SEXUAL INSTINCT MORBID CONDITION OF [Sexual Instinct Morbid conditions of]:


Acetic-acid [Acet-ac]
Very weakening nightly emissions, SEMEN PASSES AT STOOL, male parts flush and sweat; prepuce thickened, fissured, cannot be retracted and itches fearfully; sexual passion, but feeble erection.
Agaricus [Agar]
External itching of sexual organs; frequent continued erections; great desire for an embrace, with slight ability and insufficient seminal emission; every EMBRACE FOLLOWED BY GREAT DEBILITY AND LANGUOR, profuse night-sweats and sometimes burning itching of skin; complaints after sexual debauchees. In women itching and irritation of pudendum, with strong desire for sexual intercourse, NYMPHOMANIA; great selfishness, forgetfulness and indifference; very strong bearing-down feeling.
Agnus-castus [Agn]
Diminished sexual instinct; AFTER AN EMBRACE HE FEELS EASY AND LIGHT; complete prostration and impotence; semen watery and deficient; penis so relaxed that voluptuous fancies excite no erections; testes cold, swollen, hard and painful; impotence, with gleet, especially with those who frequently had gleet; pollutions from irritable weakness with prostatorrhoea; prostatic juice passes with hard stool. PREMATURE OLD AGE IN YOUNG PERSONS from abuse of sexual functions, with melancholy, apathy, mental distraction, self-contempt, general debility, and spermatorrhoea of old sinners, though impotent.
Anacardium [Anac]
Sexual debility; nervous prostration following sexual emissions; weakness of memory and general temporary feebleness of brain- force; hypochondriasis, sullen mood, dread of labor, difficult digestion; weakness of stomach, relieved by eating, but all the symptoms return in a few hours; frequent urging to stool without being able to accomplish anything; discharge of prostatic fluid with the stool, and after emission of urine.
Anantherum-mur [Anan]
Great exaltation of venereal appetite, increasing the oftener coitus is performed; venereal desire with impotency; frequent seminal and prostatic losses; nocturnal pollutions, with dreams, and unconscious of them.
Antimonium-crud [Ant-c]
Nymphomania from checked catamenia by taking a bath, with tenderness over the ovarian region; sexual desire and wakefulness; nightly pollutions with or without voluptuous dreams.
Argentum-met [Arg-m]
Effects of onanism; seminal emissions; almost every night, without erection, with atrophy of penis.
Argentum-nit [Arg-n]
Erections, but they fail when coition is attempted; embrace is painful, as if urethra were put upon a stretch and is sensitive at orifice; want of sexual desire, the genital organs having shrivelled; frequent nightly emissions, sometimes with lascivious dreams.
Asterias-rubens [Aster]
Excitement of venereal appetite, in the morning in bed, not removed by coitus, annoying, making her ill-humored and disposed to weep; sensation of pressure on lower abdominal organs impeding locomotion, jerking in uterus. Frequent erections during sleep and in the morning.
Aurum-met [Aur]
TESTES MERE PENDENT SHREDS; frequent nightly emissions or nightly erections without emission, or nightly erections and pollutions, without subsequent weakness; discharge of prostatic fluid from a relaxed penis, with settled suicidal melancholia; STERILITY FROM LOWERED VITALITY OF THE PARTS with great mental depression.
Baryta-carb [Bar-c]
Diminution of sexual desire and great weakness of the genital organs in persons addicted to the excessive use of stimulating drinks; numbness of genitals; erections while riding, with impotence; cloudy urine with yellow sediment; heaviness in small of back and loins; SMALL RETRACTED TESTICLES, WITH PULSATIONS BETWEEN SHOULDERS; hypertrophy of prostate; sweat about scrotum.
Belladonna [Bell]
Increased sexual desire, with great inclination to masturbation; nocturnal emission of semen, during relaxation of penis; sexual desire decreased, weakness and relaxation of genitals; nymphomania, especially during pregnancy.
Berberis [Berb]
Suppressed sexual desire; during coition too weak and too short thrill, ejection too soon; coldness and numb feeling in prepuce and glans; scrotum shrunken, cold, with pressure in testicles; too speedy ejaculation of semen, the desire is weak and soon passes away, swelling and stitching-tearing pains in spermatic cords, pain extending down into testicles and especially to the epididymis; suppressed sexual desire in women, with long-delayed thrill and often cutting and stitching in the parts during coition; vagina painful to touch.
Bovista [Bov]
Complaints from sexual excess; seminal emission; after coition, reeling and confusion in head.
Bufo [Bufo]
Longs for solitude, to give himself up to his vice; quick ejaculation, without thrill, with spasms and painful uneasiness of the limbs; frequent nocturnal emissions, followed by debility; slow emission, or entirely absent; aversion to coitus; impotency; IMBECILITY WITH LOSS OF ALL DECENCY; masturbation or coitus causes convulsions, simulating those of epilepsy, usually followed by profound sleep; inclination to touch the genitals.
Caladium [Calad]
Spermatorrhoea; bad effects of sexual excesses, with wet dreams occur without any lasciviousness or any sexual excitement what ever; DESIRE TO LIE DOWN AND SLEEP, WHICH RELIEVES; advanced cases of seminal weakness, without erections, but with great mental depression; AVERSION TO COLD DRINKS, WANTS WARM; NERVOUS EXHAUSTION IN WOMEN WHO HAVE THEIR CHILDREN TOO RAPIDLY; pruritus vaginae inducing onanism or coldness of vulva; nymphomania from worms; total loss of sexual desire.
Calcarea-carb [Calc]
Bad effects of early masturbation (Lyc., Nux, Sulph.); night- sweats follow every emission, or after marriage, every coitus is followed by weakness of mind and body; increased sexual desire provokes emission, but unusual weakness follows indulgence, and ejaculation is tardy; burning and stinging while semen discharges during coition; pressing pain in head and back; lassitude and weakness in lower extremities; sweats easily.
Calcarea-phos [Calc-p]
Erections while riding in a carriage, without sexual desire; shooting through perineum into penis. Voluptuous feeling, as if all female genitals were filling up with blood, she feels all parts pulsating, with increased sexual desire; nymphomania just before menses and in young married people.
Camphora [Camph]
Want of sexual desire, with weakness of parts, want of erection; testicles relaxed; impotence.
Cannabis-ind [Cann-i]
SATYRIASIS; erections while riding, walking, and also while sitting still, not caused by amorous thoughts; violent painful erections; sexual desire increased in both sexes.
Cannabis-sat [Cann-s]
Increased sexual desire in both sexes; frequent erections, followed by stitches in urethra; penis swollen, without marked erections; pressive dragging sensation in testicles when standing.
Cantharis [Canth]
Seminal emissions at night, followed by a disagreeable burning heat all over body, great anxiety, heaviness, inability to sleep for the rest of the night; nightly emissions followed by shivering lasting for an hour or two and sleeplessness for that night; PARTIAL BLINDNESS FOR AN HOUR OR TWO AFTER AN EMISSION; great despondency, inability to apply himself to work and thus life becomes a burden; frightful satyriasis, violent painful priapism, discharge of blood instead of semen. Oversensitiveness of all female parts; pruritus, with strong sexual desire; itching in vagina; pernicious consequences of masturbation.
Capsicum [Caps]
Coldness of scrotum, with impotence; atrophy of testes and shrivelled spermatic cord; obstinate and taciturn.
Carbo-veg [Carb-v]
Onanism during sleep; frequent pollutions without any sensation; continual erections at night, without any voluptuous sensations of fancies; seminal discharge too soon during coitus, followed by roaring in head; prostatic discharge while straining at stool.
Carbolic-acid [Carb-ac]
Sexual organs in an unusually relaxed weakened state during the day, but at night lewd dreams with seminal emissions; intense burning itching of genitals.
Cedron [Cedr]
Depression post coitum; undue nervous excitement, followed by nervous depression, even chronic attacks in women.
China [Chin]
Acute effects of loss of seminal fluid (Phos. ac., chronic); nocturnal emissions for several nights in succession are weakening, particularly from onanism; impotence from overindulgence, with lascivious fancies; ovaritis from sexual excess, parts very sensitive to touch; painful induration in vagina, slightest contact causes, darting, tearing pains.
Cobaltum [Cob]
Nocturnal emission with lewd dreams; pollutions waking him from sleep; emissions without erections during sleep, he is full of lascivious dreams; backache in lumbar region, following emissions, (<) while sitting, whether voluntary or involuntary. Cocculus [Cocc] Excitement of genitals, with desire for coition; weakness, with excitability of sexual organs and sensitiveness of testicles; nocturnal emissions. Coffea [Coff] EXCESSIVE SENSITIVENESS ABOUT GENITALS; especially vulva, with voluptuous itching; would like to rub or scratch, but parts are too sensitive; male sexual organs much excited without seminal emission and with dry heat of body; nocturnal emissions followed by great languor and irritability. Conium [Con] PREMATURE SENILITY; ATROPHY OF TESTICLES, bad effects from suppressed sexual desire or from excessive indulgence; painful seminal emission instead of the normal pleasurable thrill; sexual desire without erection or with an insufficient one; pollutions, with subsequent excitement of the sexual desire, even when merely dallying with women; discharge of prostatic juice during every motion, without lascivious thoughts. Cypripedium [Cypr] Spermatorrhoea, with great nervous prostration and dejection of spirits. Digitalis [Dig] Spermatorrhoea; irritation of sexual organs, with painful erections, night and day; pollutions, always accompanied with lewd dreams and subsequent pains in penis; nightly emissions during sleep, even without dreams, with great weakness of genitals; violent beating of heart at the least movement; despondency and fear of the future. Dioscorea [Dios] Nocturnal emissions, with erections and amorous dreams when asleep, or without erections, sensations or dreams, but with great weakness of knees; depression of spirits; pain in lumbar and inguinal region, extending to testicles; desire to be alone. Eryngium-aquat [Ery-a] EXCESSIVE EROTIC PRIAPISM; nightly emission, with erections; semen passes by day with the urine; lassitude and depression; decrease of virile power; dull, dragging pain in lumbar region; gleet. Fluoric-acid [Fl-ac] Increased sexual desire in old men, with violent erections at night; oily, pungent-smelling seat from the genitals. Gelsemium [Gels] SPERMATORRHOEA FROM RELAXATION AND DEBILITY; involuntary emission of semen without any erection; seminal weakness from irritability of the seminal vesicles; emission of semen during stool; genitals cold, relaxed; dragging pain in testicles; nocturnal emissions and lewd dreams, followed next day by great languor and irritability of mind; excitable sexual desire; depression of spirits; heavy dragging gait; pale face, sunken eyes. Graphites [Graph] Uncontrollable sexual desire, violent erections; impotence, with dislike to coition; want of proper sensation during coition; seminal emissions with flaccid penis; almost involuntary emission of semen without erections during an embrace; pollutions almost every night, from debility of the organs; weakness and pain in sacrum; constipation; eruptions on penis. In females, great aversion to coitus, vagina cold, oedema of the pudenda; leucorrhoea in gushes day and night. SEXUAL DEBILITY FORM SEXUAL ABUSE. Hamamelis [Ham] Amorous dreams, with emissions, followed by lassitude; gloomy, depressing mood, and dull pain in lumbar region; great prostration of animal passions, with severe neuralgic pain in testicle, suddenly changing to bowels and stomach, causing nausea and faintness; profuse cold sweat at the scrotum at night. (Calad., Caps., Ust., have coldness of scrotum, but no sweat.). Helonias [Helon] Sexual desire and power increased, erections strong and frequent; impotence in women, loss of sexual desire and power, with sterility; profound melancholy, deep, undefined depression, with sensation of soreness and weight in uterus; aphthae on labia and pudenda. Hepar [Hep] Sexual desire increased, erections feeble; discharge of prostatic fluid during micturition and defaecation, and independently of either. Hyoscyamus [Hyos] IN BOTH SEXES SEXUAL DESIRE EXCESSIVE, LASCIVIOUS; EXPOSES PUDENDA; excited sexual desire without excitement of the fancy; masturbation with smutty talk. Ignatia [Ign] Sexual desire weak; contraction of penis, it becomes quite small; erection during stool; itching on penis and around genitals. Iodum [Iod] Complete loss of sexual power, testicles atrophied; atrophy of ovaries and mammae, with sterility; offensive sweating of genitals. Iris-vers [Iris] Spermatorrhoea, with pale face, sunken eyes; depression of spirits; heavy, dragging gait and excitable sexual desire; nocturnal emissions, with amorous dreams; confusion of mind, with great mental depression. Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi] Absence of sexual desire; constrictive pain at the root of penis. Kali-brom [Kali-br] Nocturnal emissions, with amorous dreams and erections; excessive sexual desire, with constant erections at night; diminution or total absence of sexual desire, with impotence; profound melancholy; loss of memory; great nervous prostration (Anacardium); epilepsy (Bufo) from onanism. Kali-carb [Kali-c] Excessive sexual desire, with burning sensation, or desire deficient; after coition weakness, especially of eyes; copious painful pollutions, with subsequent painful erections; dragging in testicle and penis. Kali-iod [Kali-i] Sexual desire diminished; testes atrophied; atrophy of mammae. Lachesis [Lach] ONANISM, WITH EPILEPSY; nocturnal emission, with a thrill of delight; excessive sexual desire, with constant erection at night; emissions, with profuse night-sweats; emissions, with cheerful disposition and feeling of ease on waking, succeeded by an increased mental concentration; semen has a pungent smell. Nymphomania with tickling and jerking extending from thighs to genital organs; sad on awaking; labia swollen, with much mucous discharge: urine and ovarian pains (>) by free flow of blood.
Ledum [Led]
Increased sexual desire; nightly emissions bloody.
Lilium-tigr [Lil-t]
Lascivious dreams and emissions, followed by irritability, difficulty of fixing one's mind, selecting wrong words; desire increased in both sexes, even to obscenity; voluptuous itching in vagina, with feeling of fulness of parts; stinging in left ovarian region.
Lycopodium [Lyc]
MENTAL, NERVOUS AND BODILY WEAKNESS; impotence; penis small, cold and relaxed; erections feeble; FALLS ASLEEP DURING AN EMBRACE; excessive and exhausting pollutions; desponding, grieving, extremely sensitive; weakness of memory; pale, wretched complexion; weak digestion; THE OLD MAN'S BALM; strong desire, but cannot get up an erection.
Magnesia-carb [Mag-c]
Sexual desire diminished; discharge of prostatic fluid when passing flatus.
Magnesia-mur [Mag-m]
Frequent erections early in the morning, with burning in penis; after an embrace, burning pain in back; itching on genitals and scrotum, extending to anus.
Manganum-acet [Mang]
Sensation of weakness in genitals, with burning and drawing in spermatic cords, extending to the glands; itching in interior of scrotum, not relieved by pinching and rubbing; all senses less acute; face pale, sunken; weakness and trembling.
Matico [Mati]
Discharge of prostatic juice, with slight erections and some sexual irritation.
Mercurius [Merc]
Lascivious excitement, with painful nightly erections; pollution, sperm mixed with blood, sweat on genitals; chilliness, sallow face, constipation.
Mercurius-biniod [Merc-i-r]
Sexual desire, particularly on going to sleep; nocturnal emissions; cord and right testicle sensitive.
Mercurius-cor [Merc-c]
Violent erections during sleep; fine, painful stinging in left testicle.
Mezereum [Mez]
Violent erections and increased sexual desire; fine, pricking stitches in penis and at the summit of glans.
Moschus [Mosch]
Violent sexual desire, with scanty and thick urine, like yeast; nausea and vomiting after an embrace; violent titillation in the genitals.
Murex [Murx]
Excitement of sexual organs, desire so violent as to fatigue the reason; venereal desire renewed by slightest touch.
Naja-tripudians [Naja]
Gloomy headache, with spinal pans and palpitations from disorders of the sexual functions.
Natrum-carb [Nat-c]
Discharge of mucus from vagina after an embrace, causing sterility; it appears to facilitate conception and expels moles from uterus; motion as from foetus in womb; passive congestion.
Natrum-mur [Nat-m]
Deficient nutrition and dirty, flaccid, torpid skin; genital organs smell badly and strongly; feeling of weakness in sexual organs; sexual instinct dormant, with retarded emission during an embrace; frequent nocturnal emissions in spite of frequent embraces; after sexual excesses physical weakness, even paralysis; scrotum relaxed flabby, emission of prostatic fluid without erection when thinking of sexual things; coldness in joints and weakness. Women averse to coitus, which is painful from dryness of vagina; sterility, with too early and too profuse menstruation, or too late and scanty; chlorosis and anaemia in young girls.
Natrum-phos [Nat-p]
Seminal emissions night after night, at first with lascivious dreams, but later without any sensation whatever, followed by weakness of back and trembling of knees, which felt as if would give way.
Nitric-acid [Nit-ac]
Sexual desire too strong, or no desire, with want of erection; painful spasmodic erections at night. In women, after coitus, mucous lining of genitals itches voluptuously.
Nuphar-lutea [Nuph]
COMPLETE ABSENCE OF SEXUAL DESIRE, even voluptuous thoughts do not cause erections; involuntary seminal losses during sleep, at stool, and when urinating; spermatorrhoea atonica, from weakness of sexual organs.
Nux-moschata [Nux-m]
Inclined to coitus, but genitals remain relaxed; seminal emissions; sterility.
Nux-vomica [Nux-v]
Bad EFFECTS FROM EARLY MASTURBATION; headache, backache, difficulty in walking; frequent involuntary emissions at night, especially towards morning; bad effects from sexual excesses and abuse of liquors; easily excited desire, but during an embrace the penis becomes relaxed; increase of smegma.
Opium [Op]
Erections during sleep and impotence after waking; nightly emissions, with amorous dreams.
Origanum [Orig]
Considerable sexual excitement, causing obscure nervous disorders in women, especially in masturbators; lascivious dreams at night.
Oxalic-acid [Ox-ac]
On lying down erections without any cause, and afterwards testicles and cords pain and feel confused; erections with dulness in occiput.
Petroleum [Petr]
Sexual desire decreased in morning; WOMEN AVERSE TO EMBRACE; in both sexes soreness and moisture on genitals, with violent itching.
Phosphoric-acid [Ph-ac]
Erections, without sexual desire; during coition sudden relaxation of penis (Nux v.) preventing emission; weakness after coition or pollution; frequent and debilitating emissions from weakness of the parts, with onanism and very little sexual excitement, causing hypochondriasis; onanism when the patient is distressed by the culpability of his indulgence; formication of scrotum; milky urine; chronic effects of masturbation (Chin., acute).
Phosphorus [Phos]
Irritable weakness of male sexual organs, the result of excesses in venery and by masturbation; no seminal discharge during embrace or too rapid; seminal emission, caused by momentary exuberance of strength and nervous excitement, followed by backache, sensation as if back would break, with burning spots in back, (>) by rubbing; impotence from the frequent erections and emissions, especially in PATIENTS WITH FORCED CELIBACY; nearly irresistible desire for coitus, leading to lascivious exposure of his genitals (Hyosc.). Nymphomania, ESPECIALLY IN WINDOWS, with excessive voluptuousness, and late, profuse menses; stitches upward, from the vagina into pelvis; sterility.
Picric-acid [Pic-ac]
Violent, strong, and long-lasting erections, with fear it would rupture the penis, followed by profuse seminal emissions; great sexual desire; violent erections all night, preventing sleep; great weakness and heaviness of lower limbs; impotence; penis relaxed and shrunken; coldness of genitals.
Platina [Plat]
SATYRIASIS; sexual desire excessive, with violent erections, especially at night. NYMPHOMANIA, worse in the lying-in state; tingling or titillation from the genitals up into the abdomen; painful sensitiveness and continual pressure in the region of the mons veneris and genital organs; pruritus vulvae; voluptuous tingling, with anxiety and palpitation of heart; sexual excitement, while below puberty, which keeps up the habit of MASTURBATION IN YOUNG BOYS WHO HAVE BEEN SEDUCED INTO IT; embrace with little pleasure and very brief; constant erections at night without seminal emissions, or often without amorous dreams.
Psorinum [Psor]
Impotence, want of emissions during coitus; parts flabby, torpid; averse to an embrace; drawing in testicles and cords.
Pulsatilla [Puls]
Desire too strong, almost priapism; long-lasting morning erections; emissions after onanism; sexual excess, resulting in headache, backache, heaviness of limbs.
Rhus-tox [Rhus-t]
Spinal irritation, the result of onanism; sexual excesses; pain in the back, of a tearing or contusive nature, worse during rest; sexual desire increased; nightly pollutions frequent.
Sabadilla [Sabad]
Pollutions followed by loss of power in extremities; lascivious dreams and emissions, with relaxed penis; afterwards painful erections and extreme lassitude. NYMPHOMANIA FROM ASCARIDES.
Sarsaparilla [Sars]
Painful seminal emissions at night; painful emissions, excited even in daytime without sexual feeling; LASCIVIOUS DREAMS with erections wake him up, with headache, prostration and vertigo; inclination to coitus, with restless sleep and frequent emissions; spermatic cords swollen; sexual excitement makes them ache and sensitive; bloody pollutions (Led.); offensive odor about genitals.
Selenium [Sel]
Seminal weakness, with erethism and nervous exhaustion; voluntary or involuntary seminal emissions are followed by irritability, mental confusion, headache; almost paralytic weakness of spine, involuntary escape of prostatic fluid, dribbling of semen during sleep and after stool and urination, (<) during the relaxation; impotence, lewd thoughts, but physically unable; erections slow, insufficient.
Sepia [Sep]
Increase of sexual desire simultaneously with loss of sexual power from venereal gluttony; during embrace insufficient erection and but little thrill, after it great weakness; nightly emissions with dreams; weak and watery pollutions; emissions after onanism, followed by burning in forepart of urethra, languid and drowsy; coitus weakness, even if rarely indulged in.
Silicea [Sil]
Increased desire in both sexes, with spinal affection; frequent, violent, painful erections before rising in the morning; after an embrace sensation on right side of head as if paralyzed, with soreness of limbs; squeezing pain in testicles; nymphomania with plethora; NAUSEA DURING AN EMBRACE; pressing-down feeling in vagina, which is tender to touch; itching at the pudenda.
Staphisagria [Staph]
Cases of long-standing masturbation, with hypochondriasis; great taciturnity, irritability and constant uneasiness as to the state of one's health, anxious imagination and fears; great deficiency of vital heat and tendency to take cold; loss of memory, giddiness and sleepiness; deep-sunken, red and lustreless eyes; hair falls out; teeth carious, brittle, with gnawing toothache; dry cough, worse after eating; indigestion with great flatulence, stools dry and lumpy; urine deep-red or yellow, with brick-dust sediment; constant loss of prostatic fluid and impairment of sexual desire; pains relaxed, with dull and contusive pains in testicles; voluptuous itching of scrotum; atrophy of testicles; emaciation; brain-fag; excessive sleepiness.
Stramonium [Stram]
Onanism causing epilepsy; exalted sexual passion; lasciviousness; nymphomania, loud talking, signs obscene songs; has smell of semen; whining sobbing after menses.
Sulphur [Sulph]
Involuntary emission of semen; took quick discharge of semen during coition; waning of sexual desire from overindulgence, with weakness of back and threatening paralysis; coldness of penis; testicles relaxed, hanging down; offensive sweat around genitals; faintness and flushes of heat; cold feet and heat on top of head; frequent involuntary emission of semen at night, exhausting him the next morning; seminal flow thin, watery, nearly inodorous, having lost all its peculiar properties; backache and weakness of limbs; low spirits, hypochondriasis. Sore feeling in vagina during embrace, sterility, with too early and too profuse catamenia.
Tarentula [Tarent]
Sexual excitement; seminal emissions; lasciviousness, reaching almost to insanity; onanism, followed by prostatic ailments, hypochondriasis and unhappy mood; continual seminal emissions on account of onanism, followed by imbecility, stupid laughter and progressive washing.
Thuja [Thuj]
Extraordinary excitation or depression in the genital system; irresistible inclination to onanism (Bufo), even during sleep; nocturnal emissions, which wake him; discharge of prostatic fluid in threads, early in morning, after waking; sweetish-smelling sweat on scrotum; palpitations; paretic debility of extremities; coition prevented by extreme sensitiveness of vagina.
Ustilago [Ust]
Sexual dreams at night, without emission; painful loss of all sexual desire, with relaxation of scrotum, which is covered with cold perspiration; painful testicles; seminal emissions and irresistible desire to masturbate; erotic fancies; great prostration of strength; dull pain in lumbar region, with great despondency and irritability of mind.
Viola-tric [Viol-t]
Nocturnal emissions, accompanied by vivid dreams, not very exhausting, but causing weariness of mind; loss of seminal fluid at stool and in urine; trembling; feels dull, sleepless, poor appetite.
Zincum-oxide [Zinc-o]
Spermatorrhoea in hypochondriac patients, who annoy their physicians by their fear; their nervous system is shaken, they are restless, sleepy and miserable; pale face, sunken blue, rings around eyes; emission during coition is too rapid or difficult and almost impossible; atrophy of testicles. Pruritus vulvae causes masturbation and irresistible sexual desire at night; boring pain in left ovarian region, better from pressure, but ENTIRELY RELIEVED DURING MENSTRUAL FLOW.


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