CARDIALGIA GASTRALGIA Gastrodynia [Cardialgia]:


Abies-nigra [Abies-n]
Total loss of appetite in the morning, but great craving for food at noon and at night; sensation of an undigested, hard- boiled egg in the stomach, the food sags in stomach and lies there like a load (Nux v., a knotted feeling); continual distressing constriction just above the pit of the stomach; painful sensation as if something were lodged in the chest and had to be coughing up, hardly any amount of coughing dislodges the painful object; waterbrash follows and often large quantities of mucus are brought up, but the offending subject remains causing much distress and profuse lachrymation. (H.N.G.) DISTRESS IMMEDIATELY AFTER EATING.
Abrotanum [Abrot]
Gnawing hunger; craves bread boiled in milk; appetite sometimes ravenous while emaciating; burning in stomach as from acidity; sensation as if the stomach were hanging or swimming in water, with a peculiar feeling of coldness and a dulness to all irritants; pains cutting, gnawing burning, sometimes contracting and stinging, mostly (<) at night; never entirely free from pain even in the intervals of the spasms; constipation; haemorrhoids; gastralgia after suppressed gout. Acetic-acid [Acet-ac] Violent burning pain in stomach, cannot bear slightest pressure; Sensation as if there were an ulcer in the stomach or as if the contents were in a constant ferment; sour eructations; sour vomiting; profuse salivation and waterbrash day and night; great thirst for large quantities of water; profuse urination; profuse debilitating night-sweats and emaciation, bread and butter disagrees, cannot drink anything cold and vomits at every meal. Aconite [Acon] Pressure in stomach and pit of stomach, as from a weight or hard stone, extending through to the back; warmth in stomach; anxious feeling in the praecordia; severe and constant pain in epigastrium, pressing outward. AEsculus-hip [Aesc] Pain in stomach for four or five hours after eating, which continues till food is taken; aching, cutting and burning distress in stomach, fluttering sensation with faintness in pit of stomach; periodical tightness in the scrobiculus, with labored breathing. AEthusa-cyn [Aeth] Painful contractions of stomach, so severe as to prevent vomiting; tearing, rending pains in pit of stomach, extending to oesophagus, with sensation as if the stomach were turned upside down, accompanied by a burning feeling up the chest; while eating sudden heaviness in forehead; desire for wine (anaemic patients); intolerance of milk. Agaricus [Agar] Eructations with the taste of apples or rotten eggs; heart burn almost always after eating meat; burning and twisting pains in the stomach an hour or more after a meal; constant sensation in stomach as if it were sinking like a heavy weight towards the abdomen; gastric derangement with itching, burning and redness in different parts of the body as if frost-bitten; much hunger, but no appetite; fainting turns with inclination to vomit, sometimes alternating with a jerking as of some heavy object. Ammonium-brom [Am-br] Terrible distress in upper part of epigastrium; must hold mouth open when walking on account of heat in throat and lungs; sighs and walks the room with fear of dying; belching relieves faintness of stomach. Anacardium-orient [Anac] Drawing pain at cardia when walking fast; craving for food, eating relieves distress for a few hours, the craving then returns to be again relieved by eating; heartburn after eating soup; sensation of fasting in pit of stomach, followed by pressure in stomach, in the morning; weak memory. Aranea-diadema [Aran] After eating very little food violent convulsive pains in the stomach, with nausea, oppression of chest and violent gaping; convulsions then become general, with trembling of the whole body; spasmodic movements and a desire to be constantly moving when sitting in a chair. Argentum-nit [Arg-n] Delicate nervous women; gnawing ulcerative pain, confined to a small circumscribed spot in the stomach as from a sore, forcing one to double himself up, aggravated by the lest motion or food; spinal irritation; tendency to gangrene. The pain comes on sometimes immediately after taking food, as if the oesophagus were irritated as well as the stomach; heartburn; epileptiform convulsions from a heavy meal. Irritative flatulent gastralgia, chiefly affecting the cardia and oesophagus, accompanied and relieved by belching; faintish sort of nausea with palpitation, sensation as if a splinter were lodged in the throat when swallowing, irritating the respiration, (>) by stretching and moving the neck. Suitable to delicate nervous, women, especially when the affection arises from depressing causes, nightly watching, etc. The pain gradually increases in intensity; when at its acme the patients often press their clenched first into the region of the stomach for relief, and then the pains gradually decrease again; irresistible desire for sugar and piquant food and drinks.
Arnica [Arn]
Gastrodynia, with feeling of nausea and repletion DURING and after eating; pinching, spasmodic griping, as if posterior wall of the stomach would be forcibly pressed against the spine; colicky pains in abdomen and sides; FOUL BELCHING like rotten eggs, especially mornings; vomits all solids, but retains liquids; obstinate constipation.
Arsenicum [Ars]
Gnawing corroding pains, alternating with pressure in the stomach, with weight as of a stone or hard lump (objectively confirmed by the hardness of the stomach); sensation of soreness and of ulceration in the stomach, which is tender to pressure; fruitless retching; vomiting immediately after eating or drinking; violent vomiting of food and gastric fluids; pain in stomach (<) by sweet milk, desire for warm food, for hot coffee, for stimulants; intense heat and burning in stomach and pit of stomach, with anguish, great restlessness and fainting. Asafoetida [Asaf] Pressing, cutting, stitching pains in spells, not regular; FULL OF WIND, PRESSING UPWARD, never down; gulping up rancid fluid; meteorism of stomach, with great feeling of tension and difficult eructation; empty feeling in stomach, not a pain, with faintness, (<) about 11 A.M.; sensation of peristaltic motion in abdomen from below upward; strong pulsations in epigastrium after eating; obstinate constipation or very offensive diarrhoea. Baptisia [Bapt] Sensation as if the OEsophagus from its beginning to the stomach were too narrow and constricted; constant burning distress in epigastrium and cramp in the stomach; the patient can only swallow fluids, but no solids, as they cause gagging when entering the pharynx. Baryta-carb [Bar-c] GASTRALGIA RESTING ON A MATERIAL BASIS, especially stenosis of the cardiac or pylorus from hypertrophy; heaviness of the stomach immediately after the food has entered the stomach; pressure as from a stone, better from eructations, sour a few hours after dinner. Belladonna [Bell] Gnawing, pressing, crampy, drawing and wrenching pain in stomach, extending through to spine; between the shoulder-blades dull aching, with a sense of fatigue and tired feeling in the spine, relieved by bending backward, worse after drinking; painful pressure in pit of stomach when walking, compels him to walk slowly; hard pressure on stomach after eating, extending through to spine between shoulders; paroxysmal stomach; sensation of hunger after a meal; frequent empty eructations. Bismuth [Bism] Spells of cardialgia, during which the abdominal muscles are spasmodically contracted; pressure in stomach, especially after a meal; GASTRALGIA NERVOSA with retching and VOMITING AS SOON AS FOOD TOUCHES THE STOMACH; dyspnoea, trembling of limbs and convulsion, the pain so violent as to cause fainting. (>) momentarily by cold water, but may be vomited up as soon as it reaches the stomach, and by bending backward; burning in stomach, with violent ejection of food; spasmodic vomiting; pyrosis; (<) towards evening; or brought on at any time by fatigue or over- exertion; hysterical girls and women suffering from spinal irritation. Bryonia [Bry] Pressure on the stomach, not circumscribed, but extending over the whole stomach; pains come on one or two hours after eating, keep on for a few hours, and gradually decline; pressure on account of the bloatedness of the abdomen and dyspnoea; epigastric region painful to touch, cannot endure the clothes; stitching pains in gastric region, (<) from motion, especially from a misstep; compressive sensation in temples, forehead and occiput as if the skull would burst; relief obtained by making pressure on head and temples. Caladium [Calad] Burning in stomach, not (>) by drinking, it becomes a severe pressure, extending upward under breast, preventing respiration and eructation; empty hollow feeling and sensation as if a bird were fluttering in stomach, causing nausea but no retching; (<) after vinegar and all acids. Calcarea-carb [Calc] All food tastes too fresh, he wishes to have more salt on it; walk disagrees; sour or burning-sour eructations or tasting of the ingesta; an undefined sensation of weight in stomach, with great anguish; intolerable feeling of pressure, as from tight clothes, around the hypochondria; pressing pains from above downward, or from before backward, in the abdomen, about the umbilical region; flatulence, gurgling in the right side of the abdomen (Lyc. left); pressing-pinching, spasmodically squeezing and contracting pains in the stomach, particularly after meals, with vomiting of food, (>) from motion, (>) lying quiet on the back.
Calcarea-hypophos [Calc-hp]
Constant desire to ear, feels well only when the stomach is full, or else severe pain; pressure and distress in the pit of the stomach, recurring about two hours after each meal. Milk relieves.
Capsicum [Caps]
Burning in stomach, especially after eating; nervous, spasmodic vomiting; stomach icy cold or burning in it; heartburn, waterbrash.
Carbo-an [Carb-an]
Burning-aching pain, acidity heartburn, faint, gone feeling, not (>) by eating; fulness, cold feeling in stomach, after slight meal, relieved by laying hand on it; eructations tasting of food eaten long ago.
Carbo-veg [Carb-v]
ATONY OF DIGESTION. Suits old people, the male sex and the haemorrhoidal world; pains in stomach from loss of nutrition; excessive hunger at night, must eat to appease it; painful burning pressure, with anguish trembling, and aggravation by contact, at night and after a meal, especially after taking flatulent food; spasmodic contractive pain, compelling the patient to blend double, with short breathing and aggravation in a recumbent position; heartburn; nausea; loathing of food, even when merely thinking of it; frequent flatulence, with oppression of chest and constipation, (<) by belching, eructations sour, rancid; flatulence burning putrid, moist offensive; (<) from debauchery. Castoreum [Cast] Pain in stomach going round to left hypochondrium and through to back, (<) after dinner, (>) by warmth, pressure or bending double; sensation in stomach as if it would go to sleep; violent pains in bowels and back, arresting breathing, with yawning, faintness, chilliness, borborygmi and tasteless eructations.
Causticum [Caust]
Pressure, spasmodic constriction and griping in stomach, as if clawed, especially on deep breathing; pain in the stomach in morning, increased by every quick movement or bodily exertion and gradually decreasing during rest, must lie down; nausea during and after meals; acidity and mucus in the stomach; constant sensation as of lime being burned in the stomach.
Chamomilla [Cham]
Distension, of the epigastrium and hypochondria, with PRESSURE AS FROM A STONE; oppression, short and difficult breathing; aggravation of the pains after a meal, or at NIGHT, with great ANGUISH AND RESTLESSNESS; decrease of the pains by bending double, INSTANTANEOUS RELIEF BY COFFEE; and when the following symptoms are present: beating pain in the vertex, at night, obliging one to get out of bed; irritable; peevish mood. Cham is frequently most suitable in alternation with Coff.; if it should be ineffectual, give Bell instead.
Chelidonium [Chel]
Atony of digestion from morbid hepatic states; alternate heat and coldness in the stomach; gnawing and digging pains in the stomach, RELIEVED BY EATING HEARTILY; spasmodic contraction, stitching and burning, with eructations, nausea, salivation; short breath and anxiety; relieved by belching; empty eructations after eating; desire for hot drinks, especially for water nearly boiling; for milk, which relieves.
China [Chin]
Dyspeptic weakness, with DISTENSION OF AND PAINFUL PRESSURE IN THE REGION OF THE STOMACH, AFTER EATING OR DRINKING EVER TO LITTLE; acidity; heartburn, slimy of bilious passages; the pains get worse during rest, abate during motion; loss of appetite, aversion to food and drink; idleness; sleepiness; hypochondriac mood and INABILITY TO WORK, ESPECIALLY AFTER A MEAL; slow stool; yellow, livid complexion; yellow appearance of the whites; belching gives no relief (belching relieves: Carb. v.).
Cicuta [Cic]
Swelling of stomach as from violent spasm of diaphragm; gastralgia with vomiting, painful distension of abdomen and spasm of pectoral muscles; swelling and throbbing in pit of stomach; burning pressure in stomach and abdomen; waterbrash; a quantity of saliva running from mouth, with sensation of heat all over; IRRESISTIBLE DESIRE TO EAT COAL.
Cimicifuga [Cimic]
Myalgia of diaphragm, simulating cardialgia; severe pains in gastric region, diverging around the ribs each way and through to the back; intense pain near cardiac region of stomach, causing faintness; eructations, nausea, vomiting; severe headache, brain feels as if too large, (>) by pressure.
Cina [Cina]
Gnawing sensation in stomach, as if from hunger; epigastric pain, (<) on first waking in the morning and before meal, (<) by food; desire for many and different things; exceeding crossness and obstinacy. Cistus-can [Cist] Cool feeling in stomach before can after eating; desire for acid food and fruit, but pain and diarrhoea follow after eating them; empty and cool eructations, with feeling as if they would relieve. Cocculus [Cocc] Violent attacks of gastralgia, she has to roll and twist, is thirsty, grasp for breath; griping, constrictive pains during day, (>) towards evening; SENSATION IN STOMACH AS IF ONE HAD BEEN A LONG TIME WITHOUT FOOD TILL HUNGER IS GONE; nausea, malaise and vomiting when riding in a carriage, boat or train or cars; sea- sickness; cardialgia from menstrual affections; morning nausea; confused headache after eating or drinking; extreme aversion to food, caused even by smell of food, although with hunger.
Coffea [Coff]
Cramps in stomach, which feels tight after food; vomiting without lest exertion; tension of epigastrium with sensitiveness to touch.
Conium [Con]
Pressure in the stomach during eating, contraction in the back with sensation of coldness, griping and sore feeling; dryness of the mouth; contraction in the throat, with retching; painful acid eructations with mouth; contraction in the throat, with retching; painful acid eructations with burning in the stomach, nausea and severe vomiting of mucus, spasmodic cough; violent pain in the stomach, two or three hours after eating, but also at night; somewhat better in the knee-elbow position; eructations offensive or frequent and empty, with heartburn; acrid heartburn; with very acrid eructations greatly irritating the tongue; hysteria.
Cuprum [Cupr]
Neuralgia of vagus; cardialgia in connection with chlorosis; pressure, nausea, eructations; rumbling in abdomen; sensation as of a round ball going to and fro under the ribs with different sounds, (<) by fluid food and (>) by tight clothing, or a bandage, or from lying quite; violent pressure at stomach, with contractive pains at intervals; cramps in stomach and chest, extending upward with violent diarrhoea and prostration.
Cyclamen [Cycl]
Aversion to ordinary food and desire for inedible things; after slight nourishment indescribable pain in scrobiculum cordis, which only stopped after vomiting it up, (<) after coffee; light sleep, constantly waking up; loss of all ambition and tired of life. Dioscorea [Dios] Dull heavy pain in the pit of the stomach, (>) after eating, relieved by frequent eructations of air; the pains radiate from the stomach in all directions, and at time they appear suddenly in the head and feet; belching large quantities of wind, with sensation as if both temples were in a vise; has to unfasten her clothing, relief by stretching the body or by walking about; burning distress in the stomach, with sharp, prickling pains in it, and faintness; flatulent distension after meals in persons of weak digestion.
Elaps-coral [Elaps]
Cold drinks, ice, ice-cream, fruit feel like cold lumps in the stomach; weight in stomach after eating; sinking, faint feeling at the pit of the stomach, relieved by lying down on abdomen; constipation, fearful of some impending fatal disease; desire for sweetened buttermilk.
Ferrum [Ferr]
Neuralgic and anaemic cardialgia; atony of digestion; vomiting of food immediately after eating, without any preceding nausea, as also when coughing or moving about; heavy pressure in pit of stomach; palpitating in stomach, and through oesophagus, as if a nerve were quivering, with an occasional suffocative feeling as if a valve rose in the throat; cardiac uneasiness; canine hunger, alternating with extreme dislike to all food; eructations tasting of the food just taken; unquenchable thirst or thirstlessness, (<) from meat, sour fruit, milk, tobacco, tea and beer; (<) with an empty stomach, (>) after breakfast.
Ferrum-phos [Ferr-p]
Acute and chronic gastralgia, (<) by eating and pressure on stomach; vomiting of food; gastric region and hypochondria puffed up. Gelsemium [Gels] Sensation of a heavy load, with weight, tension and dull pain; empty, faint sensations in epigastrium; a false hunger; a kind of gnawing; nervous exhaustion, as found in persons of dissolute habits; temporary improvement from stimulants. Graphites [Graph] Crampy, spasmodic or clawing pains, or pressure, with vomiting of the ingesta, relieved by lying down and the warmth of the bed, and returning when rising, with vomiting; acidity; constipation; pains in the hepatic region; sensation of a lump in the stomach, with constant beating as of two hammers; the pain comes on as soon as the stomach is empty and drives her to eat; disagreeable taste in morning, as though he had eaten eggs; relief from warm food or drinks. Nervous cardialgia, with anaemia (chlorotic color of face); dysmenorrhoea. Herpetic constitution. Gratiola-off [Grat] Cardialgia, pain commences in pit of stomach and spreads to upper abdomen, back and especially kidneys; pressure at pit of stomach as from stone rolling from side to side, with cramp like drawing which mounts into chest, frequent urging to vomit and eructations, (<) after food, constipation; urine scanty, reddish, turbid and painful to discharge; empty or cold feeling in stomach. Hippomanes [Hipp] ICY COLDNESS IN STOMACH; desire for acids and aversion to sweet things; sensation of emptiness in stomach and head. Hydrastis-can [Hydr] Faintness at the stomach; sinking, gone feeling, with violent palpitation of the heart; acidity; constipation. Hydrocyanic-acid [Hydr-ac] Gastralgia, (<) when the stomach is empty and (>) by food, sinking at the stomach with weakness in the limbs and loss of power in the muscles; heart sympathizes with the dyspeptic symptoms; much flatulency.
Hyoscyamus [Hyos]
Cramps in stomach, with loud shrieks, vomiting, convulsions; cramps better after vomiting; pit of stomach tender to touch.
Ignatia [Ign]
Sensation of sinking and weakness in the pit of stomach, with qualmishness; regurgitation of food, flat taste, or sighing; spasmodic pains in stomach, (>) when eating; periodical attacks of cramps, (<) from emotions at night and from touch, and (>) by change of position; anxious feeling in praecordia; belching, with pressure in cardia; suitable to nervous or hysterical people or to those who had been starving from want or from other causes; empty retching sometimes; relieved by eating, vomits at night the food taken in the evening; copious urination.
Iris-vers [Iris]
Great burning pains in epigastrium, coming on at intervals; everything sours in stomach; food vomited an hour or so after meals; nausea, straining and belching of wind.
Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]
ORGANIC CARDIALGIA. Fulness and pressure after a full meal which was relished (Chin.; heavy pressure in stomach after taking a little food), cannot bear tight clothing; nausea and faintness in stomach and abdomen, (>) by breakfast; GASTRIC AND RHEUMATIC SYMPTOMS ALTERNATE.
Kali-carb [Kali-c]
Cutting, lancinating or constricting boring pains, (<) after midnight, in cold weather, cannot sit up straight; pit of stomach swollen and sensitive to touch; pain in back and legs after eating; haemorrhoids; constipation after confinement or very large-formed faeces. Kreosotum [Kreos] IRRITABLE WEAKNESS OF THE STOMACH, though it retains the food several hours it finally ejects it undigested; painless gastromalacia; painful, hard spot at or to the left of the stomach; gnawing, burning constricting pain in stomach and hypochondria. (<) in the morning, during motion, cannot tolerate tight clothing; frequent and distressing eructations. Lachesis [Lach] Utter emptiness goneness or faintness of stomach several hours after eating; earthy yellowness of face; gnawing pressure, (>) after eating, but returning as soon as stomach is empty, very violent after a siesta; pit of stomach painful to touch; dark urine; excessively foetid stools; FOOD BECOMES VIOLENTLY ACID IN THE STOMACH; hepatic affections of drunkards and syphilitic persons.
Leptandra [Lept]
Constant distress in the lower part of the epigastrium and upper portions of the umbilical regions; sharp cutting pains at intervals in the same parts; burning-aching sensation in the stomach, aggravated, by drinking cold water; weak, sinking sensation in the pit of the stomach; great desire for stool, that cannot be retained one moment.
Lithium-carb [Lith-c]
Gastralgia accompanied by pain in left temple and orbit, (>) by eating; drinking chocolate or cocoa causes diarrhoea; pain in heart by bending forward.
Lobelia-infl [Lob]
Nausea, pain, heat, oppression and excessive uneasiness; extreme nausea, with profuse perspiration; FEELING OF WEAKNESS OF THE STOMACH, EXTENDING THROUGH THE WHOLE CHEST; feeling of pressure in the pit of the stomach as from a plug; violent painful constriction in the cardia; tightness of the epigastrium, with acidity of the stomach; faintness or weakness at pit of stomach from excessive use of green tea or tobacco; heartburn.
Lycopodium [Lyc]
Gnawing griping in the region of the stomach; compressive pain as if the stomach were pressed together from both sides; flatulence, immediately after a meal; the stomach is full, bloated, distended; tension as from a cord marking the diaphragmatic attachments; he cannot stretch or stand upright; abdominal plethora; full and bloated stomach, acidity, pyrosis; the pains radiate according to the flatulency, to the chest, acidity, pyrosis; the pains radiate according to the flatulency, to the chest, the back, upward to the oesophagus, downward to the umbilicus and abdomen, (<) from cold drinks and (>) from warm drinks (Lach., the reverse); stomach deranged from pastry and farinaceous, heavy food.
Magnesia-carb [Mag-c]
Frequent rumbling and grumbling pain in gastric and epigastric region, disagreeable taste and want of appetite; aversion to warm food and desire for fruit and sour things; INTENSE THIRST FOR COLD WATER; great nausea and vomiting, at first water, afterwards, of the food taken and finally again of an insipid fluid.
Magnesia-mur [Mag-m]
Cardialgia, (<) during night and (>) when eating something at once, and by belching after eating and by walking about; throbbing in pit of stomach, eroding pains radiating from stomach around both sides of body, especially left, can only rest on left side, horripilations; palpitation when sitting quietly; stools knotty like sheep's dung.
Magnesia-phos [Mag-p]
Gastralgia with clean tongue;; feeling of crampy constriction; griping in stomach with eructations of air, affording no relief, (>) by bending double, by rubbing, by external warmth, rarely by eructations; flatulency of little children.
Natrum-carb [Nat-c]
Pit of stomach sensitive to touch and WHEN TALKING; gnawing and pressure in stomach, (>) from eating; flatus changing place and causing pain.
Natrum-mur [Nat-m]
Cardialgia better immediately after eating, but pressing, constricting , stitching burning pains, setting in one or two hours after eating; cramp in stomach, (>) FROM TIGHTENING THE CLOTHES; clawing in pit of stomach; waterbrash; heartburn with palpitation; disgust for fat and bread; relief when digestion is completed; sensation of hair no tongue, which he tries to wipe away.
Natrum-phos [Nat-p]
Gastralgia with predominating acidity; ulceration of stomach, loss of appetite, disgust for milk, pastry and fat.
Natrum-sulph [Nat-s]
Gastralgia on a sycotic basis; squeamishness in stomach before meals; constant rising of sour water; nausea, vomiting, first of a sour, then of a bitter fluid; boring in stomach as if it were perforated, or burning, pinching in the morning after rising, (>) by breakfast; cannot bear tight clothing around waist.
Nitric-acid [Nit-ac]
Vascular and organic cardialgia; erosions and ulcers of the stomach; spinal irritation; burning, gnawing, stitching pains; sensitive to pressure and motion; EATING EASES, but soon products again pain and feeling of satiety; heartburn; sour alleviating eructations; distension of the abdomen, preventing breathing; pulsations in different parts of the body; pain in cardiac orifice on swallowing food.
Nux-moschata [Nux-m]
Atony of digestion; gastric catarrh with flatulent swelling; voraciousness or loss of appetite; twisting pains below the stomach, as from colic; severe pain in praecordia, with vomiting; wants to eat after taking a meal, but feels uncomfortable and tired; scratching eructations as from rancid oil; irritation of stomach from overtaxed mental powers; weak digestion, especially in the aged; arthritic and hysteric gastralgia.
Nux-vomica [Nux-v]
Neurotic and congestive gastralgia; A LIGHT PRESSURE INCREASES THE PAIN, BUT HARDER PRESSURE RELIEVES; bending forward gives therefore, immediate relief; vomiting relieves, so that the paroxysms of pain cease for the time being; burning in the stomach at the pylorus; clawing cramping pain in the stomach, with pressure and tension between the scapulae; pains extend to chest or down the back to the anus, with urging to stool; pressure in epigastrium as from a stone; the pressure of the clothes on epigastrium feels painful; pains worse after a meal, from taking offence, at night, towards morning or after rising; sensation as if a band were tied around the chest, with pain extending to the back and kidneys, attended with nausea, water in mouth, heartburn, and even vomiting of the ingesta ; sour or foul taste in mouth, flatulency in abdomen, hemicrania, palpitations.
Oxalic-acid [Ox-ac]
Burning sensation from the throat downward to the seat of pain, awakens at night with violent pressive pains, like a heavy weight, coming and going at intervals, flatulent discharges relieve, stomach sensitive, slightest touch causes excruciating pains; empty feeling, forcing one to eat.
Petroleum [Petr]
Gastralgia, with pressing-drawing pains, BETTER FROM EATING; sensation of emptiness and weakness of the stomach; waterbrash; feeling of fulness in pit of stomach, which is painful to the touch; aversion to open air; don't like to move.
Phosphorus [Phos]
Oppression of chest, coming from the stomach; (<) after eating; palpitation; belching of large quantities of wind after eating; great drowsiness after eating; variable appetite; sensation of great weakness in the abdomen, particularly across and below the umbilicus; burning and gnawing pain in a circumscribed spot of the stomach, sensitive to the least pressure, extending to the back, aggravated by motion after a meal, (>) by ice, external cold and rest; vomiting immediately after eating, so that all the food is brought up, or pure blood or bloody, brown masses; regurgitation of undigested food soon after eating; great thirst, but drinking increases the pain; stool scanty, dry and difficult of evacuation. Emaciation, anaemia, collapse.
Plumbum [Plb]
SENSATION AS THOUGH THE ABDOMEN AND BACKBONE MET; violent pressure in the stomach and pain in the back, at times better bending backward, at others bending forward; hard pressure relieves; cold hands and feet, or offensive sweat of feet, dry skin; sweetish tastes; constriction; of throat.
Pulsatilla [Puls]
Sensation as if a stone lay on the epigastrium; throbbing, perceptible to the head, in the epigastrium; contracting sensation in the oesophagus, as if one had swallowed too large a morsel of food; the same sensation over the hypochondria, then upward over the chest and impedes respiration; pressure in pit of stomach, after every meal, with vomiting; stitching pains, worse when walking or making a misstep; crampy pains before breakfast and after a meal; gnawing distress when stomach is empty; pressure and pinching after eating; absence of thirst, except at the acme of the pain.
Sanguinaria [Sang]
Gastrodynia from deficient secretion of gastric juice, with loss of appetite, heartburn and periodic vomiting; spasmodic constriction of cardia, retaining flatus in stomach, with dry, tickling cough and sensation of suffocation, burning pain in epigastrium, (>) leaning towards or lying on right side, with great thirst for large quantities of water and with headache; feeling of emptiness with sick headache.
Sepia [Sep]
Sense of lump in stomach; an ALL GONE FEELING IN STOMACH, NOT RELIEVED BY EATING; pain in stomach after the simplest kind of food, during or immediately after eating the pains are renewed or aggravated; heartburn extending from stomach to throat; sensitiveness of pit of stomach to touch; twisting in stomach and rising in throat, tongue becomes stiff, speechless; afterwards the body may become rigid; indifference to household affairs, to which she was formerly attentive; (>) by motion, keeps motion, keeps quiet only during severity of attack; (<) in hot weather. Silicea [Sil] Nervous exhaustion, frequently complicated with nervous headache, (<) from every movement of eyes; burning of throbbing in pit of stomach, which is sensitive to touch; pressure as after eating too much; anguish in pit of stomach; attack of melancholy; induration of pylorus. Sinapis-alb [Sin-a] Disagreeable burning in pharynx, extending through oesophagus into stomach, burning in oesophagus, with accumulation of water in the mouth, compelling much spitting, (<) after a meal; violent heartburn; very acute bruised pain, even on slight pressure, just beneath ensiform cartilage. Stannum [Stann] Obstinate cardialgia, pains gradually come and go, extend to the navel and are better from hard pressure or walking about; uneasy, does not know what to do with himself; pains relieved by walking yet so weak he must soon rest; sinking; gone feeling in epigastrium; canine hunger; the slightest touch on stomach causes a feeling of subcutaneous ulceration. Staphisagria [Staph] CANINE HUNGER, EVEN WHEN THE STOMACH IS FULL OF FOOD; great desire for wine, brandy for tobacco, but the latter makes him sick; aching and tensive pain in stomach, off and on after eating, especially bread or meat, with frequent nausea and constipation; sensation as if stomach were hanging down relaxed; bitter eructation after sour food; hot, very offensive flatus; great weariness and sleepiness, especially mornings. Stramonium [Stram] Cardialgia, ending with eructations and vomiting, about an hour after eating ; great anxiety in the epigastric region; abdomen distended, with rumbling and gurgling in it, and painful to pressure; urgency to stool, yet no stool; pale and furred tongue; weak and small pulse; emaciation. Strontia [Stront-c] Aching in stomach, especially after a meal, with fulness of the stomach. Sulphur [Sulph] PRESSURE AS FROM A STONE, particularly AFTER EATING, with nausea, water in mouth, or vomiting; also when the following symptoms are present; ACIDITY, HEARTBURN, FREQUENT REGURGITATION OF INGESTA; aversion to fat food, rye bread, sour things, or sugar; dulness of the head, with inability to think; the pressure of the clothes upon the hypochondria in unpleasant, with distension of those parts; disposition to piles or accumulation of mucus in the intestines; hypochondriac, whining mood; disposition to be vehement; venous plethora, haemorrhoids. Tabacum [Tab] Constant pain in stomach, vomiting of all food and sometimes of mucus and blood; incessant nausea, almost fainting, like seasickness; pit of stomach sensitive to pressure; shocks at epigastrium when first going to sleep; constipation; insomnia. Terebinthina [Ter] Pressure as if he had swallowed a bullet, which had lodged in pit of stomach ; slight pressing pain in small spot in epigastrium, better stooping, lying down or taking a deep breath; burning in stomach and hypochondria; anorexia and thirst; after eating, sick at the stomach; acrid, rancid eructations; relief from belching; vomiting of blood, of blood; gastritis, cannot bear the least touch. Valeriana [Valer] Cardialgia with sleeplessness and migrating pains; sudden warm rising from epigastrium, with difficult breathing; pressing aching in pit of stomach, as from something forcing a pressure through it, neuralgia of limbs; hysteria. Veratrum-alb [Verat] Gastralgia accompanied by cold sweat and forehead or extremities, pain radiating all over abdomen (Diosc), (>) by eructations; pains coming gradually, first in epigastrium, radiating to both sides and upward, reaching to back, between lowest point of scapulae, become agonizing and then gradually subside; shakes with cold; painful retraction of abdomen during vomiting; craves fruit, juicy food or saltish things; thirst for the coldest drinks.
Zincum [Zinc]
Burning in stomach, particularly on pressure, when empty, accompanied by dyspnoea and apparent stricture of oesophagus; eructations, with burning pain running into the back, in line of the stomach, with nausea and vomiting, especially of tough mucus; salivation; sensation like a worm creeping up from pit of stomach into throat, causing coughing; vomiting only of frothy, bitter mucus or of food as soon as if reaches the stomach: TERRIBLE HEARTBURN, AFTER EATING SWEETS, from wine and sour eructations after milk; aversion to meat, fish or sweets, to cooked or warm things.


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