ATROPHY OF CHILDREN [Atrophy of Children]: Marasmus Infantum


Abrotanum [Abrot]
Marasmus with emaciation, sometimes only of lower extremities; voracious appetite, craves bread boiled in milk; weak, sinking feeling in bowels; frequent colicky pains; distended abdomen; hard lumps may be felt in different parts of the abdomen; alternate diarrhoea and constipation; food passed undigested; helminthiasis, especially ascarides; hydrocele; emaciation, mostly of legs; great weakness and prostration. with some hectic fever; FACE WRINKLED AS IF OLD, COLD AND DRY: comedones with emaciation; peevishness; child is cross and depressed, (<) from mental exertion. Acetic-acid [Acet-ac] Anorexia; GREAT THIRST, much pain in stomach or abdomen; diarrhoea with undigested stools; sleepless nights; much emaciation; abdomen and legs much swollen; excessive weakness with great irritability; face pale, waxen, emaciated; eye sunken and surrounded with dark rings. AEthusa-cyn [Aeth] VIOLENT SUDDEN VOMITING OF THE MILK, immediately after nursing, followed by curdled milk and cheesy matter, then falls asleep as if from exhaustion, awakens and wants to nurse again. Milk disagrees and produces colic., constipation or diarrhoea; great general weakness, often coming suddenly; emaciation; want of power to hold the head up, cannot bear its weight upon its limbs, cannot stand up; great disposition to perspire from the slightest physical effort; after failure of other well selected remedies. Aloe [Aloe] Child passes substances looking like jelly-cakes, small or large, but adhering together like congealed mucus; green-colored or transparent; offensive flatulency passes and relieves colic; extreme prostration with perspiration; face sickly, sunken. Antimonium-crud [Ant-c] Vomiting of food and drink as soon as it is taken; after nursing the bowels move, stools watery, with little hard lumps, or containing undigested food or hard lumps of curd; tongue heavily coated, milky-white or yellow; great desire to eat, but gets no strength with sense of emptiness in pit of stomach and want of animal heat; CHILD IS FRETFUL AND PEEVISH, turns itself away and cries when touched; child emaciated to a skeleton; (<) from over hearing, during summer, from cold bathing or washing. Antimonium-tart [Ant-t] Nausea and retching with vomiting, sweat on forehead, followed by languor and sleep, with frequent jerks of the limbs during sleep; disgust for food; stools brown-yellow, faecal, watery, profuse, with sharp cutting pains in abdomen. Argentum-nit [Arg-n] Diarrhoea of green foetid mucus, passing of with much flatulency, (<) at night and from drinking; INTENSE DESIRE FOR SWEETS; emaciation most marked on the legs, moving upward (Natr. m. downward); child looks old, sallow and withered; exhaustion, the results of rapid loss of fluid, as in cholera infantum, or of long-protracted diarrhoea and defective nourishment. Arnica [Arn] Forcible and painful distension of abdomen from foul flatulency; lienteric stools; ANOREXIA DURING DAY WITH CANINE HUNGER IN FOREPART OF NIGHT, but eating bloats and causes colic; general prostration and drowsiness, but sleep does not refresh, with horrible dreams; capricious humor, repels caresses; face pale bloated or emaciated. Arsenicum-iod [Ars-i] Peaked, cadaverous face, with a purple, livid hue of skin; intense thirst with uncontrollable desire for cold water, which is almost immediately ejected; almost constant copious watery diarrhoea, and distressing nausea and vomiting; stools foul, irritating, excoriating the parts around anus; heaviness of the cold limbs, with weariness of the whole body and great vital prostration; rapid emaciation. Arsenicum [Ars] Stools painful, offensive, containing quantities of undigested food; pale and waxy look; dry, parchment-like skin; hollow eyes with blue margins; great restlessness at night; short sleep, broken by starts and convulsions; great debility, weariness, with constant desire to lie down; cold hands and feet; night-sweats; the child feels constantly chilly; food and drink cause instant vomiting and diarrhoea; burning thirst for iced drinks, which cause distress in stomach till they are ejected again; stools green, slimy, bloody, dark, watery, undigested, excoriating and intolerably offensive; urine suppressed; the child lies in stupor, hot and twitching,and when aroused is restless, demanding frequent change of position. Arsenicum-sulph-flav [Ars-s-f] Stools green, slimy, watery, offensive,(>) during day (Ars. alb., (<) after midnight). Baryta-carb [Bar-c] Swelling of cervical glands; great physical and mental debility, constant desire to sleep; face and abdomen bloated; potbellied- debility, constant desire to sleep; face and abdomen bloated; potbelliedness, with rest of body wasted; great laziness; crawling in the rectum; ascarides; scurfs on head, ears, nose; inflamed eyes; general emaciation; MENTAL POWERS NOT DEVELOPED, the child is dwarfish, cannot be taught, for it cannot remember; it does not want to play, but sits idly in a corner; child wants to eat all the time, but is averse to sweet things and fruit; a little food satiates. Baryta-mur [Bar-m] Induration of abdominal and of other glands; general muscular weakness, can hardly move a limb; emaciation of thighs; desire for dry wheat bread; much thirst with a dry tongue; nausea, vomiting with worms and colic; chronic, painless, watery, foetid diarrhoea; weak, husky voice; scrofulous eruptions and ulcers. Belladonna [Bell] For precocious children, with blue eyes and fair hair. The child does not sleep much, though appearing to be drowsy; it lies half sleeping and half waking; moaning; jerking of the muscles. Benzoic-acid [Benz-ac] Ammoniacal odor of the urine, which leaves a dark stain on the diaper; diaper; diarrhoea stools have an odor similar to that of the urine. Borax [Bor] Malnutrition and excessive nervousness. Child grows pale, relaxed, flabby, cries; loathes the breast and falls into a heavy sleep; head and palms of hands hot, face pale and clay-colored; hot mouth and aphthae on tongue and cheeks from impaired nutrition, bleeding when rubbed; every attempts to nurse causes screaming; stools light yellow, slimy, green or painless, as if fermented, thin, brown, smelling like carrion; fear of downward motion; easily started by the slightest noise; sleeps badly and awakens with screams as if in a fright and clings to something as if afraid of falling. Calcarea-carb [Calc] Emaciation more marked in other than adipose tissue; atrophy of muscles, soft bones, retarded teeth (defective nutrition), with deceptive appearance of plumpness from excess of fat. When also the fat wastes, the body dwindles, the pale skin hangs in folds, but abdomen remains disproportionately enlarged; partial sweats; scalp covered with cold sweat, knees clammy, feet damp and cold; crusta lactea, crusts dry or filled with a mild thick pus; ringworms; glands engorged, especially the mesenteric; APPETITE VORACIOUS, YET EMACIATION PERSISTS: morbid appetite for indigestible articles of food; fever and thirst in afternoon; stools green, watery, SOUR, OR PUNGENT, or clay-like, and (<) in the afternoon, or creamy, foetid, frequent; urine strong, foetid, clear; vomiting of SOUR FOOD or of curdled milk; child obstinate, self-willed, cross before stool and faint after; growth retarded, spine weak, its sits stooped, legs curved and bones bent easily, though old enough will not put its feet to the ground; worse by bathing; CHILD CRAVES EGGS; THIRST AT NIGHT FOR COLD WATER. Calcarea-iod [Calc-i] Though looking plump and healthy, child shows well defined scrofulosis, with thick scabby eruptions, otorrhoea, engorged glands and tonsils. Calcarea-phos [Calc-p] SCROFULOUS DISEASES OF CHILDREN AFFECTING THE BONES (Calc. fluor.); general debility from malassimilation of even abundant food; child wants to nurse all the time; delayed dentition; anterior and posterior fontanelle large, bones of skull thin and soft; complexion sallow; abdomen shrunken and flabby; diarrhoea with much flatulence; stools watery, hot or green and slimy, often very offensive; child peevish and fretful ears and point of nose cold; short breathing, with anxious look when lifting; pains after eating; sense of emptiness in epigastrium; child craves salt food, bacon. Carbo-veg [Carb-v] Vital powers failing, and no reaction to well-chosen remedies; skin cold, pale or blue, the face having a greenish hue; feet and legs to the knees cold; anxious look, but too lifeless to move or to exhibit much restlessness; breath cold, pulse weak and rapid; stools dark, thin, cadaverous looking: USEFUL ALSO IN PROTRACTED SULTRY WEATHER, WHEN THE DAYS ARE HOT AND DAMP. Causticum [Caust] Adapted to children who grow tardily and who seem to suffer form a sort of paresis; abdomen swollen and hard, but body wasted and feet diminutive; they walk unsteadily and fall easily; weakness of brain; children timid, fear going to bed in the dark; weak memory; intertrigo during dentition; eczema in occiput (Bar.c.) China [Chin] Tense hard and tympanitic abdomen, with rumbling eructations and flatulency; difficult expulsion of even a soft stool on account of general and intestinal debility; frequent, watery, painless, but debilitating diarrhoea, (<) from eating and drinking; lienteria; ravenous hunger at night, with desire for dainties; VIOLENT THIRST FOR COLD WATER WHICH INCREASES DIARRHOEA; general atrophy, especially of lower extremities; dry and flaccid skin; sleepy in day time, sleepless at night with bulimy; indifference and apathy, aversion to company; face pallid dejected, cold; nose sharp-pointed, eyes lustreless. Cina [Cina] Bloated abdomen, with disagreeable heat through it; involuntary, yellowish diarrhoea containing worms; itching in the anus; wetting the bed; canine hunger for bread, which child prefers to breast milk; great hunger at night, though the stomach is full; THE GREATER THE EMACIATION THE GREATER THE HUNGER; child picks nose, is restless, cross and unamiable; painful sensitiveness of the whole body to motion and touch; inability to hold anything in the hands, wants to be rocked all the time; nothing pleases it. Cistus-can [Cist] Hot gray-yellow, spurting stools, (<) after fruit from midnight to noon; glands, especially cervical, swollen or suppurating; tetter on and around ears; caries; (<) in wet weather; indicated in thin, scrawny children of a scrofulous diathesis. Clematis [Clem] Enlargement and induration of the mesenteric glands, with lancinating pains in them; bloated abdomen, with feeling of constriction when walking; abdomen hard and sore to touch; at first constipation, followed by frequent, painless liquid stools; no appetite, thirst for ice water; nausea and somnolency after eating; great emaciation, with pallor; debility and languor after eating and in afternoon; repugnance to motion and to bathing; moroseness, indifference and aversion to talking; pustular and scaly eruptions, with itching; (<) by heat of bed and during night. Conium [Con] Tumefaction of mesenteric glands, with hardness and bloating of abdomen, with borborygmus and emission of GAS WHICH FEELS COLD; hard faecal stool, with burning heat in the anus; after stool weakness, palpitation and trembling; anorexia, with desire for coffee, acids and salted articles; intense thirst in daytime; extreme debility and washing, compelling the child to lie down, legs are heavy and knees tremble; sleepy in daytime, restless at night; great sadness, weakness of memory; sweat on the hands and cold feet; yellow sclerotica and finger-nails. Ferrum [Ferr] Frequent vomiting as soon as food is taken, after breakfast, and pain in stomach ceases after vomiting; abdomen hard, distended, but not with flatulence; painless and involuntary diarrhoea of undigested food; itching at the anus at night from worms; irritability from prostration; child is pale and delicate. Graphites [Graph] Moist blotches on the skin, exuding a transparent, offensive, glutinous fluid; chafing back of the ears; diarrhoea painless, sour smelling thin, scalding, or constipation; all discharges offensive, breath, stool, urine, sweat; child is impertinent and laughs at reprimands; harsh, rough skin, disposed to chafing; groins become sore, and the inguinal glands swollen; emaciation. Suitable to fair, plump children with well marked symptoms. Hepar-sulph [Hep] Though apparently the child looks plump, the flesh is flabby, the muscles withered, digestion weak; child intolerant of pressure about stomach after eating; food temporarily (>) the debility; stools green, watery, undigested, or white, SOUR SMELLING and painless, (<) during the day; THE WHOLE CHILD SMELLS SOUR (Rheum); little tendency to cerebral symptoms; glands swollen, and child subject to catarrhs from least draught of cold air, eczema, (<) mornings, when it itches, burns and smarts. Hydrastis [Hydr] Excoriation in groins; eczema of forehead at the border of the hair, oozing after washing; thick mucous discharges; marasmus; great debility; faintness at the stomach; aphthae of weakly children; tongue swollen, shows marks of the teeth , or appears raw, dark red, with raised papillae; stool light-colored, soft, acrid; foetid flatus. Iodum [Iod] Swelling and induration of mesenteric glands; suffering from hunger, MUST EAT EVERY TWO HOURS, YET LOSES FLESH ALL THE TIME; constant and tormenting thirst with canine hunger; large, tumid, doughy abdomen; wasting and prostration, with low spirits, hectic fever, night-sweats,diarrhoea; skin dry and of a dirty yellow color; oedema pedum, TABES MESENTERICA (Kali iod.) Kreosotum [Kreos] GASTROMALACIA; belching and hiccough when sitting up; vomiting of undigested food, with dimness of vision; painful sensation of coldness in abdomen; icy coldness in epigastrium; white or gray stools, chopped, very foetid, cadaverous-smelling; rapid emaciation, especially on neck and face; skin remarkably pale; cold face and hands; constant whining; restless, sleepless night; TABES MESENTERICA, with hypertrophied glands in fleshy, flabby subjects. Lithium [Lith-c] (Gettysburg).-Rough, harsh skin; crusta lactea ringworm, itching violently; nose swollen, internally sore and dry, with shining crust in nostrils; light yellow diarrhoea, faecal in the morning, offensive at night: (<) after fruit. Lycopodium [Lyc] Abdomen bloated, while limbs are wasted; face earthy, with blue rings around eyes wrinkles in face; milk-crust thick, cracks and bleeds and emits a mousy smell; tendency to capillary bronchitis; inordinate appetite, but food soon satiates; abdomen distended, with much rumbling of wind, especially in left hypochondrium; gastric region distended and intolerant of any pressure, especially after nursing; urine has a red sediment or is suppressed; sleep disturbed by frequent awaking; child weak, with well-developed head, but puny, sickly body, is irritable, nervous and unmanageable when sick, after sleep cross and pushes every one away angrily. Magnesia-carb [Mag-c] Defective digestion; emaciation, swelling of glands, abdomen heavy and bloated; griping pain, followed by green, watery, sour diarrhoea, or the stool, when standing, forms a green scum like that of a frog pond; great emaciation, aphthae. Magnesia-mur [Mag-m] Ozaena, discharge acrid, and nose obstructed at night; scurfs in nostrils, alae and tip being red and swollen; stomach bloated; stools in large, hard lumps, or crumble as they pass the anus; child puny, rachitic; enlarged liver; glands swollen; sweat on head and feet. Marum-ver [Teucr] Emaciation, with jerking hiccough after nursing, and belching anything up; child cries a great deal with the diarrhoea; increased discharge of pale urine; chilliness from want of animal heat. Mercurius [Merc] Emaciation; skin dry, rough, dirty yellow or clammy, especially that of the thighs; icy cold sweat of forehead, sour or oily sweat on scalp; pustular or suppurating herpes; glands swollen and suppurating; skin chaps easily, becomes raw and sore; frequent attacks of jaundice; abdomen, especially right hypochondrium, swollen and sore to pressure; stool green, sour, watery, with emaciation; diarrhoea bloody, slimy, green, with tenesmus often continuing after stool; genitals sore and excoriated, urine causes pain; child pulls at penis; child pale, weak, and obtuse, or precocious and restless; fontanelles open., the head large and covered with offensive sweat; gums soft and bleed easily; sour night-sweats; blepharophthalmia SUPPURATIVA. Muriatic-acid [Mur-ac] Child too listless to move or to take notice; aphthae in mouth; child exhausted from frequent vomiting and diarrhoea, and the stomach so weak that it will no longer tolerate or digest food, most marked in forenoon; tongue shrivelled and dry as leather, or covered with deep bluish ulcers, having black bases; breath foetid; salivary glands tender, swollen; stool involuntary when passing urine; prolapsus and during urination; MUSCULAR DEBILITY FROM ABUSE OF SOOTHING SYRUPS. Natrum-mur [Nat-m] Rapid emaciation notwithstanding good appetite, especially of THROAT AND NECK OF CHILDREN, who are very slow to learn to walk; mapped tongue and herpes labialis; weak ankles, child stumbles or feet turn under him; dry and ill-colored skin; bulimy with quick satiety, marked repugnance to bread, (<) after greasy food and milk; sadness and dulness with anorexia and profuse sweating; palpitations; constipation, with stool only after considerable effort; watery, sanguinolent or involuntary diarrhoea. Natrum-phos [Nat-p] Marasmus of children who are bottle-fed; abdomen swollen, liver large; colic after eating; stools containing undigested food. Natrum-sulph [Nat-s] Inherited sycotic constitution; abdomen bloated, with much rumbling of wind; stools watery, yellow, gushing coming on as soon as the child begins to move in the morning. Nitric-acid [Nit-ac] Weakly children, after abuse of calomel, or who inherited syphilis; child is wasted, sallow, weak; upper arms and thighs particularly emaciated; aphthae with putrid breath; ulcers or blisters about mouth, rawness and soreness about arms; stools of green mucus, sometimes foetid and undigested, (<) in the morning; stools followed by great exhaustion; glands enlarged. Nux-vomica [Nux-v] Yellowish, sallow complexion, bloated face; obstinate constipation; large, difficult stools, or alternate constipation and diarrhoea; large abdomen, with flatulence; no appetite or great hunger; desire to eat, with frequent vomiting of the ingesta; constant desire to lie down; sleeplessness towards morning; aversion to open air; nervousness; ill-humor. Oleander [Olnd] The food passes off unchanged in a remarkable degree, and very easily and almost unconsciously. Oleum-jec-ase [Ol-j] Child emaciated, with hot hands and head; constant tendency to catarrhs; bones affected, rachitis; fever at night, with sweat, mostly on head, neck and hands; CANNOT TAKE MILK; vivid dreams; restless and feverish at night. Opium [Op] Child wrinkled, looks like a little dried-up old man; stupor. Ozone [Ozone] Where the symptoms clearly indicate Sulph., but that remedy fails, ozonized water cures (symptoms nearly identical). Pepsin [Pep] Emaciation, prostration and weakness of the digestive powers after cholera infantum. Petroleum [Petr] Painful bloating of abdomen, (<) after eating and drinking, from lying down, with sensation of coldness in abdomen; diarrhoea during day, but none at night. Bulimy easily satisfied, with repugnance to meats, fats, cooked or hot aliments, and desire for dainties; breath and faeces have marked odor of garlic; weakness and emaciation, with aversion to fresh air; sleepy in daytime, but never sleeps longer than a few minutes during the night, which makes it irritable and angry, colic during sleep, (<) by bending double; eczema, excoriations; cracked, bleeding rhagades. Phosphorus [Phos] Emaciation combined with nervous debility; brain and spine suffered severely; child over tall, but slender, emaciated but dig-belied; face pale, almost waxen. Delicate eyelashes, soft hair, rapid breathing hint to sequelae; even thus early diarrhoea associated with dry cough, hence suitable to young girls with blonde hair, blue eyes, delicate skin slender stature, with cachectic cough, diarrhoea; frequent exhausting sweats; great debility, with orgasm of the blood; palpitation of the heart or oppression of the chest after exercise. COPIOUS STOOLS, POURING AWAY LIKE WATER FROM A HYDRANT, WITH GREAT EXHAUSTION; glandular swellings, suppuration and caries (Sil.); appetite good; HE CRAVES COLD FOOD, ICE CREAM; often awakens at night, hot and restless, and will drop off to sleep if fed; child irascible, vehement, susceptible to external impressions and to electric changes in atmosphere. Phosphoric-acid [Ph-ac] Yellowish and very offensive stools; THE CHILD IS VERY LISTLESS, WANTS NOTHING AND CARES FOR NOTHING; abdomen swollen, much fermentation in bowels, with the diarrhoea, which though long lasting, does not proportionately weaken. Psorinum [Psor] Pale, sickly, delicate children; THEY HAVE A FILTHY SMELL, EVEN AFTER A BATH; stools, fluid, worse at night; great debility and sweat from any exertion; crusta lactea on face and scalp, especially over either ear and cheeks, exfoliating numerous scabs, or cracks and discharges a yellow foetid humor; dirty- looking boils on scalp, emitting an offensive odor; intolerable itching at night, (<) in bed; child (<) when the weather changes. Rheum [Rheum] Sour, slimy, frothy stools with groping colic and twitching of the face and fingers during sleep. Sanicula [Sanic] (Minera; Spring, III.).-Child wants to nurse all the time, never feels satisfied, but all comes up again with a gush and child goes off into a stupid sleep; awakes to repeat same process; child seems to have no power to expel the stool, which consists of large lumps of undigested casein, or looks like the scum of a frog pond; great emaciation of neck and extremities, abdomen distended and hard; back gives out and feels cold; restless sleep. Sarsaparilla [Sars] Great emaciation; the skin lies in folds; the face is shrivelled; aphthae on tongue and roof of mouth; neck emaciated; FULLY DEVELOPED MARASMUS; eruptions are prone to appear in the spring, their bases inflamed, the crusts detach readily out of doors and the adjoining skin becomes chapped; on forehead the crusta lactea is thick, becoming moist when scratched; herpes and offensive sweat about genitals; child restless and uneasy before passing water, afterwards the diaper is found covered with a white sand; stool with much flatus, often followed by fainting. Sepia [Sep] Child wastes rapidly, want of bodily heat, is restless; fidgety; ANKLES ARE WEAK AND TURN EASILY WHEN WALKING; diarrhoea, jellylike stools; with colic and tenesmus; of green mucus; sour- smelling, debilitating, (<) after drinking milk, especially if boiled; moist scabs on scalp; forehead rough; child awakens often, especially wakeful after 3 A.M. Silicea [Sil] WHOLE BODY WASTED, WHILE THE HEAD IS EXCEEDINGLY LARGE; child nervous, irritable, susceptible and timid; head perspires easily and forehead becomes cold, (>) by wrapping up the head warmly; great debility, especially in the joints, slow in learning to walk alone; from debility and inertia child is not able to lie on his side and turns faint when attempting it; insomnia after midnight; face emaciated, with decrepit look and pale, earthy color anorexia with repugnance to meat and hot or cooked food; with desire for cold and raw food; or canine hunger, and after eating weight on the stomach with nausea and vomiting of the undigested food; AVERSION TO THE MOTHER'S MILK, which, if taken, is at once vomited; stools watery, offensive, sometimes bloody, or else costiveness; atmosphere changes cause great prostration.
Stannum [Stann]
The child is always relieved in its abdominal sufferings by pressing hard upon the abdomen, leaning upon something; sickly face; weakness of the nape of the neck; dry, concussive cough; helminthiasis.
Staphisagria [Staph]
Large abdomen; voracious and canine hunger; swelling of the submaxillary and cervical glands; frequent and constant attacks of catarrh; unhealthy and readily ulcerating skin; frequent boils; the teeth, as they appear, turn dark or crumble; mouth aphthous, the gums appearing pale, spongy, and bleeding when touched; nostrils sore from catarrh, eyelids and corners of mouth ulcerated; foetid night-sweats; abdomen swollen; colic after least food or drink; stools hot, smelling like rotten eggs, or dysenteric; irritability.
Sulphur [Sulph]
Emaciation; skin dry harsh and wrinkled, giving the child an "old man" look; offensive odor of body, not removable by washing; eczema (capitis) dry, easily bleeding, itching more at night, scratching relieves but cases bleeding; intertrigo, especially at anus; glands swollen, particularly cervical, axillary and inguinal; appetite voracious, child grasps at everything within reach, and thrusts it into its mouth, or drinks much and eats little when the violent thirst is on; abdomen distended and hard; constipation or diarrhoea slimy, green, watery, changeable, (>) at night; sudden urging awakens him in the morning, followed by copious watery stools; restlessness at night, awakens screaming or on going to sleep is annoyed by sudden jerking of the limbs; child cross, obstinate, CANNOT BEAR TO BE WASHED OR BATHED; dentition slow, bones and muscles develop tardily; easily fatigued; face pale and sunken, with deep, hollow eyes; hunger at 11 A.M.; heat on top of head and cold feet; ravenous desire for sweets which make him sick.
Sulphuric-acid [Sul-ac]
Marasmus in restless, nervous, weakly children; THEY DO EVERYTHING HURRIEDLY BUT WITHOUT WILL; bright-yellow mucous stools, which are stringy or chopped; aphthous sore mouth, yellow and painful, eruption like sulphur.
Theridion [Ther]
Infantile atrophy, caries of bones, scrofulous enlargement of glands; constant desire for food and drink, but he does not know what; faintness after every exertion; weak, limbs tremble.
Veratrum-alb [Verat]
HECTIC FEVER WITH COLLIQUATIVE DIARRHOEA. general emaciation with hippocratic face; cold and damp feeling in extremities, notwithstanding all the coverings of the bed; insomnia with low and anxious voice; voracious hunger and vomiting and stool after eating; aversion to warm food and desire for acid and cold things; abdomen bloated, hard, hot, and painful constipation of hard, large stools, or watery, greenish or white diarrhoea, painless and involuntary, with cold sweat on forehead, and anguish.


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