Baryta-acet [Bar-acet]
Amnesia of words, cannot recollect the names of things or objects.
Calcarea-carb [Calc]
Misplaces words and tendency to express himself wrongly; thinking is difficult.
Chamomilla [Cham]
Omits whole words in speaking or writing.
Conium [Con]
Forgets words, cannot understand what he reads, cannot find the words when speaking.
Colchicum [Colch]
Can read, but cannot understand even a short sentence; cannot find certain words, vain efforts to pronounce them; troubles of comprehension and association of ideas; in writing leaves out syllables and whole words.
Kali-brom [Kali-br]
Amnesic aphasia; mental torpor; inability to express himself; single words forgotten or syllables dropped.
Kali-phos [Kali-p]
Aphasia after suppressed sweat from fright or mental emotions, from mental overwork.
Lachesis [Lach]
Though hearing is perfect does not understand what is said to him, the exact sense of the words is lost; confusion of numbers and dates; mistakes in writing.
Lycopodium [Lyc]
Uses the wrong word which does not express what he wanted to say; full of mistakes and cannot read what he wrote, mixes up letters and syllables, or omits parts of words in writing.
Nux-vomica [Nux-v]
Defective memory; cannot read or calculate, for she loses the connection of ideas.
Zincum [Zinc]
Repeats all questions before answering them; weak memory and sensitive to others talking.
Baryta-acet [Bar-acet]
Amnesia of words, cannot recollect the names of things or objects.
Calcarea-carb [Calc]
Misplaces words and tendency to express himself wrongly; thinking is difficult.
Chamomilla [Cham]
Omits whole words in speaking or writing.
Conium [Con]
Forgets words, cannot understand what he reads, cannot find the words when speaking.
Colchicum [Colch]
Can read, but cannot understand even a short sentence; cannot find certain words, vain efforts to pronounce them; troubles of comprehension and association of ideas; in writing leaves out syllables and whole words.
Kali-brom [Kali-br]
Amnesic aphasia; mental torpor; inability to express himself; single words forgotten or syllables dropped.
Kali-phos [Kali-p]
Aphasia after suppressed sweat from fright or mental emotions, from mental overwork.
Lachesis [Lach]
Though hearing is perfect does not understand what is said to him, the exact sense of the words is lost; confusion of numbers and dates; mistakes in writing.
Lycopodium [Lyc]
Uses the wrong word which does not express what he wanted to say; full of mistakes and cannot read what he wrote, mixes up letters and syllables, or omits parts of words in writing.
Nux-vomica [Nux-v]
Defective memory; cannot read or calculate, for she loses the connection of ideas.
Zincum [Zinc]
Repeats all questions before answering them; weak memory and sensitive to others talking.
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