BACK PAINS IN THE [Backache]: Spinal Irritation


Aconite [Acon]
Stiffness in nape of neck, especially felt on motion; drawings in muscles of throat and neck in scapulae; stiffness and shooting in back and impossibility to take a deep breath when the back is very painful, not relieved by rest, worse by pressure; tensive, pressive pain in lumbar and sacral region, (<) on stepping; pain as if from a bruise from loins through back into nape of neck; numbness and coldness of upper and lower extremities; (<) evenings and night, in warm room or bed (>) in open air.
AEsculus-hip [Aesc]
Weakness, weariness and lameness in the small of the back sore and tired mornings when awaking; constant dull backache, walking almost impossible, scarcely able to stoop or to rise after sitting, especially across HIPS AND SACRUM; darting and shooting pains in upper and lower extremities, most on left side; paralytic feeling in arms, legs and spine; (<) by exercise, (>) by rest.
AEthusa-cyn [Aeth]
DISTRESSING PAIN IN OCCIPUT AND NAPE OF NECK, extending down spine, relieved by friction with hot whisky; sensation as if small of back were in a vise,(>) by straightening out and bending stiffly backward.
Agaricus [Agar]
Great sensitiveness of SINGLE VERTEBRAE TO THE HOT SPONGE; pain and sensitiveness in lumbar region and sacrum, especially during exertion in daytime and while sitting; violent, electric like shocks, shooting from lumbar region to lower part of body; extremities go to sleep easily; feeling as if her limbs do not belong to her; formication of all extremities; COLDNESS OF GLUTEI; sensation as if a cold air were passing from spine over whole body; painful stitches in cardiac region; palpitation of heart in old people, due to spinal irritation; pulse full, slow, intermittent; twitching of eyes and eyelids; frequent erections, great sexual desire, after coitus great weariness and relaxation and night-sweats; (<) mornings and before a thunderstorm and very sensitive to cold air. Alumina [Alum] Pain in back as if a HOT IRON WERE THRUST THROUGH THE LOWER VERTEBRAE; violent stitch in middle of back; throbbing in small of back during stool; nates go to sleep while sitting; heaviness in feet with great lassitude of legs; great exhaustion, especially after walking in open air; skin harsh and dry with absence of perspiration; costive from inert rectum. Ambra [Ambr] Pain in back of head and neck as from a sprain, cannot bear to be touched; painful tension in lumbar region; UNCOMMON TWITCHING AND COLDNESS OF THE BODY, at night; weariness with painful soreness of all limbs. Ammonium-mur [Am-m] BRUISED AND SPRAINED SENSATION BETWEEN SCAPULAE, with feeling as if the skin were stretched tight; INTERNAL ICY COLDNESS BETWEEN SHOULDERS, followed by itching; frightful backache as if shattered, or as if compressed in a vise, often awakening her from sleep, at ease in no position,(<) by motion; neuralgic pains in extremities, cannot walk erect, on account of pain, as from a sprain in the groins; tension in joints as from shortening of the muscles; cracking in all the joints; aversion to meat and great desire for coffee. Angustura [Ang] Sensation of tremulousness in muscles of neck; pain in cervical vertebrae, as if dislocated, when lifting the arm; drawing stiff feeling in the morning in bed and in afternoon, with stitches extending deep into chest, during motion. Antimonium-tart [Ant-t] Violent pain in sacro-lumbar region, the slightest effort to move causes retching and cold, clammy sweat; rheumatic pains with sweat, which does not relieve; prostration and sluggishness of body, with bad humor. Argentum-nit [Arg-n] Pain in small of black, (>) when standing or walking, but severe when rising from a seat; stiffness, heaviness, paralytic pain from sacrum down along pelvis and hips; shaky legs and trembling hands.
Arnica [Arn]
Lumbago from overexertion and straining; weakness of cervical muscles with great sensitiveness to pressure; crawling in vertebral column; pressive pain between scapulae seeming to extend from the posterior wall of the stomach, and cutting thrusts extending into chest while walking; every part of body feel sore; (<) from excitement, (>) by rest.
Arsenicum [Ars]
Stiffness in spinal column beginning IN REGION OF OS COCCYGIS AND GOING UP TO NAPE OF NECK, causing trunk to bend backward; loss of strength in small of back; spasmodic constriction in stomach, extending through to back; great prostration with anguish.
Asafoetida [Asaf]
Exaggerated sensitiveness of spine, with heat along back; severe pressure in some of costal vertebrae.
Baryta-carb [Bar-c]
Tension in neck and scapula, and stiffness; pains in loins in cold air; rheumatic irritation of the spine; pain and stiffness in small of back, can hardly rise from chair; tearing in limbs with chilliness, glandular swellings.
Belladonna [Bell]
Violent pressive pain in neck when coughing; sensation of weight with violent pressing in occiput; sensation as if nape of neck were struck with a hammer; back aches as if it would break; bearing down on the sacrum; stiffness of muscles of back and lower extremities prevents him from sitting up in bed or raising himself upright, (>) by standing or walking.
Berberis [Berb]
PAIN FROM BACK TO STOMACH, OR VICE VERSA, going around abdomen towards the bladder; tenderness of back aggravated by acrid, sour vomiting; pain and numbness in back during menses; (<) when sitting or lying, in the morning when awaking; tearing, stitching or throbbing and tearing in limbs; increased urination. Bryonia [Bry] Drawing and stiffness of cervical muscles, especially right side; shooting stitches in back through to chest; violent pain in first dorsal vertebra, extending through thorax to lower portion of sternum and impeding respiration; small of back pains as if bruised when lying upon it, (<) by even a light touch on spine and from slightest motion; every spot on body painful to pressure, (<) mornings. Calcarea-carb [Calc] Drawing pains between scapulae and pressure which impedes respiration, and painfulness in bones of spine to touch; pain in small of back so that he can hardly rise from sitting; muscular debility and soreness; stiffness when beginning to move; PARTS FEEL SUBJECTIVELY COLD AND ICY COLDNESS IN AND ON HEAD; trembling of inner and outer parts; weak feeling in back, (<) from mental annoyance, can hardly rise; softening of spine, with contraction of limbs; (<) from cold, damp air, from washing; lumbago from overlifting; SPINAL IRRITATION FROM SEXUAL EXCESSES OR MASTURBATION. Calcarea-fluor [Calc-f] Lumbago from strains; pains (<) after rest, (>) from moving a little or from warmth (after failure of Rhus).
Calcarea-phos [Calc-p]
Rheumatic pain and stiffness of neck, with dulness of head, from slight draught of air; violent pain in small of back from slightest bodily effort; scoliosis sinistra, lumbar vertebrae bent forward; (<) in autumn and cold weather, (>) in spring.
Cannabis-ind [Cann-i]
Pain with drawing through lumbar vertebrae, on standing, forcing him to stoop, with SENSATION OF DROPS FALLING FROM AND UPON DIFFERENT SPOTS; warmth in spine extending to head.
Cantharides [Canth]
Pain in loins, kidneys and abdomen, with incessant desire to urinate, and can only pass a few drops with moaning, weakness and trembling of limbs ; general coldness, collapse.
Capsicum [Caps]
Sensation as if COLD WATER WAS DROPPING DOWN BACK; drawing, tearing pain in spine and back; coldness beginning in back; drawing downward in back, while standing and moving, with bruised sensation.
Carbolic-acid [Carb-ac]
Great sense of weight on neck, with tenderness even to touch over seventh cervical vertebra; soreness in muscles of back and limbs, can hardly straighten himself out, (<) by riding; great languor and prostration; tired out from the least exertion. Causticum [Caust] Feeling as of a COLD WIND BLOWING BETWEEN THE SHOULDERS; aching at inner margin of right scapula on moving arm or turning head to that side; pain in back during menses; pressing, cramplike pain in small of back and renal region while sitting, better after rising; lameness in small of back; weakness and trembling of limbs. Cereus-bonplandii [Cere-b] Tenderness on pressure along the spines of all the cervical and upper dorsal vertebrae; pain in cardiac region, with tenderness over left ribs just below the heart (Cact.) Chelidonium [Chel] STIFF NECK WITH CRACKING OF THE VERTEBRAE when moving the neck or breath in deeply; pain in all vertebrae, as if sore,(<) by motion and from pressure on spinous process; pain in and beneath right scapula, extending through thorax to sternum; tearing pressure in lowest lumbar vertebrae; when bending forward or backward, feeling as if vertebrae would be separated from each other and torn apart. Chininum-sulph [Chin-s] Sensitiveness of last cervical and first dorsal vertebrae to pressure; third dorsal vertebra very painful to touch, with oppression of chest; great weakness, especially of feet, making walking difficult; periodical pain in back, returning about midnight and extending into head; twitching or clonic spasms in limbs. Cimicifuga [Cimic] Upper and lower cervical vertebrae sore to touch, when bending head forward, feeling as if spinal cord would be drawn out; weight and pain in lumbar and sacral region, extending around abdomen or downward into lower limbs; nausea and retching on pressure upon the spine between the fourth and fifth vertebrae, with fainting; excessive nervousness from interior disorders. Cicuta [Cic] PAINFUL TENSION ON INNER SURFACE OF SCAPULA; sensation of a vesicle or ulcer on right scapula, painful to touch; spasmodic symptoms after mechanical injuries. Cobaltum [Cob] Pain in back, (<) while sitting (Zinc.), (>) on walking or lying down, especially when caused by sexual excesses.
Cocculus [Cocc]
Cervical muscles nearly unable to support the head, (>) by bending backward; trembling in back; paralytic pain in small of back, with spasmodic drawing across the hips; preventing walking and anxious, fearful mood; sensation of cracking or stiffness in vertebrae, which are sensitive to touch; feeling of hollowness in some of the cavities of the body; palpitations from mental excitement; great lassitude, it is exertion to talk or to walk; irritable, hysterical weakness.
Colchicum [Colch]
Pressing pain or tension in cervical muscles; felt even when swallowing rheumatic pains in neck and back, (<) on motion; drawing, tension and stitches in back; sudden tearing and shooting in loins; sensation of lameness through limbs, with great weakness. Colocynthis [Coloc] Great tenderness on pressure over spinous processes of all cervical and first four dorsal vertebrae; weakness and pains in back, with pressing headache mornings; painful lassitude in small of back and lower limbs; sharp, cutting, lancinating pain running up back; ,lumbago, coxalgia; icy coldness of hands and feet. Conium [Con] Hysterical backache; weakness and lameness in small of back and general lassitude, (<) on bending backward or after a short walk, with nausea and weakness; ILL EFFECTS OF BRUISES AND SHOCKS TO THE SPINE, (<) when laughing, sneezing or taking a quick breath; staggering gait; coldness of limbs. Crocus [Croc] SUDDEN FEELING OF COLDNESS IN BACK, as if cold water were thrown over him; limbs go to sleep a night; icy cold extremities. Dioscorea [Dios] WEAK BACK AND WEAK KNEES FOLLOW SEMINAL LOSSES (Calc next); violent spasmodic neuralgia of abdominal organs; dull pain in lumbar region, (<) bending spine, or sharp and extending to the testicles; sharp, darting pains in various parts of body and limbs. Gelsemium [Gels] SPINAL CONGESTION; prostration, languor, muscles feel bruised and will not obey the will; pains from spine to shoulders and head; myalgic pains, excessive irritability of mind and body, dull aching in lumbar and sacral region; fatigue of lower limbs after slight exercise; nervous chills. Glonoinum [Glon] Headache from spinal irritation: lancinating pain from heart to between the shoulders, and hot sensation the whole length of back. Guaco [Gua] Burning and aching in upper part of spine, with difficulty of swallowing and constriction of larynx, and extreme sensitiveness to touch; PAINFUL PARESIS AFTER APOPLEXY. Guaiacum [Guai] Rheumatic stiffness of whole left side of back, with intolerable pain on slightest motion or turning the part, not noticed on touch or during rest, drawing limbs out of shape; gouty nodes on joints. Hamamelis [Ham] Small of back feels as if it would break; tearing pains across small of back, with fulness of joints of legs; dull backache, weakness of limbs, with going to sleep of various parts of the body; great languor. Helleborus [Hell] Stiffness of cervical muscles; rigidity of neck; shooting, piercing, contracting pains in limbs (spotted fever); convulsions with extreme coldness. Helonias [Helon] Burning and heat in the dorsal region, mostly between the lower half of the scapulae; backache across lumbar region; pain about the upper part of sacrum and pelvis, (<) at night; piercing pain in lower part of the back, through to uterus; all tired out without apparent cause. Hepar-sulph [Hep] OVERSENSITIVENESS TO PAIN OR TO COLD; rheumatic pain in back, with sensation as if bruised, while walking, standing or lying with sharp pressure in lumbar vertebrae extending to lower limbs and compelling to limp. Hydrastis [Hydr] Lumbar backache with stiffness while bending over cannot straighten out; dull heavy, dragging pain and stiffness in back, necessitating the use of the arms to rise from a seat; must walk about in order to be able to straighten out; shifting rheumatic pains in extremities. Hypericum [Hyper] After a fall, slightest motion of arms or neck extorts cries; cervical vertebrae very sensitive to touch; violent pains and inability to walk or stoop after a fall on coccyx. Ignatia [Ign] Stiffness of nape of neck, with tendency to spasmodic closure of the jaws; pain as if beaten, at night, when lying on back; pain in sacrum, even while lying upon the back, in the morning in bed. Spinal irritation from depressing emotions with hysterical symptoms. Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi] Rheumatic sharp shooting pains in back and down left side into the hip; pain in coccyx., (<) from walking, touch, or on rising from long sitting. Kali-carb [Kali-c] Backache, while walking she feels as if she must give up and lie down, after confinement, miscarriage; uterine, rheumatic or neuralgic backache, which feels as if back were broken or bruised during rest, not during movement; weakness in back and legs; stitching pain in back at 3 A.M., has to get up and walk about to get relief; gnawing in coccyx; limbs tired, cold. Kali-iod [Kali-i] Small of back feels as if it were in a vise, very painful not allowing to lie still at night or in daytime; bruised pain in lumbar region; has to sit mostly in bent position, with difficulty in walking; pain in coccyx as from a fall. Kalmia-lat [Kalm] VIOLENT PAIN IN UPPER THREE DORSAL VERTEBRAE, extending through shoulders; constant pain in spine, (<) in lumbar region, with great heat and burning; shifting rheumatic pains from upper to lower parts; (<) by motion. Kreosotum [Kreos] Coldness extending up back, between shoulders, during menses; pain as if small of back would break, (<) rest, . motion; continuous burning in small of back. Lachesis [Lach] HYPERSENSITIVENESS WITHOUT SORENESS, yet often relieved by rubbing; back-pain, with great restlessness, gaping and stretching of extremities; stiff neck, with tearing pains form nape up either side to top of head; pain in coccyx when sitting down, as if sitting on something sharp. Lachnanthes [Lachn] SENSATION AS IF A PIECE OF ICE WERE ; LYING ON BACK BETWEEN SHOULDERS, followed by chill, with gooseflesh all over; sensation between scapulae as if wet with cold sweat, but skin is cold and dry; when turning neck or bending head backward, pain in nape as from dislocation; burning in os sacrum; burning in palms and soles; great weakness, as from loss of fluids. Ledum [Led] Painful stiffness of back and loins when rising from a seat; sticking in shoulders when lifting arm; RHEUMATISM ASCENDS; tearing from small of back to occiput, left side of the head and maxillae, mostly evenings. Lilium-tigr [Lil-t] Dull pain in nape with feeling of constriction; pain in lower dorsal vertebrae, as if the back would break, cold feeling in back as if cold water was poured on it; pain in sacrum, with a sensation of weight and downward pressure in hypogastrium, (<) when standing; aching, drawing or pressive pain in lumbo-sacral region from ovarian and uterine troubles. Lobelia-infl [Lob] Burning pain in back as if in posterior wall of stomach; extreme tenderness over sacrum, cannot bear slightest touch, sits up in bed, bending forward; difficult breathing from a strong constriction in middle of chest; nearly all symptoms disappear in the evening. (Lob. coer: rigidity of spine, (<) by motion.) Lycopodium [Lyc] Stiffness and tensive pain in neck and occiput; pain as from sprain in nape, with sensitiveness to touch; burning, pressing and drawing in back, (<) by fanning back; sensation as if flesh were loose on lower part of back; pains and aches across the small of back, (<) by passing urine; sticking stitches in back on breathing; BURNING AS FROM GLOWING COALS BETWEEN SCAPULAE; limbs and extremities cold, with feeble circulation; NEURASTHENIA AND BRAIN-FAG, hence (<) in the afternoon from 4 to 8; spinal anaemia; impotence. Magnesia-carb [Mag-c] Sudden piercing in coccyx, a violent pain as if spine were bent back; stiff neck; pain in back and small of back as if broken, (<) from pressure. Magnesia-mur [Mag-m] Contractive spasmodic pain in small of back; gnawing pain in back, evenings, in bed, as if in the spinal cord, up to neck preventing sleep, with constant tossing about, and sore to touch, (<) from rest, (>) from exercise.
Manganum-acet [Mang]
Tearing in whole spinal column, from above downward; stiff neck; pain in small of back on bending backward, CROSSWISE SHIFTING RHEUMATISM; (<) from touch, motion and night. Mercurius [Merc] Rheumatic stiffness and swelling of neck; violent pains in spine, (<) from motion; bruised sensation in scapulae, back and small of back, pain in sacrum as after lying on a hard couch; stitches in small of back during respiration. Natrum-ars [Nat-ar] Neuralgic pains: neck stiff and sore; severe pain between scapulae, inspiration, inclines forward for relief; soreness of lower cervical vertebrae and shooting pains down extremities. Natrum-carb [Nat-c] Stiffness of neck; cracking of cervical vertebrae on moving head; violent backache after walking; stitches in small of back while sitting; formication in back; great weakness of lower extremities; ankles give way under him and heaviness of arms. Natrum-mur [Nat-m] Sensitiveness of spine, better from lying flat on back, with partial paralysis from weakness of spine; stitches, cutting, pulsation, as if a portion of the spine had been taken out; feeling in sacral region as if beaten; limbs feel weak and bruised; morning headaches; longing for salt; (<) from depressing emotions. Natrum-sulph [Nat-s] Soreness up and down spine and neck; piercing as from knives, between scapulae and in middle of sacrum, while sitting in the evening; pain in back as if ulcerating, all night, can only lie on right side; hepatic region sensitive to touch; panaritium (Diosc.) Nux-vomica [Nux-v] BACKACHE ACCOMPANYING ABDOMINAL PLETHORA, with piles, constipation and urging to urinate, must sit up in order to turn from one side to the other; pain as if flesh were beaten loose from last cervical vertebra; burning, tearing and constrictive pains in back and small of back pain in pelvic region as if dislocated; tearing and pulling in lower portion of back while walking and sitting but not while lying; numbness of limbs; increased sensibility to external impressions; heart feels tired, with tendency to faint, (>) while lying down.
Oxalic-acid [Ox-ac]
Deep-seated burning between shoulders in the evening; numbness in small of back; all symptoms worse by thinking of them; pains come in small spots; pains shooting down from the lions to limbs; patient trying to get relief from change of position, PARALYSIS FROM INFLAMMATION OF SPINAL CORD, limbs stiff, paroxysms of dyspnoea; (<) standing, (>) lying down.
Palladium [Pall]
Constant pain in back and hips, with cold limbs; spasmodic pains; dull pressing backache in afternoon, as from sitting too long in a stiff posture; pains extending to right hip.
Phosphorus [Phos]
SPINOUS PROCESSES OF DORSAL VERTEBRAE BETWEEN SCAPULAE exceedingly sensitive to pressure, also muscles between spinous processes; much (<) on left side; sticking pain from behind forward through chest or the reverse; burning, throbbing pain in small spot between shoulders; heat in back, cannot lie on it, it is so hot, with great weakness in abdomen; back feels weak, as if it would soon give out (Cocc); palpitation of heart, (<) from any emotion, joyful or depressing; weakness of limbs on beginning to walk, with trembling; patient stumbles and totters; sleepless from excessive heat or horribly exciting dreams; diminished resistance to external stimulants; (<) at twilight when alone, during thunderstorm; often caused by excessive loss of animal fluids, as semen; impotence preceded by overexcitation of sexual organs. Phosphoric-acid [Ph-ac] Especially for young persons who have grown very rapidly; formication in back; violent pain on rising, after stooping burning pain in a spot about small of back; limbs feel weak and are cold to touch, (>) from heat and wrapping up; weakness of body and apathy of mind.
Physostigma [Phys]
Burning and stinging in spinal column, with numbness of feet, hands and other parts of the body, crampy pain in hands, sudden jerking of the limbs, on dropping off to sleep; creeping numbness from occiput all down the spine, (<) between hips; stiffness and pain all down spine, muscles of back become rigid; limbs weary and heavy, with darting neuralgic pains in muscles and joints; constant yawning and desire to sleep; disgust for cold water in any form; asthenopia from spinal irritation. Picric-acid [Pic-ac] Heaviness and dragging in back, with heat; back feels weak sore and heavy; tired all over; lack of will-power. Piper-methyst [Pip-m] Congestion of posterior part of brain and spinal cord, with feeling as though he must move or head and neck would be compressed; constriction extending to chest and stomach; (>) by turning the mind to another topic, in open air and when moving.
Platina [Plat]
Pressing from small of back upon the pelvic organs; numbness in sacrum and coccyx; pain in back, (<) from pressure or bending back ward nape of neck weak, head inclines forward; cramplike pains; numbness in limbs and joints. Plumbum [Plb] PARESIS AND PARALYSIS OF CERVICAL MUSCLES: pressure about last cervical and first dorsal vertebra causes pain; dorsal region of spine tender to pressure; sticking in small of back, which is sensitive, or leaning against a chair, disappearing by rubbing it; painfulness of loins, nates, posterior portion of thigh, knee, sole of foot and toes; heaviness of head; obstinate constipation; skin dry, yellow; violent neuralgic pains in extremities, (>) at night; paralysis with atrophy.
Pulsatilla [Puls]
Rheumatic pain in nape with weariness of feet; drawing, tensive pain or fine sticking in nape, between scapulae and in back; neck, back and whole body feel stiff as a board, and small of back as if tightly bandaged; pain in sacral region as if he lay in an uncomfortable position, (<) on sitting and bending back, (>) by rest and sleep; joints weak as if they would become easily dislocated; stitches in back while coughing; feeling as of cold water being poured down the back; pressive tired pain in sacrum in the evening; spinal irritation due to sexual excesses or masturbation, with weariness and stiffness of back; violent trembling of body;l drawing, tearing pains in extremities, (<) evening and night in bed, (>) in fresh air, when lying upon back or slowly moving about.
Rhododendron [Rhod]
Rheumatic pain between scapulae, extending to small of back on motion; shooting from back to pit of stomach; pains in bones or skin only in small spots and radiating from one place to another; great weakness after slight exertion; (<) at approach of thunderstorm, during rough weather, at night and from rest. Rhus-tox [Rhus-t] Rheumatic stiffness of nape, with pain as if a heavy weight were upon it; pain in cervical muscles as if asleep; constrictive pain in dorsal muscles while sitting, (>) by bending backward, (<) forward; violent rheumatic pain between scapulae, only relieved by heat, (<) from cold; stiffness and aching in lumbar region, (>) from motion and from lying on something hard (Natr. m.) burning feeling in loins; spinal irritation from ovarian and uterine troubles, especially if caused by straining, lifting or becoming wet; often resulting from sexual excesses, when there are tearing, contusive pains in back, (<) during rest, with increased sexual desire and nightly pollutions. Ruta [Ruta] Very acute pressive, drawing pain in right side of spine, opposite to liver, especially on inspiration; painful jerking in spine, (<) from pressure of hand, which causes aching beneath last short ribs, impeding respiration; pain in dorsal vertebrae as from a fall; injuries to bones, periosteum and fibrous tissues; lumbago (<) in morning before rising, (>) after rising.
Sabadilla [Sabad]
Spinal irritation from pollutions, with excessive weakness in legs; bruised feeling in small of back and sacral region; feet swell, are painful on walking, feels every pebble; nervous diseases from worms or other seated abdominal irritations.
Sabina [Sabin]
Pain in small of back, especially on left side, with inclination to stretch and bend it backward; constant pain in back, obliging to draw it inward, which causes voluptuous sensation.
Santonine [Sant]
(Cina).-Spinal irritation from worms; nervous; irritable cough; general and frequent twitching of body, etc.
Sepia [Sep]
Depressed, anxious and fearful state of mind, with a sense of helplessness; pain in back and small of back with stiffness, (>) by pressing back against something hard or by walking and by belching; pulsations in back; backache causes nausea and faint feeling while standing; icy coldness of feet; excessive to pain; twitching of limbs during sleep; frequent micturition at night; hysterical spasms.
Silicea [Sil]
Spinal weakness, legs tremble with great nervousness; feeling of loss of power; spasmodic pain in small of back, can hardly rise; on first leaving bed in the morning, cannot walk from weakness; draught on back causes pain and uneasiness; (<) in dry, stormy, windy weather, or when electric variations are marked; great desire to be magnetized. Spigelia [Spig] Cold sensation extending from back to umbilical region; stitches in back,also when breathing, numb, painful sensation in neck, (<) lying on back. Staphisagria [Staph] Lumbago compels patient to get up early and feels better after rising; pain in back as if broken, early in bed, not allowing to stoop; after rising hunger, followed by diarrhoea; pain in back, with weakness of legs, especially in knee-joints, compelling to drag foot, with stitching, tearing in the calf of the leg. Stannum [Stann] NEURASTHENIA, (<) in going down stairs; fairly drops into a chair after walking; stitches through spine with excessive restlessness in limbs. Stramonium [Stram] Constant pain in cervical and upper dorsal vertebrae, worse from touch and motion; great inclination to lie down; frequent twitchings and sudden jerks through the body . Sulphur [Sulph] Spinal congestion from suppression of menses or haemorrhoidal flow; every sudden jarring causes sharp pain along the spine; dry heat in small of back, with cold feet, stiffness and loss of power in lumbar region; sensation as if vertebrae were gliding one over another, when turning in bed; stitches in scapulae; pain in small of back after heavy lifting and taking cold at the same time; curvature of spine from softening of vertebrae; limbs go to sleep; tearing in limbs, muscles and joints from above downward; stooping shoulders, cannot walk erect. Tarentula [Tarent] EXCESSIVE HYPERAESTHESIA; slight touch along spine causes spasmodic pain in chest and great distress in cardiac region, at times heart feels as if twisted over, intense headache, (>) by rubbing head against pillow; whole body feels hot; rigidity of neck so painful that he cannot move without screaming from pain; pain in neck and neck and back, followed by general paralysis; sharp shooting pains in dorsal and lumbar spine; repeated lancinating, shooting pains in coccyx.
Tellurium [Tell]
Spine from last cervical to about fifth dorsal vertebra very sensitive to touch, though parts are really not very tender, (<) by fatigue, but only partially (>) by rest; restlessness in spite of lassitude and weakness; pain in sacrum when stooping or when lying on back (>) when walking.
Theridion [Ther]
GREAT SENSITIVENESS BETWEEN VERTEBRAE; patient sits sideways on a chair to avoid pressure of back against the spine; pains in bones as if every part would fall asunder, followed by violent coldness, not relieved by heat; weakness, trembling, anxiety.
Thuja [Thuj]
Drawing pain in small of back, os coccygis and thighs, preventing erect position, after prolonged sitting; pressive, bruised sensation in back and loins early on rising, (>) on turning trunk or while standing , (>) when walking; cramplike pain in lumbar region after long standing, when attempting to walk feels as if he would fall.
Zincum [Zinc]
Constant pain in back and loins so severe as to render life miserable; pain in back when walking relieved by continuing to walk; stiffness and tension of neck; tearing pains, burning in shoulder-blades; burning along whole spine, (<) sitting; tearing, trembling and lameness in limbs; twisting in affected limbs and frequent jerking of whole body during sleep; great weakness of limbs; weakness of lumbar region and bend of knees; TENDENCY TO CONVULSIONS FROM INJURY TO SPINE; transfer of pains from one side to another; wine increases the pain and nervous weakness.


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