BRONCHITIS CHRONICA and 26 BEST Homeopathic Remedies

AEsculus-hip [Aesc]
Bronchitis complicated with gouty diathesis and a tendency to piles with constipation; rapid, labored breathing with pain in right lung.
Allium-sativum [All-s]
Herpetic constitution; the poison attacks the respiratory and digestive mucous membranes; chronic, pulmonary catarrh; dry cough, from scraping in the larynx; afterwards glutinous, bloody or purulent sputa of foul odor. Dyspnoea, as if the anterior chest were compressed; pains in chest, so that he cannot expand it ; stitches in shoulder-blades and pectoral muscles, increased by cough and deep inspiration; (<) by fresh, cold air, by atmospheric changes, after rest and from washing the head, general chilliness with redness of face; sour, foetid sweat in the afternoon; general lassitude. Alumen [Alumn] Coughs a long time every morning, with scratching in the middle of the sternum, on and after getting up, (<) during, (>) after breakfast; chronic morning cough of old people; sputa ropy and scanty; dry cough in the evening after lying down.
Alumina [Alum]
(Argilla).- Dry, hacking cough soon after waking in the morning, ending in difficult raising of a little white mucus; cough with tearing pains and involuntary urination in old or withered looking people; (<) in the cold season and lasting till the warm season sets in again, cough (>) by lying flat on the face; sputum difficult and of a putrid taste.
Ambra [Ambr]
Paroxysms of cough coming from deep in chest, excited by violent tickling in throat, evening without, morning with expectoration, generally of grayish-white, seldom of yellow mucus, of salty or sour taste, excited by exertion and music; violent spasmodic cough, with frequent eructations and hoarseness; aged people; old cough.
Ammonium-carb [Am-c]
BRONCHITIS OF THE AGED. Copious bronchial secretion, with great difficulty of expectoration and bronchial dilatation. Numerous coarse rattles land yet he experiences no necessity to clear his chest. Cough in the morning or at night, disturbing sleep, with spasmodic oppression, incessant cough, excited by a sensation as if down in the larynx; (<) after eating, talking, in the open air, and on lying down, followed by exhaustion. Low VITALITY; AND ATONY OF THE BRONCHIAL TUBES, favoring emphysema. Catarrh of old people, beginning with the setting in of winter and continuing till summer heat prevails, (<) 3 to 4 A.M. Ammonium-iod [Am-i] Chronic bronchitis, with swelling and induration of the glands; furuncles. Ammonium-mur [Am-m] Pulmonary catarrh, with constant hacking and scraping as if a foreign body were in the throat, but he only brings up small pieces of white mucus. Dry cough; (<) evenings and at night, when lying on his back or on right side; (<) after rest, after a cold drink, or when taking a deep inspiration; stitches in the chest and hypochondria; oppression when moving the upper extremities; burning in the chest, and coarse, rattling murmurs; heat at night; followed by sweat; icy coldness between shoulders, which nothing warms; bronchiectasis, emphysema. Ammonium-phos [Am-p] BRONCHITIS CHRONICA ARTHRITICA. When patients suffering from gout or rheumatoid arthritis are attacked with bronchial catarrhs or bronchitis. Ammoniacum [Ammc] Asthenic pulmonary complaints; large accumulation of purulent or viscid matter, with feeble or difficult expectoration; aged people suffer in cold weather from bronchial affections. Antimonium-sulph-aurat [Ant-s] Chronic nasal and bronchial catarrhs; greenish-yellow offensive discharge from the head; frequent inclination to hawk and spit, followed by copious expectoration of mucus. Antimonium-tart [Ant-t] (Tartarus emet.)- Bronchitis of infants and old people; profuse mucus with feeble expulsive power; rattling of phlegm in chest, with increased irritability to cough; sudden and alarming symptoms of suffocation, with oppression and orthopnoea, so that he has to sit up; fits of suffocation mornings and evenings in bed; cough after midnight so that he throws up his supper;l adynamia of old people; stupor from bloodpoisoning; tendency to diarrhoea; hopeless and desponding. Arsenicum [Ars] CHRONIC BRONCHITIS OF THE AGED. Dry catarrh, not of recent origin; dyspnoea, from more or less extensive emphysema and consecutive pulmonary congestions. Difficulty of breathing continues during the intervals upon coughing, and returns periodically, especially at night; bronchial secretion scanty with a sensation of dryness in the respiratory lining; titillation in the trachea and under the sternum, chiefly at night, provoking a dry, wheezing, often very violent cough, followed after a while by expectoration of a white, frothy, sometimes after eating and in the afternoon; emaciation; (<) about and after midnight, from lying down, from drinking cold water, from mental excitement. Asarum-europ [Asar] Short respiration, with suffocation, especially at night; pressure over the whole chest; burning in the right side of chest, more outside than inside; dull stitches in the lungs, especially during inspiration, which provoke cough in the larynx; expectoration of mucous sputa; a tendency to vomiting and diarrhoea. Badiaga [Bad] Chronic bronchial catarrh with excessive mucous secretion, so that TALKING OR COUGHING CAUSES THE MUCUS TO FLY FROM HIS MOUTH, and gagging and vomiting (Chel.). Balsamum-peru [Bals-p] Bronchial catarrhs with formation of muco-pus; loud rales with thick, creamy, yellowish-white sputa; hectic fever; night-sweats. Baryta-carb [Bar-c] Useful in infancy and in old age; to the former with indurated tonsils and engorged cervical glands; to the latter when enfee- bled by antecedent diseases. Cough all the night, with sensation of excoriation in the chest; mucous expectoration; oppression as from a weight in the chest, with short and sometimes difficult respiration; stitches in the left chest; relieved by hot applications; hoarseness or aphonia; general chilliness in daytime;l heat at night preventing sleep; followed by weakening night-sweats. Cactus-grand [Cact] Chronic bronchitis with rattling of mucus; continuous, day and night; oppression of breathing on going of up-stairs and inability to lie horizontally in bed; becoming acute in consequence of catching cold, with great anxiety and oppression; face and limbs cold; heart feels as if clutched. Calcarea-carb [Calc] Chronic bronchitis, complicated with emphysema; bronchial dilatation with the characteristic foetid sputa, or yellow, lumpy and sweetish, when thrown into water a lump is seen shooting to the bottom, with a mucous trail behind, like a falling star; cough dry, violent, even spasmodic, with tickling in throat causing stitching headache, especially; evenings, in bed, or during night when sleeping, raising only after great and long efforts scanty, white, frothy and dirty-looking or foetid sputa; cough induced by piano playing, every note vibrates in her larynx. Calcarea-iod [Calc-i] Chronic bronchitis of scrofulous children, when the cervical glands are much swollen, the cough is rather dry, and when there is ground for suspicion of enlargement of the bronchial glands; thin subjects. Calcarea-sulph [Calc-s] In children, severe cough, with malaise in the chest; green stools; small warts on fingers and thumbs; herpetic eruptions on the face, ears, chest and hands. Cannabis-ind [Cann-i] HUMID ASTHMA, it requires a great effort to take a deep breath, feels as is suffocated and has to be fanned; rough cough with scraping immediately under sternum. Capsicum [Caps] Exhalation from lungs DURING COUGHING, and at no other time causes strong, offensive breath; cannot get air deep enough into the lugs; constant dyspnoea; oppression at bifurcation of bronchi; (>) from successful cough, sputa dirty brown.
Carbo-anim [Carb-an]
Cough with hoarseness or night-sweats, very foetid and weakening, with concussion or pain in abdomen; coldness and aching in lumbar region and lower extremities; as well as in the chest (Brom).
Carbo-veg [Carb-v]
Chronic bronchitis of poor, exhausted constitutions and of aged people, with profuse foetid expectoration or with profuse mucous accumulation, with imperfect power of expectoration; blue nails and cold extremities, up to the knees; collapse; burning excoriating pressure in chest, shoulders and back; great tendency of the chest to perspire; (<) in fresh air or by going from a warm room into a cold one; evening hoarseness; pyrosis in daytime. Causticum [Caust] Violent, racking cough, especially at night, pain in the throat and head, but he is obliged to swallow the sputum; it comes up apparently with cough, but it cannot be spat out; greasy taste of the sputa; cough after getting warm in bed, or after recovering the natural heart from a colder state; cough, with pain in hip; COUGH IMMEDIATELY RELIEVED BY A COLD DRINK; spurting of urine with the cough; he cannot cough deep enough to get relief; weakness of lower extremities; morning hoarseness. China [Chin] Chronic catarrh, with mucous rales, coarse and loud; cough when the head is low, it must be somewhat raised to feel easier; cough after eating; weakness and loss of strength; anaemia and oedema; tickling cough, (<) from talking or laughing. Coccus-cact [Coc-c] Chronic bronchitis, COMPLICATED WITH GRAVEL; acid diathesis; brick dust sediment in the urine, adhering to the vessel; cough, with expectoration of a large quantity of viscid, albuminous mucus; cough, with constant tickling in the bronchi, about their bifurcation, caused by a feeling as if a plug of mucus were moving in the chest in spite of the profuse expectoration; difficult breathing; dyspnoea and oppression of the lower part of the chest; cough worse when waking in the morning, clear, dry and barking, followed by slight expectoration of thick, viscid mucus, or so violent as to cause vomiting, with the characteristic sputa; sharp stitching pains under clavicles. Conium [Con] Chronic cough, from enlargement of the bronchial glands, with irritation of the tracheal and laryngeal lining; spasmodically tearing cough, (>) in the evening and at night from horizontal position; aggravated by talking an laughing. An unbearable titillation in the pit of throat, with lisping voice, causing some paroxysms of coughing, with headache and pains all over the chest; scrofulosis.
Copaiva [Cop]
Chronic bronchorrhoea (dilated bronchi) with profuse expectoration of greenish, foetid mucus; soreness of larynx down to chest; severe, harassing cough with profuse expectoration of thick, heavy masses of yellow of greenish and putrid-tasting mucus, sometimes bloody and in such quantities as to cause choking and vomiting; oppression of chest with labored breathing, as if respiratory passage were filled with mucus; can only breathe easily when bolstered up in bed; restless nights; night- sweats, emaciation. Dracontium Catarrh of tracheal and bronchial tubes, with rapid formation first of watery, burning discharge, and later quick development of pus or muco-pus; yellowish, purulent sputa, with great burning and rawness.
Drosera [Dros]
Bronchitis of old age, in connection with emphysema or bronchiectasis; nocturnal paroxysms; (<) from lying down; the cough seems to come from the abdomen; shaking all the muscles of the chest and body, with much exhaustion after the attack; expectoration of yellow mucus or pus; paroxysms of cough, from one to two hours apart; (<) at night, especially in spring and fall; perspires immediately on waking from sleep. Grindelia-robusta [Grin] Chronic bronchitis and bronchorrhoea, with tough-white, mucous expectoration, difficult to detach; accumulation of mucus in the bronchioles; patients feels that expectoration brings relief; cough from reflex causes; cough maintained by habit. Gummi amm BRONCHORRHOEA. Respiration short, quick, with anguish, especially at night; oppression and obstruction in the chest from the accumulation of mucus; stitches in the left side of the chest when taking a deep inspiration; tickling in throat without cough; frontal headache, dimness of sight; in rheumatic or gouty subjects. Hepar-sulph [Hep] Mostly indicated when the cough enters the stage of resolution; a rattling, chocking, moist cough, depending on an organic or catarrhal basis; (<) towards morning and after eating, fatiguing, bellow cough as soon as he uncovers any part of his body. Bronchiectasis, with dirty-yellow, foul sputa. Hydrastis [Hydr] Bronchitis of old people, with great debility, loss of appetite, cachectic state, weakness; chronic cough, accompanied by febrile paroxysms evenings and night, and excessive prostration; sputa thick, yellowish, very tenacious, stringy and profuse; dry, hard cough with much laryngeal irritation, or loose but hard cough with much nasopharyngeal catarrh, and marked prostration. Hyoscyamus [Hyos] Night cough dry, (<) in recumbent position, less when sitting up, or from eating and drinking, loose in daytime, with greenish or pale, bloody expectoration. Inula [Inul] Cough, with abundant thick expectoration, with weakness of digestive tract, general languor, debility; chronic skin affections; engorged glands; much leucorrhoea; dry cough at night, (<) lying down, with difficult breathing. Iodum [Iod] Scrofulosis; dyspnoea at night, compelling him to sit up, dry morning cough, later transparent, grayish sputa; (<) after every old. Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi] Bronchitis oscillating between acute and torpid inveterate bronchitis, with a certain degree of irritation, vascular congestion and moderate muco-purulent secretion, frequently accompanied by periosteal or rheumatic pains. Cough resonant, whistling; loud rattling in chest; difficult expectoration of yellow, bluish or slate-colored, tough mucus, adherent, filamentous, sometimes foetid; burning sensation in trachea and bronchi; tickling in the throat, which causes cough, hoarseness and aphony; (<) in winter or during chilly summers, he must sit up in bed to breathe, (>) by bending forward and bringing up the stringy mucus.
Kali-brom [Kali-br]
Chronic catarrh, with purulent sputa of a slate color; acne of the face; pruritus of the genital organs; dry, fatiguing cough at intervals of two or three hours, with difficult respiration, followed by vomiting of mucous and food, (<) at night and when lying down; tightness of the chest when breathing. Kali-carb [Kali-c] Dry cough, as if excited by a dry membrane in the trachea, which cannot be detached; slimy, salty, tenacious expectoration; cough evening and (<) after 3 A.M., from eating and drinking, with pain in lower part of chest; violent cough, but the dislodged mucus MUST BE SWALLOWED OR FLIES UNEXPECTEDLY FROM THE MOUTH AFTER LONG COUGHING; dry skin and dry stool; eyelids red and swollen, especially between brows and upper lids. Kreosotum [Kreos] Violent winter cough old people, with spasmodic cough at night and copious sputa of light-colored mucus (Nitr. ac.); pressure on sternum, especially when turning over in bed in the morning; teething cough of children; (>) on approach of warm weather.
Lobelia-infl [Lob]
Impossible of deep inspiration; extreme dyspnoea, (<) by slightest exertion or short exposure to cold; feeling of strong constriction in middle of chest, impeding respiratory movements.
Lycopodium [Lyc]
Distressing, fatiguing, tickling cough, (<) afternoon, and evening, and on going to sleep and in the morning; chronic bronchitis, with copious, muco-serous or muco-purulent sputa; congestion of liver, flatulency, constipation, cachectic complexion, red gravel, acid dyspepsia; dry cough, day and night, in feeble emaciated boys (florid scrofula); emphysema, dilatation of air-tubes and senile catarrh; respiration short before and during cough, ending with loud belching; salty expectoration; emaciation of upper part of body; great fear of solitude.
Myosotis [Myos]
Chronic bronchitis; obstinate old coughs, with profuse, muco- purulent expectoration, (<) mornings and after eating, with gagging and vomiting; pain in left lower lung, (<) while coughing and sensitive to percussion.
Naphthalene [Naphtin]
Spasmodic cough in old people, with rattling in upper bronchial tubes, with difficult or absent expectoration.
Natrum-carb [Nat-c]
Cough excited by coming into a warm room; short, with rattling in chest, rumbling, incarcerated flatus and salty, purulent, greenish sputa.
Natrum-mur [Nat-m]
Dry cough from tickling in the throat or pit of stomach, day and night; lungs feel raw and sore from continued coughing; headache from coughing, as if the head would burst; stitches in the chest when taking a long breath or coughing, with involuntary flow of urine, with tickling in throat when talking, with involuntary flow of urine, with tickling in throat when talking; cough excited by every empty deglutition; cough, with vomiting of food; physical and moral depression, weak voice, fluttering of heart, cutting pain in after urinating; sputa transparent, viscid; (<) at the seashore.
Nitric-acid [Nit-ac]
Chronic winter cough; awakens often all stopped up with mucus, must expectorate before he can breathe easily; short breath, panting during work (Kreos.)
Nux-vomica [Nux-v]
Chronica bronchitis of old people; rough, dry and deep cough from dryness of larynx, with tension and pain in the larynx and bronchi; accumulation of tenacious mucus in the throat, which the patient is unable to detach; convulsive racking cough, caused by titillation in the throat, especially morning or at night in bed, after a meal, from exercise, thinking or reading; cough, with vomiting or with bleeding from the nose or mouth.
Phosphorus [Phos]
Subacute attacks of bronchitis in emaciated, cachectic, or young overgrown invalids; broncho-pulmonary catarrhs from dilatation or fatty degeneration of the heart. Cough abrupt, rough, sharp, dry; between each coughing spell a short interval; dry, tickling cough in the evening, with tightness across the chest and expectoration in the morning; pain in chest when coughing, relieved by external pressure; trembling of the whole body while coughing; cough gets worse when other people come into the room; tingling, soreness and rawness in the air-passages; dry cough, with expectoration of viscid or bloody mucus. Dilatation of the bronchi.
Phosphoric-acid [Ph-ac]
Exceedingly violent capillary bronchitis; fever with evening exacerbations; dyspnoea; pressive pain under sternum; violent coryza; purulent or muco-purulent expectoration; COUGH WITH HAWKING OF MUCUS IN LITTLE BALLS; cough in overgrown youths.
Sanguinaria [Sang]
Dry cough, with considerable tickling in the pit of the throat, a crawling sensation extending downward beneath the sternum. Severe cough, causing considerable pain beneath the upper part of the sternum, without expectoration. Teasing, dry, hacking cough, with dryness of the air-passages. Sensation of constriction, with inclination to take a deep breath, which only increases the constriction and causes a tearing pain through the chest, particularly the right one; chest sore and painful to the touch (myalgic pains); painful sighing respiration.
Scilla-marit [Squil]
Extreme prostration; chronic catarrh, with profuse expectoration of a whitish and viscid mucus; tickling, worrying and constantly harassing cough of greater or less severity, day and night; sometimes loose; at other times dry; watery, mucous expectoration, sometimes tinged red; profuse urination; drinking of cold water always brings on a severe cough. Bronchitis of old, feeble people with dyspnoea, heavy mucous rales; scanty action of kidneys, with some irritation of bladder.
Senega [Seneg]
Accumulation of masses of thick mucus in the bronchi, which can only be expectorated with difficulty, with irritation of the bowels and a tendency to diarrhoea; COUGH OF OLD PEOPLE, who expectorate large quantities of watery mucus; small, hardly perceptible pulse; great debility; somnolence; sensitiveness of the walls of the chest when moving the arms, especially the left one; burning pain in the heart; pressure on chest as if the lungs were pushed back upon the spine; cough with painful shocks through the head; suits fat people with lax fibre.
Sepia [Sep]
Dry, hard, short, spasmodic cough, preventing sleep; in the morning expectoration of foul-smelling, yellowish-green sputa. During the night in bed especially before midnight, spasmodic cough, increasing till he expectorates. Constant hawking in order to detach the adherent mucosities; after the cough oppression; nausea during and after the cough, even vomiting. He cannot lie on left side. Sour perspiration in the morning; loss of appetite; general lassitude, Aggravation by cold, damp whether.
Silicea [Sil]
Bronchial affections of rachitic children; obstinate; cough, provoked by cold drinks, with copious, transparent, or PURULENT expectoration; pains, soreness and weakness of the chest, relieved by inhaling moist, warm air; laryngeal morning cough, commencing immediately on rising, with tough, gelatinous and very tenacious expectoration; loss of breath when lying on the back or stooping; cough provoked by cold drinks; expectoration of pus, which when thrown into water falls to the bottom and spreads like a heavy sediment.
Stannum [Stann]
Bronchial dilatation and profuse purulent expectoration; weak feeling in chest after expectorating or talking; excessive muco- purulent expectoration, greenish, with a sweetish taste, more rarely salty.
Sulphur [Sulph]
Inveterate bronchitis, with arterial and venous vascular irritability; great impressionability of the skin, which suffers from the slightest atmospheric variations, with exacerbation of all pectoral symptoms; chronic catarrhs of long standing, with secretion of large quantities of tenacious mucus (thickening of the lining membrane). Suffocation with palpitation; pain in chest during cough, aggravated by the horizontal position; cough, with nausea and vomiting; heaviness of head and dim vision; sensation as of ice in chest, whenever chilled, or perspiration is checked.
Terebinthina [Ter]
Bronchial catarrh of the aged, with copious mucopurulent expectoration.
Veratrum-alb [Verat]
Chronic bronchitis of the aged; constant rattling of mucus without being able to expectorate; prostration; frequent irregular pulse; cold, sticky perspiration of the head; (<) morning and till midnight; going into warm room or in bed, etc.; threatening paralysis of heart.
Yerba-santa [Erio]
(Eriodictyon) Constant irritating cough with great soreness of chest; a feeling of excoriation, rawness, and sensation of great hyperaesthesia of the thickened mucous surfaces; after a while a great weakness of voice, profuse muco-purulent expectoration, soreness and cramp in chest; loss of appetite; emaciation; especially affecting right bronchi; night-sweats; asthmatic breathing from accumulation of mucus.


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