cough with, profuse lachrymation and fluent coryza; the flat-tasting watery mucus is difficult to dislodge, and expectorated only on the morning; COUGH ONLY IN DAYTIME, none at night;worse evenings, when awaking from sleep, from wind; acrid watery nature of all secretions.
Ferrum-met [Ferr]
Spasmodic cough, in the evenings without, in the morning with a blood-streaked, purulent, slimy , sometimes frothy expectorations, of a sweetish,, putrid , or sourish taste, worse in the evening till midnight; during this period the sputa are not dislodged, but in daytime, during motion, they are loosened. Suitable for drinkers of brandy, excessive use of tea, or for persons who have taken much China. Spasmodic cough, ceasing after a meal, or commencing after a meal, with vomiting of food.
Hepar [Hep]
Hoarse croupy night-cough; deep, dull, whistling cough, in the evening without, in the morning with expectoration of masses of mucus, purulent and bloody, sour, or of sweet taste and offensive odor; worse when becoming cold, even of one extremity only, or from eating and drinking anything cold; mucous outlying in chest, with choking cough worse after exposure to chilly night air shattering shocks and soreness in chest profound sleep, with head thrown back;copious sour sweat; hasty speech and hasty drinking.
Hydrocyanic-acid [Hydr-ac]
Violent paroxysms of cough, or frequent cough excited by pricking sensation, which begins in larynx and extends down into trachea,followed by dryness of mouth and larynx slow, enfeebled and anxious aspersion, with much rattling of mucus.
Hyoscyamus [Hyos]
Shattering spasmodic cough, with frequent, rapidly succeeding coughs, excited by to by tickling, as from adherent mucus, at night without, in daytime with expectoration of saltish mucus, or of bright-red blood mixed with coagula; worse when lying down, waft midnight, by cold ai,m by eating and drinking; vertigo as if intoxicated, heat rocks on this side and on that;eyes protrude; heat and redness of face; ability to swallow liquids only a little at a time,with violent thirst spasms of chest, compelling to lean forward; sneezing respiration; trembling and coldness of the hands and feet; convulsions.
Ignatia [Ign]
Depression emotions; hollow spasmodic cough, excited in evening by an irritation in the suprasternal fossa, and in the morning by a tickling just above the epigastrium, generally without expectation, sticking sore throat,relieved by swallowing food feeling of emptiness and weakness in epigastrium; dyspnoea an attacks of suffocation; slow inspiration and rapid expiration; chest feels as if too small;spasmodic yawning.
Iodum [Iod]
Spasmodic cough, excited by intolerable tickling in larynx, and suprasternal fossa; morning without, in evenings with frequently copious, tenacious yellow, or bloody mucous expectoration worse by getting heated, walking, talking, going upstairs; vomiting of food renewed at every meal; prostration; swelling and induration of glands; dry, dirty skin.
Ipecacuanha [Ip]
Violent, shattering,hollow coughs, following each other in quick succession and do not admit recovery of breath during the cough the child stiffens and becomes rigid (tonic spasms of extensor muscles), loses breath and turns pale or blue, finally relaxes and vomiting of phlegm; expectorates mornings some light-red blood, mixed with mucus, of a putrid sweetish taste; gastric disturbances, disposition to haemorrhages.
Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]
Dry,barking cough, (<) morning, generally relieved by expectation of touch, strong, yellows mucus; (<) after eating and deep inspiration.
Kali-carb [Kali-c]
Spasmodic coughs, with attacks of suffusion and vomiturition; worse at night; better after breakfast, with great difficulty to expectorate the mucus,which is swallowed; vomiting after midnight ad towards morning, cough on first walking without much expectoration; coldness and feeling of emptiness in abdomen; flatulence. constipation from inactivity of rectum; dry nasal catarrh; whistling respiration; stitches and spasms in chest; feeling of emptiness inches; puffiness of eyelids.
Kreosotum [Kreos]
Hollow, whistling, spasmodic cough, excited by toughness, scratching and tickling in chest and throat, without expectoration; bitter taste of food, not perceived until just as it is being swallowed; nausea; retching (during pregnancy) shattering sensation in abdomen; great sleepiness and sound sleep.
Lachesis [Lach]
hacking spasmodic cough,excited by tickling in stomach; dislodges with difficulty during the day some watery mucus, which he has to swallow; disposition to deep inspiration; asthma; sensation as if there were something fluttering about larynx; hoarseness even to aphonia; livid swelling of hands and feet; emaciation.
Lactuca [Lact]
Great and distressing constriction of chest, as if a heavy load were upon it; dyspnoea at night so that he has to sit up; ungovernable spasmodic cough, concussing chest and abdomen; dry cough, with dryness in throat and tickling in pharynx.
Laurocerasus [Laur]
STADIUM ADYNAMICUM; when paralysis of lungs threatens in last stage.
Ledum [Led]
Before the paroxysm arrest of breathing; during it, epistaxis, shattered feeling in heat, and chest, rapid respiration; after it, staggering, spasmodic contractions of the diaphragm, sobbing respirations.
Lobelia [Lob]
Violent racking cough in paroxysms, of long continuance, followed by profuse expectoration of ropy mucus,. which adheres to pharynx excessive dyspnoea; sensation of weakness and pressure in epigastrium rising to heart; feeling as of a lump of mucus in larynx; nausea and profuse sweat.
Lycopodium [Lyc]
Cough, with copious expectoration during daytime of purulent masses or bloody mucus, of a salt taste and offensive odor; yellow complexion, with circumscribed redness of cheeks; oppression o stomach; vomiting of food and bile; distention of abdomen; constipation; flatulency asthma; rattling of mucus incest; threatening in paralysis of lungs.
Magnesia-phos [Mag-p]
Violent spasmodic coughing spell, during which the face becomes blue and turgid.
Mephitis [Meph]
COUGH PURELY SPASMS, catarrhal element imperfectly developed, inclined to hoarseness, often times croupy, without being dry; mucous rales through upper portion of lungs; in attempting to swallow, food goes the strong way; spasms of larynx ending in a long-drawn whom with little or no expectation; child is aroused by sudden contraction of throat followed by rapid spasms coughing produces a smothering sensation child cannot exhale (Samb., cannot inhale); VOMITING OF ALL FOOD HOURS AFTER EATING; bloated face; convulsions; cough and vomiting (<) at night and after lying down.
Mercurius [Merc]
Spasmodic cough, always in two paroxysms, which occur in rapid succession; at night without, in daytime with expectation of a thin, acrid,yellow, purulent mucus, often mixed with bright blood of a with every coughing spell influenza.
Mezereum [Mez]
Cough when drinking or eating anything hot (Dig., after cold fluids); must cough until food is vomited.
Moschus [Mosch]
Last stage, when expectation has nearly ceased; spasmodic without redness, the other red without heat, speechlessness, unconscious diarrhoeic stools at night; sleepiness, coma.
Naphthalene [Naphtin]
Excessive spasmodic cough; paroxysms, lasting a long time.
Natrum-mur [Nat-m]
Whooping-cough at seasons of intermittent fever, with the spasmodic cough; excessive headache, increasing during the heat until it becomes intolerable;violent jerking and shocks in head;acrid lachrymation,, tears streaming down his face whenever he coughs; yellow, earthy complexion soreness and feeling of dryness in larynx and trachea hoarseness; pain in cervical glands.
Niccolum [Nicc]
Hard, dry cough, great dyspnoea,desire to hold up the head and to sit up during the cough, little or no expectoration; great hoarseness, cannot speak a loud word.
Nitric-ac [Nit-ac]
Shattering, barking spasmodic cough, excited by tickling in larynx and epigastrium, with expectoration in daytime of dark blood mixed with coagula, or of a yellow, acrid pus of an offensive odor; foul breath; into the parts affected; offensive night-sweat, smelling the urine; emaciation; discharge of cold, stinging urine; salivation.
Nux-vomica [Nux-v]
Frequent, very dry, hard cough, worse in the morning; child puts his hand up to his head while coughing; at night and in the morning without, by day and in the evening with expectoration of a yellow or gray, often cold, mucus, or finally of clear dark- red blood suits the ordinary catarrhal stage.
Opium [Op]
Cerebral hyperaemia in consequences of pressure upon brain stupefaction with stertorous breathing, snoring, lower jaw hanging down; hot perspiration, with anguish and irregular breathing constipation.
Phosphorus [Phos]
If towards the end of whooping-cough the disease threats to an unfavorable court,e hollow, hacking, spasmodic, tickling cough, excited by tickling itching in chests, expectorating during day tough,whitish mucus, or rust-colored, or bright-red, frothy blood, much hoarseness almost total loss of voice from the effects of the cough, burning-piercing soreness and tension in chest;comatose day-sleepiness and clammy sweat at night
Pulsatilla [Puls]
First stage of whooping-cough, which is very loose from the beginning worse toward evenings mucous sputa of a putrid, flat taste, through the whole day, none in the evening or night; vomits mucus after every fit coughing diarrhoea, nocturnal and watery; constant tossing about; sleeplessness before midnight; heat of body, with coldness of extremities.
Rumex-crisps [Rumx]
Dry, hacking, incessant, very fatiguing cough, excited by tickling in suprasternal fossa, extending downward to middle of sternum,m with sensation as if a feather were swaying to and fro in the bronchi with the respiration, causing a tickling which provokes the cough; worse hoarseness; voice uncertain; fluent coryza, stitches in upper part of left lung.
Sambucus [Samb]
Deep, hollow,suffocating, cough excited by spasms in chest, at night without, in in daytime with scanty, tenacious, mucous expectoration, of a sweetish, putrid or saltish taste worse from midnight, from response,lying with the head low, from dry cold air; dry heat during sleep, copious on awakening.
Sanguinaria [Sang]
Dry cough awaking from sleep, and not ceasing till patient sits up, with pains in chest, relieved by discharges of flatus both ways; dyspnoea from afternoon till light; nocturnal diarrhoea.
Scilla-mar [Squil]
Cough excited by drinking cold water, in violent short. Paroxysms, with difficult expectoration in the morning of whitish or reddish-colored mucus of a repulsive, sweetish taste; VIOLENT ACRID CORYZA, eyes are full of water; rattling of mucus in chest; sneezing and involuntary micturition with every fit of coughing; absolute lack of sweat; the morning cough wit its expectoration is far more exhausting than the dry evening cough; GREAT CHANGING OF COUGH, lose or dry; one day he coughs all day, next day he seems well, one night he coughs constantly,the following night he sleeps well.
Senega [Seneg]
Chubby children, paroxysms, (<) evening (Kali bi, (<) morning), with tough expectation clear as white of egg and difficult to raise; sensation of crushing weight in chest.
Sepia [Sep]
Cough day and night, nut especially during night, with retching and complete loss of breath; cough comes in rapid succession,till breath is exhausted,then gagging and vomiting of mucus in daytime without, in morning, evening and at night with expectoration of yellow, green, or gray pus, or of a milk - colored tenacious mucus, of repulsive taste and unpleasant odor, from cold damp air; congestion; stitches and shocks in chest,relieved response, from cold damp air; congestion; stitches and shocks in chest, relieved by pressure of hand on chest; piercing in back, in scapula burning of palms of hands; coldness of legs and feet;chilliness with every motion; (<) every night with retching and complete loss of breath.
Silicea [Sil]
Dangerous spasmodic cough, excited by talking in suprasternal fossa, in evening and at night without, mornings and during day with expectation of a yellow, purulent, tough, acrid, mucus, more rarely of bright frothy blood, of a fatty taste and offensive odor, worse from change of air, before a thunderstorm, at the new moon, from eating cold things; or hastily willfulness of children,with weeping; throbbing headache, epistaxis; the blood acrid and corrosive; this; vomiting of cold drinks, of food,then of bile hard burning abdomen of children; discharge of worms; of food, then of coryza m,such sneezing sighing, deep respiration; tightness in chest; stitches in chest, extending through to back, stinging foot -sweat; swelling and coldness of feet.
Spongia [Spong]
Sporadic cases of whooping-cough irritation to cough high in the larynx, as if from a plug, attended, in the morning alone, by the detachment of a scanty, tenacious, yellow, or indurated mucus, of hardly any from cold air, excitement, motion organ of blood in chest, wheezing inspiration; spasmodic constriction in chest; anxious dry heat; prostration sweat all over early morning.
Sticta-pul [Stict]
Spasmodic stage, cough dry and noisy, excited by tickling in larynx, finally extending to lungs,every evening and continuing through night all secretions dry quickly and are discharged as scabs; frontal headache.
Sulphur [Sulph]
Frequent relapses, without any known cause, or from exposure to cold in psoric patients; suppressed cough.
Thuja [Thuj]
Coughs only in daytime; oily-looking skin; constant eructations when eating spasm and stitches in chest from drinking anything cold.
Trifolium-prat [Trif-p]
Spasmodic shaking cough-bronchial rales; asthmatic respiration; profuse stringy, cohesive sputa,like white of an egg.
Veratrum-alb [Verat]
Epidemic whooping-cough (spring and fall) deep, hollow, ringing cough, excited by a tickling in the lowest branches of bronchi, seeming as if it came from abdomen, at night without, in daytime with expectation of yellow, tenacious mucus of a bitter saltish, or sour and putrid taste; worse form cold into a warm air, from getting warm, damp cold weather,eating and drinking cold thighs; neck too weak to hold eat up; cold sweat on forehead; great craving for acids and acid fruits.
Zincum-met [Zinc]
Children, as soon as they begin to cough, gasp the genital organs with their hands in adults their varicose veins may burst and bleed from the exhausting spasmodic cough,excited by a tickling as far down as the middle of chest expectoration during day of yellow; purulent, blood streaked sputa, of a sweetish metallic taste, or of bright blood.


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