MYELITIS ACUTA inflammation of the Spinal Cord [Myelitis Acute]:


Abrotanum [Abrot]
Rheumatic myelitis, suddenly appearing, sudden aching pains, (>) by motion; numbness and paralysis; disposed to lie prone from soreness all over.
Acetic-acid [Acet-ac]
PATIENT MUST LIE ON ABDOMEN TO FIND RELIEF from the pain in his back; intense and constant thirst; marked debility; passes large quantities of pale urine day and night.
Aconite [Acon]
ANAESTHESIA DOLOROSA; vertigo, reeling as if drunk, numbness of mouth and tongue, numbness and tingling sensation in arms and hands, as if the poles of a galvanic battery were being held; numbness in small of back extending into lower limbs; spasms from inflammatory spinal affections; icy coldness and insensibility of hands and feet, very restless tossing about in bed at night.
Alumina [Alum]
PAIN IN SPINE AS IF A HOT IRON HAD BEEN THRUST INTO THE PART; paralysis from spinal disease, cannot walk with eyes closed; arms feel heavy, they go to sleep; legs feel heavy, can hardly drag them, when walking he staggers and must sit down; nates go to sleep when sitting slow tottering gait,as after severe illness; during sleep the cervical muscles draw the head backward.
Anacardium [Anac]
SENSATION AS IF A BAND WERE TIED AROUND THE BODY, a feeling AS IF A PLUG WERE STUCK INTO THE SPINE, so that any motion of the body gives rise to a pain as if the plug were penetrating deeper into the body; knees feel weak, as if paralyzed and tightly bandaged, weakness of memory; heaviness of tongue as if swollen; PARALYSIS OF SINGLE PARTS; trembling and debility; tried feeling of limbs, with restlessness of body, cannot keep quiet; feels cold most of the time and prefers sunny places.
Angustura-vera [Ang]
Twitching and jerking along back like ELECTRIC SHOCKS; tension of facial muscles; lockjaw; intermittent,spasmodic breathing.
Apis-mell [Apis]
Lower posterior dorsal or lumbar region feels as if bruised; could not sit on account of most violent pains in sacrum; feels perfectly powerless; could not take hold of anything, must be fed and nursed; contractions of flexors; joints cannot be stretched, paralysis and emaciation of upper and lower limbs; several glands on neck swollen to the size of walnuts and of stony hardness.
Arsenicum [Ars]
MYELITIS DIFFUSA. Greatly oppressed breathing and anxiety; constriction and tightness of chest as if bound with a hoop; twitching, trembling, violent starting, weariness in all limbs, tetanic spasms, affect lower limbs first, extending gradually to arms, accompanied with cramps, spasmodic movements and formication; coldness of extremities; anaesthesia.
Artemisia-abrot [Abrot]
Suddenly appearing cases of spinal inflammation or chronic myelitis; SUDDEN PAINS IN BACK, (>) BY MOTION; numbness and paralysis; rheumatic patient.
Belladonna [Bell]
Shooting and gnawing pain in spinal column; stabbing, as if with a knife, from without inward, in vertebrae; drawing,burning and throbbing pain in spine; pains as if back would break, hindering motion; cramplike sensation in lumbar region; laming, drawing pressure and tearing in arms, with weakness, numbness and prickling in hands; paralysis of lower extremities, together with neck of bladder and sphincter ani; twitching and convulsions of limbs; lassitude of limbs.
Bryonia [Bry]
MYELITIS TRAUMATICA, all motion gives pain, much pain over seat of injury; great restlessness and thirst.
Cocculus [Cocc]
Great sensitiveness as if paralyzed, in ,back and neck; spasmodic constriction through entire spine, (<) on motion, sensation as if very fine wires or fibres were pulling down arms to hands; numbness and paralytic feeling in arms; paralysis of lower extremities,with stiffness, numbness and bruised feeling; soles of feet go to while sitting; paralytic rigidity of extremities. Colchicum [Colch] Risus sardonicus,perception entirely lost, loss of speech, tongue heavy, stiff and numb, projected with difficulty; spasm of sphincter ani during or independent of defaecation,with shuddering at back; oppression of chest; violent palpitations; sudden tearing and shooting in loins; spot in sacrum feels sore as if ulcerated, very sensitive to touch; laming pains in arms that he cannot hold the lightest thing; knees stick together; can hardly walk;' numbness of hands and feet; nervous prostration; PARALYSIS AFTER SUDDENLY SUPPRESSED SWEAT, especially foot- sweat, by getting wet. Crotalus [Crot-h] Very little local pain, but (<) from pressure; weakness of back, oppression of chest,difficult speech,painless paralysis of extremities with numbness and coldness of affected limb. Cuprum [Cupr] Twitching and jerking of muscles, respiration short and oppressed, stiff lame feeling in back and lumbar region; spasms of extremities; weakness,prostration and debility. Dulcamara [Dulc] MYELITIS FROM IMPERFECTLY DEVELOPED EXANTHEMATA or from exposure to damp cold weather, especially during menses; every motion causes horrid pain in spine and extremities, particularly in lower cervical and upper dorsal vertebrae. Fluoric-acid [Fl-ac] Occipital headache, numbness in head and hands; rigidity of nape of neck; weakness and numbness in extremities. Gelsemium [Gels] EARLY STAGE OF MYELITIS OF THE ANTERIOR HORNS; spinal weakness from exhaustion ,confusion of head, spreading from occiput to forehead; dim sight; expression of face heavy,dull, drowsy; paresis of tongue and glottis; incontinence of urine; muscles feel bruised and refused to obey the will; loss of voluntary motion. Graphites [Graph] Tremulous sensation through whole body; weakness and prostration,weakness in back and loins when walking; heaviness in legs; left hand becomes numb with formication, extending up the arms, which feel asleep; frequently feels faint, with partial loss of senses. Hyoscyamus [Hyos] Subsultus tendinum; spasms with coldness and diarrhoea; pinching in abdomen, exhausting diarrhoea, retention of urine or paralysis of bladder; difficulty of breathing with stitches in the sides of the chest; pain in back and stiffness and rigidity of the cervical muscles; coldness and swelling of feet, (>) from warmth, (<) evening, when looking on bright objects, when vomiting. Kalmia [Kalm] Constant pain in spine, sometimes worse in thee loins, with great heat and burning; sensation as if the spine would break from within outward,; aching across the loins; feeling of paralysis in sacrum; pains evening in bed, with heaviness of head; weakness and paralytic condition of limbs. Mercurius [Merc] Paralysis of lower extremities, of the bladder and rectum, with occasional jerks in the paralyzed parts; violent pains in spine,worse from motion, great restlessness and sleeplessness, worse at night in bed, insensibility of skin. Nitric-acid [Nit-ac] After spinal concussion profuse perspiration on hands and feet; sycosis. Nux-vomica [Nux-v] Vertigo, heavy tongue, paresis of arms, with shocks as if the blood would start from the vessels;brain and spinal cord secondarily affected, the primary source of irritation occurring in the alimentary canal; sudden loss of power in the legs in the morning, hands and feet go to sleep easily; stiffness and tension in the hollow of the knees; clothing around waist feels too tight; sensation of a girdle around waist; numbness and formication along spine and in extremities;desire to lie down; torticollis,arising from cold and due to spinal disease or from sexual excesses: (>) after an uninterrupted sleep.
Opium [Op]
General insensibility of nervous system; trembling of limbs; convulsive, spasmodic jerking of muscles; shocks through body and general coldness; cannot bear fresh air and catches cold easily; relaxation of all muscles of the limbs,with shuffling and trembling gait; paralysis of tongue and difficult articulation; paralysis of limbs; PARALYSIS OF FUNDUS OF BLADDER (not of the sphincter vesicae), and PARALYSIS OF THE INTESTINAL MUSCLES (not of the sphincters).
Oxalic-acid [Ox-ac]
MYELITIS PARALYTICA; pains occupy small longitudinal places, (<) on thinking of them; limbs stiff; dyspnoea and spasmodic constriction of chest, paroxysms of short, hurried breathing, with intervals of ease; acute pain in back gradually extending down to thighs; with great torture, seeks relief in change of position; back too weak to support the body; spinal softening, weakness about loins and hips extending down legs, with numbness and loss of power. Petroleum [Petr] Twitching in limbs when rising; limbs go to sleep and become stiff; aversion to open air and chilliness from it; misty sight and diplopia, nightly erections; enuresis; constant dripping of urine; hands and feet perspire easily; most ailments in occiput and neck; unsteadiness in walking. Phosphorus [Phos] After sexual excesses or getting wet, especially when in connection with inflammatory processes of the vertebrae; burning pain in spine; some vertebrae sore to touch; dyspnoea and cough; weakness of sight; transient vertigo, constipation with tape like dry stools; numbness and insensibility of extremities. Physostigma [Phys] Congestive state of paralysis of the spinal cord; congestion of spinal cord, with tetanic spasms; stiffness of neck, with a feeling of drawing and tension; back very weak, unable to stand erect; stiffness and pain going all down the spine, with inclination to bend forward, as if hard to sit up straight; limbs weary, as if after great fatigue; tremors of young people from emotional or physical disturbances. Picric-acid [Pic-ac] Tonic and clonic spasms; keep legs wide apart when standing; looks steadily at objects as if make them out; limbs too weak to support the body; terrible erections and copious emissions with restless sleep; great sexual desire; heaviness of legs with tingling. Rhus-tox [Rhus-t] Myelitis from trauma, concussion or dampness; contractive sensation as if the sinews were shortened; numbness, with tingling and loss of sensibility; tremors. Secale-corn [Sec] Myelomeningitis; muscular twitchings beginning in face and spreading over body; spasm of tongue, constriction in epigastrium,palpitations, tingling in back extending to fingers and toes; irregular movements of the whole body; convulsive jerks and shocks in the palsied limbs; painful contractions of the flexor muscles; paralysis of bladder and rectum; paraplegia; gangrene. Stramonium [Stram] Trembling contractions; tonic epileptoid convulsions, but with consciousness undisturbed; sudden jerks through the body; spots in back pain when touched; constant pain in cervical and upper dorsal vertebrae; muscles will not obey the will; alternate exaltation, and melancholy; VERTIGO WHEN WALKING IN DARK, day or night, diplopia, cloudiness of vision; strabismus; stammering speech or aphonia; spasms of muscles of face, or twitching of single parts; trembling or paralysis of limbs. Sulphur [Sulph] Burning and tensive aching between scapulae; heat on top of head; palpitation of heart; insomnia; congestion of lumbar spine, followed by retention of urine and paraplegia. Tarentula-hisp [Tarent] EXCESSIVE HYPERAESTHESIA, the least excitement irritates, to be followed by languor and sadness; slight touch along spine provokes spasmodic pains in chest and indescribable distress in cardiac region; at times the heart feels as if it twisted over (spiral fibers); intense headache, as if thousands of needles were pricking into the brain, (>) by rubbing head against pillow; burning heat of body.
Zincum [Zinc]
Desponding and sad; spinal irritation, with pains only when sitting; violent, long-lasting, aching pains in last lumbar vertebrae, (<) sitting, (>) standing; BURNING PAIN ALONG WHOLE SPINE, pressure inn pit of stomach; hard pressure in sides of abdomen, hypochondria and back; dry, insufficient stool; burning at anus; anxiety and burning in chest; frequent palpitations of heart, without anxiety; constant pain in back and loins as to render life a misery, (<) afternoon and evening, also in a warm room; (>) in open air.


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