HEADACHE [Headache]: Cephalalgia


Acetic-acid [Acet-ac]
Nervous cephalalgia; heaviness of head, with sense of drunkenness; confused, dull aching over frontal region and vertex; shooting through temples; headache from abuse of narcotics, tobacco, opium, coffee, alcohol or by chronic gastric irritation.
Aconite [Acon]
SUNSTROKE, especially from sleeping in the sun's rays; burning headache, as if brain we re agitated by boiling water, fulness and heavy feeling as if everything would push out of forehead; CONGESTIVE HEADACHE, vision obscured, pressing and contracting pains in the upper part of forehead, face swollen, pale, (<) by light, noise, motion, (>) by lying quietly in a dark room, by nosebleed, by copious urination.
Aesculus-hip [Aesc]
Gastric and HAEMORRHOIDAL headaches; feeling as if a board were on the head, (<) rising from a seat; severe lancinating headache at the base of brain, as if too full; dull stupefying pain all over head, neuralgic pains in different parts of head, temples, forehead, occiput, going and coming; headache with drowsiness; too weak to walk; tympany; tongue coated. AEthusa-cyn [Aeth] Violent pain, as if the BRAIN WERE DASHED TO PIECES; pressing pain in the forehead as if it would split, at its acme vomiting, and finally diarrhoea; headache ceases with discharge of flatus downward; stitches and pulsation in the head; distressing pain in the occiput, nape and down the spine, better from bending stiffly backward; sensation as if she were constantly pulled by the hair; hemicrania, driving her into the open air, which relieved; desire to have a band fastened tightly around the head (Arg.nit.). Agaricus [Agar] NERVOUS HEADACHES, from overwork at the desk, etc.; pain as if HARP ICE TOUCHED THE HEAD OR COLD NEEDLES PIERCED IT; pain run from occiput through the eyes or remain confined to some small spot, as left temple; pain as if fine splinters were driven into the brain, into cheeks, which feel hot and burning; head constantly falls backward, as if a weight were attached to occiput; headache of those subject to chorea, who readily become delirious in fever or with pain; headaches from spine affections; hysteria; muscular twitchings and grimaces of lids, face, extremities; itching and burning in various parts of body; sensation of constriction of chest; (<) sitting quietly; (>) moving slowly about, after stool.
Agnus-castus [Agn]
Probably most suitable to headache of persons with derangement of womb, ovaries, testicles, or sexual organs in general; headaches of persons given to sexual excesses or subject to seminal emissions, or of those of unmarried persons suffering from nervous debility; melancholia and hypochondriac mood, keeps repeating that she will die; tearing pains above the right eye and temple, as if one had received a blow upon the eye, attended with soreness of touch, worse by motion and in the evening; CONTRACTING HEADACHE from reading; pain in upper part of head, as from staying in a close, damp room, (>) by looking at one point.
Ailanthus-glan [Ail]
PASSIVE CONGESTIVE HEADACHE and dizziness, face red and hot, (>) by nosebleed (Arn.,); head burning hot with piercing pains, followed by drowsiness the whole day, with no inclination to think or to act; low-spirited.
Allium-cepa [All-c]
CATARRHAL HEADACHES, oppressive over eyes and going through head like an electric shocks, with sensation as if whole head were wrapped in hot moist compresses; excessive sneezing and lachrymation: profuse fluent coryza; frequent cold shivers down back.
Aloe [Aloe]
Headache across forehead, with heaviness of eyes and nausea with feeling as if a WEIGHT WERE PRESSING THE EYELIDS DOWN, (>) from partial closure of eyelids and from cold applications, (<) from heat. HEADACHE ALTERNATING WITH LUMBAGO; stitches in temples (<) by every footstep; headache from insufficient defaecation, with abdominal pains, rendering him unfit for all mental labor, with perfect relief after a complete stool; hair falls our or gets gray in patches; HEADACHES (<) IN WINTER AND DIARRHOEA IN SUMMER. Alumen [Alumn] Headache from constipation, from chronic catarrhs of head, (>) by lying quiet in bed or resting head upon a cushion, pale, languid face; pain n vertex (<) on moving head or stooping, (>) by pressure; shooting in vertex on coughing.
Aluminium [Alum]
Suitable to scrofulous persons suffering from chronic catarrhs; headache, attended with nausea, oppression in forehead, rush of blood to eyes and nose, epistaxis, pale face and languor; lacerating pain in head and nape of neck, INCREASING WHEN GOING TO BED, AND ONLY CEASING IN THE MORNING ON RISING; head giddy as soon as she opens her eyes, (<) from walking in open air, going up stairs, or stepping, on alternate days; inability to recollect things or to follow up a train of thoughts; no desire to do anything, especially anything serious. Ambra [Ambr] Pressure in forehead, WITH FEAR OF BECOMING CRAZY; EXTREMELY PAINFUL TEARING on top of the head, and apparently in the whole upper part of the brain, with paleness of the face and coldness of the left hand; pressive drawing ascending from the nape of the neck and extending through the head towards the forehead, considerable oppression remaining in the lower part of the occiput. Ammonium-brom [Am-br] Frontal headache; tinnitus aurium from congestion of labyrinth; sensation as if a band were tied around head above ears; eyes red, sore, with white mucus in the corners; scrofulosis; obesity. Ammonium-carb [Am-c] NERVOUS HEADACHES, (<) by pressing teeth together; feeling of looseness of brain, as if the brain fell to the side towards which he leaned; sense of oppressive fulness, pushing as if forehead would burst, (<) after eating, while walking in the open air, (>) from pressure, in warm room; pulsating, pressing pains in forehead and temples, with nausea mornings and (<) afternoons; great aversion to water; suits fat women leading a sedentary life. Ammonium-mur [Am-m] RHEUMATIC NEURALGIC headaches in temple and occiput, causing nausea, burning of ears and deafness, with sensation as if head would split. Amyl-nitrite [Aml-n] CONGESTIVE HEADACHE; giddiness, mental confusion and a dreamlike state; protruding, staring eyes, flushing of face, heaviness and pressure outward in forehead and temples, and when pain in forehead was worse, pain in occiput was better; hemicrania, where the affected side looks paler than the sound one, most violent on left side; stupid, drowsy sensation and burning in stomach and up the throat. Anacardium-orient [Anac] NERVOUS HEADACHE FROM MENTAL OVERWORK AND FATIGUE; tearing pains in forehead and back part of forehead; sensation as if a plug were in some part of the head or a constrictive sensation as if a band were tied about the head, with great mental irritability even to profanity, momentarily (>) by strong pressure and lying down and falling asleep, also by eating, (<) during motion and work; headache in occiput, (<) from a misstep or from loud noise and strong odors; gastric headache from weak digestion, with fulness and distension of abdomen and pain around navel, as if a blunt plug were pressed into the intestines. Antimonium-crud [Ant-c] SABURRA; stupefying dull headache in the forehead, so violent that sweat broke out form anxiety when walking in the fresh air; VIOLENT HEADACHE AFTER BATHING IN THE RIVER, with weakness in the limbs and aversion to food; dull headache and vertigo, increased by ascending stairs; falling off of the hair; nausea, loathing, no appetite, vomiting, bad effects of wine, especially sour wine; headache over one eye in one spot, worse at noon, decreases at night, not relieved by vomiting; headache as if the forehead would burst, from catarrh of the frontal sinus, with stoppage of nose; weakness of limbs; great sleepiness in forenoon; feeling of intolerable heat in sunshine. Antimonium-tart [Ant-t] Dull headache from gastric derangement, with nausea, vertigo, weakness, trembling and pressive pains in head, (<) by walking; pains as if brain were pressed together, restless and apprehensive, stupid and sleepy, more when resting, in the evening and at night; (>) when moving about in cool air or after washing head; tensive pain in forehead and on one side of head, as if the brain were in one lump, with drowsiness, (<) evening, after eating, and sitting bent (>) sitting up, lying high and in the cold; rheumatic tearing pain from right temple down into jaw- bone; vertigo alternating with drowsiness.
Apis-mell [Apis]
BRAIN FEELS TIRED, AS IF GOING TO SLEEP; dull, heavy, tensive headache over eyes, extending over vertex down to occiput, with pain through the orbits, photophobia, lids moving with difficulty, pupils contracted; violent drawing from back of neck, spreading over left half of head, burning and throbbing in head, (>) by motion and stooping, temporarily (<) by pressing head firmly with hands; integuments of head and face feel stiff, oedema about eyes; headache with vertigo, affecting forehead, temples and eyes, with nausea and vomiting, (<) in warm room and when lying down; urticaria; great desire to sleep; suppressed micturition in children; PERIODICAL HEADACHE. Apium-graveol [Ap-g] Left-sided headaches, throbbing, (<) from slightest motion, better by rest; itching, stinging, nettlerash; stinging headache all over head, feels as if fine needles were piercing the brain. Aranea-diadema [Aran] HEADACHE COMING ON AT REGULAR HOURS; glimmering before eyes, with burning in them, with vertigo and nausea, (<) on closing eyes, (>) by going into open air; vertigo before headache, when sitting up, must lie quietly in bed; confusion of head, with lassitude, after eating, when studying, in the evening, with pressing pain in forehead and temple, (<) by pressure of hand; head and hands feel swollen, (<) by heat of sun and very slight noises; sudden toothache in upper and lower jaw at night, immediately after lying down. Argentum-met [Arg-m] PAINFUL SENSATION OF EMPTINESS IN THE HEAD; pressing burning pain in the skull, principally in the temporal bones, RENEWED EVERY DAY AT NOON, with soreness of the external head, worse by pressure and contact, better in fresh air; left-sided headache as if in the brain-substance, at first only slight drawing, but gradually becoming more violent at its culmination, raging as if a nerve were being torn, CEASING SUDDENLY; headache and dyspepsia induced by mental agitation, nursing the sick, etc. Argentum-nit [Arg-n] MIGRAINE; headache with SENSATION AS IF THE HEAD WERE ENORMOUSLY LARGE; vertigo with debility and trembling from nervous weakness, staggering as if drunk, dim sight, ringing in ears, (>) after dinner and from wine, (<) from coffee; sensation as if the bones of the skull separated and as if the body, especially face and head, expanded, (>) by pressure or tight bandaging, (<) from mental labor; pressing, digging pain especially in forehead, with chilliness often ending with vomiting of bile or sour fluid; disposition of pain to change locality; rapid increase and decrease of pain; morning headache when awaking; head symptoms concomitant of other diseases, brain fag. Arnica [Arn] Pressive headache as if the head were being distended from within outward, violent on waking; stupefying in the morning; feeling of weight in head and on making any motion or exertion, sensation as if a liquid were fluctuating in the brain on the day following the attack; feeling at upper part of brain as if it were sore and tender; burning heat in head, rest of body cool; (>) when quiet, (<) from jar, noise or motion; pillow feels as hard as stone; cutting through head as if with a knife. followed by sensation of internal coldness of the head, which causes the hair to stand on end. Headache from mechanical injuries, with stupor from concussion; mental emotions bring on or aggravate headache; (>) by nose bleed.
Arsenicum [Ars]
Hemicrania, severe, exhausting pain over left eye, intense frontal headache with vertigo; (>) by wrapping head up warm, (<) by lying with head low, before and during windy weather, with anguish, especially when alone; tearing in head with vomiting, when raising up head; sensation as if brain were torn to pieces, with great thirst; intermitting, tearing, boring, burning pain, extending over eye and into upper teeth, not allowing a moment's rest, (>) by walking about; neuralgic headache, with restlessness, from deep seated biliary derangements; tenderness of scalp, even brushing the hair gives pain.
Asafoetida [Asaf]
Hysteric hemicrania, with flushed face, heat in the head, dryness of the eyes and consensual gastric derangements, such as rancid taste in the mouth, distension and rumbling of the bowels, diarrhoea or constipation. All the headaches are worse towards evening, in the room, while at rest, sitting or lying, better when rising or moving about in the fresh air; OVERSENSITIVENESS of hysterical or scrofulous persons.
Asarum-europ [Asar]
Intense compressive headache in left temple and behind ears, (<) when walking or shaking head, (>) when sitting; pressure over great part of brain from without inward; stupid feeling in head, no desire to do anything; sensation of coldness at a small spot on left side of head, above ear; hair does not bear combing from tension of scalp; mental dulness, dizziness. feels as if he were drunk.
Asclepias-syr [Asc-c]
Nervous headaches, with dry skin and scanty urine, cool skin and feeble pulse, and followed by sweating or profuse urination; congestive headache from suppression of sweat or urine and fever; dull and stupid feeling in head; sensation as if some sharp instrument were thrust from one temple to the other, with feeble pulse, cold skin, vomiting.
Aurum-met [Aur]
CONGESTIVE HEADACHES; atheromatous condition of the blood vessels of the aged; syphilitic exostoses on skull and gummata inside; sensation as if a current of air were rushing through the head, if it be not kept warm; congestion to and heat in the head, with sparks before eyes, with nausea and bilious vomiting, (<) from any mental exertion or motion, ideas become confused, roaring in head; inclined to be delirious; hopeless and despondent; sleepless (Aur. ars.). Badiaga [Bad] HEADACHE WITH INFLAMED EYES; severe headache, still the mind is clear; (>) at night and after sleeping, returning violently after breakfast; frontal headache, (<) in temples; extending to the back of left eyeball, (<) on moving eyes. Baptisia [Bapt] Feeling as if the SKIN OF FOREHEAD WOULD BE DRAWN TO THE BACK PART OF HEAD, with pressive pains in temples; top of head feels as if it would fly off; pain in head begins in occiput and extends to vertex and forehead; dull, bruised feeling in occiput and at base of brain, with lameness and drawing in cervical muscles; frontal headache with severe pressure at root of nose; confused feeling of a swimming sensation, head feels too large and too heavy, with numb feeling of head and face, and a feeling as if forehead would be pressed in (Bry., pressed out); stitches and shocks in various parts of head. Baryta-carb [Bar-c] HEADACHE OF AGED PEOPLE WHO BECOME CHILDISH; sensorium not clear; loss of speech; headache in persons mentally and physically dwarfed; headache as if head were compressed in a vise; pressure in brain under vertex, towards occiput, on walking, with stiffness of neck, extending through whole head, when standing in the sun; pressure on forehead and over eyes; catches cold easily when washing the head. Belladonna [Bell] CONGESTION OF BLOOD TO HEAD, WITH DANGER OF APOPLEXY; gouty and hysterical headaches; throbbing pains, especially on right side, with intolerance of light and noise; HOT HEAD AND COLD FEET NOT RELIEVED BY LYING DOWN, BUT BY SITTING PROPPED UP, (>) by holding head in the opposite direction to the part of head affected; sensation as if the brain were pressed to the forehead, disappearing quickly on bending the head backward; in walking feels as if with every step brain rose and fell in forehead; soreness in forehead, stiffness in occiput, eyeballs feel as if starting from their sockets; stabbing as with a knife, from one temple to the other; violent pressing in whole head, from within outward, as if it would burst; PAIN COMES SUDDENLY, LAST INDEFINITELY, BUT CEASE SUDDENLY; intense headache makes him first blind then unconscious; sun-headache; headaches (<) when leaning forward, from warmth, (>) during menses, from pressure, tight bandaging and wrapping up; headache from abuse of coffee, from overheating and from cold.
Berberis [Berb]
Head complicated with hepatic, nephritic or with rheumatic arthritic complaints; pressive tearing pain in occiput, as if skull were too small and brain too large, also in forehead and temples, chiefly in morning, (<) by stooping, (>) in open air, with weariness and exhaustion; peculiar cold sensation in right temple, puffy sensation in head as if it becomes larger.
Bismuth [Bism]
HEADACHE RETURNING EVERY WINTER; ALTERNATING WITH GASTRALGIA, coming on after eating, and (<) by vomiting of ingesta; burning pressure and distress in stomach through to the back, with a sore burning spot in the spine; pressure and sensation of weight in forehead, (>) during motion and touch, (<) after lying down and from rest; boring headache, from within outward, in forehead, orbits and root of nose, (<) afternoon and after eating, (>) from motion, cold drinks and bathing.
Borax [Bor]
HEADACHE (>) AFTER EPISTAXIS; in forehead with stinging in left ear, changing at times to the right; throbbing in temples or occiput and dulness of whole head.
Bovista [Bov]
Sensation as if head were much enlarged and swelling up to a great size, headache; stupefying pain, particularly in forehead and vertex, RIGHT SIDE MORNING ((>) BY EATING), LEFT EVENING, (<) AFTER MIDNIGHT, on raising head, from sitting up or pressure; MENSTRUAL HEADACHE; on awaking the head aches as from too much sleep; (<) by pressure and sitting up. Bromium [Brom] Headache all week, hammering on top of head; throbbing pain in left temple, (<) before and during menses, from dampness, on stooping after drinking milk; LEFT-SIDED HEMICRANIA FROM FOREHEAD TO BASE OF BRAIN, with pulse increased in frequency and volume, (<) in the sun, (>) in the shade and from nosebleed (bromide of nickel).
Bryonia [Bry]
Vertigo and confusion of head on slightest motion; fulness and heaviness of forehead, as if brain were pressed out; with epistaxis; sticking, JERKING, THROBBING HEADACHE FROM FOREHEAD BACKWARD TO OCCIPUT; blunted sensorium; red, bloated face, (<) when opening or moving eyes, evenings, from stooping or any motion; (>) from closing eyes from external pressure; stitching pain deep in the brain, (<) when coughing; stitches in head, from forehead to occiput, on stepping hard; congestive headaches, as if forehead would split open, with nosebleed, commencing in MORNING, NOT ON WAKING, BUT AFTER OPENING EYES AND LASTING till evening; headache after washing himself with cold water when face was sweating, opening eyelids increases the pain; HEADACHE FORM IRONING; expanding pain in head, (<) from slightest motion, from constipation, after eating, when coughing; (>) by tying up the head, pressure and closing eyes. Gastric, rheumatic and congestive headaches; hemicrania, with nausea, vomiting and desire to lie down, PAIN IN HEAD ALWAYS SHIFTS TO THE SIDE LAIN ON, (<) by emotion, anger, after dinner; anxious, peevish, irritable. Bufo-sah [Bufo-s] Headache, (<) by light and noise, with cold feet and palpitations; vertigo as if the house were turned upside down; lancinating pains from interior of brain to eyes; pressure like two iron hands holding temples (constriction around head, heart and chest); hammering from eyebrows to cerebellum; congestive headaches, (<) after breakfast, (>) by nosebleed; profuse sweat on heat.
Cactus-grand [Cact]
Headache commencing in the morning and growing worse as the day advances, with vomiting, (>) by lying quiet; from sanguineous congestion or rheumatism, (<) by eating, any sudden motion or deep inspiration; feeling as if the head or heart were compressed in a vise and that it would burst open from the severity of the pain; heavy pain like a weight on vertex, (>) by pressure and by copious epistaxis, (<) from excitement, from sounds, hearing talking, or strong light, from wine, late dinners, etc.; right-sided headaches and neuralgias; periodic, pulsating and throbbing, with prostration and weariness from its severity; PRESSIVE HEADACHE IN VERTEX DURING MENOPAUSE OR AS A RESULT OF MENORRHAGIA; sadness and inclination to weep. Cadmium-sulph [Cadm-s] Vertigo rotary; tingling, digging, hammering pains in head, especially vertex; horror of solitude and of work; great heat of head, coldness of extremities, violent thirst; (<) from any motion. Calcarea-acet [Calc-acet] Migraine with feeling of great coldness in head and gastric acidity. Calcarea-ars [Calc-ar] Headache commences very slightly and gradually increases to great severity, mostly in forehead, as if it would split the head and tear it to pieces; each beat of the heart is felt in the head as if it were striking against a wedge, (<) by stooping and going out-doors; mental exertion lessens headache at first but makes it much (<) afterwards; pressive heaviness, first on top of head, then in occiput; quick motions produce vertigo; headache goes to the side not lain on. Calcarea-carb [Calc] ICY COLDNESS IN AND ON THE HEAD; vertigo on suddenly raising or turning head, even when at rest; stupefying pressive pain in forehead, with confusion of senses and dulness of whole head, (<) from mental exertion, in the morning when awaking, when stooping or walking in the open air, (>) by closing eyes and lying down; migraine, pain centres with such violence on top of head that she thinks herself going crazy; tearing headache above eyes, down to nose, with nausea; headache from suppressed nasal catarrh; brain feels as if squeezed and relaxed alternately; congestion of head, hammering through forehead and base of brain; throbbing pain in middle of brain every morning, lasts all day; menstrual headache; from tuberculosis, from overlifting, (<) by thinking about it, hot sun, looking up or going up stairs, getting wet, in a draught, during dentition; (>) by closing eyes, lying down, tight bandaging, cold applications, vomiting mucus and bile.
Calcarea-phos [Calc-p]
HEADACHE OF SCHOOL-BOYS AND GIRLS, now and then increased to violent attacks, particularly after mental or bodily exertions, sometimes most severe near the sutures, with diarrhoea; headache with gastric symptoms, with uterine ailments or following other sensations, in peevish or fretful children, (<) from change of weather, extending from forehead to nose, or from temples to jaws, with some rheumatic aches from clavicles to wrists, (<) when thinking about it and in mornings, from riding in a railroad car, (>) from cold washing and from mental occupation; crawls run over top of head, as if ice were lying on upper occiput; sensation of coldness and numbness.
Camphora [Camph]
Sensation of constriction in the brain, especially in the cerebellum; the pain ceases when he thinks of it; THROBBING IN CEREBELLUM, SYNCHRONOUS WITH THE BEAT OF THE HEART; AFTER SUNSTROKE throbbing, like beats of a hammer, with pulsation and sensation of constriction in the brain; head turned spasmodically to side or backward; worse from movement or in the cold air; better when lying down, staggers as if drunk; staring eyes, hurried talking, fear; forced celibacy; coldness and prostration.
Cannabis-ind [Cann-i]
Sensation AS IF THE TOP OF THE HEAD WERE OPENING AND SHUTTING, and as if the calvarium were being lifted; violent shocks pass through the brain; dull, heavy, throbbing pain through the head, with a sensation like a heavy blow on back of head and neck; (>) by passing flatus up or downward, the coffee.
Cannabis-sat [Cann-s]
COLD SENSATION AT A SMALL SPOT on the parietal bone and afterwards on other places, as if a drop of cold water had fallen on it; great fatigue after slight exertion; sleepiness during day and sleeplessness at night from heat, he feels as if hot water were poured over him; feeling of a heavy weight on back part of head, shooting forward to temples and vertex, with sensation as if TOP OF HEAD WERE OPENING AND SHUTTING laterally, begins on waking, lasts all day, (<) from noise; flatulency; great pain in small of back, (>) during scanty menses.
Cantharis [Canth]
Pains deep in the brain, with constant expression of anguish in the face, with eyes closed or without expression when opened; burning in sides of head, ascending from neck, with soreness and giddiness; (<) morning and afternoon; FEELS HUNGRY AFTER CESSATION OF PAINS; hair falls out when coming; soreness and burning in brain; heaviness in occiput, with drowsiness and incapacity of thinking; (<) while standing or sitting, (>) while walking or lying down; HEADACHE FORM WASHING OR BATHING; yellow appearance of objects; tenesmus and strangury in urinary organs.
Capsicum [Caps]
Morning headache in clumsy children, with nosebleed in bed; headache as if skull would split, when moving head, walking or coughing; bursting pain and throbbing in head, (>) by lying with head high; hemicrania; stitching and aching pains in vertex, with nausea and vomiting; weak memory; homesickness; brain symptoms after measles; hysterical headaches; absence of perspiration.
Carbo-an [Carb-an]
Headache at night, has to sit up and hold head with both hands to prevent it from falling to pieces; HEAVINESS IN CEREBELLUM, (<) in cold air, in the morning and forenoon, (>) after dinner; feet weary; mind dull and confused as after a debauch; sensation of a tornado in head, roaring in head, deafness, hearing weak and confused, he cannot tell from which side the sound comes; darting pains through head; headache from suppression of menses; weakening night-sweats on the thighs.
Carbo-veg [Carb-v]
BAD EFFECTS FROM DEBAUCHERY AND ALL KINDS OF DISSIPATION; headache in the morning when the patient awakes from sleep, dull pains at the back part of head, with great mental confusion; humming and buzzing in head as if a hornet's nest bided there, (<) in warm room, pains from occiput through base of brain into and over the eyes, with dull heavy aching; burning pain in epigastrium; disgust for fat food and milk, which cause flatulence; belchings and borborygmi offensive; congestion of head from overheated rooms, heat on top of head during climaxis; insatiable thirst for cold water. Carbolic-acid [Carb-ac] Dull heavy pain running from forehead to occiput; general mental and physical lassitude; dull heavy pain through temples, with bandlike constriction over forehead; the whole head feels hot; brain appears compressed, as in a tight bandage, worse by noise, walking across room, better in fresh air; monthly headache before, during or soon after menses. Caulophyllum [Caul] Headache with sensation of pressure over left eye, aggravated by stooping, from light, worse from noon till night; severe pains, by spells,in the temples, as if they would be crushed together; occipital headache, with disposition to throw back the head to relieve the tense drawing feeling, (<) before or during menses, especially in nervous women; insomnia; flow scanty. Causticum [Caust] Headache, with vertigo, blindness, which does not diminish as the headache increases, and sensation as of falling to the left when looking up or backward when stooping; nightly headache, of a tearing or grinding nature, with noises in the head; tightness and stitches from the lower part of the forehead to vertex; CONSTANT SUCCESSION OF SHOCKS AND JERKS IN THE HEAD during rest or motion; sensation in the integument of the head as if it were too tight; sensation as of an empty space between forehead and brain; involuntary nodding of the head while writing, headache caused by or following disappearance of skin eruptions. Cedron [Cedr] NEURALGIC distensive headache, as if the skull would burst, (<) morning and in open air, most severe in occiput, with dull heavy feeling over whole brain, attacking supraorbital nerve and eye, (<) on left side, the eye burns as if it were on fire; head feels as if swollen; ATTACKS COME DAILY WITH CLOCKLIKE REGULARITY; tinnitus aurium; objects seem red at night and yellowish during day. Chamomilla [Cham] Tearing and jerking in one side of head down to the jaws; stitching, heaviness or painful beating in the head; pressing headache, as from a stove, in the forehead; hot heat; worse evenings in the open air; better from heat, or when walking about; hot, clammy sweat on scalp and forehead; headache even during sleep. Chelidonium [Chel] Sensation of COLDNESS IN THE OCCIPUT, ascending from the nape of the neck; worse from moving; better at rest; SHOOTING pains in occiput, extending through ears; shooting through temples, from side to side; aching eyeballs, which are sore to touch; constipation; occasional nausea; irritable temper. Chimaphila-mac [Chim-m] Momentary unconsciousness; SUDDEN HEADACHE, with dimness of vision and sensation of lightness in head, (<) on and after lying down; (>) by having the head pressed; frontal headache, with fulness in stomach, and belching.
China [Chin]
ANAEMIC HEADACHES after haemorrhages with beating of carotids; intense throbbing in head; headache as if brain were pressed together from both sides and out of forehead, much (<) by walking in open air; stitches from temple to temple, with pulsations, which can be felt by the finger, (<) by movement of head, (>) by hard pressure; headache from occiput over whole head from morning till afternoon, (<) lying, must stand or walk; sensation as if head would burst, with sleeplessness, from motion or any jar, (>) in room or when opening eyes; brain feels bruised, (<) from exerting mind, from motion even opening eyes; neuralgic headaches, periodical on alternate days, often changing from side to side, (<) from a current of air and when taking cold or hot things in the mouth, at night, during and after lactation, (>) by external warmth, by moving head up and down; occipital headache after sexual excesses or onanism.
Chininum-ars [Chin-ar]
RHEUMATIC HEADACHE, she abhors cold water; eggs and fish cause painless diarrhoea at once; hemicrania, preceded by irritable mood, (<) from mental or bodily exercise or from fright; tearing, boring pains in left side of head, affecting eye, with flickering pain and lachrymation; ringing in ears, nausea and vomiting during attack which regularly appears at midnight; frontal and occipital headache; tendency to furuncles which relieve the head. Chininum-sulph [Chin-s] Whirling in head like a mill-wheel; intermittent headache, violent throbbing headache; vertigo; heat in face, closes eyelids involuntarily from sheer oppression; ringing in ears with deafness; intermittent neuralgia at regular hours; intermittent HEADACHE DAY AFTER DAY, WEEK AFTER WEEK, THE BRAIN IN ONE CONTINUED ACHE. Chionanthus-virg [Chion] Sick-headache, chiefly in forehead and over eyes; eyeballs exceedingly painful, feel sore and bruised, with cutting, twisting pains in abdomen, (<) by lying on abdomen; greenish-yellow tongue, vomiting of dark-green, ropy bile, very bitter, cold sweat and prostration. Cicuta-vir [Cic] Pressure deep in the brain, heaviness in front and back of head; headache in the morning on waking, as if the brain were loose and were shaking on walking; it disappears when thinking as to its exact nature; semilateral headache, like pressure as from congestion of blood to the head, with sunken features; anxiety in cardiac region, vomiting and weakness of sight, with contracted pupils at first, becoming dilated after a time; stupefying headache above the orbits, increasing when at rest, sometimes going off when sitting erect; chronic effects from confusion of brain, particularly spasms. Cimicifuga [Cimic] HEADACHE OF DRUNKARDS AND STUDENTS; nervous rheumatic, menstrual headaches; rush of blood to head, BRAIN FEELS TOO LARGE FOR CRANIUM; waving sensation in the brain; top of head feels as if it would fly of; aching pain in head, especially in occiput, and down the spine or from vertex down both eyes, only while in- doors, relieved by the open air, increasing during the afternoon, and quite server in the evening; intense pain, as if a bolt were driven from neck to vertex, worse at every throb of the heart; great pain in HEAD AND EYEBALLS, with hysterical crying, increased by the slightest movement; severe pain in right side of head, back of orbit; sense of mental and bodily soreness, confusion of mind and inability to think, as from being drunk; obstinate sleeplessness; pale and limpid urine; (<) from moving eyes and by worry; ciliary neuralgia; excessive muscular soreness. Cina [Cina] HEADACHE BEFORE OR AFTER EPILEPTIC ATTACKS, after intermittent fever; stupefying headache in forehead and then in occiput, head jerked backward; (<) in open air, (>) by stooping and moving head; pain in chest and back, caused by fixing the eyes steadily upon some objects, as when sewing; worse from pressure; disposition to be easily offended; anaemic headache, relieved by stooping, worse from mental exertion; pains chiefly in frontal and temporal regions, externally and internally; screwing together pressure from above downward and tearing; dull headache affecting eyelids and eyes, roots of nose, zygoma and face (neuralgic pains); indistinct vision, color-blind, especially when looking steadily at one thing, as when reading; (>) by winking the eyes.
Cinnabaris [Cinnb]
Intense headache; he cannot raise his head from the pillow; (>) by external pressure; sensitiveness of the head to the touch, even the hairs are sore; dull pain in forehead, which is cold, relieved by heat; shooting pain in left side of head, with increase of saliva and great flow of urine; dizziness in the morning after rising, when stooping, with nausea.
Clematis [Clem]
Headache (<) by worry and walking, (>) by pressure; pressive tensive pain in forehead; shocks in brain from behind forward; (<) by bending head backward. Cobaltum [Cob] Dulness and fulness of the head, with bruised sensation especially in forehead and temples; FEELING AS IF THE HEAD ENLARGED DURING STOOL, with vertigo and weakness; severe pain in forehead soon after rising, worse form stooping; when stepping, sensation as if the brain moved up and down; pain in forehead, with sense of fulness at the stomach, as if filled with air. Coca [Coca] Pressive headache in right side and occiput; pain in lowest part of occiput when yawning, often preventing its completion; headache in fresh air, as if brain were held in vise from ear to ear; transient dizziness from occiput forward, when head is bent forward while writing; BRAIN-FAG; dull frontal headache which vanishes at sunset, followed by mental exhilaration; shocks in head, with vertigo, (<) by lying down, (>) after eating.
Coccinella [Cocci-s]
Dull headache as if the brain would press itself towards the occiput; tearing, lancinating pain in forehead, often one-sided; redness and heat of cheeks, congestion in face as from hot flashes; pain in molars as if they were carious and cold air entered; shooting-tearing pain in teeth, as if they were pulled; swelling of the gums with pulsation in teeth; nervous faceache.
Cocculus [Cocc]
NERVOUS AND GASTRIC HEADACHES, with nausea as if at sea, violent vomiting and cramps; sick-headache from riding in a carriage, boat, train of cars; headache returns at menses regularly; headache from working in the sun or from riding through sand in the hot sun; thinking fatigues the head; pressing pain in forehead, from without inward and downward with nausea; dull and undulating sensation in brain; pain in head as if something forcibly closed the eyes, or as if eyes were being torn out; headache in occiput and nape with pain as if they were opening and shutting, IS UNABLE TO LIE ON BACK OF HEAD, HAS TO TURN TO THE SIDE; (<) from any mental effort, eating, drinking and sleeping, talking, when riding in the cold air; (>) in-doors, by rest, by turning head back or by putting their hands to the back of the head. Menstrual headaches or during pregnancy.
Coffea [Coff]
NEURALGIC headaches from slightest cause, from thinking, excessive joy, contradiction, vexation, catching cold, chill, eating too much, with aversion to coffee; sensitive to least noise and music; pain seems unbearable, making the patient tearful; dread of cold air, is chilly; head feels small, as if filled with a fluid, as if it would burst or fly to pieces if she moved; one-sided headaches, as from a nail driven in the side of the head, or as if the brain were crushed or torn; (<) in open air, also in heated rooms and foul air, and (>) in open air; after intoxication; wakefulness at night; heat in head, flushed face and cold hands; buzzing in ears; nosebleed; diarrhoea; oppression of chest with short inspiration and dry hacking cough.
Colchicum [Colch]
GOUT IN VIGOROUS CONSTITUTIONS (Caust., torpid gout); grinding, boring, arthritic headache, usually parietal or OCCIPITAL; tearing, drawing, pressing headache, often semilateral; severe pressing pain in deep in the substance of the cerebellum from the slightest intellectual exertion, especially in overtaxed brains; as soon as he LOSES ANY REST, AS BY NIGHT-WATCHING, HE BECOMES MENTALLY TIRED AND SUFFERS WITH HEADACHE, nausea, bitter taste, becomes irritable and intolerant even to slight pain; painful drawing, tearing, beginning in one eyeball and extending to occiput, (<) by motion or jar, (>) by physical rest, from warmth, after supper; frequent ineffectual inclination to sneeze on waking in the morning.
Colocynthis [Coloc]
BILIOUS HEADACHES; GOUTY OR NERVOUS HEADACHES, of excruciating severity; violent tearing pain, digging through the whole brain increased particularly when moving the upper eyelid; FRONTAL AND COELIAC NEURALGIA ALTERNATING; INTERMITTENT HEADACHES severe boring burning pain in one or both temples; compressive sensation in forehead; worse when stooping or lying on back; aggravation afternoon and evening, with great restlessness and anguish, especially when the seat smells urinous; little urine is passed, or very foul-smelling during the interval, and copiously and clear during the pain, (>) by firm pressure and lying on affected side; great restlessness and anxiety
Conium [Con]
Brain sensitive to noise; sensation as if the brain were too full and would burst; pain in the occiput, with every pulse, as if pierced with a knife; sensation of a large, heavy lump in brain; spells of tearing headache, with nausea; headache from forehead to occiput, as if something were loose when shaking head, (<) mornings when fasting, sitting bent during motion or from any sudden jar or shock; (<) sitting erect. Corallium-rubr [Cor-r] When moving head quickly or shaking it, sensation as if wind were blowing through the skull; head feels very large; sensation of emptiness and hollowness in the head; pressing-out in forehead, she cannot keep eyes open, (>) by walking in open air, (<) by stooping; sensation as if forehead were flattened by pressure. Cornus-circ [Corn] Dull, heavy pain in the whole head; drowsiness, increased by walking, stooping, or shaking the head; sense of fulness of the head, relieved by a copious stool; sense of fulness in the head, with shooting, aching, throbbing in head, preventing sound sleep. Crocus [Croc] Vertigo and headache, with slow pulse; BEATING - THROBBING HEADACHE, OF FREQUENT OCCURRENCE, AT THE CRITICAL AGE, now on one, then on the other side of head, with distension of the vessels all over the body, with pressure on eyes; all symptoms more violent at that time, when menses used to appear; must wink and wipe the eyes frequently, as though a film of mucus were over them; epistaxis of tenacious, thick, black blood with cold sweat on forehead; prostration and sleepiness. Crotalus [Crot-h] CONGESTIVE HEADACHES, especially on right side (Lach., left), with abdominal ailments, bilious vomiting, constipation, (<) by lying down again after rising; accompanying zymotic or septic diseases. Cuprum [Cupr] VIOLENT CONTINUOUS HEADACHE, increased periodically, accompanied by a sensation as if COLD WATER WERE POURED ON HEAD; cold hands and feet when the headache subsides; spasms in the chest, with inclination to urinate; pain in head as if hollow; headache after epileptic attacks; BRAIN-FAG; sudden blindness followed by convulsions. Curare [Cur] NERVOUS HEADACHE; lancinating, piercing pains all over the head, forcing him to lie down and to stretch himself; congestion of blood to the head, with pulsative vibrating pains and loss of consciousness; the head is drawn backward, with stiffness of the neck, swinging and trembling of hands; painful oscillation of the brain, as if it were full of fluid; neuralgic pains, starting in front and radiating to the neck as well as to the face; violent blows in the region of the cerebellum. Cyclamen [Cycl] Periodical semilateral headache, stitching in left temple, with blindness, pale face, nausea in throat, weak digestion, (<) afternoon and evening; menses profuse and dark (Sep., scanty dark flow). BLIND HEADACHE WITH GLITTERING SPARKS BEFORE EYES and dimness of vision, easily fatigued; sensation as if the brain were in motion, on leaning against something; continua sleepiness and chilliness all over body, not relieved by covering up; CHLORO-ANAEMIC HEADACHE with obscuration of vision, pale complexion, rings around eyes; depraved appetite, enfeebled digestion, menstrual irregularities, (<) on moving in open air (Puls., better); (>) in a room and while sitting; vertigo, objects turn in a circle with her; with headache sees countless stars, heat in head, (<) by application of cold water. Digitalis [Dig] Violent lancinating pains in occiput and vertex; throbbing pains in forehead and at bottom of orbits; sudden cracking noise in head during siesta, with frightened starting up; REPORT IN HEAD LIKE THE FIRING OF A PISTOL, wakened from sleep in a fright by a crash in head as if brain were made of fine glass and shattered at a blow; headache, like waves beating form side to side, (<) by lying down, blood rushes in, bubbles and swashes but is not hot. Dulcamara [Dulc] Headache with indolence, icy coldness of body and inclination to vomit; stupefaction of head; dull headache in forehead and root of nose, as if he had a plank in front of head; boring headache from within outward in temples and forehead, (<) before midnight and when lying quiet, when talking (Eup. perf.); catarrhal and rheumatic headache, (<) in damp cold weather, with depression of spirits, mental confusion and inability to think. Elaps-coral [Elaps] Violent headache, WHEN THE DESIRE FOR FOOD IS NOT IMMEDIATELY SATISFIED, (>) after eating; severe pain in vertex as if the brain were shaking, with nausea, which prevents her from keeping the head quiet; lancinating pains, first in one side, then in the other; occipital headache after mental exertion; sleeplessness.
Epiphegus [Epip]
NEURASTHENIC HEADACHES, from any slight, unwanted overexertion, frontal temples, more right side; pressure from within outward; tight feeling of scalp; (<) on rising from a supine position and in open air, (>) after a good sleep; ALMOST CONSTANT DESIRE TO SPIT. saliva viscid; vision blurred; makes wrong letters and uses wrong words; eyes smart, nausea and vomiting; general languor; HEADACHE FROM ASTHENOPIA.
Eugenia-jambos [Eug]
Headache as of something were rolling in head, WITH BURNING IN IT, COMING OUT OF EYES, with lachrymation, finally vomiting, which gives no relief; (<) evening, lasting into night; pressive pinching pain in small spot deep in forehead or on vertex, with great thirst and copious micturition. Euonymus-europ [Euon] Constant pain in forehead, pressing over eyes, as if she had to shut them. Eupatorium-purp [Eup-pur] Sick-headache with persistent sensation as if falling to the left, with a dizzy feeling all over; dull, hammering, beating, boring stinging pain in left side of head, pressing from right to left, beginning in the morning and increasing during afternoon and evening; (<) in cold air; (>) while walking slowly in fresh air.
Eupatorium-perf [Eup-per]
PERIODICAL HEADACHE; habitual headaches with bitter vomiting (Iris, sour vomiting); bilious sick-headaches in spring; pain in occiput when lying down, with a feeling of a great weight in the head, requiring the hands to lift it; headache better in the house; worse when first going into the open air; relieved by conversation; throbbing headache; darting pain through the temples, with sensation of blood rushing across head; soreness and beating in back part of head; intense headache, throbbing, and great sense of internal soreness in forehead and occiput, with sensation of great weight in occiput; distress and painful soreness in top and back of head; soreness of eyeballs.
Ferrum-met [Ferr]
FREQUENT CONGESTIVE HEADACHES, with pulsating pain in head, usually (<) after midnight, face fiery red during attack, feet cold; vertigo (<) when suddenly rising from a sitting or lying position, when walking over a bridge, or by some running water, or riding in a car or carriage. Headache with aversion to food and drink; pressure in frontal eminences, in morning after dressing, extending to vertex, with pressive pain from within outward, (>) momentarily by pressure and entirely in open air; beating in back of head and neck, gradually extending to sides and forehead, (<) stooping or moving; head dull and full, eyelids heavy, apt to sleep while sitting reading; headache of anaemic, debilitated persons, especially with congestion to head and chest; alcoholic drinks disagree; periodical headache. Ferrum-ac [Ferr-acet] FOREHEAD FREE FROM PAIN AND COOL TO TOUCH, while all other parts of the head suffer from hammering, piercing pains with sensation as if the arteries in temples expanded. Ferrum-iod [Ferr-i] Confused headache with feeling of heaviness and pressure, especially in forehead, more on right side, (<) in warm room, by smoking, by pressure of hat, by reading, writing, motion; (>) in open air, standing in a draught of air, felt as if cutting from bridge of nose through to occiput.
Ferrum-phos [Ferr-p]
Frontal headache, (<) by nosebleed; severe, dull, heavy pain on top of head during profuse menses, general soreness of scalp, cannot bear to have hair touched; on stooping sharp pain through head from back to front; headache with hot, red face and vomiting of food. Headache of children or of pale, debilitated persons. Formica [Form] Headache every day earlier, gradually increasing in posterior upper and inner part of head, (<) from coffee and washing in cold water. Gelsemium [Gels] MIGRAINE (30th potency); passive congestion in the brain; headache begins in nape of neck, passes up over the head and settles down over eyes, with stiff neck, (<) mornings, he cannot fix his attention on anything , is listless and stupid; DIZZINESS WITH BLURRED SIGHT AND HEAVINESS OF HEAD, (>) by copious urination or shaking head; sensation as if a band were tied around forehead (passive arterial congestion); sensitive, bruised sensation in brain; nervous headache from emotional excitement; sun-headache; patient finds himself GETTING BLIND BEFORE HEADACHE, swimming, tearing sensation as in seasickness; staggering as if drunken when trying to move; roaring in ears; head feels enlarged, wants to lie perfectly still with head raised (Bell., (<) lying) on high pillow; neuralgic headache beginning in upper cervical spine, extends over head, causing a bursting pain in forehead and eyeballs, with nausea, vomit, cold sweat, cold feet. Headaches from astigmatism, diplopia, paralysis of oculo-motor and abducens; temporary improvement from alcoholic stimulants; (<) from any excitement (Scutel). Glonoinum [Glon] Throbbing in forehead, synchronous with every beat of the heart; CRUSHING WEIGHT ACROSS FOREHEAD; painful pulsations from forehead to vertex, (<) shaking head; pressure and pain form within out in both temples; sensation as if the skull were too small, as if the brain were attempting to burst it; shocks in brain synchronous with every pulsation of the body, brain as if moving in waves; holds head with both hands, compresses forehead; congestive headache, sensation of fluttering in head, of constriction in vessels of head, expansive pressure, flushed face, drowsiness, venous congestion to abdomen; HEADACHE BEGINS WITH WARM WEATHER AND LASTS ALL SUMMER, CANNOT BEAR ANY HEAD ABOUT THE HEAD, increases and decreases daily with the sun, great sensitiveness to rays of sun and to to pressure from covering head; violent headache after romping, overheating, sweat and taking cold; bad sequelae of cutting hair. Intense congestion of the brain in plethoric constitutions, with persistent sensation of pulsation, from sudden suppression of menses, after anxiety and worry with sleeplessness; flushings with frightful headaches during climaxis; increased urination; head hot, body and feet cold; (<) by bending head backward, (<) in damp weather or from application of cold water, (>) in open air, from uncovering (Bell., reverse).


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