DIARRHOEA [Diarrhoea]:


Abrotanum [Abrot]
Diarrhoea for several days, STOPPING SUDDENLY OR BEING CHECKED, FOLLOWED BY RHEUMATISM; food passes undigested; alternate diarrhoea and constipation.
Acetic-acid [Acet-ac]
DIARRHOEA IN PHTHISIS, typhoid fever, dentition, heat of summer; stools liquid, undigested, profuse, watery, light-colored; painful or not, but followed by great exhaustion; great thirst and profuse urination; skin pale and waxen; debility; poor sleep. The patient often lies on abdomen to obtain relief; chronic diarrhoea of children with marasmus and great emaciation; swelling of feet and legs.
Aconite [Acon]
Watery, black, green stools, like chopped spinach; bilious diarrhoea of infants, with colic, which no position relieves; corrosive and slimy stools, small, frequent, involuntary; stool when passing flatus; before stool cutting pain, anguish and sweat, during stool cutting pains, trembling, tenesmus, sweat; after stool relief, except the anguish and fear. Diarrhoea from checked perspiration during heat of summer, with cold nights, from anger and fright.
Aesculus-hip [Aesc]
Diarrhoea, the desire to have the bowels moved coming on suddenly, preceded by passage of flatus and followed by pain in abdomen and eructations tasting of the ingesta. CHRONIC DIARRHOEA, first part hard and back, then evacuation yellow, thin or brown and mushy or white or natural in color, accompanied by severe lumbar and sacral pains, weakness, tenesmus and most unpleasant sensation in rectum and anus. Nervous prostration, weariness and sleepiness, pale face, liver complaint, haemorrhoids.
Aethusa-cyn [Aeth]
Green, thin, bilious discharges, with violent tenesmus before and after stool; bright-yellow or greenish-watery, slimy stools, with crying and drawing up of feet in children; stools of partly digested food, shortly after meal or at night; loose stool, preceded by cutting in abdomen, with tenesmus, mornings, after rising.
Agaricus [Agar]
DIARRHOEA IN WET WEATHER, mostly mornings, after rising and eating, with much rumbling; stools thin, yellow, faecal, slimy, with pinching and cutting in abdomen before stool and smarting in anus afterwards, crampy colic and passing of inodorous flatus or of garlic smell, STOOLS HAVE AN ABOMINABLE STENCH; drowsy in daytime; hard stool, then loose and finally diarrhoea; increased micturition even with the diarrhoea; great debility; chronic diarrhoea.
Aloe [Aloe]
WANT OF CONFIDENCE IN SPHINCTER ANI; urging to stool continuously, worse immediately after eating, feeling of fulness and weight in the pelvis, with passage of urine, only hot flatus passes, giving relief, but burning in anus afterwards. Difficulty to retain faeces, even a well-formed stool passes unnoticed, when walking or standing. Profuse watery diarrhoea, accompanied by wind, containing lumps of jellylike mucus, looking like frog- spawn; DIARRHOEA DRIVING OUT OF BED VERY EARLY IN THE MORNING (Sulph.); stools yellow, faecal, bright-yellow, bilious, great rumbling in bowels, escape of large quantities of offensive flatus, (<) mornings, IN HOT, DAMP WEATHER, from overheating, after cold in a damp room, after chagrin. Stools yellow, faecal, (<) after eating and drinking and then is hungry again, with desire for juicy things and aversion to meat, before stool violent urging, during stool tenesmus and discharge of much flatus, after stool faintness; (<) from midnight till nearly noon, waking him from sound sleep. Stool and urine escape together. Urging with intense griping, pinching pain across the lower part of abdomen (Opuntia), especially on right side, with sensation of a plug wedged between symphysis pubis and coccyx, before, during and after stool, (>) by passing offensive hot flatus, followed by extreme prostration, perspiration and chilliness. HOSPITAL DIARRHOEA.
Alstonia-const [Alst-c]
CAMP DIARRHOEA; SUMMER DIARRHOEA; full of undigested food and tinged with blood, especially when complicated with symptoms of malarious poison or from drinking bad or swamp water, impregnated with decayed vegetable matter.
Alumen [Alumn]
Very weakening colliquate diarrhoea; stool yellow as an infant's, slimy after colic pains, causing great weakness; ichorous, mixed with blood, of an offensive odor. Ulcerations in rectum.
Alumina [Alum]
DIARRHOEA ON ALTERNATE DAYS. Inactivity of rectum, even a soft and thin stool requires great straining; inability to defaecate till there is a large accumulation; diarrhoea whenever she urinates; diarrhoea with urging in rectum, with bloody scant stool; chill during stool, which is offensive and exhausts the patient.
Ammonium-mur [Am-m]
COLLIQUATIVE DIARRHOEA OF PHTHISIS ABDOMINALIS; diarrhoea and vomiting during menses (spine feels cold and itchy), discharges varying in color and character, accompanied by a great deal of flatus; diarrhoea after eating, with pain in abdomen, back, sacrum and limbs; glassy, though mucus in stool.
Antimonium-crud [Ant-c]
Alternate diarrhoea and constipation of old people; diarrhoea after nursing, from overheating, after cold bathing, at night and early mornings, with nausea and vomiting, with colic and much belching; acrid diarrhoea, with white tongue, loss of appetite, eructations, nausea and vomiting; protrusion of rectum after stool: watery, profuse stools alternating with constipation; stools, watery profuse, with little hard lumps, or containing undigested food; diarrhoea from vinegar or other acids; diarrhoea of pregnant women and young children, no thirst.
Antimonium-tart [Ant-t]
Diarrhoea slimy and of the appearance of yeast, with marked cadaverous smell; watery, sometimes slimy and greenish diarrhoea, with noise in bowels and urging, and off and on nausea; profuse, copious and involuntary diarrhoea with collapse; diarrhoea of drunkards, or in pneumonia, zymosis, especially if the eruption is suppressed.
Apis-mell [Apis]
Painless diarrhoea, especially mornings, greenish yellow, watery, mucous, profuse and full of bright-red lumps (with drowsiness, prostration, no thirst); stools involuntary, oozing or pouring from half-open anus on any movement of the trunk; chronic diarrhoea of a bilious or erysipelatous character with increasing prostration and smarting of the raw anus. Diarrhoea during typhoid or scarlatina, or from the debilitating influence of continued heat.
Apocynum-can [Apoc]
Stools copious, yellow or brownish, watery and sometimes containing undigested food, discharged with an expulsive force. Stools escape involuntarily from sphincter, even when passing flatus; weakness after stool and an all-gone feeling in abdomen; face pale and covered with cold sweat.
Aranea-diadema [Aran]
Diarrhoea in hydrogenoid constitutions which cannot bear moisture; constant chilliness; WAKES AT 4 A.M. WITH COLIC; borborygmus, diarrhoea, stools watery, with great rumbling in bowels; numbness of arms and legs; no appetite, and partaking of food increases the pain during the night; feels restless and out of sorts in daytime; on awaking sensation as if some parts of body were swollen and enormously large.
Argentum-nit [Arg-n]
NERVOUS DIARRHOEA FROM EMOTIONS; from apprehension as when ready to go to church, theatre etc., that bowels would move; from drinking; great fondness for sugar or sweets, though their use provokes diarrhoea; diarrhoea of children during dentition, after weaning; chronic diarrhoea of children; stools green flaky, like spinach, mucous, with excessive flatulency, (<) at night; green brown, bloody, (<) after midnight; slimy, watery, greenish, bloody, with tenesmus; difficulty of breathing, with long sighs. Arnica [Arn] INVOLUNTARY STOOLS DURING SLEEP; brown fermented stools, with foetid breath and loathing of food; offensive, papescent, involuntary stools; foul and putrid eructations and stools, with feeling of nauseous repletion after eating. Arsenicum [Ars] DIARRHOEA OF MALARIAL ORIGIN, OR AFTER CHILLING THE STOMACH WITH COLD SUBSTANCES; great weakness, out of all proportion to the amount of stool, fainting, rapid emaciation, rapid and scarcely perceptible pulse; stool preceded by restlessness, anguish and pain in abdomen; stool pappy (not often watery), yellow, bloody or greenish, or more frequently a blackish, very offensive substance, accompanied by vomiting, excessive pain in abdomen, burning in rectum, tenesmus; followed by burning in anus, palpitation, trembling of limbs and great prostration; small, painless, pappy stools, smelling like putrid ulcers; purging, with extreme coldness of extremities; watery autumnal diarrhoea, with pinching pains and tendency to run into cholera or dysentery; vomiting after drinking; pulse frequent in the morning and slow in the evening; WANTS TO LIE WITH THE HEAD LOW; (<) at night, from 1 to 3 A.M., and in the morning after rising, during and after eating. Arsenicum-iod [Ars-i] No diarrhoea at night, but urging commences on beginning to move about in the morning; copious watery discharges; distressing nausea and vomiting, and stools mushy, with occasional scybalae, small in size, of peculiar black color, with some straining; excessive painful flatulence, (>) by heat and passing wind.
Asafoetida [Asaf]
Painful diarrhoea; watery, liquid stools of the most disgusting smell, discharges profuse, greenish, blackish-brown, papescent, which relieve; pains in abdomen and discharge of foetid flatus; STOOL AND BREATH EQUALLY OFFENSIVE; pain in perineum, as from something dull pressing out; urine warm, of a pungent ammoniacal smell.
Asarum-europ [Asar]
A long, yellow, twisted string of INODOROUS MUCUS in three or four stools, with pain in abdomen; diarrhoea, passes shaggy masses of mucus, inodorous and full of ascarides; lientery, watery stools after a meal, very weakening; diarrhoea in chilly, nervous persons, from debility, during hectic or slow fever. Cannot bear the sound of scratching on linen or any similar substance. Before stool, cutting in abdomen and sharp stitches in rectum from above downward, after stool pressing and straining, and discharge of white, viscid, bloody mucus; prolapsus ani with the stool.
Asclepias-tub [Asc-t]
WINTER DIARRHOEA; catarrhal diarrhoea in warm weather when nights are cold and damp; fluid, painful stools, of a very strong smell or like spoiled eggs, with sensation as if the bowels would come out; black, flaky stools, with yellow spots, like fat, attended with a feeling as if a stream of fire passed through the abdomen; bilious and painful stools.
Baptisia-tinct [Bapt]
Adynamic, foetid, exhausting diarrhoea, causing excoriation; stools dark, offensive, nauseous and even bloody, with colic and tenesmus or painless; pain in hepatic region, and particularly about gall-bladder; soft, papescent stool, with large quantities of mucus; DIARRHOEA FROM NOXIOUS EFFLUVIA.
Baryta-carb [Bar-c]
Frequent small stools, with feeling of great relief; diarrhoea towards morning, preceded by pain in abdomen, later yellow stools with mucus and blood; small pinworms or round worms pass with the stool; anus sore and humid.
Belladonna [Bell]
Diarrhoea (<) from motion (Rheum, Crot. tigl.), straining to stool, which is more fluid than usual, but very little is voided and immediately after is followed by much increasing straining; slimy and bloody diarrhoeic stools; flushed face, red eyes, throbbing carotids, etc.; dysenteric diarrhoea with much tenesmus. Benzoic-acid [Benz-ac] Horripilations or chilliness before stool; discharges copious, watery, grayish-white like dirty soapsuds; EXCESSIVELY OFFENSIVE, scenting the whole house; of a strong, pungent smell, like that of the urine; putrid, bloody, frothy, insufficient; urging to stool, with ineffectual straining. Berberis [Berb] Mushlike yellowish stools, with rumbling and passing of wind; squeamish, much thirst; heat in face and dullness of head, in the evening appetite; watery, large pappy stools, mostly with tenesmus before and after. Soreness and tenderness of renal region, (<) by jar and pressure; tearing pain in back running down ureters and shooting down hips; coldness of knees; disturbed sleep; feeling of weakness and malaria. Bismuth [Bism] Watery, cadaverous-smelling, papescent, foul stools; flatulency and borborygmi with tympany; hypogastrium painful to touch; copious blackish stools; obstinate cases of diarrhoea, which fail to yield to the remedy. Boletus-lar [Bol] Deep-yellow, frothy, papescent stools, that run in a stream from bowels, last part mixed with bile and frothy mucus, preceded by hard and sickening pains in hypogastrium and followed by same symptoms. Borax-ven [Bor] DIARRHOEA JUST AFTER BREAKFAST; urging to stool in the morning, the passage at first formed, then loose, with burning in anus; stools frequent, from morning till 2 P.M., soft, light-yellow, slimy, with faintness and weariness, containing undigested food; cheerful mood after stool; bowels move before making water; stools painless, at first frothy, thin and brown, later cadaverous smelling, containing bits of yellow faeces. Desire for acrid drinks. Bovista [Bov] Morning diarrhoea with much urging; DIARRHOEA BEFORE AND DURING MENSES; before stool urging with colic, during stool twisting in abdomen, after stool languor, tenesmus, burning at anus as if worms were crawling; itching on top of os coccygis, has to scratch the parts raw and sore; stinking flatus. Bromium [Brom] DESIRE FOR ACIDS, WHICH AGGRAVATE AND CAUSE DIARRHOEA; aversion to tobacco and to drinking cold water; emptiness in stomach or contractive pains in stomach, (>) by eating, but diarrhoea after every meal; stools bright yellow, preceded by cutting and rumbling in abdomen; stools light-yellow, slimy, painless, odorless, like scraping of guts; (<) after oysters. Bryonia [Bry] DIARRHOEA FROM SUDDENLY CHECKED PERSPIRATION IN HOT WEATHER, from indulgence in vegetable food or stewed fruits, from getting overheated in summer, from drinking milk, cold drinks, or from anger and chagrin; lips dry and parched, desire for cold and acid drinks, for large quantities at long intervals; with internal heat, without feeling hot outside; diarrhoea preceded by colic, at night or early morning, after rising and moving about, coming on so suddenly that escape is hard to prevent; bilious diarrhoea with lancinating pain; loose stools, painless and undigested, smelling foul, like old rotten cheese; brown, thin, faecal stools with burning and pricking in anus; urging, followed by copious pasty evacuations, with relief of all symptoms, except confusion of head; stool pasty, with much flatus, followed by hard portions and again by soft, so that he thought he would never get through; fainting and qualmishness when rising up, with great desire to lie down and keep quiet. Cactus-grand [Cact] DIARRHOEA WITH HEART AFFECTIONS. Morning diarrhoea of very loose faeces, preceded by great pain; watery, bilious stools in the forenoon; sensation of great weight in anus and a strong desire to pass a large quantity, but nothing passes; prickling in anus, as of sharp pins. Cahinca [Cahin] FREQUENT DESIRE TO DEFAECATE, BUT PASSES ONLY WIND, with pressure in rectum; urgent loose stool early in the morning; soft or lienteric stools; rheumatic diarrhoea with free, loose, watery stools. Caladium [Calad] Stools pappy and soft; passage of noisy flatus at first and is compelled to strain hard to eject the soft pappy stool, had scarcely dressed after movement before he was obliged to go again. Calcarea-acet [Calc-acet] Looseness of bowels, however induced, makes her feel weak for a long time, (<) evenings; diarrhoea of varying character, undigested, offensive, like spoiled eggs, mixed soft and lumpy; undigested, whitish; stool first hard, then pappy, finally soft; scanty, mixed with blood; CHRONIC DIARRHOEA WHICH DOES NOT WEAKEN THE PATIENT; claylike stools, smelling sour or foetid; chronic diarrhoea AFTER BURNS; involuntary stools, as if fermented; feels best when constipated. Calcarea-carb [Calc] Looseness of bowels, however induced, makes her feel weak for a long time, (<) evenings; diarrhoea of varying character, undigested, offensive, like spoiled eggs, mixed soft and lumpy; undigested, whitish; stool first hard, then pappy, finally soft; scanty, mixed with blood; CHRONIC DIARRHOEA WHICH DOES NOT WEAKEN THE PATIENT; claylike stools, smelling sour or foetid; chronic diarrhoea AFTER BURNS; involuntary stools, as if fermented; feels best when constipated. Calcarea-phos [Calc-p] Diarrhoea with much flatulency, caused by juicy fruit or cider; after vexations, with headache of schoolgirls, during dentition; offensive pus with stools, which are green and loose, sometimes slimy with children, or soft and passed with difficulty; white and mushy; hot and watery; very offensive; longing for bacon, hamfat; at every attempt to eat, bellyache, also cold water. Calcarea-sulph [Calc-s] Diarrhoea with pain in abdomen, from change of weather or after eating maple sugar; stools purulent or bloody purulent (typhoid). Camphora [Camph] Diarrhoea with sweat on face, stiffness of neck and pain in it on motion; diarrhoea with great prostration and COLLAPSE AT THE VERY COMMENCEMENT OF THE DISEASE; cutting pains, with a loose discharge of dark-brown or black faeces, like coffee-grounds, after taking cold; rice-water stools, difficult passage of faeces preceded by much flatulency, also passed with difficulty. Cantharis [Canth] White or pale-reddish mucous stools, like scraping of guts; frequent, small, corrosive stools, with colic and pinching; anxious restlessness; pale, wretched appearance; frequent ineffectual desire to urinate, uraemic coma, delirium and convulsions; burning before and after urinating. Capsicum [Caps] Mucous diarrhoea with tenesmus, stools frequent, small, with tenesmus and burning in rectum and bladder; bloody, mucous, shaggy; greenish, frothy, (<) at night; tenacious mucus, mixed with black blood. Before stool cutting, flatulent colic; during stool tenesmus; after stool burning at anus, thirst, but drinking causes shuddering, drawing pains in back; (<) by currents of air, even warm air; putrid taste as of putrid water; frequent unsuccessful desire to urinate. Carbo-veg [Carb-v] Diarrhoea from chilling the stomach with ice-water (Ars.); from rancid fat; cholera or exhausting infantile diarrhoea, when the breath begins to get cold. Hot, moist, offensive flatus, with painful dragging towards sacrum and thence towards abdomen; meteorism with loud rumbling, (<) from passing wind upward and downward; faeces escape with flatus; burning in rectum. Stools frequent, involuntary, putrid, cadaverous smelling, watery, bloody; profuse diarrhoea in tuberculosis. Painful diarrhoea of old people, even soft stool passed with difficulty. Carbolic-acid [Carb-ac] DIARRHOEA FROM BAD DRAINAGE (Bapt.) from drinking impure water; emission of putrid flatus and foetid stools; involuntary stools at night, in bed; stools as in bilious diarrhoea; involuntary thin, black stools, or like thick glue, passed in thin strips, like tape. Carboneum-sulphurat [Carbn-s] CHRONIC DIARRHOEA, SETTING IN EVERY FOUR OR SIX WEEKS and lasting one or two days; yellowish, frothy, sour-smelling fluid discharges, with tenesmus and colicky pains, particularly around navel, which is drawn inward, coming on during night; burning and itching at anus. Cascarilla [Casc] Occasional diarrhoea, becoming gradually worse and more frequent with backache and lassitude; diarrhoea alternating with hard, lumpy stools; passes bright blood, with or without stool, in large quantities, causing weakness. Causticum [Caust] Chronic diarrhoea in dyspeptics and consumptives, which is caused whenever TAKING FRESH MEAT; liquid faecal stools, which pass better standing; involuntary escape of faeces with flatus, diarrhoea from cold air striking abdomen, itching and sticking in rectum; (<) from fat food, acids, sweets; (>) from smoked meat.
Cepa [All-c]
Flatus very offensive and moist; bowels loose, after midnight or towards morning, with offensive flatus; bad effects from eating spoiled fish; wind colic in region of navel, (<) on sitting, (>) when walking and by passing flatus.
Chamomilla [Cham]
Mucous diarrhoea in summer, often caused by checked perspiration or crude food, with abundant griping, (<) towards evening; small frequent, hot corrosive stools of green or green and white mucus, smelling like rotten eggs, with colic before and during stool, and relief after; during dentition, when the children are peevish and restless, with involuntary emission of urine, which is hot when passing it; sweating head, hot mouth, tickling cough. Chelidonium [Chel] Constant pain under the inferior angle of the right scapula; drowsiness with inability to sleep; diarrhoea without pain or urging; fluid faeces often escape unexpectedly; stools brown watery, white watery; green mucus; thin, pasty, bright-yellow or light-gray; like rice-water; tinged yellow; flakes, strings, gelatinous lumps; diarrhoea and constipation alternately; chronic diarrhoea with hepatic troubles; pain across navel, as if abdomen were constricted by a cord; relishes milk and hot drinks, coffee agrees, wine relieves abdominal pain, (<) from cold drinks and at night; all complaints lessen after dinner. Chimaphila-mac [Chim-m] Diarrhoeic stools containing air-bubbles, colic after stool; diarrhoea during worm fever, no thirst or hunger during fever, no thirst or hunger during fever, gnawing hunger afterwards. China [Chin] Emission of a quantity of flatus, frequently very foetid, without relief; diarrhoea comes on gradually, stools more and more watery, pale, pinkish, with rapid emaciation. Diarrhoea, PARTICULARLY AFTER MEALS, AT NIGHT, PAINLESS, EARLY IN MORNING; In hot weather; from eating fruit; from drinking sour beet; after measles; during smallpox; after severe acute diseases; after loss of fluids; on alternate days; with trembling and debility. Stools profuse, frequent, putrid; corrosive, loose, brownish, painless, with feeling of debility; frothy, painless, loose, with fermentation in bowels; painless, black; thin, large with flatus, mornings; offensive, undigested, or white, papescent, at night; cadaverous-smelling, brown, (<) at night, lienteria from weakness of intestinal canal. Thirst during stool, if there is marked sweat. Chininum-ars [Chin-ar] Diarrhoea from malarious poisoning; stools thin, watery, undigested, offensive, dark or light brown, sometimes with a meal-like sediment; eggs and fish cause at once a painless diarrhoea. Chininum-sulph [Chin-s] Nightly diarrhoea, stools watery, slimy, dark or even blackish,with offensive smell; involuntary; bloody urine. Chionanthus [Chion] Stools watery, dark-brown, terribly offensive, like carion, with pieces of undigested food in it; hot, scalding sensation in anus during stool and some time afterwards; cold and sweat on forehead and back of hand during stool. Cina [Cina] Diarrhoea with discharge of lumbrici and ascarides; involuntary, greenish, slimy or white mucous stools, looking like small pieces of parched corn, with pinching colic before white jellylike urine; picking at nose; peevish corn, with pinching colic before; white jellylike urine;picking at nose; peevish and restless; alternate diarrhoea and constipation; diarrhoea immediately after eating and drinking particularly after drinking. Cinnamomum [Cinnam] Diarrhoea (<) after drinking; with acidity of stomach. Cistus-can [Cist] Diarrhoea from coffee,acid fruits; in wet weather, in scrawny, scrofulous children, irresistible urging o stool early in the morning, which is grayish yellow, thin, hot, squirting out; discharge of much flatus; desire for acid food, which causes pain in stomach after eating, with nausea. Cocculus [Cocc] Frequent, foetid, yellow, painless stool ONLY BY DAY; diarrhoea with sensation in abdomen as of sharp stones rubbing together; diarrhoea from riding but a short distance in an omnibus or car; emission of hot flatus; violent gastralgia with griping tearing pains; nausea and tendency to faint; intense thirst while eating; all food tastes not salty enough; prolapsus recti after stool. Coffea-cruda [Coff] Diarrhoea of liquid, faecal, offensive stools. from sudden joy, taking cold, in open air, during dentition after the use of Chamomile tea; painless, but weakening; from domestic cares. Constant alternation of diarrhoea and constipation. Coffea-tosta [Coff-t] Torpor of bowels; diarrhoea from (mental) overwork and worry; OBSTINATE DIARRHOEA OF OLD PEOPLE after cholera; obstinate chronic diarrhoea,catarrh of bladder, particularly of old debauchees. Colchicum [Colch] Extremely painful urging to stool, at first only a little faeces passed, followed by transparent, gelatinous and very membranous mucus, with some relief of pain in abdomen; after stool remission of pains; involuntary stool; stinking flatus, feeling of faeces in rectum and renewed desire for stool; exhaustion. Stools varying in color, green yellow, reddish, variegated, slime and faeces mixed; profuse watery DIARRHOEA IN HOT DAMP WEATHER IN THE FALL; vomiting and purging of rice water stool with thirst; burning in stomach and abdomen, or icy-coldness. Appetite fair, but as soon as he sees or smells food, he shudders from nausea and is unable to eat. Painless cholera morbus; with deathly nausea, weakness and prostration; (<) from the smell or sight of food. Colocynthis [Coloc] Diarrhoea from anger with indignation saffron-yellow, frothy, liquid stools; first watery, then bilious, and lastly bloody stools, with violent spasmodic pains and excoriating the anus; frequent, but not profuse ; the colic relieved by the evacuation, or more rarely the colic occurs chiefly and is very severe after stool; urine foetid, viscid, jellylike; frequent urging to urinate, with small discharge; cramps in the legs and feet, dysenteric diarrhoea, renewed each time after taking the least food or drink, (<) after eating or drinking, (>) from warmth in bed.
Conium [Con]
Liquid faecal stools, mingled with hard lumps; involuntary stools during sleep without waking; cutting pain and burning before and during the stool; palpitation and tremulous weakness after stool; frequent urination; intermittent stream of urine; weakness and lassitude, with desire to lie down. CHRONIC DIARRHOEA OF OLD MEN.
Copaiva [Cop]
Copious, involuntary watery stools;worse in the morning, with loss of appetite nausea and vomiting; white,copious, mucous stools, not tenacious; in the morning, with chilliness and colic,forcing him to bend double.
Cornus-circ [Corn]
Very offensive stools and foul-smelling flatus, with burning in rectum and anus; jaundice; great relaxation of mind and body; thirst for cold drinks; nausea with sticky sweat and feeling of exhaustion; relief from flatus and stool; sleepiness.
Crotalus [Crot-h]
Diarrhoea from noxious effluvia (Bapt., Carb. ac.), imbibition of septic matter in food or drink, FROM HIGH GAME, summer diarrhoea and Cholera; stools dark green, black, thin, like coffee-grounds, offensive; violent purging, with disagreeable sensation through whole body and nauseous state; shuddering with diarrhoea; lowness of spirits and indifference to everything; great debility and faintness.
Croton-tigl [Croto-t]
Extreme coldness, amounting to chilliness along spinal column downward and through entire abdomen, with nausea and vomiting, subsequently flushed face with colic, commencing in region of transverse colon and gradually extending downward. Very copious, paplike, yellow, dirty-green or brown, watery stools, coming out like a shot, (<) by motion, while eating and drinking, (>) by warm drinks; diarrhoea coming on suddenly, pain in abdomen, faint feeling before, during and after stool; sweat on face after stool, (<) from fruit and sweetmeats, during summer; EVERY MOVEMENT OF THE BODY RENEWS DISCHARGES, causing at first violent pains in bowels, with tenesmus;l swashing sound and feeling in abdomen; anxious countenance, spirits depressed , great restlessness and great prostration. Cuprum-ars [Cupr-ar] Chronic mucous diarrhoea during summer, cramps in abdomen, tenesmus of rectum and bladder, frequent and painful urination, pain in sacral region diarrhoea during convalescence; great prostration. Cuprum-met [Cupr] Violent diarrhoea, with cramps in the stomach and chest; restlessness and tossing about; though not copious, still patient shows sunken features; cold sweat; weak and small pulse; drinks descend the oesophagus with a gurgling sound; frequent watery diarrhoea, not very copious, with lakes, or profuse squirting out, with much wind passing. Cyclamen [Cycl] Diarrhoea RENEWED AFTER EVERY CUP OF COFFEE; of chlorotic women subject to migraine and menstrual irregularities; mucous diarrhoea in the evening, stool odorless, brownish-yellow, expelled forcibly, as if shot out, proceeded by pinching pains in abdomen. Digitalis [Dig] Violent diarrhoea of watery ash-gray stools, with cutting and tearing pains, and sensation on sinking in the stomach, as if one would die; slow, weak pulse; jaundice, with foetid or sweetish ptyalism; loss of appetite,with clean tongue; nausea with vomiting, which does not always relieve. Dioscorea [Dios] Morning diarrhoea, profuse, deep-yellow, thin stools, followed by weak, faint feeling, without relieving the pain in the bowels; just before or during stool, some pain in sacral region and bowels of a writhing and drawing character, radiating upward and downward, until the whole body and extremities become involved in spasms; discharge of large quantities of very offensive flatus (disposition to whitlows). Dulcamara [Dulc] Sour-smelling diarrhoea when the weather suddenly changes from warm to cold, damp weather, with prostration, DIARRHOEA ALTERNATING WITH RHEUMATISM; diarrhoea with flatulence several afternoons in succession, before stool cutting pain and rumbling, after stool cutting pain and rumbling, after stool lassitude ands burning in rectum; nightly stools; with colic, especially around navel; desire for stool. yet no action in rectum, great straining; stools slimy, alternately yellow or greenish, whitish watery; frequent; scanty; corrosive with flocculi, (<) at night and in wet weather. Elaps-coral [Elaps] DIARRHOEA OF CONSUMPTIVES; stools of black frothy blood, with twisting in bowels, sinking feeling at pit of stomach; pain in stomach (>) by lying on abdomen; cold drinks feeling like ice in stomach, desire for sweet buttermilk.
Elaterium [Elat]
Dark-green mucous stools in masses, mixed with whitish mucus streaked with blood; PROFUSE WATERY DIARRHOEA WITHOUT VOMITING; frequent stool, with cutting pain in abdomen, the stool; flowing out very profusely in a gush (Crot. tigl), after taking cold by standing on damp ground, after exertion.
Euphorbium [Euph]
Profuse diarrhoea, the desire for stool very urgent, with violent itching and burning in rectum before, during and after stool; discharge like glue, papescent, yellowish.
Ferrum [Ferr]
Watery, mucous, painless, UNDIGESTED STOOLS AT NIGHT, OR WHILE EATING AND DRINKING; pale face, with red spots on cheeks emaciation distended abdomen without flatulence; bulimy alternating with loss of appetite; cardialgia; spasmodic pain in back and anus; exhausting sweats; diarrhoea worse morning; bad sleep before midnight, CHRONIC, WATERY, PAINLESS DIARRHOEA, COMING REGULARLY EVERY AFTERNOON, involuntary during a meal ( in children) colliquative diarrhoea in phthisical patients, passages very frequent and finally becoming almost involuntary from great debility; (<) after abuse of Chin or quinine. Ferrum-phos [Ferr-p] Stools frequent, green, watery or hashed, mixed with mucus, of pure blood, blood, bloody mucus or bloody scum; like blood fish brine; (<) midnight till morning, straining at stool, also retching, colic before stool; anorexia, aversion to milk; dyspepsia (<) from meat, herring, coffee and cake sour things; great thirst for much water, great paleness of skin, emaciation; often caused by checked perspiration. Fluoric-acid [Fl-ac] Bilious diarrhoea, (<) during day, soon after drinking, especially warm drinks; very loose, bright yellow stools, with a quantity of mucus, preceded by considerable griping; offensive, watery, yellowish-brown of anus; ON ALTERNATE DAYS,. A LATER HOUR EACH TIME. Gamboge [Gamb] (Gummi gutti)-Stool preceded by excessive cutting about the navel, and EXPELLED ALL AT ONCE AFTER CONSIDERABLE URGING AND FOLLOWED BY A FEELING OF GREAT RELIEF; profuse flatulence, especially evening and night; stools of dark green mucus, offensive, corrosive, profuse yellow watery Diarrhoea in hot weather, PARTICULARLY OLD PEOPLE, lienteric stools; burning in anus after stools; diarrhoea (<) forenoon and during day, after drinking ale; (>) from pressing abdomen which relieves the cutting pains; diarrhoea alternating with constipation; rumbling and rolling in abdomen, as of fluid running from a bottle; appetite fair, but a little food satisfies. Chronic diarrhoea consequent upon exposure, stools mostly at night, preceded by colic and much rumbling in bowels, relief only after several passages, brown stools mixed with lumps of mucus and blood. Urine smells like onion, scenting the whole room. Emaciation and prostration.
Gelsemium [Gels]
Diarrhoea in nervous persons; subjects to nervous chills; after SUDDEN EMOTION, as grief, fright, bad news, the anticipation of any un-usual ordeal;, or soldiers before a battle, during dentition. Stools: yellow, faecal, bilious, cream-colored, clay- colored,color of green tea, involuntary, fermented, with much wind and treat nervous weakness, more than the evacuations could cause. Catarrhal diarrhoea with spasmodic colic and tenesmus; bowels loose, but great difficult to discharge anything, as if the sphincter ani were spasmodically closed; diarrhoea in the evening.
Geranium-mac [Ger]
Constant desire to go to stool, with inability for some time to pass any faecal matter, then bowels move without pain or effort; mouth dry, tip o tongue burning.
Gnaphalium [Gnaph]
Watery, offensive, morning diarrhoea, often repeated during day, rumbling in bowels; colic, urine scanty, no appetite or taste.
Graphites [Graph]
Chronic cases; stools brown, fluid MIXED WITH undigested food and OF AN INTOLERABLE FOETOR, (<) at night, afar taking cold, after menses, adapted to flabby fat persons who suffer for constant chilliness and are subject to eczematous and herpetic eruptions which crack and ooze a glutinous fluid; aversion to salt things, meat and fish; desire to drink to of offensive flatus; griping in abdomen every time before passage of flatus. Chronic soft stools, often of to small a size, pasty like mud adhering to vessel.
Gratiola [Grat]
WATERY, GREEN AND FROTHY EVACUATIONS, GUSHING OUT WITH FORCE, resulting from drinking excessive quantities of water, preceded by rumbling and cutting in the abdomen, and nausea; the pain is not relieved by the stool, but by escape of flatus; appetite for nothing but brad. COLD FEELING IN ABDOMEN.
Helleborus [Hell]
Stool consisting only a clear, tenacious, colorless mucus, with burning and smarting in anus, preceded by colic, which is worse after every stool; diarrhoea during pregnancy, during dentition, during meningitis tuberculosa; feeling as if the intestines had no power to discharge faeces, during soft stool; great thirst and disgust for food; vomiting of greenish-black substances with colic.
Helonias [Helon]
Stool loose, yellow in the morning, lumps of faeces in the evening, diarrhoea, with a burning sensation in the bowels and irritability of stomach; flatulence causes nausea; anaemia and general atony.
Hepar-sulph [Hep]
CHRONIC DIARRHOEA AFTER ABUSE OF MERCURY OR QUININE; light- yellow, faecal,papescent sour stool, with undigested food, painless; much thirst hot sour regurgitation of good; morning nausea and vomiting; empty sinking feeling of the stomach, relieved by eating; frequent desires to loosen the clothes about the stomach after a meal.
Hyoscyamus [Hyos]
Yellow, watery, NEARLY ODORLESS, involuntary stools, passed in bed unconsciously, especially during sleep; a typhoid state, with delirium and desire to remain naked; involuntary jerks of the muscle before, during or immediately after a stool; diarrhoea during confinement or in old people
Ignatia [Ign]
Painless diarrhoea with rumbling of wind, (<) at night from fright or other emotions; scanty, frequent stools; great nervousness and timidity.
Iodum [Iod]
CHRONIC DIARRHOEA OF AN EXHAUSTING CHARACTER. Stools Whitish, WHEY-LIKE, watery, foamy mucus; worse in the morning; the abdominal symptoms are worse after eating, but the pain in stomach better; restlessness and inclination to change position constantly, but no anguish or tossing, emaciation increases in spite of constant eating: DIARRHOEA ADIPOSA FROM PANCREATIC AFFECTIONS; mornings diarrhoea of scrofulous children; spleen enlarged, hard and sensitive to touch; rapid emaciation despite a ravenous appetite.
Ipecacuanha [Ip]
Stool as green as grass, fermented, putrid; frequent vomiting of green jellylike mucus; flatulent colic about the navel, as if the intestines were gasped with hands; CONTINUOUS NAUSEA; coldness; paleness; lassitude. AUTUMNAL DIARRHOEA, of miasmatic origin, in combination with milk diet.
Iris-vers [Iris]
DIARRHOEA WITH BURNING IN RECTUM AND ANUS AFTER A STOOL; severe rumbling of gas; excessive watery discharges, mixed with mucus, preceded by soft and more substantial stools; intense aching cramplike pains; excessive nausea and vomiting (all of which point to cholera nostras, occurring in the hottest of the season); periodical night colic, relieved by two or three free discharges before morning; a mushy passage once or twice a day, with foetid flatus of a coppery sell, attended occasionally with an involuntary escape of fluid, soiling the sheet; stool of scybalous matter, together with fluid, mucoid faeces of an offensive, putrid and coppery odor; NAUSEA,. WITH BURNING IN THE MOUTH, FAUCES AND OESOPHAGUS; vomiting of an extremely sour fluid. Autumnal bilious diarrhoea, exhaustion and debility from her the start.
Jaborandi [Jab]
Yellow, watery, painless gushing diarrhoea; felt a goneness and emptiness from the diarrhoea, but no pains, eructations and hiccough; nausea and sudden vomiting.
Jalapa [Jal]
Chronic diarrhoea, motions come suddenly, watery, much wind, smell of rotten eggs, (<) by anxiety; morning taste dry and metallic, tongue smoothed and glazed.
Jatropha-curcas [Jatr]
Watery profuse diarrhoea, gushing out like a torrent (cholera morbus); great thirst; eructations; vomiting of large quantities of watery albuminous substances; abdomen swollen and tender to the touch; rumbling and noise as f a bottle of water being emptied in the abdomen, not ceasing after stool; violent cramps in the legs and feet; pale face; coldness of body; cold clammy perspiration; abdomen flat after many stools; unquenchable thirst drinks much cold water; burning in abdomen which she seeks to reliefs by lying on ground.
Juglans-cinerea [Jug-c]
CAMP DIARRHOEA OF SOLDIERS; bilious, yellowish green stools with burning and tenesmus after stool; stitching pain about liver and in right hypochondrium (Chel).


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