NEURALGIA [Neuralgia]:

Abrotanum [Abrot]
NEURALGIA OF HEAD AND STOMACH, from change of disease or metastasis; burning, tearing, darting pains,, at night, sensation as if the stomach were hanging or swimming in water; sharp and severe pain across chest, (>) in region of heart; anxious and depressed.
Aconite [Acon]
From exposure to dry, cold winds, violent congestion of thee affected part, especially the face, which is red and swollen, driving patient nearly to despair (<) at night; pains burning, lancinating, pulsating, tingling, benumbing., as if asleep; hyperaesthesia of all nerves, especially of sight and hearing; sleeplessness and restlessness, although motion aggravates. Ammonium-mur [Am-m] SCIATICA (<) WHILE SITTING, (>) WHILE WALKING AND ENTIRELY RELIEVED WHEN LYING DOWN; tearing, stitching, pains from ulceration in heels, (<) at night in bed, by rubbing; neuralgic pains in stumps of amputated limbs, pain in left hip, as if tendons were too short, which makes him limp when walking, while sitting there is gnawing referred to the bones. Apis-mell [Apis] Pains MIGRATING from place to place, sudden jerks through the joints and other parts; frequent loss of all strength, with a trembling sensation. Argentum-met [Arg-m] Spasmodic pains in various parts of body; pains in head gradually increasing to acme and then suddenly ceasing,mostly left side; vertigo; spasmodic twitching of heart-muscles, (<) when lying on back. Arnica [Arn] Intercostal neuralgia simulating pleurisy, (<) by cough and breathing; singing and pricking in affected parts, with restlessness, so that he has to stir about constantly, (<) by noise or from slightest exertion. Arsenicum [Ars] MALARIAL NEURALGIA, recurring periodically, mostly in face and often resisting other remedies; burning tearing pains, especially at night, and even during sleep, nearly driving the patient crazy; great anguish, excessive weakness, has to lie down, affected parts feel cold;(<) during rest,after prolonged exercise, at night in bed or after rest; (>) from outside heat.
Belladonna [Bell]
Right side, paroxysm, after gradually increasing to an intolerable acuteness,ceases suddenly (Arg. met., stann., gradual increase and gradual decrease); lancinating burning pain; (<) by motion, noise ,light, shock or contract,; daily attack from noon to midnight; congestion of head, with bright-red face and delirium; hasty speech and words roll out in profusion; hasty drinking; (Hep.): (<) lying down, from fresh air or a draught; (>) sitting up.
Bryonia [Bry]
Neuralgic pains, left side of face and head, pressing, tearing, shooting pains, as if from subcutaneous ulceration, (<) mornings after moving, from motion,(<) by hard pressure, as when lying on affected side, and from cold applications; water tastes bitter; rheumatic disposition, great irascibility. Cactus-grand [Cact] NEURALGIC PAINS AS SOON AS PATIENT MISSES HIS ACCUSTOMED MEAL; excitement increases pain, especially headache; periodicity, pains returning at same hour every day, but NON-MALARIAL. Capsicum [Caps] Burning pungent pains, especially in face, (<) from slightest draught of air, whether warm or cold; patient of lax fibre with want of bodily irritability. Causticum [Caust] Lancinating pains, (<) by carriage-riding and by the least contact; paroxysmal tearing pains from occiput upward and forward, over vertex; often several attacks during day. Cedron [Cedr] Malarial neuralgia, usually supraorbital and in eye, which burns as if it were on fire, recurring regularly at same hour daily, neuralgic pains post-coitum; pains (<) during menses. Cepa [All-c] Neuralgic pains, like a long thread in face, neck or elsewhere, worse evenings, unbearable pains in the cicatrix of amputated limbs (Amm. mur). Chamomilla [Cham] Shooting, tearing, pulsating pains; with sensation of torpor in affected parts; excessive impressionability,so that least pains become unbearable and faints easily away; face puffy, one cheek red, the other pale; hot sweat of head and hair; crying, crossness, irritability, Neuralgia from abuse of Magnesia. Chelidonium [Chel] Excessive lachrymation in right supra-or infra-orbital neuralgia,tears fairly gush out and eyes cannot bear the light. Neuralgia after injuries, where Arn. is not well borne; pains gradually increase and gradually decrease (Stan.) ; hepatic neuralgia. China [Chin] Malarial or other neuralgia, typical in their return, (<) from slightest touch or draught of cold air; excessive sensitiveness of skin; torpor and paralytic weakness of affected parts; pressive pains with hot flushes over face; nightly restlessness; infra - orbital neuralgia of either side. Chininum-ars [Chin-ar] VIOLENT NEURALGIC PAINS IN LEFT MAMMARY REGION, as if were torn out with tongs, (<) by motion and going upstairs,or about right temple and eye; pains come and go quickly, sometimes several times a day; restless, constantly changing position at night,particularly as soon as pillow becomes warm. Chininum-sulph [Chin-s] Neuralgic in head, eyes, around eyes, in face; great periodicity, pains return with great regularity; periodical cervical neuralgia; at 4 p.m. violent pain in lateral muscles of neck, which seem to be swollen and contracted, head is heavy and giddy and he wants to lie down; sciatic neuralgia. Cimicifuga [Cimic] Neuralgia of any part of body as REFLEX FROM UTERINE OR OVARIAN DISEASE; sensation of heat on top of head just back of the centre; feeling as if top of head would fly off; sharp, lancinating and neuralgic pains like electric shocks in and over eyes; supra-orbital pains, shooting up to the top of head; great anxiety; dread of undertaking anything,even ordinary work; high- graded nervousness, cold perspiration on hands, numbness of whole body especially of arms. Clematis [Clem] ILIO-SCROTAL NEURALGIA, violent tearing pains in testicles and seminal cord, especially left side; retracted testicle feels bruised. Cocculus [Cocc] Hyperaesthesia of all thee senses, the least noise or jar or motion is painful; great lassitude of the whole body; it is an exertion to stand firmly; hysterics with sadness. Coffea [Coff] Pains unbearable, feels perfectly discouraged, cries and throws himself about; fear of fresh air and of the least noise; excessive weeping and lamentations over trifles; fainting. Colchicum [Colch] Left-sided prosopalgia; paralytic weakness of muscles. Colocynthis [Coloc] Great tenderness on pressure over posterior spinous processes of all cervical and first dorsal vertebrae, pressure there brings on neuralgic pains; neuralgia affecting the ganglionic and sensory nerves, causing colic, vomiting and diarrhoea, following violent emotions,as anger and indignation; painful retraction of testicle with shocks through it. Croton-tigl [Croto-t] BRACHIALGIA, shooting, tearing pains extending the whole length of limb, inability to move or to lie down, (<) at night, preventing sleep, but (>) after sleep; least attempt to stir causes pain to reappear with great violence; arm becomes paralyzed and feels like a very heavy weight; weakness and bruised feeling through whole body.
Cuprum [Cupr]
Twitchings in upper and lower contraction of muscles; stitching, rending and drawing pains; cramps in limbs which may be cyanotic; spasmodic pains with crawling and weight in head, burning and stitching in forehead and temples, (<) by touch, with spasmodic contraction of jaw-bones. Dioscorea [Dios] HYPERAESTHESIA OF SPINAL CORD OR REFLEX IRRITATION; severe drawing, writhing pains in sacral region and bowels; radiating upward and downward until whole body and even fingers and toes become enveloped in. spasms so severe as to elicit shrieks; SCIATICA, (<) when moving right limb or on sitting up, (>) when lying still; sharp pains in various parts of body and limbs darting from place to place; numbness and paralysis.
Ferrum-met [Ferr]
OMODYNIA (in spring), affecting both deltoid muscles, of a constant drawing, tearing, laming pain, (<) in bed, must get up and walk about, from moving arm; downward shooting pains in upper arm,least movement of hip-point, (<) evening till midnight, can hardly put foot down, but pain lessens while walking, cramps in soles of feet and toes, with painful contraction of toes, cramps in calves of legs at night; oversensitiveness to pain; restless sleep at night. Ferrum-phos [Ferr-p] Congestive neuralgia from chill or cold, with pain as if a nail being driven in , accompanied by flushed face, burning or diffused heat, feeling of weight and pressure, acute cases of rheumatic paralysis. Gelsemium [Gels] Terrible neuralgia in upper portion of spinal cord, passing through upper portion of brain and ending with a severe pain in forehead and eyeballs, (>) bending head forward, (<) lying; cardiac neurosis, with deficient power and action; hysterical palpitation in plethoric women;acute sudden darting pains along single nerve branches in almost any part of the body; myalgia from overexertion, temporary relief from brandy. HAMAMELIS [Ham] NEURALGIA OF TESTICLES with nausea, (<) at night; dull aching, or severe, excruciating pains in testicles, extending from groin; frequent paroxysms of pain in left ovary, passing down uterus,with anaemia; vicarious menstruation from ovarian irritation. Hepar [Hep] Neuralgia, right side of face, after abuse of mercury and after the unsuccessful is of Bell., particularly after exposure to dry cold winds; bruised sensation,as from subcutaneous ulceration, (<) by contact, mental irritability; HASTY SPEECH AND HASTY DRINKING; fainting towards evening from least aggravation; (<) from heat. Ignatia [Ign] Tearing pains, or pressing from inside outward, with paleness of face, watery urine, slight relief from changing position, worse after meals, after lying down at night, or in the morning after getting up changeable humor, with disposition to start, or taciturn and mournful sweet, sensitive nature. Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi] PERIODICAL WANDERING PAINS (Apis, Cimicif., Puls.); weariness in limbs as the pains subside; (<) from morn till noon. Kali-mur [Kali-m] Lancinating nightly pains from small of back to feet, (<) from warmth of bed, must rise and sit in chair for relief. Kali-phos [Kali-p] Neuralgic pains with ill-humour, sensitiveness to light and noise, (>) and NOT EVEN FELT DURING PLEASANT EXCITEMENT (Piper meth.); Pains(>) with gentle motion, (<) on rising, felt most when quiet and alone; exhaustion after paroxysm, depression, failure of strength;nearly unable to remain up, yet pain is felt less when standing or walking about. Kalmia [Kalm] BURNING PAINS in supraorbital region, (<) right side; occipital neuralgia of a stupefying, rending character, with more or less cutaneous sensibility, (<) by heat and in summer(>) by cold.
Kreosotum [Kreos]
Neuralgia of face, with burning pains, (<) by motion and talking. especially in nervous irritable persons whose teeth decay rapidly; great restlessness and excitation of whole body, (<) in repose than during motion, (<) in open air, from washing or bathing with cold water, from growing cold and in cold weather. Ledum [Led] Intercostal neuralgia,especially in axillary region, painful pressure in left of both shoulder-joints, (<) from motion; affected limb cooler than rest of body; constant chilliness; patient morose, discontented, much interested in his troubles. Lycopodium [Lyc] Neuralgia, (>) by lying on affected side; jerking,sticking pains in upper and lower extremities, which leave them weary and powerless; involuntary jerking., now here, now there,affecting him greatly; formication of affected limbs; depression of nearly all functions.
Magnesia-phos [Mag-p]
NEURALGIA EVERY NIGHT, WELL DURING THE DAY. Acute pains, coming periodically, excruciating, spasmodic, extending to the ends of nerve- fibres. Intercostal neuralgia of a drawing, constrictive kind; facial neuralgia,especially right side; crampy, shooting, darting pains, (<) by touch and after going to bed; also neuralgia of stomach and abdomen. Melilotus [Meli] VIOLENT CONGESTION OF HEAD, profuse and frequent epistaxis; dry cough; palpitations; extreme nervousness, loss of memory, confusion of thoughts; goneness in pit of stomach; gastralgia from irritation of solar plexus, radiating all over abdomen, caused by overexertion or excitement. Mercurius [Merc] Rheumatic patients with night-sweats, tearing-lancinating pains, sensation of cold in the affected parts, aggravation at night, great weakness, hot flushes from the least exertion, pale face or evanescent redness on cheeks. Mezereum [Mez] Neuralgia in the cheek-bone of over left eye; pains leave numbness, (<) from warmth; herpes zoster or when there have been herpetic eruptions after the abuse of mercury; neuralgic pains at night in the teeth. Natrum-mur [Nat-m] CILIARY NEURALGIA FROM SUNRISE TO SUNSET,(<) about noon; darting,shooting orbital neuralgia with flow of saliva or involuntary tears; faceache with constipation, (<) mornings, from reading, writing and talking, (>) at the seaside.
Nux-vomica [Nux-v]
Stitches through the body in jerks, feels sore all over, worse mornings; great weakness, with hyperaesthesia of all the senses; tendency to faint; worse morning, after eating, in fresh and cold air, from mental exertion.
Paris-quad [Par]
Feeling of great weight on the nape of the neck and shoulders; violent pains on both sides of neck, extending down to fingers, especially on left side, worse by mental exertion.
Phosphorus [Phos]
Uterine neuralgia in sensitive women, induced either by protracted lactation, excessive sexual passion, or from mental or local causes; intercostal neuralgia, (>) lying down, after sleep, neuralgia from anaemia, especially during convalescence from severe exhausting diseases.
Piper-meth [Pip-m]
Burning neuralgic pains, relieved by diversion of the mind by some new topic, by any excitement or change of position.
Platina [Plat]
ILL EFFECTS OF PREPUBIC MASTURBATION; cramping pains with numbness and tingling in parts affected, frequently in head, increasing and decreasing gradually; spasmodic jerking and drawing pains in limbs and joints.
Plumbum [Plb]
NEURALGIA OF RECTUM, constant gnawing drawing pain, (<) towards evening and at night. Pulsatilla [Puls] Pains, jerking, erratic and paroxysmal, and as they become more and more unbearable; pains in sacral region,(<) on sitting and bending backward, (>) from rest and after sleep; neuralgia mostly only on one side of body; pains coming on while lying on back, are relieved by lying on side and vice versa or by walking about.
Rhododendron [Rhod]
ILIO-SCROTAL NEURALGIA, testicles, especially epididymis, intensely painful to touch; soreness between genitals and thighs.
Rhus-tox [Rhus-t]
Tingling, burning or ulcerative pain, (<) from midnight to morning, in fresh air and when resting;(>) by motion and heat; constant restlessness, must change position.
Robinia [Rob]
Jawbone feels as if disarticulated, with intensely sour taste and vomiting.
Saccharum-lactis [Sac-l]
Especially cold NEURALGIC PAINS, as if produced by a very fine icy-cold needle, with tingling, as if frost-bitten; neuralgic pains passing in every direction all over body.
Sanguinaria [Sang]
Wandering neuralgic pains, (<) at night and in those places least covered by flesh, not in joints, on touching painful part pain vanishes and appears in some other parts. Sarsaparilla [Sars] Lightning-like tensive pains, here and there, in the body and though head,so that patient screams with pain, (<) at night, in damp weather or after taking cold in the water, after mercury or checked gonorrhoea. Silicea [Sil] Obstinate neuralgia caused by dissipation,hard work or close confinement; lumbo-abdominal neuralgia,(>) form wrapping up warmly.
Spigelia [Spig]
Neuralgia begins in back of head and comes forward, left prosopalgia, with severe burning, sticking pains, (<) from heat of bed, (>) walking about; neuralgia comes and goes with the sun, reaches its height at noon and decreases towards evening g; sensation as if eyeball were enormously large; neuralgia of head; involving cheeks,(<) from any noise or jarring of body and from stormy weather; ciliary neuralgia; sharp stitching pain in left chest, shooting into arm and neck, (<) from slightest motion of hands and arms; cannot lie down; fear,anxiety, as if something would happen, praecordial anguish. Stannum [Stann] Neuralgia, especially in the course of the supraorbital nerves; pains come on gently, increase gradually,and then as gradually diminish in severity; useful in prosopalgia following abuse of quinine,and intermittent fever. Staphisagria [Staph] NEURALGIA OF SHOULDER- JOINT AND ARMS; crural neuralgia; sharp pains during motion,aching of all the limbs with great heaviness during rest; sweat at night, general prostration; sinking feeling in stomach and abdomen; (<) during rest at night. Strontiana [Stront-c] Pains increase and decrease gradually; violent tearing pains in all joints of left upper and lower extremities, changing to weakness of the parts; sudden jerks in upper part of body; on falling asleep; (>) in open air.
Sulphur [Sulph]
MALARIAL NEURALGIA, occurring mostly in face and resisting other remedies; intermittent neuralgia, (<) every day at noon or at midnight, gradually increasing to its acme and then as gradually diminishing.
Tabacum [Tab]
Facial neuralgia (curable by Sep. if caused by use of tobacco.) ; horrid pains, with involuntary contractions of muscles; spasmodic contractions of muscles, followed by relaxation; hands icy cold, body warm.
Tarentula [Tarent]
Excessive hyperaesthesia, a slight touch along the spine provokes spasmodic pains in chest and distress in cardiac region; intense headache, body burns all over.
Terebinthina [Ter]
Neuralgia brachialis and subscapularis, supraorbital; mostly evenings and during the night in bed till morning; neuralgia vaga; sudden twitchings of the limbs as from electric shocks; intense pain along the larger nerves, numbness of limbs, neuralgic headache; motion difficult, as it starts or increases the pain; sometimes caused by sudden check of perspiration.
Thuja [Thuj]
Neuralgia affecting the head or face, or both; intense, stabbing, nearly unbearable pains, worse sitting up, when they may cause unconsciousness, beginning about malar bones and eyes and going back towards head. Sycosis. Intermittent neuralgia, evening, insomnia, paretic weakness of extremities.
Veratrum-alb [Verat]
Pains of such severity as to cause delirium and unconsciousness, fainting, with cold sweat; whole body cold, with thirst, (<) by the heat of the bed at night towards morning; amelioration by moving about.
Zincum-met [Zinc]
Neuralgic pains between skin and muscle in subcutaneous cellular tissue; great weakness of all the limbs; deficiency of vital power.


  1. My mother is getting severe body pains quite a couple of months. We have done all blood tests so far sir.
    Attached is the medical test reports for reference and consideration. Her both legs are getting swollen last week due to which she was feeling very pain while walking.

    1. pls give her a dose just 2 pills of RHAUSTOX 200c sir.

  2. Dear Sir,

    Good day Sir.

    Also did you see the medical test reports which I have shared Sir. Here I have showed the reports to one local Doctor sir. They said that my mother is having high cholesterol sir. Please suggest medicine for this symptom sir,


  3. thanks for payment,

    use PHYTOLACCA BERRY Q, morning 3 drops and evening 3 drops in half cup of water sir.
    after 5 days of rhaustox give her a dose 2 pills of CALCAREA CARB 200c


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