CONSTIPATION [Constipation]:


Aesculus-hip [Aesc]
Constant urging to stool, with ineffectual efforts; stool large, dry, hard, difficult, dark; the last of about natural consistency, followed by burning and constriction of the rectum, lasting till evening; prolapsus ani after stool, with backache; dryness, heat and constriction of the rectum, which feels AS IF FULL OF SMALL STICKS; throbbing in the abdominal and pelvic cavities; passing foetid flatus; urine dark, muddy and passed with much pain; dull pains in lower abdomen; severe LUMBO-SACRAL BACKACHE, (<) from motion, especially walking. Aethusa-cyn [Aeth] Most obstinate constipation, with feeling as if all action of the bowels had been lost; thirst with total loss of appetite for every kind of ailment; intolerance of milk; soreness and painfulness in both hypochondria; head confused, brain feels bound up; morose and cross. Agaricus [Agar] Obstinate constipation following diarrhoea in old spirit drinkers, who are full of nervous symptoms, as loss of appetite, insomnia, cirrhotic liver; painful straining in rectum before stool, during stool colic and passing of flatus; mucous haemorrhoids with slime oozing out without the stool; headache (>) after stool; delirium tremens.
Aloe [Aloe]
Constant urging to stool, passing small quantities; sometimes only a few drops of blood; CONSTIPATION OF PERSONS WHO LIVE TO EAT: constipation of old people with abdominal plethora; suitable to hypochondriacs and to bookworms, with a pituitous state of stomach and bowels; heat, soreness and heaviness of rectum; heaviness in pelvis and dull, heavy sensation in sacral region, (<) while sitting and (>) by motion; urging as with diarrhoea, only hot flatus passes, with sensation as if a plug were wedged between symphysis pubis and coccyx; INVOLUNTARY, UNNOTICED HARD STOOL.
Alumen [Alumn]
Evacuations hard and knotty, discharged with great difficulty and at LONG INTERVALS, once or twice a week, sick headache in the morning; frequent cramps in pit of stomach and vomiting with some retching. LONG-LASTING PAIN IN RECTUM AFTER EACH STOOL: painful bleeding piles, with aching in anus; deathlike fainting spells, with loss of all faculties.
Alumina [Alum]
TORPOR OF RECTUM. No desire for and no ability to pass stool till there is a large accumulation; disposition when at stool to grasp the seat tightly, perspiration breaks out, the patient almost despairs of effecting a discharge; nausea and faintness, nervous exhaustion, tremulous weakness of lower extremities, chilliness during and after stool. Inactivity of rectum, EVEN A SOFT STOOL, LIKE PUTTY, AND STICKING TO ANUS, REQUIRES GREAT STRAINING; urine passes while straining at stool; stool sometimes in the shape of laurel-berries; (<) afternoon, periodical, in warm room, travelling; (>) in fresh air, passes stool better standing (Caust.). Often suitable to the aged and infirm and to nursing children; ailments from lead poisoning (Op.).
Ambra-grisea [Ambr]
Frequent ineffectual desire for stool which makes her very anxious, and AT THE THIS TIME THE PRESENCE OF OTHER PERSONS BECOMES UNBEARABLE; sensation of coldness in abdomen. Melancholy with sad weeping, great weakness, loss of muscular power, pain in small of back and constipation; especially during childbed.
Ammonium-carb [Am-c]
Costiveness on account of hardness of faeces, difficult to expel, with headache; protrusion of haemorrhoids after stool, with long-lasting pains, cannot walk; listless and lethargic.
Ammonium-mur [Am-m]
Hard stools, crumbling to pieces when defaecating, requiring great efforts to expel them, followed by soft stool; the FAECES ARE COVERED WITH A GLAIRY TOUGH MUCUS, and accompanied by a discharge of a quantity of mucus and much flatus; piles after suppression of leucorrhoea.
Anacardium [Anac]
Frequent tenesmus for many days, without being able to pass anything; great urgent desire for stool, but on sitting down the desire immediately passes off without an evacuation; the rectum seems to be powerless, with a sensation as if plugged up; frequent profuse bleeding from the anus when at the stool; headache with sensation as if there were a plug in the head, with mental irritability and propensity to swear.
Antimonium-crud [Ant-c]
Alternate constipation and diarrhoea, especially of old people; difficult, hard stool, faeces too large; costive with incarcerated flatus and colic; costiveness in the heat of summer; constipation during childbed; suicidal despondency, anxiousness of mind and sensitiveness to sound; frontal headache and dizziness on ascending stairs; tongue white, complete loss of appetite; gulping up of fluid, tasting of the ingesta, nausea and vomiting. Children's stools white, dry, with hard lumps of curd.
Apis-mell [Apis]
Chronic constipation. Feeling in anus as if it were stuffed full, with heat and throbbing in rectum. Large, hard, difficult stools, only once or twice a week; stinging pains and sensation in abdomen as from something tight, which would break if much effort were made.
Arnica [Arn]
No urging; inactivity of rectum; stool INSUFFICIENT, hard, much straining, with headache, head hot; feels full all over and unfit for business; belching. After a blow on epigastrium, from concussion, overexertion.
Arsenicum [Ars]
Constipation with inability to drink cold water and pain in bowels.
Asafoetida [Asaf]
Obstinate constipation, with abdominal and haemorrhoidal cramps; constant ineffectual urging to stool, with violent pressing towards the rectum and discharge of offensive flatus; only slime passes, no faeces.
Aurum [Aur]
Hard, knotty and large stools; costiveness worse during menses; piles with rectal catarrh.
Baptisia [Bapt]
Constipation, with torpor of the liver and haemorrhoids in the afternoon, very troublesome; stool very small and difficult to pass, it resembles sheep's dung, passed only by very great straining and urging; pain before stool, weakness after stool; dull lumbar headache, (<) walking. Baryta-carb [Bar-c] Obstinate constipation with apoplectic old men whose physical and moral forces are exhausted; stools scanty, hard and lumpy, expelled with difficulty; want of clear consciousness; second childhood. Belladonna [Bell] No urging; plethora, abdominal and spasmodic; clutching pains come quick; forehead, eyes, red; carotids throbbing; tongue coated; sour taste, eructations. Urine dark; dull and stupid. Ileus, lead colic; stools suppressed with bloated abdomen, heat of head and abundant sweat; pains in kidneys and sensation of compression in chest; fretful, indolent before stool, contented and cheerful after. From cold or suppressed perspiration, (<) afternoon and evening. Berberis [Berb] Constipation from constriction of anus; hard stool, like sheep's dung, passed only after hard straining; burning, stitching pain before, during and after stool. Fistula recti with bilious symptoms, (<) when sitting; herpes around anus; dark, brownish- yellow face; vertigo, headache, sleepiness; dry, sticky tongue, haemorrhoids. Bryonia [Bry] Intestinal inactivity from perversion of gastric and hepatic functions; inertia of rectum; constipation of lying-in women; costiveness during hot weather. STOOLS HARD, DARK BROWN OR BLACK, DRY AS IF BURNT, too large in size, from dryness of the alimentary tract, and passed with difficulty attended perhaps by prolapsus of rectum and burning sensation; great dryness of tongue, mouth and lips, with thirst for large quantities of water; nausea after eating, waterbrash, vomiting; disposition to headache and to become irritable and angry. Rheumatic diathesis. Prefers cool weather; often caused by cold drinks or cold food. Calcarea-carb [Calc] No urging, stools at first hard, then mushy and finally fluid, smelling like rotten eggs; involuntary, fermented, sour-smelling diarrhoea, alternating with constipation; stools looking like lumps of chalk in children during dentition; stools hard, undigested; bleeding from anus after stool; after stool feeling of faintness; late in going to sleep; (<) in the morning before breakfast; in cold, wet weather; on ascending, from milk, after eating, getting wet; (>) after breakfast, loosening garments, rubbing.
Calcarea-phos [Calc-p]
Hard stool, with depression of mind, causing headache and vertigo in old people; hard stools with much blood; after stool buzzing in ears, with weak feeling in male sexual parts.
Carbo-an [Carb-an]
No urging, stool very hard, passed with much difficulty and streaked with blood; stool scanty and passed in pieces with difficulty, during stool pain in back and feeling across abdomen as if there were no expulsive power; thinks to defaecate, but only passes wind; constant oozing of inodorous fluid from rectum. Repugnance to greasy food; food causes distress; tiresome to eat; melancholy; head feels as if top were open or were lifted off, or were blown to pieces, has to hold it together in damp weather.
Carbo-veg [Carb-v]
Ineffectual urging to stool, only wind passes with painful pressure in rectum, but feels relieved by passage of flatus; tough, scanty, not properly cohering stool enveloped in mucus; sensation of complete emptiness in abdomen, remaining a long time after stool.
Cascarilla [Casc]
Constipation, stool hard, in pieces, covered with mucus (Graph.); constant urging, often with pain high up in rectum, gnawing pain; passes bright blood, with or without stool, in large quantities.
Causticum [Caust]
Fruitless urging to stool, with anxiety and red face; dryness of rectum, with great contraction of sphincter ani and pains in rectum during stool, so that children try to keep back the evacuation; knotty, difficult stool, shining as if greased, with greasy taste in mouth, stool very small in size and burning in anus after stool; involuntary, hard stool, (<) when passing wind; STOOL PASSES, EASIER STANDING (Alum.); pain in anus and rectum when walking, (<) evenings, in cold air, in clear, fine weather, from coffee, after stool; (>) from cold water, from warmth,in damp, wet weather. Sad, suspicious and distrustful.
Chelidonium [Chel]
With stool sensation as if anus were contracted; burning and cutting in rectum, with constriction of anus, alternating with itching in anus; stool like sheep's dung; great pain in hepatic and caecal region; gurgling in abdomen distended with flatus; frequent discharge of flatus; ICTERUS; pale, yellow face, flabby tongue, reddish urine; CONSTANT DULL PAIN UNDER LOWER AND INNER ANGLE OF RIGHT SHOULDER-BLADE; vertigo and difficult breathing after eating; alternation of diarrhoea and constipation.
China [Chin]
No urging; constipation with vertigo, heat in head and tinnitus aurium; LARGE ACCUMULATION OF FAECES, ESPECIALLY AFTER CONTINUED PURGING, with difficulty to pass them, even when soft, from inactivity of rectum; burning, itching, tingling in anus after stool, (<) at night, from fruits, milk, checked perspiration. Sensation of fulness in abdomen after eating, flatulency, flat taste, vomiting of sour matter; sleeplessness. Coca-erythroxylon [Coca] Constipation from inactivity of rectum; violent palpitations from incarcerated flatus, rising sometimes with such force that it seems as if the oesophagus would be torn by it; violent bellyache with tympanitic distension of abdomen, (>) by discharge of inodorous flatus; can eat but little at a time.
Cocculus [Cocc]
No urging; hard stool every other day (Caul.) or every three or four days, passed with much difficulty; sensation of hollowness in stomach or abdomen; eructations, vomiting of bile; disposition to stool, but the peristaltic motion in upper intestines is wanting; sensation of numbness in limbs, (<) in open air, (>) in room.
Collinsonia [Coll]
Pelvic congestion; constipation during pregnancy and in connection with uterine disorders; CONGESTIVE INERTIA OF THE BOWELS, weight and pressure in rectum, with intense, irritation and itching in ano; obstinate constipation with haemorrhoids, stools very sluggish and hard, light-colored, accompanied by pain and flatulence; sensation as of sand in rectum, as if sticks or gravel had lodged in lower part of rectum and anus; extreme tenderness in rectum; prolapsus ani (Aesc. hip.); bowels move more evenings.
Colocynthis [Coloc]
Frequent urging to stool without any evacuation, which appears an hour later in single pieces of a stony hardness; torpor of whole intestinal canal, acting only every other day, though the stools are not particularly hard; constipation produced by cheese; (>) by smoking.
Conium [Con]
Frequent or constant urging without stool; constipation following parturition, after taking milk; yellow skin; heartburn; frequent attacks of feeling sick; faint feeling after stool; vertigo when lying down and turning head; (<) while lying down; (>) when moving about, before breakfast.
Crocus [Croc]
Most obstinate constipation in grown persons or children, based on venous disturbances; sensitive, long, dull stitch near left side of anus; stools contain dark stringy blood.
Euphorbium [Euph]
Constipation from torpidity of bowels; hard stool, with difficult evacuation; stool like glue; violent itching of rectum during urgent desire to stool and after stool; burning sore pain around anus.
Fel-tauri [Fel]
Constipation with accumulation of flatus in intestines.
Ferrum [Ferr]
Constipation from intestinal atony; stools hard and difficult, followed by backache; chronic constipation, ineffectual urging; anaemia, easily flushed face and head, with cold hands and feet; pallor and sallowness with haggard features and sunken eyes, often met in dyspeptics addicted to masturbation; loss of appetite, meat disagrees; eructations after eating, regurgitation of food; fullness of epigastrium and rumbling of flatulence; faeces dry; (<) from drinking cold water. Graphites [Graph] Atonic dyspepsia and constipation, with dryness of the mucous membrane of rectum and fissura ani; no great urging and no desire for stool; frequently omits the regular stool; knotty stool, THE FLATTENED LUMPS COVERED WITH MUCUS AND UNITED WITH MUCOUS THREADS; stools very large in size, or only the size of a lumbricus; a quantity of white mucus is discharged with each stool; sensation in rectum as if much remained after stool; prolapsus recti with varices; as if rectum were paralyzed; stitching, tearing and soreness in rectum during stool and for hours afterwards, (<) when sitting; tender haemorrhoids; sleeps late in the morning; bad odor from mouth; obstructed flatus; flushes; yellow sweat, (>) from eructating; dryness f skin; herpetic constitution; (<) from all meats. Hepar [Hep] Inactivity of rectum, stool not abnormally hard, unsatisfactory, with swelling of the anus; urging to stool, but the large intestines are wanting in peristaltic action and cannot expel the faeces which are not hard, and only a portion of them can be forced out by the action of the abdominal muscles; sleep unrefreshing; acid urine; dry eruptive diseases; (<) in dry, clear weather, in cold air; (>) warmth, wrapping up head or body, in damp, wet weather. Stomach easily deranged, vomiting every morning; frequent tasteless belching. Has taken mercury to excess (Chin.).
Hydrastis [Hydr]
No desire for stool; stool lumpy with or without mucus; sensation as if the bowels would move, but only wind passes; with urging to urinate; after stool pain in rectum for hours; colicky pains with sensation of goneness, faintness and heat of intestines. Constipation, caused more by sluggish state of bowels in persons of sedentary habit, or from abuse of cathartics, is the cause of all other ailments.
Ignatia [Ign]
Constipation in consequence of cold, or from carriage riding; procidentia recti during stool, which passes without much effort; violent desire for stool, more in the superior intestines and epigastrium than in the colon and anus; desire for stool keeps on a long time after faeces passed; constriction of anus after stool, (<) while standing; stools large or soft, but passed with difficulty. Indium [Ind] Constipation, must strain greatly, seizing his thigh with his hands; face red, head feels as if it would burst; burning tenesmus and pain in anus after stool. Iodum [Iod] Constipation, with ineffectual urging, (>) after drinking milk; stools hard, knotty, dark-colored. Constipation alternating with diarrhoea.
Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]
Habitual constipation, stools scanty, knotty, followed by burning and painful retraction of rectum and anus; periodical costiveness; constipation, debility, coated tongue, headache, cold extremities; sensation of a plug in anus which feels sore, making it very painful to walk.
Kali-carb [Kali-c]
Frequent and unsuccessful desire for stool, coming in paroxysms; insufficient stool at all times; inactivity of bowels, retarded stool, faeces of large size, from inactivity of rectum; feels distressed an hour or two before a passage; protrusion and distension of haemorrhoids during stool, with pricking and burning; violent headache in temples; spotted vision, sleepy in the evening and awake very early mornings; (<) getting overheated, in cold air, during and after eating, lying on side; (>) from eructations, in warmth, sitting in bent position.
Kreosotum [Kreos]
Ineffectual, painful urging to stool; faeces hard and only expelled after much straining; CONSTRICTION FROM CARCINOMATOUS TUMORS; constipation during menses; stitches in rectum, extending towards left groin.
Lachesis [Lach]
STOOLS ENORMOUSLY LARGE and painful, leaving the sphincters nearly paralyzed and slow to close, with a feeling of inability to draw up the partially prolapsed anus; the anus feels closed, only single flatus are passed; stool seems to press upon anus, but nothing passes; beating in anus as from little hammers; sensation of weight, fulness and pressure in bowels, with considerable flatus; stools offensive, even if formed; patient tired of life, especially in those who have abused alcohol; worse from abuse of mercury, liquors or narcotics; (<) while eating. Constipation of years' standing. Lycopodium [Lyc] Depressed and imperfect digestion; constant sensation as if the bowels were loaded; torpor of bowels, faeces hard, scanty, passed with difficulty, from constriction of the sphincter ani, and feeling as if much remained behind; much loud flatus and croaking in left hypochondrium; obstructed flatus, with pains striking from right to left; itching and tension at anus in the evening in bed; itching eruptions at anus, painful to touch; sense of fulness after eating, even very little, with drowsiness, sour vomiting; nightly restlessness; (<) 4 to 8 P.M., from cold food, cabbage and vegetables with husks, oysters, from wrapping up, (>) in company, on getting cool, after loosening garments, discharge of flatus either way, from uncovering head or body, from warm food; ABDOMINAL PLETHORA, WITH CONSTIPATION IN ELDERLY PEOPLE OF THE HIGHER CLASSES, SUFFERING FROM RETARDED DEFAECATION.
Magnesia-carb [Mag-c]
Frequent, ineffectual urging to stool, with small discharges, or only flatus passes; stitches in anus and rectum, with fruitless desire for stool; stool only every second day.
Magnesia-mur [Mag-m]
Obstruction of bowels from induration of faeces, WHICH ARE SO DRY THAT THEY CRUMBLE AS THEY PASS THE ANUS; hard, knotty, difficult passage, discharging only a very small quantity of faeces at a time, like sheep's dung, covered with blood and mucus; abdomen tense, sore as if bruised, sensitive to touch, but (>) from pressure; pricking pain in rectum as the stool passes; aching in liver, throbbing in pit of stomach; fainting nausea, (<) early, after rising; ATONY OF BOWELS AND BLADDER, accumulated urine causes no urging to pass it. Mercurius [Merc] Constipation, stool tenacious and crumbling, discharged only with violent straining; constant, ineffectual urging, (<) at night; prolapsus ani after stool; faeces of small shape or very large in size, leaving the anus raw and sore; (<) from cold air, getting warm in bed. Mezereum [Mez] Ordinary cases of sluggish bowels (H); hard, slow stool, with chill before and after stool, in knots and balls; with great straining, but not painful; copious offensive flatulency before stool, during stool prolapsus ani, with constriction of anus, which makes it very difficult to replace it; stitch in rectum upward; no desire for stool from want of peristaltic action and torpor of bowels. Suitable to old gentlemen who have seen much of life. Natrum-carb [Nat-c] Constipation in sad, desponding and hypochondriac persons; frequent urging, but insufficient stool with tenesmus, though the faeces are not hard; burning in eyes and urethra, with great sexual excitement; (<) from starchy and vegetable food. Natrum-mur [Nat-m] Obstinate constipation, with troublesome perspiration at the slightest movement; difficult expulsion of faeces, fissuring the anus, with flow of blood, leaving a sensation of much soreness at the anus; a ripping-up sensation in the anus after stool; heaviness through the pelvis and across the bladder, worse when walking about; constipation from inactivity of the rectum; irritable skin; mind depressed; stools hard, difficult, crumbling; spasms of sphincter; tendency to catarrhal affections, to eczema and other eruptions, after cold; irritability and dryness of the mucous membranes; emaciation. It rouses up the tonicity of the intestinal mucous membrane, and when the bowels are free, the mind is relieved. Natrum-sulph [Nat-s] Hard, knotty stool streaked with blood, preceded and accompanied by smarting at the anus; difficult expulsion of soft stool; emission of foetid flatus in large quantities. Nitric-acid [Nit-ac] Desire for stool, but little passes; feels as if it stayed in the rectum and could not be expelled; ineffectual urging to stool, with sharp, splinter-like cutting pains in rectum during stool, and lasting for hours afterwards, during which the rectum feels as if torn, and faint from least motion; stools dry, difficult, irregular; burning after stools; painful prolapsus of bowels and sensation or constriction in anus; haemorrhoids; fissures in rectum; moisture about anus. Nux-moschata [Nux-m] Constipation for days; no desire, no urging; the rectum becomes filled and seems entirely paralyzed. Nux-vomica [Nux-v] Large, hard, difficult stools; frequent urging without effect; sensation as if much remained after stool to discharge, or of narrowing and constriction of the rectum, hindering a free stool; the action of bowels irregular and spasmodic; obstructed portal circulation; relief after stool; alternate constipation and diarrhoea; frequent scanty micturition. Opium [Op] CONSTIPATION OF LONG STANDING; NO URGING; stools occurring but seldom, sometimes many days apart, composed of a few hard, round, dark balls; rectum inactive; want of sensibility in intestinal canal, with dryness of its mucous membranes as also of mouth and fauces, or spasmodic RETENTION OF FAECES AND FLATUS, IN SMALL INTESTINES, WHICH PRESS UPWARD AND AGAINST THE CHEST; bearing and sensation of heaviness in abdomen, rush of blood to head, sleepiness, bed feels hot, sweat. Constipation in connection with ovaritis or ovaralgia; constipation from fright and fear, from lead poisoning, from abuse of spirits; suits good-humored corpulent women and children. Oxalic-acid [Ox-ac] Frequent, ineffectual urging to stool, preceded by sick, distressed feeling from the navel downward, (<) when thinking of it. Now and then a profuse, watery, gushing diarrhoea. Phosphorus [Phos] Inveterate constipation with disappointing calls, the trouble being in rectum; faeces slender, long, narrow, dry, tough and hard, like a dog's, and voided with difficulty; sour vomiting with constipation; very weak and empty feeling in abdomen; much belching; emaciation; (<) lying on left side or back; (>) lying on right side, by cold food, cold water, till it gets warm in stomach, then vomits it up.
Phytolacca [Phyt]
Habitual costiveness, especially of old people or of those of weak constitutional powers, with weak heart's action, intermittent pulse and general relaxed muscular system. Sensation as if the bowels would not move without the aid of laxatives; feeling of fulness in abdomen before stool, which remains after stool as if all had not passed; continual inclination to stool, but often passes only foetid flatus; torpor of rectum; pains shooting from anus and lower part of rectum along perineum to the middle of penis.
Platina [Plat]
Torpor of whole intestinal canal; CONSTIPATION OF EMIGRANTS OR WHILE TRAVELLING; after lead poisoning; frequent urging, with expulsion of only small portions of faeces, with great straining; after stools sensation of great weakness in abdomen, and chilliness; stool seems to stick to the anus, like putty (Sarsap.).
Plumbum [Plb]
No flatus; fissures of anus and stricture in rectum; persistent spasms of the muscular structure of the intestines; tenesmus recti, a finger passed within the sphincter is immediately grasped; sensation as if a string drew the anus up into the rectum; stools consisting of small, hard, black balls, like sheep's dung; tympany, especially of colon, resisting pressure, with colic and a sensation of being pulled from FRONT TO BACK, AS IF THE ABDOMEN NEARLY TOUCHED THE SPINE; evacuation obstructed by the conglomeration of the little balls into one mass; (<) at night; from pressure; from eating hot or cold food, from motion. Podophyllum [Podo] Infantile constipation after an attack of diarrhoea, stools hard, crumbly, clayey; costiveness in persons of sedentary habits from atony of lower intestines, stools hard dry, clayey, crumble when passing, with great straining and causing prolapse of rectum with a mucous discharge; impaired digestion; headache; foetid flatus; frequent urination; pain and weakness in back; (<) mornings. Psorinum [Psor] Torpor of rectum, even a soft stool is voided with difficulty from the atony of rectum; stool and flatus smell like rotten eggs; pain in small of back; blood from rectum, with hard, difficult stool. Pulsatilla [Puls] Chronic constipation from irregular menstruation; inactivity of intestines, whether stool is hard or soft, with painful urging to stool and backache; nauseous, bad taste in the morning, must wash out her mouth, produced by derangement of stomach; stools hard and large, after suppressed intermittent fever by quinine; alternate constipation and diarrhoea. Ruta [Ruta] Constipation following mechanical injuries; hard, scanty stool, frequent urging to stool, with protrusion of rectum when stooping ever so little and especially when squatting; copious flatus with the urging; constipation alternating with mucous, frothy stools. Sanguinaria [Sang] Urging, but no stool, with sensation of a mass in lower part of rectum, and discharge only of offensive flatus; torpid liver; goneness in stomach, with sick headache. Sanicula [Sanic] (Mineral spring, Ills.).--Constipation, with ineffectual urging, no power to expel the stool, though straining with all his might and pressing until head feels as if it would burst; stool which seems to be at the verge of anus recedes, sometimes must be extracted with fingers. Sarsaparilla [Sars] Obstinate chronic constipation, accompanied with intense desire to urinate; pressing down with weight, as if contents of stomach would be forced down and out; stool small, with much bearing down, tearing and cutting in rectum, and pains continuing after stool; stool hard, retarded and insufficient, with much wind, colic and backache. Selenium [Sel] Atony of intestines; no peristaltic action; impaction of faeces which become hard and dry from absorption of the moisture and require artificial removal (Alum., Op., Plumb.); momentarily (>) from stimulants.
Sepia [Sep]
An all-gone feeling in rectum, inability to expel faeces or to strain at stool, with sensation of a ball in rectum; constipation of females, with pain and pressure in iliac regions, from uterine or abdominal congestion; constipation during pregnancy; constant full feeling, as of a weight in rectum, even after a stool, with- darting pains up rectum. Stool hard, knotty, difficult, a little of mucus-covered faeces is discharged off and on, but gives no satisfaction; prolapsus recti; soreness between buttocks; painful sensation of emptiness in pit of stomach; (<) from milk or fat pork; (>) to draw up limbs, when walking quickly, drinking cold water; hypochondriasis with aversion to family and to household duties.
Silicea [Sil]
Stool of large, hard lumps, which remain long in rectum, and when after violent efforts of the abdominal muscles the faeces are nearly expelled, they as suddenly recede into the rectum, EVEN A SOFT STOOL IS EXPELLED WITH MUCH DIFFICULTY; soreness, stitches and shooting pains in anus and rectum; gastralgia; flatulency, eructations; aversion to meat; want of or extreme hunger; hands and feet cold; constipation of women before and during menses, of scrofulous children.
Stannum [Stann]
Costiveness in nursing women and in children, stools, though not very hard, are difficult to discharge from weakness of bowels; dry stools of round lumps, but of too large a size; discharge of a touch, hard part with straining; bitter or sour taste, yellow tongue, pressure in stomach; loss of will and energy, restlessness or silent moroseness.
Staphisagria [Staph]
Retarded stool on account of lack of peristaltic action; hard, scanty stool, with cutting and burning in anus; hard stool and flatus alternately; difficult stool with great distress, as if the rectum or anus were constricted, first with hard, then with soft faeces, or with only soft stool. Gouty persons of a strumous diathesis, who lived too well for their own benefit. Colic with incarcerated flatus and gnawing, darting pains, (>) by passing flatus.
Strontia [Stront-c]
Stools large and hard, expelled with great effort, followed by great pain in anus of a burning character, lasting for a long time, (>) by lying down; anus violently contracted after stool; coldness in spots on calves of legs.
Sulphur [Sulph]
Habitual constipation, especially in haemorrhoidal and hypochondriac people, complaining of dull feeling in brain, heaviness on top of head, weak, hungry sensation in stomach about noon, burning of the soles of feet at night; hard, insufficient, difficult stool, with fulness, heat and itching at anus, flat like sheep's dung, first effort so painful that patient stops straining; stool hard and black, as if burnt; constipation of infants; aversion to meat, sleep short and broken, frequent faint spells.
Tabacum [Tab]
Desire for stool without any evacuation; after frequent but ineffectual attempts, a hard stool several hours after the regular time; habitual constipation, tympanitic abdomen, strangulated hernia, with nausea, deathly faintness, cold sweat.
Tarentula-cubana [Tarent-c]
Stools very dark, foetid, only partly formed, containing much mucus, expelled with difficulty and followed by burning and smarting in anus; but no tenesmus. STOOL IMMEDIATELY ON HAVING THE HEAD WASHED.
Thuja [Thuj]
Obstinate constipation, inactivity or intussusception; hard, thick and knotty balls, with pain in anus, when passing, as if it would fly to pieces, after stool repeated urging without accomplishing anything; smarting of anus between intervals of stools; OFFENSIVE PERSPIRATION AT ANUS AND PERINEUM; ineffectual desire for stool, accompanied by erections; constant craving for salt.
Titanium [Titan]
Obstinate constipation, no stool without injections; swelling and hardness of abdomen; pains in right side and back; foetid eructations and flatus; EXCREMENTS AT TIMES OF LITTLE BLACK PIECES LIKE GRAINS OF COFFEE.
Veratrum-alb [Verat]
Constipation of infants; CHRONIC CONSTIPATION; INERTIA OF RECTUM (Op.), general depression of vitality; predominant coldness of the body; first portion of stool is large and the latter part consists of thin strings; stools very large and very hard; very weak after stool; or strains at stool until he is covered with cold sweat and then gives up exhausted, tired of life and afraid to die; craves cool and refreshing things.
Verbascum [Verb]
Knotty stool like sheep's dung, passed after much effort; darting pains about navel, as if bowels adhered to the peritoneum and were being pulled out; sticking, constricting pains about navel; indurations.
Viburnum-opulus [Vib]
Stools large, hard; dry balls, voided with much difficulty so as to need mechanical aid; much tenesmus during and after stool or inactivity of rectum; dark blood after stool; unable to concentrate mind on her usual labor.
Zincum [Zinc]
Dry, brittle granular stool, which is passed only after prolonged effort, followed by involuntary micturition; violent bearing down in abdomen, (<) by passing flatus up and down; venous congestion in abdominal organs; hypochondriasis; (<) by wine.


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