PNEUMONIA [Pneumonia]:


Aconite [Acon]
First stage in robust persons. Chill or more or less severity, followed by intense fever, hot dry, skin quick and and hard pulse; accelerated, labored, incomplete respiration, with restlessness, palpitation, fear of death, hard, painful, dry cough, soreness and heat in chest; during second stage, burning- shooting or burning-pressing pains in chest, with painfulness to external pressure; oppression and acceleration of respiration, sense of weariness and exhaustion in chest; PULMONARY HYPERAEMIA, sputa thin frothy. tinged with blood. Percussion- sounds is still clear, and crepitating rales distinctly audible.
Ammonium-carb [Am-c]
Great debility with symptoms pointing to the formation of heart- clot; BRONCHO-PNEUMONIA OF THE AGED, with rattling of large bubbles in the chest, sputa thin, foamy, adynamia; incessant cough and copious expectoration, excited as if from down in larynx, (<) 3 to 4 A.M., followed by great exhaustion, especially when complicated with coryza or influenza. Antimonium-tart [Ant-t] PNEUMONIA BILIOSA with hepatic congestion; PLEURO-PNEUMONIA, when parts of lungs are hepatized and fine rales heard over hepatized part; great oppression of breathing towards morning, must sit up to breathe. BRONCHO-PNEUMONIA, pneumonia catarrhalis; second stage, resolution has set in but fails, and oppression and prostration prevail, at first we found the sharp, stitching pains of Bry., but now the pain ceased, mucous rales are heard distinctly over chest with extreme want of breath; rattling, hollow cough, with heat and moist hands, sweat on forehead; DYSPNOEA WITH DESIRE TO COUGH, AND THOUGH CHEST IS FULL OF MUCUS, INABILITY TO BRING IT UP; vertigo with dimness of vision and pressing headache; eyes congested, starting, dull, unsteady, half open or one closed face red, bloated, anxious, or cool, pale and sallow; nostrils dark, sooty, dilated; mouth open, parched; tongue dry and brown; great thirst; tendency to diarrhoea or diarrhoea. PNEUMONIA OF DRUNKARDS, with bilious complications; even jaundice, meteorism, nausea and vomiting; typhoid complications; oedema pulmonum; impending paralysis of lungs or of heart; suitable especially to infants and old or cachectic people. Aranea-diad [Aran] Hydrogenoid constitution; violent chill, respiration very short; cough with bloody sputa; oppression of chest; violent haemorrhage from lungs; excessive debility and prostration. Arnica [Arn] Where the disease is caused by mechanical injury, and where in plethoric persons pneumonic infiltration shows a tendency to haemorrhage; dry cough, shaking the whole body, with tough, bloody sputa. Arsenicum [Ars] Extreme prostration, clammy perspiration, urgent thirst, drinking little and often; shortness of breath on sight exertion; dry and dark tongue and lips, diarrhoea; singing and buzzing in ears; tendency to colliquation and dissolution; threatened gangrene, with ichorous expectoration; foetid or dingy green (Chin Lach.). In sudden oedema pulmonum, with passive hyperaemia of the lungs, sometimes caused by defects of the right side of the heart; in old people, from repercussed eruptions; in asthmatic persons; hypostatic pneumonia; pneumonia notha in old people, with danger of paralysis of lungs; hoarse after midnight; sudamina. Arsenicum-iod [Ars-i] Pneumonia complicated with valvular disease of heart. particularly mitral; constriction of chest with great anxiety and restlessness, (<) evenings; burning and heat in chest, pale face cold extremities. Arsenicum-of-Antimony [Ant-ar] (Stibium arsenicosum). Pleuro-pneumonia, especially when left side is affected, WITH RECENT OR OLD EXUDATIONS chiefly in desperate cases, threatening cases asphyxia. Belladonna [Bell] Young persons of full habit; temperament and fever high; skin intensely hot to touch, face flushed, eyes congested; great nervousness and restlessness; insomnia; CEREBRAL COMPLICATIONS; delirium or threatened convulsions; tickling dry cough, (<) at night; pressive pain in chest, with shortness of breath, affecting the heart; pulse accelerated often full, hard and tense, (<) from lying on affected side; TYPHOID PNEUMONIA FROM THE START, picking at bedclothes, mottled redness of face, pulse small and soft, intense and constant delirium. Benzoic-acid [Benz-ac] ASTHENIC PNEUMONIA; great weakness; difficult breathing, steadily increasing; mucous oppression of lungs; undulating or intermitting beats of heart; painful trembling in chest; cough followed by expectoration of green mucus. Bromium [Brom] PNEUMONIA AFFECTING THE LOWER LOBE OF RIGHT LUNG, a labor pneumonia; sensation as if he could not get air enough into the chest; feeling of exhaustion and weakness in chest, where constriction impedes respiration, with dry, tickling cough; hepatization of lower lobes; NOSEBLEED. Emphysema following pneumonia, cannot lie down at night; fears to suffocate, loose cough night and day, but no expectoration; cold feeling in chest. Bryonia [Bry] PLEURO-PNEUMONIA, true croupous pneumonia, indicated after Acon., when hepatization or stage of exudation has let in, pulmonary oppression with feeling of anxiety; heavy pressure just over sternum; bruised feeling and shooting pains in chest, (<) by every motion, and PAINS MORE BEARABLE WHEN LYING ON AFFECTED SIDE (Bell., worse); cough still hard and painful, but expectoration viscid, tenacious, of a brickdust color; abdominal breathing; foul tongue; constipation; gastric catarrh; thirst for large quantities of water. Cactus-grand [Cact] Oppression of respiration, pricking pains; acute, intense pains with the cough; bloody sputa; hard, quick, vibrating pulse; feeling of constriction in chest preventing free speech; sharp wandering pains in chest, especially in scapular region; cough, with thick yellow sputa like boiled starch; hepatization of lungs. Cannabis-sat [Cann-s] PNEUMONIA INFANTILIS, simulating, meningitis, with high fever and delirium, the lung-lesion often only limited, confined to the apex; MOSTLY INDICATED LATE IN THE THIRD STAGE, stage of absorption, where deposit is limited to the lower portion of the lungs, with difficult greenish expectoration, delirium during the fever and green bilious vomiting; cough frequent, dry, teasing; complication with diseases of the heart and of the larger blood vessels. Cantharis [Canth] Violent pain with accelerated pulse and great thirst; burning pains; delirious talk about business; stitches in chest extending into axilla and sternum; tenacious mucus with painful hawking and nightly lancinations in chest; pleuro-pneumonia with stitches and darting in chest, (<) during inspiration, cannot lie on affected side; stitches when turning the body quickly or when breathing rapidly, with arrest of breathing; great sensitiveness of chest to the touch; extraordinary weakness of respiratory organs, disproportion between frequency of pulse and respiration. Capsicum [Caps] Cough excited by drinking coffee; cough prevents sleep at night; when coughing, THE AIR FROM LUNGS CAUSES A STRANGE OFFENSIVE TASTE IN MOUTH; very foetid air rises from lungs when coughing; (<) when lying down, (>) by drinks of cold water; general cyanosis with burning, biting heat, objectively apparent, burning in air- passages; PLEURO-AND BRONCHO-PNEUMONIA WITH DIRTY BROWN, NOT RUSTY, SPUTA; burning cough, splitting pain in head, drawing or stinging in sides of chest; stitches in back and bladder; pressive, ulcerative pain in neck and earl cough (<) from any draught, warm or cold, after warm drinks, from depressing emotions, or exposure. Carbo-an [Carb-an] LAST STAGES OF PNEUMONIA AND SUPPURATION OF RIGHT LUNG, (<) by lying on right side; SUFFOCATING HOARSE COUGH PRODUCING SHAKING OF THE BRAIN as if the brain were loose in the head; cold feeling in chest (Brom.); expectoration of green, purulent and horribly offensive sputa, coming from right lung; sensation of something as soon as he closes his eyes. Carbo-veg [Carb-v] Spasmodic cough, with deep, rough voice or else aphonia; decided burning in chest; profuse, yellow, foetid expectoration, especially in aged patients, with a great deal of rattling in chest; dyspnoea, (<) on turning over in bed and on dropping off to sleep; great prostration, tongue dry with little or no thirst; foul, decaying, diarrhoeic stools; breath foul, craves fresh air; foulness of all secretions; pneumonia complicated with affections of right heart, or on emphysematous patients, with old bronchial catarrhs. PARALYSIS PULMONUM. Chelidonium [Chel] Infantile pneumonia and capillary bronchitis with prevalence of HEPATIC SYMPTOMS; PNEUMONIA BILIOSA, face deep-red; great oppression of chest, fanlike expansion of alae (Lyc.); one hot and one cold foot (Lyc.); quiet delirium, mostly at night, followed by lethargy which continues during the day; grayish- yellow, sallow, sunken features; heat in face with dark-red cheek; sudden restlessness of limbs, feet move involuntarily; severe chills, followed by heat and sorrowful, anxious mood; irregular palpitation of heart, bright-yellow, stools; hollow, short, exhausting, racking cough, with forcible ejections of small lumps of mucus or inability to raise or dislodge; straining cough, (<) mornings, with expectoration deep from lungs; violent STITCHES IN RIGHT LUNG GOING TO LOWER EDGE OF RIGHT SHOULDER- BLADE. Chenopodium [Chen-a] BILIOUS PNEUMONIA, ACCOMPANIED WITH COPIOUS MUCOUS EXPECTORATION; severe pain in the region of inner angle of right shoulder-face, running into the chest; constant irritation and ticking in larynx cause cough. China [Chin] Hectic symptoms, with marked prostration, from loss of blood; pneumonia complicated with hyperaemia of liver, icterus, intestinal catarrh; incipient gangrene; haemoptysis, with subsequent suppuration of lungs and stitches in chest, worse during deep breathing and sudden movements. Cuprum [Cupr] Lobular pneumonia, when formation of abscess threatens; beginning paralysis of lungs, indicated by sudden difficulty of breathing, followed by great prostration; complication with whooping-cough; face earthy, dirty, bluish; roof of mouth red; sweat sour-smelling; diarrhoea; sudden suffocative attacks with coolness of the surface of the body, great prostration and apnoea disproportionate to the amount of solidification; the body covered with cold, viscid sweat. Digitalis [Dig] PNEUMONIA SENILIS, THE HEART'S ACTION FAILING; respiration irregular and performed by frequent deep sighs; respiratory murmur feeble; cough (<) about midnight or towards morning, from talking, drinking anything cold, bending body forward; passive congestion of lungs, descending on a weakened, dilated heart; cough with profuse, loose purulent sputa or of a sweetish taste, sometimes with a little dark blood; pressure passive hyperaemia of brain, which feels fatigued and weak. Elaps [Elaps] Affects more right lung and the morning pain is severe enough to prevent his getting up; feeling of coldness in chest after drinking; cough with intense pain in chest and sensation as if right apex would be torn out, and as if the heart were being squeezed; SPUTA OF BLACK BLOOD. Ferrum-iod [Ferr-i] CHRONIC PNEUMONIA AND BRONCHORRHOEA; great oppression of chest; is obliged to take a deep breath, which causes a feeling of soreness in chest, with a feeling of oppression as if expansion of thorax were prevented; short, hacking cough, with yellowish- white, rather thick expectoration, rather tenacious and drawn out in threads. Ferrum-met [Ferr] PNEUMONIA SENILIS; laxity of fibre; pulse soft and quick, or slow and easily compressible; dyspnoea slowly increasing; bloody expectoration of almost pure blood or of frothy pink mucus. Secondary congestion following pneumonia, one side being inflamed when suddenly the other side also becomes affected. Gelsemium [Gels] Congestive pneumonia, with suffering under scapulae, both sides, caused by checked sweat; short paroxysms of pain in superior part of right lung, when taking a deep breath, pulse slow, full. Catarrhal pneumonia growing out of relaxed and debilitated condition of system on RETURN OF WARM WEATHER AT CLOSE OF WINTER; hoarseness with dryness of throat; burning in larynx and chest when coughing. Glonoinum [Glon] Collateral oedema of the parts of the lungs not attacked by pneumonia, preventing the return of blood from brain, and thus poisoning it; extreme dyspnoea; serous and foamy sputa; cyanosis, with fulness of all the veins of the neck and head; coma. Hepar-sulph [Hep] Mild suppurative stage, extending only over small part of a lung, with lentescent fever; pneumonia; with profuse purulent expectoration; weakness of the chest, preventing talking; late stage of croupous pneumonia. Hyoscyamus [Hyos] Pneumonia, with cerebral symptoms, delirium, sopor; dry; fatiguing night cough or rattling in chest; pneumonia complicated with typhoids; hypostatic pneumonia in the course of other chronic affections; pneumonia senilis, with acute oedema of lungs; pneumonia of drunkards. Iodum [Iod] PNEUMONIA CROUPOSA, BEGINNING OF PLASTIC EXUDATION; tendency to bronchial and pulmonary congestion and haemorrhage; fever will not abate and continued great thirst; cough, with great dyspnoea as if the chest could not expand; sensation of weakness in chest, with anxiety and oppression, and burning, stabbing pains; blood- streaked sputa. Also, during third stage, where show suppuration sets in without marked febrile symptoms in tuberculous patients and causes a slow; progressive hectic, entirely confined to lungs, (>) in open air than in a warm room.
Ipecacuanha [Ip]
PNEUMONIA INFANTUM; breathing spasmodic and wheezing as from spasm of lungs; respiration rapid; difficult; severe dyspnoea, due to clogging of the larger bronchi by inflammatory exudation; rattling of large bubbles or fine rattling noises in chest, with spasmodic cough and nausea; face blue or pale; hyperaemia of brain, without sopor; convulsions.
Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]
PNEUMONIA CROUPOSA, with expectoration of tough, stringy mucus, coughs up casts of elastic fibrinous nature; loud mucous rales; pain from back to sternum of from midsternum darting to between the shoulders, (<) mornings. Kali-carb [Kali-c] Pneumonia infantilis, capillary bronchitis, intense dyspnoea, although there is a great deal of mucus in chest, it is raised with difficulty; breathing wheezing, whistling, oppressed, so that child and neither sleep nor drink; cyanotic symptoms with puffiness over either eyelid; inability to breathe deeply; stitching pains; chiefly in the walls of chest, especially in lower third of right lung, going through the chest to back, through they may occur all over the chest, (<) from any motion or at any other time. Later stages of pneumonia with copious exudation in lungs and great rattling of mucus during cough, expectoration contains little globules of pus, (<) about 3 P.M.; hepatization of right lung with inability to breathe or to lie on right side; sweat on upper lip during sleep, especially in children; abscess of lung, with expectoration of pus and blood. Kali-iod [Kali-i] HEPATIZATION DEVELOPS SYMPTOMS OF CEREBRAL CONGESTION with effusion, dilated pupils face red, hot; dropped jaw; coma, palsy of limbs; great dyspnoea with dulness on percussion pain in left lung, particularly in tuberculous constitutions; sputa frothy like soapsuds, showing oedema pulmonum, or copious, purulent, green sputa; stitches through from sternum to back (>) from any motion; pleuritic stitches, effusion.
Kali-mur [Kali-m]
Fibrinous exudation into the lung substance with white-coated tongue; mucus white and viscid; cough hard and exhausting.
Kali-nitr [Kali-n]
Pneumonia, with excessive heat and thirst; DYSPNOEA OUT OR PROPORTION TO AFFECTION OF LUNG, (>) by copious perspiration and profuse haemorrhage.
Kali-sulph [Kali-s]
Pneumonia with wheezing and expectoration of yellow, loose, rattling phlegm or watery mucus; stage of resolution; suffocative feeling in hot atmosphere; desire for cool air.
Kreosotum [Kreos]
GANGRENE OF LUNGS; anxious feeling of heaviness in chest, (>) by pressure; after every coughing spell, copious, purulent expectoration, periodical haemoptoe, with greenish-yellow, purulent sputa; expectoration of black, coagulated blood; chest feels bruised, as if beaten, and frequent desire to take a deep breath, with puffing of cheeks and violent working of nostrils.
Lachesis [Lach]
Late stage of pneumonia, when it assumes a typhoid form, especially when an ABSCESS FORMS IN THE LUNGS; sputa frothy mixed with blood, purulent, profuse sweat; cough during sleep and feels worse on waking from sleep; brain symptoms, such as muttering deliria and hallucinations. Tuberculosis or low-graded chronic pneumonia, developing during the progress of other diseases; hepatization, mostly of left lung, with great dyspnoea on awaking; has to cough hard and long before he can raise; chest feels constricted and stuffed. Threatened gangrene of lungs with foetid breath and sputa.
Lachnanthes [Lachn]
TYPHOID PNEUMONIA; hot, oppressed feeling in lungs and heat, with dizziness; cough (<) in bed, preventing sleep; stitches following one another in quick succession, while at rest and when moving; unnatural brightness of eyes, with red, flushed face; restless while perspiring; loquacious delirium; fever (<) 12 P.M.; pulse very rapid, small, thin, sometimes hard, deafness; flatulency.
Laurocerasus [Laur]
TYPHOID PNEUMONIA, when paralysis of lungs threatens with dyspnoea; hurried and rattling breathing; compressible pulse, cold extremities; continual irritation by tickling; short, little cough; irritative cough, depending on cardiac affections; patient cough and spits a great amount of phlegm, sprinkled over and through with distinct dots of blood; lightness of breathing; want of energy of the vital powers and want of reaction.
Lycopodium [Lyc]
MALTREATED OR NEGLECTED PNEUMONIA, PASSING INTO A TYPHOID STATE, particularly if suppuration of the lungs impends, with adynamia and night-sweats; extensive hepatization, with diaphragmatic breathing and fanlike motion of the nostrils and great dyspnoea. Right side mostly affected, but also left; scanty, gray sputa, or cough loose, full and deep, sounding as if entire lung were softened, the patient raising a whole mouthful of mucus at a time of a light rust color, but not thick, more stringy and easily separated (Bry., round, jelly like lump, almost a yellow or soft brick shade); circumscribed redness of face; coldness of one foot (right one) while the other is warm or hot.
Mercurius [Merc]
Bilious pneumonia (Chel.) with blood-streaked expectoration and sharp pains shooting through lower portion of right lung to back, CANNOT LIE ON RIGHT SIDE; icteroid symptoms; slimy stools, attended with great tenesmus before, during and after stool (Chel., free discharges). Asthenic pneumonia with feeling of weight in lungs, (<) walking or ascending, short cough and expectoration of bloody saliva; EPIDEMIC BRONCHO-PNEUMONIA, with deep irritation of the nervous system; nose, larynx and trachea become suddenly dry, dyspnoea sets in with spasmodic cough, (<) at night and yellow-green, blood-streaked expectoration; skin burning hot, at times covered with copious sweat; tongue yellow, soon becomes dry; senses dull violent headache, soporous condition, with light delirium; complains of little or no pain (influenza); INFANTILE LOBULAR PNEUMONIA.
Moschus [Mosch]
Irregular reaction or insufficient crisis in asthenic, torpid pneumonia in consequence of bleedings; great weight on chest; rattling, but no phlegm can be raised; pulse grows slower and slower.
Myrtus-com [Myrt-c]
Hepatization of left lung; stitching pain in left chest from upper portion straight through to the left shoulder-blade, (<) when taking a long breath or coughing.
Natrum-ars [Nat-ar]
Pneumonia complicated with asthma; pains of a stitching character in costo-cartilaginous region; tardy convalescence.
Natrum-sulph [Nat-s]
SYCOTIC PNEUMONIA; inexpressible agony; slowly coagulated blood; stitching pains running up from abdomen to left chest; dry cough, with soreness in chest; rough feeling in throat, particularly at night; had to sit up and hold chest with both hands; loose, purulent sputa in the morning; all gone, empty feeling in chest (Bry., Stann.)
Nitric-acid [Nit-ac]
PNEUMONIA OF OLD AND CACHECTIC PEOPLE; sputa are raised with difficulty; awakens often all stopped up with mucus and must expectorate before he can breathe more easily; sputa of blood mixed with clots during the day; pulse intermits.
Nux-vomica [Nux-v]
BRONCHO-PNEUMONIA, especially of drunkards, or of persons suffering from piles. PNEUMO-TYPHUS; gastric symptoms prevail.
Opium [Op]
INFANTILE PNEUMONIA, where the pulmonary inflammation is disguised by symptoms of cerebral congestion and oppression; cyanotic color of the upper part of body, with slow, stertorous respiration; PNEUMONIA SENILIS ET POTATORUM, with similar symptoms; difficult intermitting breathing,as from paralysis of lungs; blood thick, frothy, mixed with mucus; great oppression, burning about heart, tremor, feeble voice anxious sleep, with starts; chest hot; hot perspiration all over body, except lower limbs, sudamina; bed feels too hot.
Phosphorus [Phos]
BROMO-PNEUMONIA; dryness of air passages; excoriated feeling in upper chest; great weight on chest or tightness; chest sore, bruised; hepatization of lower half of right lung, later part of period of deposit and early part of that of absorption,with winglike motion of the alae nasi.; (<) from lying on left side; dulness of sound on percussion; bronchial respiration, frequently attended with crepitation and rattling. TYPHOID PNEUMONIA, not a genuine inflammation rather an accumulation of blood in the veins, and extravasation of fluid blood in the tissues of the organ; the patient is weak, with feeble pulse, sighs occasionally, is unable to use his lungs, not from pain, but merely from weakness and hyperaemic stagnation; pulse thready; cold sweat; PLEURO-PNEUMONIA, with extensive implication of the pleura; hepatization, with mucous or bloody sputa; coughing increases the difficulty of breathing; during the third stage purulent infiltration of the parenchyma, with mental depression, slight delirium, carphologia and subsultus tendinum, rapid prostration, cold clammy sweat, small, feeble, frequent pulse, dim eyes, sunken features, dry lips and tongue, short, laborious breathing, oppression and anxiety, tedious cough and expectoration, involuntary diarrhoea; threatened paralysis of lungs; tuberculosis in tall, slender, weak-chested persons. PHOS IS OUR GREAT TONIC TO THE HEART (VENOUS HEART) AND LUNGS.
Pulsatilla [Puls]
PNEUMONIA MORBILLOSA; broncho-pneumonia in chlorotic and anaemic women; a loose cough lingers after the resolution of a severe inflammation; debility and inertia of mind and body; free, yellowish-green sputa.
Ranunculus-bulb [Ran-b]
Sore spots remaining in and about the chest, as from subcutaneous ulceration, after pneumonia; pains about the lungs from adhesions after pleurisy, (<) from change of weather or change of temperature breathing short and oppressed, with pains in chest and inclination to draw a long breath, as respiratory murmurs are distinctly audible; prostration from the start.
Rhus-tox [Rhus-t]
TYPHOID PNEUMONIA, often from resorption of pus, with tearing cough and restlessness, as rest aggravates the pain and dyspnoea; tongue red at tip; loss of strength, sopor, hardness of hearing, unconscious defaecation and urination, dryness and heat of skin, dry and sooty tongue; dyspnoea worse from distention of pit of stomach; sputa bloody or of color of brickdust, or green cold mucus, of putrid smell.
Sambucus [Samb]
Patient is suddenly roused from sleep at night with fear of suffocation from accumulated sputa or from laryngeal spasm, after midnight; yellow sputa, as if colored by bile, with saltish taste.
Sanguinaria [Sang]
SECOND AND THIRD STAGE; cough dry at first, excited by tickling and crawling in trachea and upper portion of chest; tough and rusty sputa during red hepatization, purulent and offensive in third stage; hectic fever, diarrhoea, night-sweats, prostration; distressing amount of dyspnoea, hands and feet burning hot or cold, lies, upon back, with head elevated; FAILURE OF HEART'S ACTION BEFORE AMOUNT OF HEPATIZATION CAN ACCOUNT FOR IT; heart's beat weak and irregular; patient feels faint, covered with sweat and suffers from nausea; pulse small and quick; fever 2 to 4 P.M., with flushed cheeks.
Silicea [Sil]
Chronic neglected pneumonia, passing over into suppuration; dyspnoea when lying on back or coughing; lungs feel sore; excruciating, deep-seated pains in lungs; sputa profuse, foetid, green and purulent, often taste greasy.
Spongia [Spong]
BRONCHO AND CROUPOUS PNEUMONIA; sputa taste sour or salty, worse when lying down; wheezing, anxious breathing; burning and soreness in chest; during the stage of resolution with profuse secretion and expectoration of mucus, INABILITY TO LIE DOWN; the cough relieved by eating and drinking.
Squilla [Squil]
Suitable in pneumonia or pleurisy after bleeding,or when accompanied with gastric symptoms; pain in chest worse mornings, also cough; sputa copious and thin.
Sulphur [Sulph]
PNEUMONIA ASSUMES A TORPID CHARACTER, WITH SLOW SOLIDIFICATION OF THE LUNGS; there may still be much rattling of phlegm in chest, frequent weak, faint spells, and flushes of heat; feels suffocated; wants doors and windows open; constant heat on top of head. TORPID TYPHOID PNEUMONIA, with short, rapid breathing, mere heaving of the chest; cough and expectoration nearly impossible the patient responds sluggishly, comprehends slowly; worse about midnight. NEGLECTED OR OCCULT PNEUMONIA, occurring in psoric patients, and which threatens to terminate in tuberculosis pulmonum, or in phthisis pituitosa. Pneumonia passing through its first stages normally and then remains stationary; such a deficiency of reaction points to Sulph. as the remedy, where it accomplishes the absorption of the infiltration and prevents suppuration, when there are no typhoid symptoms and no tendency to phthisis pulmonum; bronchial respiration and hepatization most plainly heard on back. PNEUMONIA IN INFANTS AND OLD PEOPLE.
Terebinthina [Ter]
TYPHOID PNEUMONIA; unbearable burning and tightness across chest, with great dryness of mucous membranes or profuse expectoration; hepatization of lungs; moist crepitating rales in upper or middle lobes; entire posterior inferior region of right side of chest dull on percussion; pulse intermitting, irregular; great prostration.
Veratrum-alb [Verat]
Dyspnoea, with rattling of mucus; fear of suffocation frothy serous sputa; blue face; dry and spasmodic cough, accompanied by marked cerebral congestion; hurried and small pulse, cold skin and cold sweat, with excessive debility; capillary bronchitis, oedema of lungs; suitable often to old people.
Veratrum-vir [Verat-v]
Pneumonia; pulse hard, strong, quick, full, incompressible; engorgement of lungs; sputa containing large masses of blood, with faint feeling in stomach, nausea, slow and intermittent pulse; constant burning distress in cardiac region; heart's beat loud, strong and at the same time respiration difficult, slow and labored; GREAT ARTERIAL EXCITEMENT; great cerebral congestion; red streak through centre of tongue; sinking, faint feeling in pit of stomach on attempting to sit up, nausea; cold sweat; orthopnoea threatening cardiac paralysis from overexertion of heart.


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