APHONIA Loss of Voice [Aphonia]:


Aconite [Acon]
Aphonia caused by fright, anger, indignation, or a violent emotion. In acute laryngitis with haemoptoe, the result of cold, and where the patient is very anxious about his health.
Ammonium-caust [Am-caust]
Catarrhal and paralytic aphonia, with general muscular debility, exhaustion and tumors, and with profuse expectoration; burning rawness in the throat.
Antimonium-crud [Ant-c]
Loss of voice on becoming heated by exertion; the voice returns by resting. Extreme feebleness of voice. Deficient muscular tonicity of the organs of speech, either from faulty assimilation or deficient innervation. Much hawking and expectoration of phlegm and depressed vitality of the laryngeal mucous membrane; sensation as of a foreign body in the throat.
Argentum-met [Arg-m]
Alternation in the timbre of voice of singers, speakers and preachers, with feeling of constriction and rawness in the larynx; sensation in the cricoid cartilage as if stopped up with a foreign body. Cough accompanied with an easy expectoration of white, thick, starchlike mucus, without taste or smell.
Argentum-nitr [Arg-n]
Chronic aphonia. When in bed rattling in the larynx and trachea; this noise is synchronous with the pulse. Nocturnal aggravation, with a dry cough and flow of saliva, with some expectoration of mucus striped with blood. Tickling itchiness, burning in the larynx. Often during night fits of coughing, with gagging and vomiting; rawness of voice alternating with uterine troubles.
Arum-triph [Arum-t]
Aphonia or dysphonia, with sore throat in persons who speak in public and sing. Voice changeable, varying in tone from one moment to another. Catarrh of the pharynx, trachea and bronchial tubes; muscular exhaustion and a paretic state of the larynx in singers and speakers.
Baryta-carb [Bar-c]
Aphonia always (<) in damp weather; voice husky, cough from tough mucus in larynx and trachea; feeling in larynx as if inhaling smoke or pitch. Belladonna [Bell] SUDDEN APHONIA, speaking very difficult, talks in a piping tone; voice weak and wheezing; painfulness and dryness of larynx, (<) by touch; sensation of a lump in the throat and spasmodic constriction. Paralytic aphonia of cerebro-spinal origin. Bromium [Brom] Husky voice; aphonia, cannot speak clearly; voice weak and soft, with raw, scraped feeling in throat. Carbo-an [Carb-an] Rawness and hoarseness, morning after rising; LOSS OF VOICE DURING NIGHT. Carbo-veg [Carb-v] Raw feeling down larynx and trachea, with dry, tickling cough: deep voice, failing if exerted; hoarseness and rawness (<) evenings; APHONIA MORNINGS; chronic cases when the change of weather produces an aggravation; (<) from evening air, warm, damp weather and from talking, after measles. Causticum [Caust] PARALYTIC AND CATARRHAL APHONIA. Sudden loss of voice on taking cold; burning huskiness in whispering; sense of utter weakness in the laryngeal muscles. Voice weak and aphonia after excessive use of the vocal organs in singers and public speakers. Tendency to catarrhal laryngitis, leading to aphonia, with a sensation as if a foreign body were in the throat. Dry cough, (<) morning and evening, relieved by a swallow of cold water. With women every fit of cough causes an involuntary passage of urine. As concomitants, facial or glossal paralysis or numbness of the palatine arches; condylomata on the vocal chords; (<) in dry, cold weather. Cina [Cina] Aphonia from exposure; attempting to talk causes a peculiar, hoarse, soundless cough, with pain in larynx; right side of chest constricted, with difficult breathing. Chininum-sulph [Chin-s] Intermittent aphonia. More or less complete loss of the voice about 4 P.M.; preceded by thirst, cough, constriction of the neck, headache or neuralgia; heat in the head and frequent pulse. Drosera [Dros] Catarrhal hoarseness, with or without coryza or cough; hollow and deep voice; the patient is only able to speak in a bass voice; hoarseness after measles; cough; scraping feeling of dryness in the fauces; exciting or hacking cough, accompanied by yellow expectoration; patient involuntarily supports larynx on swallowing or coughing. Ferrum-met [Ferr] The patient when talking feels pain, and the tone of the voice is low; pain in the larynx and the trachea; burning sensation after speaking; laryngeal haemorrhage; asthmatic symptoms, with haemoptysis. Gelsemium [Gels] Paralytic aphonia during menstruation; the voice returning when catamenia stops. Nervous aphonia, with dryness and burning in throat, restless sleep and twitching of muscles. Haematoxylon [Haem] Aphonia, with feeling of a bar across the chest; difficulty in swallowing saliva; constriction of oesophagus in its whole length; (>) in open air.
Hyoscyamus [Hyos]
Hysterical aphonia, she makes great effort to speak, cannot produce a sound or syllable.
Ignatia [Ign]
Hysterical aphonia, with mental anxiety and spinal symptoms. A constant dry cough excited by a tickling in suprasternal fossa.
Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]
CATARRHAL LARYNGITIS AND CATARRHAL APHONIA; (<) in the evening and when weather is going to change, and after long talking. Frequent desire in clear the throat, with a rare, scanty, lumpy expectoration. Follicular enlargement of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, with chronic coryza that forms hardened yellow pieces of mucus. Right side of nose more affected, with bloody mucus. Lachesis [Lach] Hysterical aphonia, with tenderness and sense of swelling in throat; (<) after sleeping and in the evening. Spasms of glottis; suddenly something runs from neck to larynx and completely interrupts breathing. Lactic-acid [Lac-ac] Aphonia, with dryness of glottis; hard, dry cough, with spasmodic contractive sensation. Mercurius [Merc] Catarrhal and syphilitic aphonia, or in that occasioned by nervous paralysis. Nux-moschata [Nux-m] Hysterical aphonia, with gastro-intestinal and cardiac derangements; sudden loss of voice when walking against the wind. Opium [Op] Paralytic aphonia, originating in fright; the fear or fright still remaining; dry mouth and white tongue; faint voice. Oxalic-acid [Ox-ac] Nervous aphonia, with cardiac derangement, violent palpitation and irregular action; change of voice, which becomes weak and hoarse. Phosphorus [Phos] Sensitiveness and dryness of the larynx, with feeling as if it were lined with fur; CANNOT UTTER A WORD ON ACCOUNT OF PAIN IN THE LARYNX; nervous exhaustion; suspected atrophy of nerve- tissue; tubercular origin of the aphonia; (<) evening. Platina [Plat] Hysterical or reflex aphonia, associated with uterine troubles. Rhus-tox [Rhus-t] Muscular exhaustion of the larynx, from prolonged and loud exercise of the voice; hoarseness, after being silent awhile; improved by talking; aggravation in the evening, from change in the weather; hot air from trachea; cold sensation in larynx when breathing. Rumex-crispus [Rumx] Catarrhal aphonia, with irritation in suprasternal fossa, exciting a distressing cough; desire to hawk phlegm, which is felt in the larynx like moving to and fro, without succeeding; aggravated by cold air and night hours; in women every fit of coughing produces the passage of a few drops of urine; sensitiveness of the trachea to pressure; aphonia due to infiltration of tubercles in left apex of the lung. Sanguinaria [Sang] Aphonia, with swelling in throat; chronic dryness in throat; sensation of swelling in throat and larynx, and expectoration of thick mucus; raw and burning ulcers in larynx; dry cough, (>) by flatus and diarrhoea; wheezing, whistling cough, (<) at night and lying with the head low. Selenium [Sel] Voice husky when beginning to sing or from talking long, hawks transparent mucus in lumps every morning, sometimes bloody; tendency to hoarseness in beginning of tuberculosis of larynx and of lungs. Senega [Seneg] Sudden hoarseness when reading aloud; throat so dry that it hurts when talking; dry cough, (<) in cold air, particularly when walking. Spongia [Spong] Chronic hoarseness and cough; THE VOICE FREQUENTLY GIVING OUT WHEN TALKING OR SINGING; hoarseness with soreness and burning: voice cracked and broken, or faint; sense of choking; whistling sound in the larynx on a deep inspiration; phthisis laryngea; larynx sensitive to touch, (>) when coughing, talking or swallowing.
Sepia [Sep]
Reflex or sympathetic aphonia from functional or organic disease of the uterus. (Murex).
Stramonium [Stram]
Aphonia from great mental excitement, with hysterical and maniacal symptoms; sleeplessness from cerebral disease.
Sulphur [Sulph]
Chronic aphonia on a psoric basis; when well-indicated remedies fail it will rouse the slumbering vitality or excite the animal electricity, (<) in the morning.


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