NEURASTHENIA [Neurasthenia]:

Aconite [Acon]
Coldness along vertebral column; creeping as of insects over back, arms and thighs, painful stiffness in back and hip-joint, numb sensation extending into legs; tensive,pressive pains in lumbar and sacral regions, on stepping; numbness in arms and hands, with formication, prickling and tingling; numbness, icy coldness and insensibility of hands and feet.
AEsculus [Aesc]
Paralytic weakness; numbness,prickling,sacro-lumbar pain; paralytic weakness of the symphyses, making locomotion difficult or impossible; catarrh of mucous membranes; gastric irritation, haemorrhoids.
Agaricus [Agar]
SPINAL COLUMN SENSITIVE TO TOUCH; aching along back and limbs; violent, electric-like shocks, emanating from lumbar vertebrae shooting through lower part of body; extremities go to sleep easily; she feels as if her limbs do not belong to her; formication in all extremities; frequent erections, great sexual desire with relaxed penis; every embrace followed by night sweats,great weariness and lassitude; twitching of eyelids and eyeballs; palpitation of heart in old people; pulse slow, feeble, intermittent, painful stitches in cardiac region; coldness of glutei muscles, and below scapulae, as if touched by a piece of ice; sensation as if a cool current of air were passing from spine all over the body; gastralgic and spasmodic form of angina pectoris; (<) mornings. Aletris-far [Alet] ABDOMINAL NEURASTHENIA, women with uterine troubles and leucorrhoea, constipation; accumulation of frothy saliva; food distresses the stomach and lies heavily upon it. Alumina [Alum] Pain through LOWER VERTEBRAE AS FROM THRUST OF A HOT IRON; bruised pain; legs heavy; can scarcely drag them; nates go to sleep while sitting; tension in legs; numbness of heel when stepping upon the foot; rectum inactive; as if paralyzed, urine passes when urging to stool; patient tired, drowsy, with unconquerable disposition to lie down; IMPAIRED COORDINATION; loss of contractile power of the bowel,with lack of secretion and tendency to rupture of the haemorrhoidal vessels, weak bladder, sudden jerks and starts from sleep, awaking with palpitation of heart. Ambra [Ambr] NERVOUSNESS FOLLOWING TYPHOID STATES; spasms and twitches in muscular parts; great lassitude, especially mornings in bed; weakness of whole body,of the knees as if they would give way; of feet,with loss of sensation; in the stomach,so that she must lie down;when walking in open air; uneasiness in the blood and more rapid circulation,with greater weakness of body; conversation fatigues; heaviness of head; cannot sleep, must getup,; irritability. Ammonium-mur [Am-m] ICY COLDNESS IN BACK BETWEEN SHOULDERS; violent headache at night, often awakening her from sleep,at ease in no position; pains in back tensive; stiff,as if bruised or beaten,(<) when sitting and at night, (>) from motion and in open air; catarrh of mucous membranes,with discharge of glairy mucus like the white of an egg; stools soft, glairy or hard, crumbling as they pass verge of anus,and always covered with mucus.
Anacardium [Anac]
Sadness, weakness of memory,sensation of band around head, driving pains in different muscles; incomplete palsy of muscles subject to volition; wants to lie or sit continually trembling from every motion; sensitive to draught,liable to catch cold; headache,dry throat, dyspepsia and other symptoms disappear during dinner, but return after a few hours; great and urgent desire to stool, but with the effort the desire passes away, the rectum seems powerless, with sensation as if plugged up; ANXIETY WHEN WALKING, AS IF SOME ONE WERE PURSUING HIM, FULL OF SUSPICION.
Angustura [Ang]
Pressive pain in muscles of neck and back; chilliness and wandering pains in back; pressure and cramp in chest; violent palpitation of heart when lying on left side, (>) by sitting up, when sitting or stooping painful sensation as if heart were contracted, aversion to meat and irresistible longing for coffee.
Aranea-diad [Aran]
Languor and lassitude, must lie down,feels as if she would drop; neuralgia along spinal nerves keeps her from sleep; restless sleep, on awaking hands and forearms feel as if greatly swollen, and so heavy that she cannot lift them; anorexia; deep melancholy; HYDROGENOID CONSTITUTION.
Argentum-nit [Arg-n]
Backache, (<) when first rising from a seat, (>) from moving about, with trembling weakness of limbs,fear of projecting corners, etc.; legs feel weak, as after a long journey; legs jerk during sleep, lumbar region feels rigid, as if put on the stretch; symphyses weak, loose as if they would give way; inco-ordination from dizziness;faint feeling in praecordia and irregular beating of heart; great prostration and restlessness; patient looks old.
Arnica [Arn]
SPINE FEELS AS IF IT WERE UNABLE TO CARRY THE BODY; crawling in vertebral column; pain in sacrum as after a violent blow or fall; vertigo and nausea with obscuration of sight, (>) lying down; head hot,rest of body cool; hot, burning spots on top of head; intercostal neuralgia with bruised soreness of the muscles; gastrodynia (<) during eating, nauseous repletion as soon as food is taken; myalgia, bed feels too hard; every part of the body feels sore, and fear of being touched. Arsenicum [Ars] Aching pain in muscles as if bruised, distressing general weakness, disproportionately severe; drawing from sacrum to nape of the neck, causing trunk to bend backward; loss of all strength in small of back; face pale, sallow, anaemic, with puffiness around eyes; vital powers exhausted by the slightest tax; peevish,fretful, fear of death and of being alone; extreme nervousness when trying to do a thing with tremor of hands and general cold sweat. Asafoetida [Asaf] Hysterical irritability and fickleness of mind; globus hystericus; AGONIZING TIGHTNESS OF CHEST,AS IF PATIENT COULD NOT BREATHE; gastralgia with great accumulation of gas, pressing upward, none downward, (<) while sitting,(>) from motion,in open air.
Calcarea-carb [Calc]
GREAT EXHAUSTION IN THE MORNING, unable to go upstairs; patient starts well enough,but soon desists from difficulty to breathing; while he may feel well, every exertion or excitement produces exhaustion; muscular debility; trembling of body; feels sore and stiff on beginning to move; parts feel subjectively cold; weak feeling in back,(<) from mental annoyance, from talking, can hardly rise; softening of spine, with contraction of limbs, from damp, cold air, from washing (Calc. picrat). Calcarea-phos [Calc-p] Indisposition to work, mental or physical; weakness and weariness, (<) going up-stairs, lower limbs, abdomen and sacrum asleep, cannot get up from seat; constant stretching and yawning; cannot get awake in the morning; soreness in sacro-iliac symphysis, as if separated; lumbago and coccygodynia; pains flying about in all parts of trunk and limbs after getting wet in rain; after meals headache, drowsiness,weariness, itching dull pain in stomach, with soreness when pressing on it; heartburn and other gastric symptoms; palpitations with anxiety, followed by trembling weakness, particularly of calves. China [Chin] Weak back from loss of animal fluids, especially from rapid or excessive loss; oversensitiveness; excessive tenderness of surface, making least touch unbearable; senses morbidly acute; restless and fidgety despite the tiredness and exhaustion; weak heart, no perception of its beating. Chininum-ars [Chin-ar] Pressure in solar plexus extending to back, where it changes to a pinching sensation; spine painfully sensitive to touch at that point; painful weariness in upper and lower extremities, which often feel icy-cold, desire to sit or lie in one place; awakes from a good sleep exhausted and bathed in sweat; greatest anxiety and unquenchable thirst. Chininum-sulph [Chin-s] Despondency; aversion to mental labor; mental confusion; lustreless eyes; dim vision, sensitive to the glare of light; noises in ears; sickly expression; oppression of epigastrium from flatus; abdomen distended; difficult stool from inertia; sexual depression; urine contains phosphates; oppression of chest with tenderness of third dorsal vertebra; sticking in apex of heart; sensitiveness of last cervical and first dorsal vertebrae, (>) during chill; limbs weak, feel bruised, numb and trembling from least exertion; emaciation; sleep unrefreshing; heat of face.
Cimicifuga [Cimic]
Upper and lower cervical vertebrae sore to touch, often reflex from uterine irritation; dull pain in region of lower dorsal and upper lumbar vertebrae;weight and pain in lumbar and sacral region, sometimes extend all around body; sensation of muscular cramp and of dull, heavy, aching pain radiating from lower vertebrae outward and downward; nausea and retching on pressure upon spine between fourth and fifth dorsal vertebrae; frequent fainting; palpitations on least movement; nervous shuddering; tremor all over body; obstinate insomnia or unrefreshing restless sleep.
Coca [Coca]
Nervous depression, result from overwork, mental anxiety, sexual excesses or abuse of tobacco; feeling of excessive weariness, impossible to make any exertion, lassitude with desire to remain constantly in bed; inclination to sleep, but cannot find any rest; feeling of anguish, increased with failure of every effort to strive against this weariness; exhaustion of heart, with irregular action; painful oppression of chest and continued need of deep breathing; flatulence; constipation from inactivity of rectum.
Cocculus [Cocc]
Sensitiveness of vertebrae to touch but cannot locate the pain; spasmodic contraction through whole length of spine; constant pain in back, shooting through body to both sides and along spine to occiput and even to temples, (<) walking and stooping, knees sink under him from paralytic weakness; soles of feet go to sleep while he sits; with sticking as from pins; frequent giddiness; palpitations; from mental excitement, it is an exertion to stand firmly or to talk, Convulsive irritability with paralytic weakness caused by loss of sleep,any drain on the mental powers, or any loss of fluids; thus, though nervous and weak, he cannot calm his brain, and though very tired, he is too restless to keep still. Coffea [Coff] Persistent sleeplessness; pain in head,with depression of spirits due to indigestion, from weakness of nervous system produced by overexertion; palpitations from irritable heart; pulse quick, but force lessened; trembling; chilliness. Curare [Cur] Debility of the aged, great failure of strength, no cough,pain or disordered digestion. Cyclamen [Cycl] Torpor of mind and body with debility and languor, (>) when aroused to exercise; in the morning great languor, but when once at work goes on tolerably well till evening, flatus causes colic at night, (>) when walking about and in-doors, dulness of senses with flickering before eyes.
Epiphegus [Epip]
Neurasthenic anaemic headache, every little exertion, as visiting, shopping, causes pain all over head, blurred vision nausea and vomiting; almost constant desire to bring up the viscid, sticky mucus; (>) after a good sleep.
Gelsemium [Gels]
Dull pain in lumbar and sacral regions;l weak back; loss of muscular control; ending in complete motor paralysis; every little exertion causes fatigue of the legs,with muscular soreness; patient languid, listless, drowsy, sleeplessness from nervous exhaustion, brain-fag, a bodily tired-out sensation, with unwanted laziness, temporarily relieved by stimulants, CONGESTION OF SPINE,MUSCLES FEEL BRUISED AND WILL NOT OBEY THE WILL; pains from spine to head and shoulders; myalgic pains; excessive irritability of mind and body; drooping of eyelids; bowels loose; tenesmus of bladder; constrictive pain in lower part of chest; distention of stomach with pain and nausea; diarrhoea after sudden emotions, grief, fright, bad news, anticipation of any unusual ordeal; nervous chills; chilliness along spine.
Graphites [Graph]
Impotence in men; profuse leucorrhoea, weak back, scanty menses in fat anaemic women; limbs go to sleep readily; walking difficult, from muscular weakness; sudden sinking of strength; throbbing of blood-vessels; rush of blood to chest and head; but not from true plethora; LEUKAEMIA; vertigo to falling and faintness in the morning; spinal anaemia with pain, mostly noticed in cervical region, also in lumbar region; patient cold from want to animal heat; flatulency; herpetic, rough, rhagadic skin; eruptions oozing a sticky moisture.
Helonias [Helon]
Lumbo- sacral region is weak and pulse tired; burning aching, warm numbness in legs; numb feet while sitting; feels tired all over, but (>) from motion or when mind is occupied.
Ignatia [Ign]
Stiffness or pain in nape of neck, with tendency to spasmodic closure of the jaws and walking the patient from sleep, pain as if beaten,a t night, when lying upon either side, in neck, back, shoulders, only disappearing when lying upon back, constant sighing from suppressed grief; vertigo, accompanied by weak, faint feelings in pit of stomach; nervous headaches, (<) from listening, (>) by profuse flow of clear, limpid urine, constipation; stitches from anus deep into rectum, numb feeling in arms at night, with sensation as if something living were running in the arms; cold hands and feet, starting of limbs when going to sleep; hysterical debility and fainting fits.
Kali-ars [Kali-ar]
From pit of stomach to spine an anxious feeling, accompanied by palpitation ; empty feeling in stomach; pulse small, filiform; constricted feeling in head,(<) by pressure, started look with protruding brilliant eyes,pale face and sunken cheeks, sensation of a ball rising from stomach to larynx, (<) by belching. Kali-phos [Kali-p] Brain-fag from overwork; weak sight from exhaustion of optic nerve, deafness or noises in ears from nervous exhaustion;spinal anaemia from exhausting diseases. Lac-caninum [Lac-c] Excessive nervous exhaustion feels as if she would lose the use of her limbs; restless sleep, often wakes with migraine, commencing at nape of neck, spinal pains; feels unable to exert herself; exhausting sweats after sleep. Lycopodium [Lyc] Tearing, aching pains in extremities, (<) during repose and at night; limbs go to sleep easily; use of wrong words; failure to collect and command the thoughts from overwork, hepatic derangement or from metastasis of ulcers suddenly healed. Natrum-mur [Nat-m] Small of back feels paralyzed, especially in the morning, when rising;back feels as if broken, legs weak, trembling, (<) morning; feet heavy as lead; bladder weak, troublesome dribbling or urine after a normal stool; skin dry, harsh and sallow; mucous membranes dry, cracked and glazed, with smarting and rawness or scanty, corroding discharges; mouth dry with sticky saliva; asthenia and anaemia with emaciation. Natrum-sulph [Nat-s] Prostration, tried, weary feeling,especially about knees, trembling of whole body; twitching of hands and feet during sleep, heavy, anxious dreams, awakes at night with asthma; always (<) in damp, wet weather, (>) in dry, warm weather.
Nux-vomica [Nux-v]
Numbness of limbs; vertigo, constant pain in small of back; increased sensitiveness to external impressions, disposition irritable and impatient, stiffness of legs with tottering gait; trembling of limbs with sudden sensation of loss of power; convulsive jerks of the legs, ineffectual urging to micturate or to defaecate, not from atony; but from irregular, inco-ordinate action or from spasmodic constriction; sleepy evenings, but wakes early in the morning, (>) when lying down, heart feels tired with tendency to faint; (<) in dry generally (>) in damp weather.
Phosphoric-acid [Ph-ac]
Cerebro- spinal exhaustion from overwork, the least attempt to study causes heaviness not only in the head, but also in limb.
Phosphorus [Phos]
NERVOUS SENSITIVENESS WITH WEAKNESS, most severe in lower portion of spine, in region of last lumbar vertebrae and in sacrum; every trifling fatigue causes pain in back, pain at union of sacrum and last vertebrae, (<) while standing, with numbness of feet when pressing on last lumbar vertebra; small of back weak,feels as if broken; burning in small spots, (>) by rubbing; awkward,stumbling gait from weakness; involuntary urination and defaecation from weakness of sphincters; palpitation of heart, (<) from any emotion, joyful or depressing; sleepless from excessive heat or horribly excited dreams; diminished resistance to external stimulants. Physostigma [Phys] Burning and twinging in spinal column with numbness of feet, hands and other parts of body; crampy pains in hands; sudden jerkings of the limbs on dropping off to sleep, muscles of back become rigid; asthenopia. Picric-acid [Pic-ac] Brain-fag, dull headache,(<) from the slightest attempt to use the brain, frontal or occipital, and then extending,down the spine; constantly tired and heavy; burning along spine; great weakness of back and legs with soreness of the muscles and joints; tired from least exertion; involuntary micturition; morning erections; will-power all gone. Plumbum-acet [Plb-acet] Paresis and paralysis of cervical muscles; weakness and neuralgic pains in back, dorsal region of spine tender to pressure, tarring, burning, sticking pains; ;loss of memory; vertigo, with trembling of head, (<) on stooping or looking upward; paresis of eyelids; sallow, pale complexion, foetid breath; cardialgia and colic, constipation, etc. Pulsatilla [Puls] Sensation in back as if it were tightly bandaged; general fatigue with heavy, tired feeling, knot, (>) by rest; weary in the morning; neck and whole body feel as stiff as a board; pains in sacral region,(<) on sitting and when bending backward,(>) by sleep, general relaxation with poor blood, defective animal heat and diminished mobility; relaxation of veins with engorgement and varicosities.
Selenium [Sel]
NEURASTHENIA FROM SEXUAL EXCESSES with dribbling of prostatic fluid at stool and of semen during sleep.
Sepia [Sep]
Depressed, anxious and fearful state of mind, with a sense of helplessness; frequent attacks of weeping and despair of life; inability to think and weakness of memory; frequent micturition at night; palpitations from emotions or when walking up; great weakness in small of back; icy-cold feet, EXCESSIVE SENSITIVENESS TO PAIN; twitching of limbs during sleep, atony of rectum and bladder, urging even for papescent stool; urine is tardy in beginning to flow; sense of subcutaneous ulceration.
Silicea [Sil]
PATIENT DREADS ANY MENTAL OR PHYSICAL WORK, BUT IMPROVES WHEN WARMED UP TO IT; spinal weakness, legs tremble, with great nervousness, feeling of loss of power, spasmodic pains in small of back, can hardly rise; on first leaving his bed mornings,can hardly walk, so weak, (>) after some exercise; (<) in dry, stormy, windy weather or when electric variations are marked, great desire to be magnetized, a draught on back of neck causes pain and nervousness. Stannum [Stann] Nervous exhaustion, particularly induced when patient goes downstairs, patient weak, nervous and irritable, every little exertion causes palpitations, after a little walk she fairly drops into a chair,is low-spirited and lachrymose, but crying makes her feel worse; a little talking is too much for her (prolapsus uteri et vaginae) Sulphur [Sulph] Paraplegia from spinal congestion; violent bruised pain in small of back, down to coccyx; formication,weakness; legs weak, numb, paralytic; sudden, violent jerks of the limbs as the patient falls off to sleep, abdominal plethora, haemorrhoids. Sumbul [Sumb] Nervous headache, (>) by heat; hysterical asthma; palpitations from least exertion; irregular, weak pulse; tendency to faint from least cause; cold, dry, shrunken skin; want of elasticity in blood vessels.
Tarentula-hisp [Tarent]
EXCESSIVE HYPERAESTHESIA, a slight touch on spine causes spasmodic pains in chest and great distress in cardiac region, at time heart feels as if twisted over; intense headache, as if thousands of needles were pricking into brain, (>) by rubbing against pillow; body feels hot.
Theridion [Ther]
Great sensitiveness between scapulae,patient sits sideways on chair to avoid pressure of back against spine; weakness; trembling, coldness, anxiety. Scrofulosis. Tuberculosis.
Vipera [Vip]
Neurasthenia with a bursting feeling in limbs; extreme prostration, unable to move a foot; faintness, sensitive to every change of weather.
Zincum [Zinc]
NEURASTHENIA WITH HYPERAESTHESIA. Stiffness and tension of neck; tearing pains; BURNING BETWEEN SHOULDER- BLADES, along whole spine, (<) sitting,tearing, trembling and lameness in limbs; twisting and frequent jerks in limbs; great weakness, especially of lumbar region and bend of knees; TRANSFER OF PAINS FROM ONE SIDE TO ANOTHER; tendency to convulsions from injuries to spine;(<) from wine and witting, (>) from walking or lying; weakness of legs at noon when patient is hungry (Zinc. picr.); dry, herpetic eruption.
Zincum-mur [Zinc-m]
Excessive nervous derangement and prostration, INTELLECT CLEAR BY DAY, BUT WANDERING BY NIGHT; headache in frontal and occipital region; fainting; pulse rapid; quick and fluttering, tremor of limbs, extreme emaciation; arms and feet livid and cold; forehead bathed in sweat; clammy perspiration.
Zincum-phos [Zinc-p]
Brain-fag and weariness from too much care; darting pains form forehead backward to occiput, intracranial; vomiting.
Zincum-val [Zinc-val]
Fear in evening when sitting in the dark; disinclination for mental work; darting tearing pains in forehead, with sensation as if piercing the eyes from within outward; tremulousness and general weariness of extremities; twitching and jerking in various parts of body.


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