FEBRIS TYPHOIDES [Fever Typhoid]: Typhoid Fever Enteric Fever


Absinthium [Absin]
OBSTINATE AUTUMNAL FEVER, WITH SWOLLEN SPLEEN AND LIVER; sleeplessness from congestion at the base of the brain; wants to walk about, seeing all sorts of visions.
Acetic-acid [Acet-ac]
Fever with violent delirium, incoherent talking, with distended and obstinate constipation or with rumbling of bowels, colic and diarrhoea, followed by stupor, interrupted by delirious talking; SLOW, PUTRID FEVER WITH NIGHT-SWEATS. Intense thirst for water with passing large quantities of urine; vomiting of all nourishment with sensation as if there were a sore spot or ulcer in stomach; profuse, very weakening diarrhoea in later stages of fever; febrile heat with dry, hot skin and oppressed breathing during first stage; great debility and prostration.
Agaricus [Agar]
Constant delirium with attempts to get out of bed, talks continually tremulous propulsion of dry tongue; general tremor of whole body, small, quick pulse; alcoholic stimulants are well borne.
Alstonia-const [Alst-c]
Slow convalescence, great prostration and debility, low fever, diarrhoea.
Alumen [Alumn]
Ichorous diarrhoea, mixed with blood of an offensive odor, or passes large QUANTITIES OF COAGULATED BLOOD; very weakening colliquative diarrhoea, discharge of coagula rectum and uterus; metrorrhagia from atony (Nit. ac., bright-red flooding).
Alumina [Alum]
Alvine discharges frequent, foul, large quantities of black blood with each stool; cannot urinate without straining hard to stool; DIARRHOEA WHENEVER HE URINATES; unpleasant want of animal heat.
Ammonium-carb [Am-c]
ADYNAMIA; high colored and foetid urine; glandular swellings, bleeding from nose, gums and bowels; sense of oppressive fulness in head, as if brain wanted to burst through, debility with soreness of whole body, has to lie down; great chilliness with the headache; haemorrhagic diathesis from fluidity of blood and dissolution of the red blood-corpuscles; tendency to decubitus and gangrenous ulcerations.
Anacardium [Anac]
Intellect remains weak and impaired after having passed through a severe and exhausting attack of fever, with weakness of all the senses.
Apis-mell [Apis]
Muttering delirium; trembling tongue, which is blistered, can hardly protrude it, dry, cracked or ulcerated; muscles relaxed so that patient slides down in bed; nervous, restless and fidgety; sleepy, but can not sleep, shrill outcries, finally stupor as deep as under Opium, but happy, strange expression of face during muttering delirium; great soreness and bloatedness of abdomen; head and whole surface of body hot and dry; SKIN BURNING HOT IN SOME PLACES AND UNNATURALLY COOL IN OTHERS; skin mostly dry or only transient sweat; bruised, sore feeling of skin; face puffed and dark-red, lips dry, covered with a brown crust; tongue feels as if wooden, studded around the edges with blisters and catches between teeth; PRICKLING SENSATION IN TONGUE AND FAUCES AND VERY TENACIOUS, TOUGH MUCUS IN THROAT; anorexia, but much thirst; considerable swelling of spleen, abdomen sunken in, on pressing ileo-caecal region gurgling as from fluid; great soreness and bloatedness of abdomen, so that the walls become tense; watery, foul-smelling diarrhoea or constipation; incontinence of urine; moist cough but raise sputa only to the tongue, whence it must be wiped away; pulse weak, full and soft; roseola well developed.
Arnica [Arn]
At an early stage diarrhoea of offensive gushing stools and apathy and stupefaction, with foul-smelling breath and ecchymotic black or yellowish-green spots on skin; weakness, weariness and bruised sensation, general sinking of vitality, compelling the patient to lie down, and still he asserts that he feels perfectly well; forgets the words while speaking and goes to sleep while answering questions; desires constantly, on account of general soreness, to move or to be moved about, as everything upon which he lies seems too hard; irritable and angry, wants to be left alone; fear of being touched; brown streak through middle of tongue; restlessness attending the soreness of abdomen; involuntary stool and urine, brown or white diarrhoea, with distension of abdomen before and rumbling in abdomen during stool; sore, bruised feeling in walls of chest and cough with expectoration of mucus and blood; loud blowing inspirations and expirations; head hot, rest of body cool, or at least not hot; head confused and cloudy, sitting as if in thought, yet thinks of nothing, like a waking dream; sleep unrefreshing and full of dreams, with whimpering and loud talking during sleep; STUPOR AND PETECHIAE.
Arsenicum [Ars]
Must not be given too early and it follows Rhus. Restlessness and anxiety, with fear of death, from the start to the end; EXTREME RESTLESSNESS WITH EXTREME EXHAUSTION, patient thinks himself still able to move, but when he tries, finds out how weak he is, and may faint away with cold sweat all over; picking at bedclothes; delirium, fever and anxiety (<) about and after midnight; face distorted, sunken, anxious, hippocratic; BURNING HEAT, AS IF HOT WATER WERE FLOWING THROUGH THE VEINS, with throbbing in head and desire to throw off covering; excessive thirst and drinks large quantities more frequently than mere sipping of fluid at a time; craves hot drinks; fluids roll audibly down the stomach; intellect enfeebled, but coma rare; eyes staring, glistening or sunken, dull, watery, or closed with sticky matter; hard of hearing; lips dry, cracked; LIPS, GUMS AND TEETH COVERED WITH BLACK SORDES; tongue red, cracked or black and stiff; hence speaks unintelligibly; papillae raised around dorsum and tip of tongue; APHTHAE IN MOUTH BLEED READILY; vomiting and retching; burning in stomach and bowels, sensitive to pressure; swollen abdomen full, but soft (Chin., hard, meteoristic), and from the decomposition of the fluids the flatus are putrid and offensive and the diarrhoeic stools scanty, brownish, watery, foul as from rotten ulcers, (<) from food and drink, after midnight, containing blood, mucus or pus; haemorrhages from different orifices; pulse weak, rapid or filiform and intermittent; breathing short and anxious; oppressed, rattling, dry cough; foetid breath, white miliary eruption, even petechiae; cold, clammy perspiration or hot, pungent, dry skin (calor mordax); restless and disturbed sleep, anxious and frightful dreams, (<) at 3 A.M. on account of great heat; decubitus; general and rapid sinking of life's forces and excessive prostration. Erethistic typhoid fever, follows well after Rhus, and many authors raise their voices against giving it too early, considering it more indicated in the second and third week. Arum-triph [Arum-t] During delirium boring in nose, picking at one spot or at the dry lips; quivering of upper lids; picking ends of fingers and dry lips till they bleed; restless tossing about the bed, wants to escape; unconscious of what he is doing or of what is said to him; urine suppressed; putrid odor from mouth; buccal cavity raw and bleeding; diarrhoea dark yellow, fluid or mushy, each succeeding discharge more watery; sleepy, but on falling asleep sensation of smothering; great weakness; last stage, probably with uraemic poisoning. Baptisia [Bapt] FIRST STAGE OF TYPHOID OR SEPTIC FEVERS with predominance of nervous symptoms; face flushed, dusky-red or hot with a BESOTTED EXPRESSION, dulness and confusion of mind; chilliness and soreness of body with intolerance of pressure on lying; chilly all day and hot at night; nightly deliria with stupor, heavy sleep with frightful dreams; dark sordes on lips and teeth; tongue dry and brown down centre; pulse full and rapid, but soft and easily compressed; high temperature; restless, tossing about the bed with the illusion that he is double, or that he is scattered about and tries to get himself together again, or sensation as if his upper or lower extremities were enormously enlarged; slight sensitiveness in ileo-caecal region and yellow, putrescent stools. During second or third week prostration profound, stupor, patient falls asleep while answering questions; heavy, dark, besotted look of face; aphthae in mouth; ALL EXHALATIONS AND DISCHARGES EXCEEDINGLY OFFENSIVE; stools horribly putrid; urine and sweat offensive. Blood is decomposed from high temperature and sepsis. Belladonna [Bell] In the beginning, during the stage of irritation by the typhoid poison, furious delirium with screaming out and violent efforts to escape from the bed and house; face more often bright than deep red; pupils dilated, eyes injected; full of fear; intense headache, with lancinations in back part or top of head; vertigo with staggering on attempting to walk; frightful visions and dreams disturb sleep; heavy, snoring sleep with jerking of muscles, twitching of limbs and screaming out; tongue red, hot, dry, papillae inflamed and much swollen; speech difficult and stammering; reddish spots like flea-bites on chest, abdomen, face and neck; constipation or watery, profuse diarrhoea; urine scanty, with or without sediment; sense of weariness and heaviness in limbs, with marked debility and weakness, cold feet. Bryonia [Bry] In early stages confusion of mind and mild delirium, on closing eyes for sleep he sees persons who are not present, but rectifies his mistake when opening them; delirium at night of the business of the day; desire to get out of bed and go home; sensation in bed as if sinking down and in the morning dizziness, as if the head were whirling in a circle; SPLITTING HEADACHE AND SENSATION OF WEIGHT PRESSING ON VERTEX, (>) in rest and from external pressure; dryness of lips and tongue, with thirst, drinking much at a time but not often; accumulation of frothy, soaplike saliva in mouth and throat, sometimes nearly choking the patient; constant nausea; tongue coated more in middle; gastric affections; rumbling and gurgling in abdomen, especially inguinal region; CONSTIPATION (Bapt. has early diarrhoea); pulmonary congestion, with dry, irritative cough, stitching pains in chest; pressure as of a weight in middle of sternum, with anxious and difficult breathing. During second or third week stupor, frontal headache, face flushed, of a deep red color, (<) by motion, (>) by nosebleed, unusually towards morning; dryness of mucous membranes, but drinking causes nausea and vomiting, with sensation of heavy pressure in stomach, as if a stone were there; GREAT LASSITUDE AND WEAKNESS; WANTS TO BE QUIET; pains in all limbs when moving; tongue dry, rough, cracked, dark brown' sighing, groaning, moaning, makes motions with his hands, it is too much exertion to talk; constipation or diarrhoea, sudden and almost involuntary discharges, very offensive, every three hours; involuntary defaecation and urination; peculiar sour smell of body, with or without sweat; heat intense and almost continuous; wants to sleep all the time; coma with anxious delirium, cold sweat on forehead, followed by weakness; suffocating snoring with the inspiration; somnolence during day, agitated at night; disposition subdued, but easily excited to anger.
Caladium [Calad]
Coma and unconsciousness; delirious, unintelligible, murmuring, extremely sensitive to noise, the slightest startles him from sleep ; during coma lying with mouth half open; dryness and burning in throat, no sweet odor of sweat with prostration.
Calcarea-carb [Calc]
At the very onset, in children or in persons inclined to grow fat, after great anxiety and worriment of mind; UTTER SLEEPLESSNESS FROM OVERACTIVITY OF MIND, where the same disagreeable idea always rouses the patient as often as he falls into a slight slumber; visions of faces and persons when eyes are closed, sees and plays with cats and dogs during delirium; constant tickling under middle of sternum, causing a hacking cough, (<) from talking or moving; during coughing painful shocks in head, the brain feeling hot and burning, but circulation deficient in extremities; RASH FAILS TO APPEAR. Or during second or third stage excessive diarrhoea with intestinal ulceration; palpitation, tremulous pulse; anxiety, sleeplessness and restlessness; redness of face, delirium; jerkings, especially in children; great weakness and exhaustion, chiefly in the morning. EASY RELAPSES, ONE DOES NOT CONTINUE TO CONVALESENCE. It brings out the miliary rash, the meteorism and sensitiveness of abdomen diminish, and with it the anxiety and agitation; stools less frequent and more consistent. Camphora [Camph] Sudden sinking spells; icy coldness all over, with deathlike paleness of face, cold and clammy sweat, yet covering in unbearable; rattling in throat; hot breath; sleeplessness alternating with coma; diminished circulation to parts more distant from the heart. Carbo-veg [Carb-v] Our last resort in critical cases, inclining to dissolution. Extreme collapse, sopor, rattling, cold sweat; hippocratic face; small, filiform pulse; tongue moist, sticky, forepart cracked, heavy and scarcely movable; eyes dull and sunken, with no reaction of pupils to light; face and lips partially cyanosed; haemorrhages from mouth and nose; bloody foetid stools; abdomen distended, with copious escape of putrid flatus; heart's action fails rapidly, congestion of lungs sets in with threatening pulmonary paralysis; BREATH COLD AND LOUD RATTLING BREATHING FROM THE START; bedsores and ecchymoses from decomposition of the blood; stupor, from which the patient can only be roused for a moment, with loss of vision and meaning; internal burning up with icy coldness of feet and legs up to knees. Such a collapse sets in sometimes early with perfect asthenia in typhoid fevers of drunkards, who complain of itching of skin day and night; they want to be fanned and must have windows open to inhale the fresh air. Castoreum [Cast] Want of nervous reaction unduly prolongs convalescence, spasmodic affections, twitching of muscles, extreme exhaustion; patient irritable, weak and exhausting sweat. China [Chin] TYPHO-MALARIAL FEVER; excessive prostration, with great mental and bodily weakness, so that the least exertion is hateful; heavy sweats during motion or in sleep, with excessive sinking of the vital forces; uneasiness and sleepiness; frightful fancies on closing the eyes to sleep; vertigo and heaviness of head, dimness of sight, dulness of hearing, pale face, dry mouth, yellow-coated, tongue, with slimy, bitter taste and great thirst; abdomen meteoristic and tender with pains in bowels, watery lienteric stools, scanty urine; bowels move in daytime only after nourishment, but at night frequent, dark; fluid diarrhoea; coldness, especially of hands and feet; breathing oppressed, especially in the evening; swelling and hardness of spleen; tardy convalescence in consequence of serious haemorrhages, exhausting diarrhoea and night-sweats, with progressive loss of flesh and strength; indifference and apathy. Chininum-sulph [Chin-s] INDIFFERENCE AND APATHY (the very reverse of Ars.) stupid expression; vacant stare, averse to answering questions; dim vision as from a veil before the eyes; buzzing in ears; face emaciated, stupid; tongue and mouth dry, bitter taste; abdomen distended, caecal region gurgling on pressure; involuntary diarrhoea and urination; rattling of phlegm through entire right side of chest; subsultus tendinum; debilitating sweats produce great prostration. Chlorinum [Chlor] Quiet delirium in alternation with the greatest restlessness and desire to run away; intoxicated feeling with sopor and great nervous irritation; dry mouth and diarrhoea; disposition to faint, cold sticky sweat; nose full of soot lips, tongue and teeth brown, black and sooty; dry tongue ashy face; diarrhoea with dryness of mouth after appearance of eruption; haemorrhage from bowels, blood black, coagulated or not, smelling like carrion ; burning dry heat of skin with anxiety and raving; excessive prostration, subsultus tendinum; diarrhoea (<) morning. Coca [Coca] Debility during convalescence from low fevers with fainting fits, anguish (<) from failure to strive against this weakness, (<) with perfect rest; want of will-power, longing for liquors and tobacco; constipation from inactivity of rectum. Cocculus [Cocc] Great vertigo (<) sitting or when attempting to change from a reclining to a sitting position, with nausea, inclination to vomit, fainting; bewildered, heavy state of mind, does not speak plainly; patient lies quietly wrapped in thought, eyelids heavy, can hardly be lifted; abdomen tympanitic; CEREBRO-SPINAL OF TYPHOID. Colchicum [Colch] Cloudiness of intellect, but still answers questions correctly, does not consider his condition dangerous and feels nearly well; no anxiety of fear; pupils dilated and imperfectly sensitive to light; with every attempt to raise his head from pillow, it falls back again and the mouth opens wide, COLD SWEAT ON FOREHEAD; COLD BREATH; cadaverous face; features sharp and pointed, nose pinched, nostrils dry and black; tongue heavy and stiff, is protruded with difficulty, sometimes bluish; almost complete loss of speech and cold breath; nausea and vomiting with considerable retching, the thought or smell of food or even the mere mention of food makes the patient gag; sickness, nausea, horrible aversion to eat; restlessness and cramps in legs; TYMPANITIS WELL MARKED (Chin.), ABDOMEN HOT WITH COLD EXTREMITIES; stools watery, frequent, involuntary, offensive, with fragments of whitish mucus, discharges mostly preceded by colic; urine involuntary and copious or suppressed; pulse small, quick, hardly perceptible; feet oedematous, respiration irregular or intermittent. Crotalus-hor [Crot-h] OPPRESSION OF NERVOUS CENTRES; eyes congested; features heavy, dull, bloated, besotted (Bapt.); eruption dark purple, copious; during second week heart becomes markedly weak, systolic sound can hardly be made out; pulse soft, flagging, tremulous; great and distressing restlessness; twitching, jerking, tremulousness, sinking down towards foot of bed (Mur. ac.), deafness; HAEMORRHAGIC TENDENCY FROM ALL ORIFICES, epistaxis, foetid breath, gums bleeding and gangrenous; stools black, thin, like coffee-grounds, offensive or dark; fluid haemorrhage from bowels; sudden and great prostration of vital forces. Cuprum-met [Cupr] (Cuprum arsen.)--Deep sopor with twitching and jerking of limbs, violent dull headache over glabella; lustreless sunken eyes, with blue rings; difficult hearing; expression of face sad, depressed; tongue red, dry, rough, papillae enlarged; white, yellow of brown coating; gurgling noise of drink passing down to stomach; pressure in stomach and abdomen as from a stone; involuntary, thin, watery, blood stools, profuse and squirting out; quick, rattling breathing; restless tossing about and great prostration; nosebleed and petechiae; debilitating, exhausting, internal heat; cold sweat at night. MENTAL ALIENATION DURING AND AFTER TYPHOID FEVER. Digitalis [Dig] Pulse rapid, or slow and irregular, or slow or very feeble, accelerated by motion, especially by rising up from bed; pupils dilated, tongue white, bluish, or clean; constant disgust, nausea and vomiting, faintness or sinking at stomach; swelling and fulness of hepatic region; diarrhoea of watery, ash-gray stools, or, although there is no diarrhoea, strength and flesh waste away very rapidly; sleep uneasy and unrefreshing; INTERNAL COLDNESS OF WHOLE BODY, OFTEN WITH EXTERNAL HEAT. Eucalyptus [Eucal] During first stage weariness, sleeplessness, nervous erethism, vomiting, diarrhoea of watery, undigested and offensive matters; dull heavy aching in body and extremities; headache, dry mouth; offensive breath and sweat; during later stages signs of degeneration of blood haemorrhages, ecchymoses and sordes, colliquative diarrhoea, tympanitis, great prostration, even collapse. TYPHO-MALARIAL FEVER. Eupatorium-perf [Eup-per] BILIOUS AND REMITTENT MALARIAL FEVER, while severe gastric and intestinal irritation, passing over into typhoid state. Despondency with the fever; throbbing headache, from forehead to occiput; soreness and pulsation in back part of head; sickly, sallow face; tongue yellow or covered with white fur; copious perspiration with nausea and vomiting; frequent heat with the night-sweat; alternate chilliness and flushes of heat, fulness an tenderness in hepatic region; profuse bilious, watery stools, with nausea severe colic and prostration or constipation; bones ache as if broken, with much backache and headache; jaundice; petechiae. Gelsemium [Gels] GREAT PROSTRATION OF ALL THE VITAL FORCES already in the initial stage, with strange sensation in head and continued jactitation of muscles; sleeplessness, wide awake all night; patient feels sore and bruised all over, as if he had been pounded, dreads to move, on account of weakness; suffused red face; trembling from weakness; slow pulse, which becomes accelerated by lifting or turning the patient; chills and crawls which go down the back; feeling of expansion, as though the head or some part of the body were enormously enlarged; severe pains in head, back and limbs, with extreme lassitude, chilliness and fever (afternoon), sticky clammy, feverish state; tongue red and raw, painful in centre, can hardly protrude it; distension of abdomen, with pain and nausea; diarrhoea, bilious, fermented, with much flatus and great nervous weakness, more than the stools could cause. Post-typhoid intermittents. Bapt. follows well. Hamamelis [Ham] SENSORY DEPRESSION: sensation as if the contents of the head were bulging out of the forehead and eyes; dark soot and nostrils which are dry; tongue yellow, dry, with red edges, breath horribly offensive; drinks roll audibly into the stomach; face at times pale and almost cold; pulse faint, weak, almost imperceptible, meaningless picking at the lips of bedclothes; heart's beat slow; skin only moderately warm; sudden bulimy after total loss of appetite; bowels inactive; urination involuntary; difficult swallowing; fever (<) from 4 to 8 P.M.; complete muscular relaxation. Hydrastis [Hydr] Typhoid fever with the prevailing gastric and bilious symptoms; icterus followed by great debility; physical prostration; faintness and goneness in pit of stomach; torpid liver; foetid flatus, stools light-colored, soft, acrid. Hyoscyamus [Hyos] Advanced stages of typhoid fever; profound stupor, but when aroused answers correctly; patient, as it were, LIVES AND INWARD LIFE, FULL OF DELUSIONS AND HALLUCINATIONS; unconscious of the outside world; delirium continues while awake and sees and converses with persons who are not and were not present; indistinct and muttering loquacity; hyperaesthesia of skin, patient will not remain covered; thirst only wanting during chill; high fever, thermometer 104, with cool face and cold extremities; muttering with picking at bedclothes and subsultus tendinum; eyes red, sparkling; staring, rolling about, squinting; deafness; distorted face, stupid expression; sordes on lips, tongue and teeth; tongue red brown, dry, cracked, paralyzed; indistinct speech; foul breath; involuntary micturition, urine leaves large streaks on the sheet; suppressed secretion or retention of urine, paralysis of sphincter ani et vesicae, involuntary and unnoticed defaecation; pulse quick, rapid irregular; hypostasis of lungs with impending paralysis pulmonum and snoring, rattling breathing, (<) in the evening; grating of teeth; trembling and convulsive motions; sleeplessness or constant sleep with muttering; roseola spots on chest and abdomen; painless paralysis and torpor of organism. Ignatia [Ign] Great impatience and despair about pains and bad feelings, which he cannot describe; gets easily frightened and feels as though he were swung to and fro in a swing. Yawning stretching, followed by frontal headache, which does not allow opening the eyes; hard hearing except for speech; convulsive twitching of facial muscles; lips dry, cracked, bleeding; choking sensation from stomach of facial muscles; lips dry, cracked, bleeding; choking sensation from stomach up into throat, with oppression of chest, better from belching; swelling of spleen; painless diarrhoea with rumbling of wind; sinking weak feeling in pit of stomach; convulsive motions of limbs; palpitation of heart; jerking of tendons; sleeplessness on account of various as soon as he falls in a doze; troublesome dreams. Iodum [Iod] Intense pain in the ileo-caecal region; bloody watery diarrhoea; great irritation of nervous system; picking at flecks; delirium. Ipecacuanha [Ip] PREMONITORY STAGE, with moderate febrile action, loss of appetite, mucous state, constant nausea or vomiting; mucous diarrhoea; FIRST STAGE, with yellow tongue, nausea, vomiting; bilious diarrhoea; stools yellow, painless, fermented, especially in the evening; general headache, as if bruised, all through bones of head and down into root of tongue, or semilateral headache, with continual motion of head, as if it were badly placed upon the pillow; sweat upon head; sudden prostration with aversion to all food; convulsive twitching in limbs, which have a painful tremor. Lachesis [Lach] CEREBRAL TYPHOID. Torpor with loss of vitality, associated with nervous excitability, cutaneous hyperaesthesia and decomposition of the blood. Intolerance of pressure from the cutaneous hyperaesthesia; he sleeps into an aggravation from depressing influences on centres of respiration; both BODY AND MIND WORN OUT, WITH RELAXATION OF MUSCULAR SYSTEM; heat in head, with throbbing from every movement; heaviness of head; especially occiput, with vertigo; muttering stupor; delirium with great loquacity, jumping from one thing to another; sunken countenance; tendency of lower jaw to drop, and sleeps with mouth open; fever and delirium (<) as night advances; mouth dry, black, stiff with dry, red, blackish tongue, cracked on tip, trembling when protruded or catching between teeth and bleeding; abdomen hard and distended, with rumbling and gurgling in bowels before diarrhoea; stools very offensive whether formed or not; red-brown and copious urine, cough and dyspnoea, bloody, slimy expectoration; decubitus, ulcers inflamed, red, with black borders; haemorrhages, blood dark and particles looking like charred straw, coolness of extremities. Leptandra [Lept] BILIOUS TYPHOIDS; great prostration, stupor, heat and dryness of skin; coldness of extremities; dark, foetid, tarry or watery stools, mixed with bloody mucus; weak, sinking sensation in pit of stomach; pain in epigastric and hypochondriac region; jaundice; physical and mental depression, with vertigo and drowsiness. Lycopodium [Lyc] COMES IN AT THE END OF THE SECOND WEEK WHEN THE RASH FAILS TO APPEAR and the patient sinks into an unconscious state with muttering delirium, picking at the bedclothes, distended abdomen with great rumbling of flatus, constipation, sudden jerking of limbs here and there, involuntary urination, leaving a reddish sandy deposit in the clothing or retention of urine. The continued high temperature leads later on to CEREBRAL PARALYSIS; patient lies in a stupor, eyes do not react to light; lower jaw drops and hangs down; breathing snoring and rattling; tongue swollen, blistered and cannot be protruded, and if patient tries the dry tongue rolls from side to side; pulse intermittent and rapid; COLD HANDS AND FEET OR ONE FOOT HOT AND THE OTHER COLD; RESTLESS SLEEP, at ease in no position, full of anxious dreams and jerking of limbs; when aroused cross, irritable or awakes terrified as from a heavy dream; great emaciation and internal debility, paralysis; upper parts wasted, lower parts swollen. Compare Calc. and Lyc., follows often after Lach. Mercurius-sol [Merc] During first stage in persons of lymphatic nervous temperament or in the second period during predominance of hepatic affections; pale, yellowish, discolored face; putrid, insipid taste; tongue loaded with thick yellow coating; little thirst; painful sensitiveness of epigastric and hepatic region; especially when stools are copious, liquid, flocculent, bloody; frequent desire to urinate; agitation, anxiety, sleeplessness; headache, but hardly ever delirium; clammy, foetid sweat; icterus; bronchial irritation; parotitis. Mercurius-dulc [Merc-d] (Calomel)--Ill-defined gastric disturbance during second stage; painful sensitiveness of abdomen; watery, colorless stools, as if fixed with flocculent masses, or like the washing of flesh, occurring most often at night; tongue moist, and it must be suspended when tongue becomes dry and delirium sets in. Mercurius-cyan [Merc-cy] Ulceration of Peyer's patches and of the solitary GLANDS WITH EXTREME PROSTRATION OF VITAL FORCES; secondary diphtheria (laryngo-typhoid of Professor Rokitansky) in the course of typhoid fever; eyes sunken, pupils greatly dilated; face pale and wan; ulcers on tongue and cheeks, salivary glands swollen; burning thirst; hiccough; severe pains over whole abdomen (perforation and peritonitis); haemorrhage or foetid liquid discharges per anum; suppression of urinary secretion; pulse weak and sinking; frequent fainting, especially after a stool; icy coldness of skin; clammy cold perspiration; sleeplessness, Muriatic-acid [Mur-ac] FIRST AND SECOND STAGE; continued delirium, keeping the patient from rest and sleep, he is constantly occupied with changing pictures of the past and present, and thus forgets everything around him. Activity of senses increased, the eyes shrink from light, the ear is sensitive to noise, smell and taste every acute, the eye full of lustre, pupils contracted; circumscribed redness of cheeks; nose, lips and tongue dry, the latter only slightly coated or not at all; very light affection of the intestinal canal; infrequent typhoid stools, or none at all; urine clear, with acrid reaction; can hardly pass flatus without urinating at the same time; beat of heart and pulse very frequent, irritable without energy; respiration accelerated; skin mostly dry, with increased temperature; great need of sleep and still cannot sleep; muscular power not much diminished; slight debility and malaise (after Bry.). THIRD STAGE OR FEBRIS STUPIDA, excessive prostration from muscular paresis; headache as if the brain were bruised; constant sliding down in bed, with groaning and moaning during sleep; muttering and unconsciousness whilst awake; putridity; aphthae putrid, small, bluish, deep; dryness of mouth and tongue heavy, paralyzed, patient cannot move it and will, even when conscious; pulse intermits every third beat; profuse discharge of watery, dark offensive diarrhoea; involuntary micturition and defaecation; turning up the whites of eyes; depression of lower jaw, paralyzed tongue and anus; bleeding from anus; cannot bear the thought or sight of meat, it is so distasteful. Nitric-acid [Nit-ac] ADVANCED STAGE WITH PREDOMINANCE OF ABDOMINAL AFFECTIONS; ULCERATIVE STAGE with great exhaustion; stools green, slimy, offensive, purulent or bright-red haemorrhage from bowels with fainting on the slightest motion; tongue white and studded with vesicles or brownish and dry, foetid urine; burning pungent skin; marked tenderness of abdomen; especially in ileo-caecal region, gurgling on pressure with constant blood-streaked diarrhoeic stools; stupidity, muttering delirium, wants to get out of bed; threatening paralysis of lungs with loud rattling of mucus in lungs; intermitting every third beat; extreme prostration and exhaustion. Nux-moschata [Nux-m] Bluish spots on skin; general restlessness in muscles with vertigo; after slightest exertion, weakness, with inclination to lie down, dreamy state, with drowsiness and falling of eyelids; profound coma, lying silent immovable, delirium and stupidity; frantic drunkenness; dryness of mouth, tongue and throat, with thirstlessness; fulness of stomach and loss of appetite; rumbling and gurgling in abdomen; putrid or colliquative diarrhoea; urine scanty, high-colored and clear. Nux-vomica [Nux-v] EARLY STAGE; chilliness from slightest motion; hard, full and frequent pulse; pains and debility in all limbs, (>) by lying down; nervous, excited sleep with much dreaming; prevalence of gastric symptoms with bitter and pasty mouth, yellowish tongue, nausea, greenish vomiting; bilious diarrhoea or constipation. Later on sudden sinking of vital powers with a kind of paralytic loss of strength; dull headache with dizziness as if the brain were whirling in a circle, with momentary loss of consciousness (<) from lying on back; putrid breath; tongue blackish and cracked, with deep-red edges; thirst at night, with aversion to water; epigastrium distended and sensitive, with putrid, watery; excoriating diarrhoea or burning in abdomen, with desire to stool without being able to accomplish anything; intolerance of impression on external senses, all of which seem much exaggerated, he moans, groans, becomes vehement, even unto rage; (>) FROM AN UNINTERRUPTED SLEEP.
Opium [Op]
Complete stupor from which the patient cannot be roused, or only with the greatest difficulty, and then falls back into unconsciousness, or gradually increasing wild delirium followed by gradually increasing coma, BODY BATHED IN A HOT SWEAT (bad omen), with inclination for being uncovered; pulse full and slow with snoring respiration, or quick and hard with heat and quick respiration; dropping of lower jaw; breathing loud and stertorous; face dark or brownish-red; great heaviness of occiput, so that head constantly falls backward; black, dry tongue, without thirst; paralysis of tongue; tympanitis; constipation or extremely offensive watery stools; involuntary diarrhoea; retention of urine or partial suppression of urine with somnolence. Op. may be given when the system fails to respond to the indicated remedy, and is then often followed by Lach.
Phosphorus [Phos]
ADYNAMIC TYPE, sepsis; threatening paralysis of brain or lungs when about the middle of third week, pulmonary congestion or pneumonia supervenes. GREAT CEREBRO-SPINAL EXHAUSTION, face ashy, tongue covered with viscid, thready slime, difficult to expectorate, TRUNK HOT, HEAD RATHER COOL; breath hot; burning thirst, (>) by cold water; liver sore to touch and often enlarged; spleen the same; diarrhoea as soon as he takes stools flaky, dark, often bloody, with extreme weakness after stool; profuse sweat, which does not relieve; urine of strong ammoniacal odor, turbid, depositing a white sediment; tympanitic abdomen; involuntary stools, often of pure blood or bloody mucus, from the wide-open paralyzed anus; numerous roseola spots, ecchymoses and miliary eruption on trunk; coma vigil; delirium alternating with intervals of consciousness, and constant attempts to escape; sopor, dry lips, black tongue, open mouth; sleepy all day, at night restless, awakens often from heat and ebullitions; great weakness and emaciation, feels as if he were paralyzed, HAEMORRHAGIC TENDENCY; epistaxis, bleeding gums, haemorrhage from uterus or bowels, threatening abortion or miscarriage.
Phosphoric-acid [Ph-ac]
May be USEFUL FROM THE BEGINNING TO THE END OF DISEASE. Delirium is quiet, not violent, with muttering, unintelligible speech, patient lies in a stupid sleep from cerebral paresis, unconscious of what is going on, but when aroused he is fully conscious and then drops off into his former sleep; pointed nose; dark blue rings around eyes; nosebleed at an early stage of the fever, but it gives no relief, boring with finger in nose from irritation in Peyer's patches; abdomen distended and bloated, with gurgling and rumbling in bowels; copious flatus with the watery, lienteric stools; dry tongue with a dark-red streak through centre, or pale and clammy, covered with slimy mucus; urine highly albuminous, milky, rapidly decomposing, loaded with earthy phosphates; petechia on dependent parts and sudamina with copious sweats, but still NEITHER SWEAT NOR DIARRHOEA PROSTRATES THE PATIENT; temperature of body never very high; enlargement of spleen. Gradual sinking of the vital power without any reaction on the part of the organism, hence indifference and apathy.
Psorinum [Psor]
Retarded convalescence from profuse perspiration; patient hopeless despairing of recovery; dry hair with loss of lustre; lips dry, brown, black; tongue dry on tip, feels as if scalded; slow digestion from great prostration; stitches in spleen and left chest; very weak and least exertion; (<) evening and before midnight; (>) while lying down.
Pulsatilla [Puls]
Gastric and abdominal ailings usher in the disease, chills with neither appetite nor thirst; febrile heat mingled with chills, which come on as soon as the patient uncovers himself; HEAT OF ONE SIDE, WITH COLDNESS OF THE OTHER; sweat on one side of face or body; light sleep, with a feeling on waking as if he had not slept; restless, stupefying, dull sleep, with constant tossing about, full of phantasies and dreams; uncovering in bed on account of heat, especially in palms of hands, yet he shivers from uncovering; delirium at night, fear and desire to run away, with sopor; foul- smelling mucus covers mouth in the morning, with cracked lips and dark, slimy-coated tongue; rumbling in bowels with frequent discharges of only mucus, sometimes mixed with some blood; slimy diarrhoea of greenish mucus, especially at night, during sleep; brownish-red urine, with a brickdust sediment, also with burning.
Ranunculus-scel [Ran-s]
Mapped tongue; denuded patches on tongue, with severe burning and rawness, the remainder of the organ being coated; indolence and dulness of head; frequent soft or watery foetid stools; restless sleep and tossing about.
Rhus-tox [Rhus-t]
Whenever an acute disease takes on a typhoid form. MILD TEMPERAMENT. Excitement and overactivity in the functions of vegetative life, and simultaneous depression in functions of animal life; desire for frequent and constant movement, giving temporary relief; prostration with sensation as if bruised, and constant desire to sit or lie down; dull feeling of head, with cerebral pains, (>) by nosebleed; dry, burning heat, excessive headache, with tension and rigidity of nape of necks, (<) evenings and upon motion; wandering pains in nape of neck and kidneys, with weariness and languor of limbs as the most themselves, when tongue is coated with fur and there is diarrhoea with borborygmi; chills, vertigo, with closing of eyelids, altered color of face, dryness of throat, vomiting of food, yawning; hard, dull and heavy pressure upon eyes, painful sensitiveness to light and noise; somnolence; loss of memory; tendency to mild delirium; lower lip and tongue blackish. During second and third stage sopor and prostration prevail, with extreme weariness, preventing the least motion; slow and difficult mental operation, answers correctly, but slow, sometimes hasty; talks much to himself incoherently; epistaxis, especially after midnight; lips dry and covered with brown crusts; sensation of dryness on tongue, as if covered with a skin, when not dry; dry tongue, red all over, at any rate dry red triangle on tip, with desire for drink; repugnance to all food; distension of abdomen, with severe pinching; very offensive flatus; bowels loose, worse at night, and involuntary during sleep; nocturnal diarrhoea, with severe colic which disappears after stool, with headache and pain in all limbs; severe cough, with tough bloody expectoration; bronchitis; pneumonic infiltration of lower lobes of lungs; severe rheumatic pains in limbs, worse when at rest; restlessness; disturbed, anxious sleep with frightful dreams, frequent waking, or comatose slumbering, with snoring, murmuring, picking at bedclothes; dry heat or sweat, during which patient desires to be covered; brain seriously affected, with automatic muscular movements in hands and feet; roseola; miliary eruption; great exhaustion; disposition sad, depressed, without courage, despairing, but never violent. CASES ADAPTED TO RHUS NEVER RUN A SPEEDY COURSE, AND A CRISIS CAN ONLY BE EXPECTED DURING THE THIRD WEEK; the medicine ought to be steadily adhered to without change, except when imperatively commanded. Selenium [Sel] Sequelae of typhoid; when patient begins begins t walk about there is debility of spine with fear of becoming paralyzed; mental exhaustion; loss of sleep tells on him; profound melancholy; (>) palliatively from stimulants which he craves.
Silicea [Sil]
Sometimes in worst cases, with excessive debility, profuse perspiration, and a strong desire to be magnetized, which relieves the weakness; poison to the surface and securing a gradual recovery.
Stramonium [Stram]
Loss of consciousness, imbecility, stupefaction; patient lies with his knees drawn up and hands folded; DELIRIUM ALTERNATING WITH TETANIC CONVULSIONS; crazy fit, he tries to bite, scratch, uses lewd language; desires to escape from bed, takes no notice of surrounding objects, everything appears changed and he revels in his own fancies; constant desire for light and company, as fear prevails in his delirium; painless paralysis and trembling of body; comatose sleep with loose rattling respiration and dark, hot face; pulse small, rapid, irregular, intermittent, with quiet respiration or slow and weak; head dull and stupid, eyes staring and sparkling, pupils dilated, or half closed and languid; mouth and tongue raw, dry and sore, with partial or complete paralysis of tongue; patient drinks seldom, but much at a time; constipation or blackish diarrhoea every hour, smelling like carrion; urine suppressed or copious involuntary discharge.
Sulphur [Sulph]
CONTINUOUS REMITTENT FEVER, after failure of well-indicated remedies, patient is drowsy with the fever, in fact burning up with the fever, responds sluggishly and slowly to questions; face pale and sickly; eyes dim, sunken, with bluish circles; lips dry and cracked; mouth dry or coated with thick brownish mucus; tongue dry, with offensive smell, especially mornings; stomach and abdomen tender, rumbling and gurgling in bowels, with offensive flatus; diarrhoea, with constantly changing stools, patient falling asleep after stool from the exhaustion, (<) early in the morning; scanty, offensive, dark-red urine; dry, husky skin, not perspiring, with itching eruption; feet very hot; indolence of body and mind, all senses dull; pulse small, weak and quick; catarrhal pneumonia during commencement of infiltration. During convalescence chest feels empty and weak, it tires him to talk, weakness in stomach at noon, must eat something at that time; stooping appearance.
Sulphuric-acid [Sul-ac]
SEPTIC TYPHOID, with great disposition to haemorrhage from the capillaries, and rapid sinking of vital forces; an oozing of dark thin blood; face deathly pale, as if the white of egg had dried on it; talking difficult, as from want of elasticity of the parts; loss of appetite, desire for fresh fruit and brandy; sensation of tremor all over, trembling; pulse feeble and quick; tendency to gangrene.
Taraxacum [Tarax]
During rest intolerable tearing pains only in lower extremities; constant muttering delirium; excessive restlessness; violent tearing pain in occiput; great chilliness after eating or drinking; map tongue.
Tartarus-emet [Ant-t]
ADYNAMIA OF LUNGS, OEdema pulmonum, with great rattling in chest, and dyspnoea; profuse sweat all over, especially on affected parts; heaviness of head; tongue red in streaks, or covered with thick, white, pasty coating; great prostration and sluggishness of body; sleepiness.
Terebinthina [Ter]
Towards end of second week bright-red tongue, smooth and glossy, as if deprived of its papillae; vertigo, fulness and flushiness of face; EXTREME TYMPANITIS; pain in iliac region and all over abdomen upon pressure; burning in kidneys and ureters; burning during micturition; albuminous urine; THICK SCANTY URINE, WITH MUCUS AND DISINTEGRATED BLOOD-CORPUSCLES; foetid urine and stools; diarrhoea, with blood intermixed; small, wiry pulse; haemorrhage from nose and anus; bloody expectoration; profuse serous effusion in pleural and abdominal cavity; great prostration and emaciation.
Veratrum-alb [Verat]
TORPOR OF VEGETATIVE SYSTEM, WITH COMPARATIVELY SLIGHT AFFECTION OF THE SYSTEM OF ANIMAL LIFE. The disease sets in with vomiting and purging, cold sweat and coldness of limbs; pulse scarcely perceptible; abdomen very painful, as if contracted, unconscious urination; petechiae on extremities, presenting on icy coldness to the touch; coma vigil, with frequent starts as if from fright; hippocratic face; excessive prostration.
Zincum-met [Zinc]
THREATENED CEREBRAL PARALYSIS; convulsions, with trembling of the hands, cold extremities; loss of consciousness; sinking down in bed; depression of lower jaw; pale waxy complexion; decubitus on sacrum and trochanter; frequent involuntary discharges from bowels; frequent, small, intermitting, scarcely perceptible pulse.
Zingiber [Zing]
During convalescence complete cessation of the functions of the kidneys, no urine voided, nor a drop in the bladder.


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