SORE THROAT [Sore throat]:


Acetic-acid [Acet-ac]
Throat inflamed and ulcerated; a white film low down in fauces; false membrane in throat; difficult swallowing; insatiable thirst and drinks large quantities of water; difficult breathing; hurried breathing; barking cough; hollow sound with each inhalation (Acon., exhalation); prostration and copious urine; nosebleed; pale, sickly children.
Aconite [Acon]
Violent fever, dry heat, burning thirst; fear and anxious restlessness; dark redness of affected parts; troublesome and painful deglutition; burning, choking, creeping and contraction of throat; painful sensitiveness of throat when talking; croup from dry cold air beginning before midnight, child wakes up and grasps throat; painful sensitiveness of throat when talking; croup from dry cold air beginning before midnight, child wakes up and grasps throat; dry cough with a hoarse bark, croupy sound during exhalation from spasm in larynx.
AEsculus-hip [Aesc]
Throat, fauces, tonsils, vulva and back of pharynx swollen and dusky-red; neck swollen and stiff; constricted sensation with disposition to hawk; VIOLENT BURNING in throat, with a raw feeling; stitching pains in fauces; varices in throat; constant desire to swallow, with sensation of dryness and constriction; throat and tongue feel as if scalded; hawks up great quantities of ropy mucus that tastes sweetish; left side mostly affected; sensation of lump in fauces that burns like fire (Phyt.); pricking, formication, burning, stinging in fauces (Apis); painful swallowing; haemorrhoidal diathesis; catarrhal irritation of gastro-intestinal mucous membrane.
Ailanthus-gland [Ail]
GANGRENOUS SORE THROAT; throat livid, puffed; tonsils covered with ulcers that run into each other, oozing a foetid scanty discharge; neck swollen and mottled, painful to slightest touch; cannot swallow anything; hawks up greenish matter; throat covered with a dark-brown membrane; haemorrhage of dark blood.
Alumina [Alum]
Clergyman's sore throat; livid redness and sensation of relaxation of throat; feeling as from a lump, with soreness; dryness and stitches in throat when talking, as if something pointed were sticking in it; swallowing causes crepitation in ears; spasmodic constriction, salivation and impossibility to swallow or to open the mouth; (<) evening and at night, by hot drinks or eating; thick, granular, spongy condition of mucous membrane, with husky voice. Ambra-gris [Ambr] ANGINA GRANULOSA; secretion of mucus in throat, with roughness and rawness; accumulation of grayish phlegm in throat, difficult to expectorate; choking and vomiting when hawking up phlegm; sensation of rawness in soft palate; stitches from throat into right ear and pains from motion of tongue; sore feeling in throat during empty deglutition and FROM OUTWARD PRESSURE, NOT WHEN SWALLOWING FOOD, with tension of glands of throat as if swollen. Ammonium-brom [Am-br] Throat sore, looks mottled as if a diphtheritic deposit were commencing; fauces dark-red, congestion; PREPARING TO SWALLOW IS PAINFUL, the act is not; fauces and tongue feel scalded; stringy or blood-streaked mucus in the throat; more at night; symptoms (>) at night.
Ammonium-carb [Am-c]
Putrid sore throat; GANGRENE OF THROAT (Ars., Bapt., Ailanth.); diphtheria with nose stopped up; child starts from sleep, cannot get his breath; burning in pharynx, extending down oesophagus; violent pain in the ulcers in throat; lump in throat; enlarged tonsils, congested, covered with membrane; right tonsil most affected; great prostration and dyspnoea; great sensitiveness to cold, a continued shudder alternates at night with heat.
Ammonium-mur [Am-m]
Sore throat with viscid phlegm so tough that it cannot be hawked up; EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL SWELLING OF THROAT, with pressing pain when swallowing and with drawing, stitching pains in the swollen submaxillary glands; frequent hawking with expectoration of small lumps of mucus and sensation of rawness in throat, back of uvula; hoarseness, with burning in larynx, can hardly speak; obstinate cases threatening to pass into a chronic state.
Apis-mell [Apis]
No thirst; wants to be uncovered, and sensitive to clothing about neck; INSIDIOUS CASES COMING ON WITHOUT SUFFERING; throat shining as if varnished, puffy with membrane in patches; throat filled with tenacious mucus; oedema of mucous membrane of throat and uvula; throat swollen inside and outside breathing and swallowing difficult; blisters, in clusters, filled with clear lymph on back part of throat; feeling of rawness and scalding all around margin of tongue; stitching pain between acts of swallowing; inability to swallow from the great swelling in throat; pain in thorax extending to ears; fluids come back through nose; sensation of fish-bone in throat (Arg. nitr., Hep., Nitr. ac.), rose-colored, rough rash upon skin.
Argentum-nit [Arg-n]
DRYNESS OF THROAT when beginning to speak; dry, burning and scraping sensation in ulcerated sore throat, with feeling as if a splinter had lodged there when swallowing, eructating, stretching or moving throat; constriction of throat with hoarseness; frequent accumulation of thick, tough mucus in throat, producing gagging and hoarseness; uvula and fauces dark-red and tumid; SORE THROAT FOLLOWING SUPPRESSED ULCERS OF UTERUS.
Arnica [Arn]
Whole throat congested; craves large quantities of water, which cause pain in stomach; sore and bruised all over body; stupid, sleepy, curls up in bed and refuses attention, wants to be let alone; hot skin; chilliness, wants to cover up warmly; offensive breath; putrid eructations; stinging in back of throat between the acts of deglutition.
Arsenicum [Ars]
Restlessness, anxiety, prostration; gangrene in throat, burning like hot coals in throat; tonsils swollen, dark-red; vesicles in throat; tongue, throat, oesophagus inflamed; paralysis of pharynx; drinks come out of nose; malignancy (Ars. iod.).
Arum-triph [Arum-t]
CLERGYMAN'S SORE THROAT, voice cannot be modulated; rapid swelling of tongue with prickling and burning pains; oedema glottidis; putrid odor from mouth; buccal cavity raw and bleeding, covered with ulcers and diphtheritic deposits; violent burning in throat; constant hawking and profuse secretion from the diseased tissues; swollen or strawberry tongue; refuses food and drink on account of soreness of throat; scanty micturition; increase in the flow of urine shows favorable action of the drug.
Aurum [Aur]
Tonsils red and swollen; painful swelling of submaxillary glands; parotid gland feels sore, as if contused; caries of hard palate; foul breath; voice nasal, husky, as if he had a cold; mercurial or syphilitic history.
Baptisia [Bapt]
Fauces dark red; DARK, PUTRID ULCERS WHICH ARE PAINFUL; burning rawness in throat; salivation, putrid taste in mouth; stupid mental state, low muttering delirium; CAN SWALLOW ONLY LIQUIDS, the least solid food gags; throat sore, feels contracted, even down to stomach; profuse viscid mucus in throat, can neither swallow not hawk it up; much rattling in throat; tongue dry, cracked, bleeding.
Baryta-carb [Bar-c]
Penetrating pains in throat on empty swallowing; pressure and shooting pains on swallowing ailments; obstruction to speech and deglutition; contraction of throat, with labored respiration, after meals; efforts to belch; enlarged and indurated tonsils; offensive breath; on swallowing sensation as if food forces itself over a sore spot and liquids come back through nose; more useful to prevent than to cure the attack of recurring quinsy.
Belladonna [Bell]
Violent fever and burning heat; bright-red, highly inflamed throat, mostly on right side; dryness of mouth and throat, with thirst; mouth feels scalded, and violent burning in throat; shooting pains in throat when swallowing, turning head or breathing; contraction and oppression of throat, impeding deglutition, speech and respiration, enlargement of the cervical glands and stiff neck; must swallow constantly, though very painful; SPASM OF THROAT ON ATTEMPTING TO SWALLOW; dry cough; follicular tonsillitis, tonsils covered with little ulcers.
Benzoic-acid [Benz-ac]
Angina faucium et tonsillaris; swallowing difficult, incomplete, with noise in ears and soreness on back of tongue; sensation of swelling and constriction of throat; (>) by eating; irritable bladder, urine dark and its odor highly intensified.
Borax [Bor]
Tough mucus in throat, difficult to detach; tearing in larynx extending to chest, exciting cough; roughness in throat-pit and drawing stinging pain when coughing or sneezing; aphthae.
Bromium [Brom]
Follicular tonsillitis, lump in throat, elongated uvula; burning from mouth to stomach; tumefaction of mucous membranes of pharynx, (<) left side; stiffness of neck; tonsils swollen, inflamed, constant pain in throat; swallowing difficult, especially of fluids; DIPHTHERIA BEGINNING IN LARYNX AND SPREADING UPWARD, WITH COLDNESS ON INHALATION. Bryonia [Bry] Pricking sensation in throat on swallowing and turning head; pressure, swelling and dryness of back of throat, palate and mouth; throat feels dry and raw on empty swallowing, (<) in warm room, (>) for a short time on drinking; painful swallowing as if a hard body were sticking in throat; stitches, soreness and dry feeling in throat, rendering talking difficult; aphthae in throat, mostly on tonsils; membranous formations in throat with exudations in mouth and throat of pus and blood; fever, with or without thirst, or chilliness and feeling of coldness, irritable mood.
Cactus [Cact]
Constriction of throat, exciting a constant desire to swallow; constriction of oesophagus, must drink large quantities of water to force the fluid into stomach.
Cahinca [Cahin]
ABUNDANT SALIVATION; swelling of uvula and palate with a grating sensation; constant contraction in throat alternating with drawing; difficult swallowing and hollow, hoarse voice; sneezing; dry cough; difficult breathing at night; swelling and paleness of face.
Caladium [Calad]
Bright redness of dry throat, (>) from warm drinks; sweetish- smelling perspiration; swelling of submaxillary glands; mouth, lips and tongue swollen; no thirst.
Calcarea-carb [Calc]
Chronic sore throat; patulous induration of soft palate; old ulcers in throat; hardened, enlarged tonsils; aphthous or ulcerated tonsils; smarting in throat when eating, extending into ears; swallowing difficult from lump in throat; (<) when weather changes; constitutional coldness. Cantharis [Canth] THROAT FEELS ON FIRE, INFLAMED AND COVERED WITH PLASTIC LYMPH, with bloody expectoration; symptoms come on with great rapidity; gangrene of throat; water drunk returns by the nose; swallowing very difficult, shooting pains on swallowing, especially liquids, from constriction and intense pain at back of throat; dysuria; extreme prostration; (<) afternoon, night, while drinking. Capsicum [Caps] STITCHES IN THROAT WHEN NOT SWALLOWING, exciting dry convulsive cough; contraction in the curtain of the palate during deglutition and agonizing pains in ganglions of neck in paroxysms; uvula elongated, feels as if pressing on something hard; tickling in throat with sneezing and sensation of roughness; ;burning soreness with ulcers in fauces; whitish spots in throat; dry hacking cough with expectoration of copious mucus from trachea; thirst for cold water, with shuddering when drinking; constant desire to lie down and sleep, with dread of the open air and cold, especially in red-faced, sluggish, homesick girls; SORE THROATS COMPLICATED WITH GASTRIC AND RHEUMATIC AILMENTS, especially of spirit-drinkers and smokers, with morning retching, relaxed uvula, dryness and smarting in throat. Causticum [Caust] Soreness, redness and scraping in throat, with burning pains, (<) at night; dryness of fauces; sensation as if throat were too narrow; continual swallowing; hawking of mucus, with pain in throat-pit; food and drink go up the nose; hoarseness, (<) morning and evening; aphonia from paralysis of organs of speech; cough, with involuntary discharge of urine. Cedron [Cedr] Enlarged tonsils, with redness of velum palati and constant swallowing; burning fauces, throat and stomach; constriction of throat; difficulty of swallowing; profuse salivation; foetid breath; great thirst. Cepa [All-c] Sore throat, with coryza; coryza with bland lachrymation and acrid nasal flow; mucus in pharynx viscid, sweetish and tough; soreness and dryness; lump in throat; COLD SENSATION IN THROAT, cough as if hooks were digging in larynx at every cough; sneezing and coughing. Chamomilla [Cham] Catarrhal sore throats, or in complication with gastric and bilious fever; extreme sensitiveness to pain with the characteristic crossness; swelling of parotid or submaxillary glands; tonsillitis, threatening suffocation, with pain extending to right ear, (>) by heat; throbbing, stinging, burning pains in throat; dark redness of affected parts; inability to swallow solids, especially when lying; tickling in larynx; hoarseness, dry cough and difficult respiration.
Chelidonium [Chel]
Red fauces, uvula and tonsils swollen; shooting in tonsils; burning and scraping in throat; dryness in throat; difficult swallowing; tongue red on tip and edges; yellow tongue, bitter taste, craves hot milk.
Cimicifuga [Cimic]
Dry spot in throat, causing cough; dryness of pharynx and inclination to swallow during the night; soreness of throat when swallowing; sensation of swelling and pressure in tonsils; dryness and burning heat in throat, as if hot air were passing over it; sensitiveness of throat to cold air and cold drinks; contraction in throat on swallowing solid food; UNPLEASANT FULNESS IN THROAT; stiff neck.
Cinnabaris [Cinnb]
Syphilitic ulceration of tonsils and pharynx; constant desire to swallow; pains (<) at night; every cold causes white ulcers in throat. Cistus-can [Cist] Sore throat from INHALING THE LEAST COLD AIR, NOT FROM WARM AIR; fauces inflamed and dry; cold feeling on tongue, larynx and trachea; sleepless from dryness of throat; must swallow saliva to relieve the unbearable dryness; (<) after sleeping, (>) after eating or drinking.
Cocculus [Cocc]
Dryness of mouth with sensation of roughness and burning in throat, with salivation; great sensitiveness of neck, pressing pain on tonsils when swallowing, bitter taste, disgust for food; cough (<) at night, threatening suffocation. Coffea [Coff] Sore throat, (<) from cold air; swollen, elongated uvula, sensitiveness of affected parts; insomnia; short, dry cough; constant desire to swallow from sensation as of a plug in throat; whining and moaning. Colchicum [Colch] Inflammation and redness of palate, fauces and tonsils, with difficult swallowing; greenish, thin mucus in throat, coming involuntarily into the mouth. Conium [Con] Dirty-gray exudations; burning in pharynx; violent pains in throat; must swallow constantly; as soon as he closes his eyes he commences to sweat. Crotalus [Crot-h] Malignant sore throat, which is greatly swollen, with tendency to gangrene; neck swollen; puffy face; violent pain in constricted throat; tongue trembles; prostration; haemorrhages from dissolution of blood; nervous sore throat, pain out of all proportion to visible trouble; fauces dry; great sensitiveness to dry or cold air. Cuprum [Cupr] Dull piercing pain in left tonsil, (<) by external tough; constriction when swallowing; spasms of throat; gurgling of drinks when going down oesophagus; frequent desire for warm food drinks. Dolichos [Dol] Painful sensation in throat below angle of lower jaw on right side, as if a large splinter were imbedded vertically in that spot, with fulness behind posterior palatine arch., pain (<) on swallowing. Drosera [Dros] Dryness and contraction of palate and pharynx; pricking in throat, without deglutition; expectoration of watery saliva; irritation to cough, with darting and pricking pains in larynx, hoarseness, yellow, mucous sputa, difficult breathing; cough (<) on retiring and at night in paroxysms, often followed by vomiting. Dulcamara [Dulc] Quinsy from every cold change in weather (Bar. carb.). Elaps-coral [Elaps] Chronic ulceration of throat; EVERY SPELL OF WET WEATHER CAUSES A RETURN OF THE ULCERS IN THROAT, (>) left side; painful swallowing of solids and liquids; external throat sore to touch; liquids swallowed come out of the nose; discharge from nose like herring- pickle; tonsils and fauces swollen so that nothing can pass; posterior wall of pharynx covered with greenish-yellow membranes, wrinkled and fissured, extending to nose; membrane dry and corrugated; violent thirst and craving for ice, though cold drinks lie like ice in stomach.
Ferrum-phos [Ferr-p]
Throat inflamed, red and hot; red face; painful swallowing; acute stage of pharyngitis and laryngitis, with high fever.
Fluoric-acid [Fl-ac]
Syphilitic ulceration of fauces, uvula and tongue, especially after the abuse of Sil., throat is extremely sensitive to cold, slightest exposure increases pain and impedes deglutition; soft palate and uvula intensely red and tumefied; foetid breath; voice nasal, articulation indistinct; excessive suffering in swallowing or talking; hawking of phlegm mixed with blood, especially in the morning.
Gelsemium [Gels]
Fauces swollen, dry, burning; unable to swallow or speak; PAIN ON SWALLOWING GOING UP INTO EAR; spasms glottidis; dryness, irritation and soreness of fauces; tonsils swollen, red and burning; scalding coryza; nose stopped up; no thirst; paralytic dysphagia; painful sensation of something having lodged in oesophagus; burning in oesophagus from mouth to stomach; disturbances of vision; heaviness of head and limbs, as if they were paralyzed.
Graphites [Graph]
Chronic sore throat with sensation as of a lump in throat, (>) after empty swallowing; dry cough with much strangling, (<) during inspiration, making the face red and the eyes water; ears dry from lack of natural secretion, with hardness of hearing. Hamamelis [Ham] Chronic inflammation of throat, with varicose veins, must drink much water to aid deglutition; dryness and rawness of fauces; right tonsil swollen and varicose; oozing of blood from fauces; (<) in warm moist air; constant thirst for cold water; every inhalation seems to dry up the throat. Hepar [Hep] Pricking sensation in throat, as if from PINS OR SPLINTERS STICKING IN THROAT; extending to ears when yawing; smarting, roughness and rawness of fauces, (<) when swallowing solid food; heat and scraping in throat, with constant expectoration of mucus; vomiturition in the morning, with dry and deep cough, (<) in the evening, when it becomes violent and agonizing; pressure in throat as from a plug, with danger of suffocation; great sensitiveness to pain, to atmospheric changes, to cold and the slightest draught, (>) by heat; swelling of tonsils and cervical glands; ulcers in throat cause breath to smell like old cheese.
Hydrastis [Hydr]
Mucous membrane of fauces studded with round protuberant spots of a red color, as if injected with blood, (<) from least exposure to cold; mercurial salivation; syphilitic angina; ulceration of the mucous membrane of the throat. Hyoscyamus [Hyos] Dry throat, prickings in larynx; contraction in throat with impeded deglutition, copious salivation; collection of mucus in larynx and trachea; hoarse voice with sensation of a foreign body firmly lodged in trachea; dry, spasmodic cough at night, respiration labored and agonizing. Ignatia [Ign] Inflamed, hard, swollen tonsils, with small ulcers; stitches in soft palate, extending to ears, (>) by swallowing solids, (<) BETWEEN THE ACTS OF SWALLOWING; pain stinging, raw, sore tearing and aching; pain in sub-maxillary gland; sensation of a lump in throat; swelling and induration of tonsils, which sting when not swallowing. Iodum [Iod] Swelling and elongation of uvula; angina with burning pain; ulcers in throat, with swelling of glands of neck; constant hemming to clear the throat of mucus; salivation and ulcers in throat; very difficult deglutition. Ipecacuanha [Ip] Rough bruised, pricking and swollen sensation in throat, (<) during deglutition; elongation and painful sensitiveness of palate; violent cough with dyspnoea and without much expectoration; catarrhal sore throat, with spasm of chest and other nervous affections; congestion of blood to head, with pale face. Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi] Chronic congestion of fauces and pharyngeal mucous membrane; uneasiness and pain in swallowing; sensation of dryness, of burning and of rawness, or a scraping feeling, or as if something were sticking in throat; accumulation of sticky, tenacious mucus in pharynx, with tendency to hoarseness and tickling cough; throat pains more when putting out tongue; sharp, shooting pains in left tonsil, extending towards the ear, relieved by swallowing; suppuration of tonsils; burning in pharynx, extending into the stomach; solids cause pain when swallowed, and leave sensation as if something remained there; chronic nasal catarrh, yellow, slimy-coated tongue, more or less stomach disorder; biter taste in mouth, tendency to nausea; ropy, stringy, foetid discharge from posterior nares and fauces. Kali-carb [Kali-c] Sensation of great dryness in throat, with occasional filling of throat with tenacious mucus that cause gagging; constant hawking; pain in throat when swallowing food; sore throat on left side, feels a bone there on empty swallowing, as if he had stick in throat (Kali bi, as if he had a hair on root of tongue); sticking pain in pharynx, as if there were fish-bone in it (Hep), when he becomes cold; swelling of cervical glands; chronic sore throat with long-standing post-nasal catarrh. Kali-iod [Kali-i] Sore throat from coryza, swelling of throat and neck, with yellowish-gray spots and ulcers on tonsils; DRYNESS AND ITCHING IN THROAT (Wyeth.); coryza with aching jaws, sneezing, lachrymation and profuse flow of water from nose; red, smarting mucous membranes; burning and constriction; sticking and scraping, syphilitic ulcers; glands of neck swollen and indurated. Kali-mang [Kali-ma] Throat swollen and painful; constant hawking of blood-streaked thick mucus; constant ineffectual hawking and attempts at swallowing; throat very dry and raw; constriction and burning; fauces mottled dark-red; uvula oedematous, elongated (Apis, Kali bi.) and dark-red; cannot swallow solids; external glands hard and painful, can hardly open mouth on account of swollen parotid. Kali-mur [Kali-m] Dryness and redness of fauces; burning, stinging pains, with hoarseness; ulcerated throat, after abuse of mercury; in syphilis with red, dry, torpid throat; with mucus in throat; white tongue; GRANULAR PHARYNGITIS; mucous membrane rather pale, thin, with multiple adenoid elevations, secreting white, tough mucus, with a similar secretion from posterior nares, and great efforts to dislodge it by snuffing and hawking. Lac-caninum [Lac-c] Highly inflamed throat; with severe-pain, felt first on one side and then on the ther; ulcers (diphtheria) constantly change sides; MENSTRUAL SORE THROAT, beginning and ending with the flow (Magn. carb.); tonsils swollen and red; oedema of posterior throat. Lachesis [Lach] Inflammation and swelling marked, PAINS (<) BY WARM DRINKS AND EMPTY SWALLOWING, (>) when swallowing solids than liquids; much choking and swallowing, especially during sleep; patches of membrane from left to right and down larynx; mottled,, bluish color of throat; much saliva and stringy mucus; tongue swollen, stiff, trembles, catching upon teeth when protruded; dryness of the mouth and throat, with no thirst or with aversion to water; pain extends to ears; cervical glands swollen, suppurating; throat (<) from external pressure; suffocating spells, (<) during or on awaking from sleep; great prostration (when it fails, study Sabad.). Lachnanthes [Lachn] Great dryness in throat, especially at night when waking, accompanied by cough; sensation of swelling of left side of throat; when swallowing the sore spot itches; dryness of throat, with sleeplessness, followed by hoarseness. Laurocerasus [Laur] Burning in throat with weak heart and spasms of oesophagus; dull sticking pain as from a lump in throat; scraping in throat with hoarseness and cough; rawness in larynx prevents talking; pain as from stiffness in left side of neck; spasmodic contractive sensation in anterior cervical muscles while drinking. Ledum [Led] Sore throat with fine stinging pain, (<) WHEN NOT SWALLOWING; sensation as from a lump in throat, when swallowing, stinging pain; great heat in throat, when moving in the open air; malignant sore throat; oedema. Lobelia-infl [Lob] Dryness and pricking in throat, not diminished by drinking; sensation of a lump in pit of throat, impeding deglutition; tough mucus in fauces causes frequent hawking; burning in throat; sensation as if oesophagus contracted from below upward; heat and burning in stomach; sensation of a foreign body in throat; impeding breathing and swallowing; prickling itching of skin all over body; salivation sometimes copious. Lycopodium [Lyc] Swelling and suppuration of tonsils going from right to left; chronic enlargement or ulceration of tonsils; fauces brownish- red, (>) from hot drinks which feel grateful, (<) from cold drinks and after sleep; pharynx feels contracted, nothing can be swallowed; hawking of bloody mucus or of hard, greenish-yellow phlegm; FEELING AS IF A BALL ROSE FROM BELOW INTO THE THROAT; feeling as of a hard body in oesophagus; no thirst, or thirst with disgust for drinks; one side of neck stiff and swollen; depression and internal debility; glandular swellings; syphilitic ulceration of throat. Lyssin [Lyss] Sore throat; constrictive sensation much (<) when attempting to swallow cold fluids, which he could not do without pain; warm fluids and solids not painful; headache especially in both temples; much tenacious mucus in mouth and throat; constant inclination to swallow or to remove the phlegm, which seems to stick between nose and throat. Magnesia-carb [Mag-c] Stinging pain in throat when talking or swallowing; burning in the throat and palate, with dryness and roughness and dryness of fauces; soft, foetid tubercles, of the color of peas, are hawked up; violent thirst for water or acid drinks. MENSTRUAL SORE THROAT (Lac. can.). Magnesia-mur [Mag-m] Dryness and roughness of throat, with hoarse voice; rising as of a ball from stomach to throat, (>) by eructations; continual rising of a white froth into mouth; difficult hawking of thick, tough or blood-mixed mucus; swelling of cervical glands.
Mancinella [Manc]
AGAIN FOLLOWING SCARLATINA; great elongation of uvula; heat in pharynx and down oesophagus; without thirst; great dryness of throat; choking sensation rises in throat when speaking; periodical thrusts (as if electric) in upper part of throat; waking from sleep; yellowish-white ulcers on tonsils, with violent burning pain; great swelling and suppuration of tonsils, with danger of suffocation and whistling breathing; can only take liquid food, on account of soreness of mouth.
Manganum [Mang]
Throat sore, as if excoriated, with cutting pains, independent of swallowing; palate and lips dry, (<) in open air; when swallowing, stitches in both ears; (<) when coughing, with husky voice; feet and ankles swollen; throat dry, scratching, feeling as if trachea were closed by a leaf; yellowish-green, mucous sputa; smarting extending to cheeks; stiffness of nape of neck; (<) in hot, foggy weather. Mercurius [Merc] Sensation as of an obstruction in throat; painful deglutition, with pressure; constant effort to swallow; lancinating pains in neck and tonsils, extending to ears; pressure in oesophagus and larynx; (<) when eating; drinks cannot pass epiglottis and are forced back through the nose; swelling of parotids and cervical glands, with pressing, burning or lancinating pains; copious flow of thin and foetid saliva, yet throat feels very dry; coryza, sneezing; dry, violent cough; tonsils dark-red or greenish-red, studded with ulcers; stinging pains in fauces; syphilitic ulcers in throat and mouth; (<) from liquors, cold drinks, coffee; chill towards evening or alternating chill and heat; sweat without relief. Mercurius-cor [Merc-c] Throat intensely inflamed, preventing swallowing and causing suffocation; uvula swollen, elongated, dark-red; tonsils swollen and covered with ulcers; pricking in throat as from needles; retching and vomiting on attempting to swallow; larynx and epiglottis pain on swallowing food, (<) when depressing tongue; cutting in throat as from a knife; cervical glands hard and swollen; cannot sleep on account of anxiety. Mercurius-iod-flav [Merc-i-f] Tongue coated thick yellow at base, bright yellow at back part, tip and edges red; throat dry, with frequent empty swallowing; much tenacious mucus in throat, hawking causes gagging; sensation of a lump in throat; easily detached patches on inflamed pharynx and fauces; (<) ON RIGHT TONSIL; salivary glands much swollen, foetid breath; loose rattling cough, bronchi loaded with mucus; sputa copious and yellow. Mercurius-iod-rub [Merc-i-r] Sensation as of a lump in throat, with disposition to hawk it up and bring up a greenish hard lump or tough, white phlegm; sticking in throat; on waking throat feels sore and scalded, (<) during empty swallowing; fauces dark-red, LEFT TONSIL SWOLLEN, submaxillary glands painfully engorged; difficult deglutition from ulcers in throat; velum long, aggravating cough; great sensitiveness to cold air. Mezereum [Mez] Burning of pharynx and oesophagus; constriction of pharynx, food presses on part during deglutition; sensation as if posterior part of throat were full of mucus, even after hawking; dry feeling in throat impeding swallowing; constant chilliness, even in bed. Muriatic-acid [Mur-ac] Diffused deep redness of velum palati and throat; fauces swollen; swallowing causes violent spasms and choking; pushes finger down throat, as if to remove some obstruction; rawness, smarting and burning in fauces. Natrum-ars [Nat-ar] Fauces dry on swallowing and on inspiration, (<) A. M. and after a cold; fauces and pharynx red and glossy; uvula, tonsils and pharynx thickened; surface irregular, swollen, purple-red, covered with yellowish-gray mucus which is hawked up; very thirsty, but (<) drinking. Natrum-mur [Nat-m] Throat feels very dry, yet he constantly hawks transparent mucus; sensation of a splinter sticking in throat; feeling as of a plug in throat, uvula elongated, muscles so weak, food goes down the wrong way; only fluids can be swallowed, solids reach a certain point and then are violently ejected; unquenchable thirst, (<) evening. Natrum-sulph [Nat-s] PALATE BURNS, AS IF SKIN WERE BROKEN, DURING MENSES; blisters on palate, (>) from cold things; dryness of throat, no thirst; feeling of contraction in throat when swallowing saliva, soreness (<) by talking and swallowing solids; mucus in throat at night, hawks salty mucus in morning. Niccolum [Nicc] Angina, pain outside on neck, sore to touch; intense pain in swollen throat when yawning; right tonsil swollen; sticking in swallowing; as if in uvula; spasmodic choking and constriction. Nitric-acid [Nit-ac] Pricking as from a splinter in throat, (>) swallowing; stitches in throat, tonsils red, swollen; uneven, with small ulcers; palate, tongue, inside of gums sore, with stinging pains and ulceration of corners of mouth.
Nitrum [Kali-n]
Sore throat day and night, with inflamed velum and uvula, stinging during swallowing; feels choked, as if closed, at night, can scarcely breathe.
Nux-moschata [Nux-m]
Difficult deglutition from paralysis of muscles; pain along Eustachian tube, as if a foreign body lodged there; no thirst; bulimy.
Nux-vomica [Nux-v]
Throat raw, sore, rough, as if scraped, causes hawking; pain as if pharynx were constricted, or as if a plug were sticking in throat, during empty swallowing; swelling of uvula, stinging pains with sensation of a plug when swallowing saliva only; stitches into ear when swallowing; small foetid ulcers in throat; pains, (<) while eating and more afterwards; dry cough, with headache and pains in hypochondria when coughing; constipation.
Palladium [Pall]
Dryness of fauces and tongue, without thirst; sensation when swallowing as if something were hanging in neighborhood of hyoid bone, or as if a bread-crumb had lodged there, even when the muscles of throat were inactive; FREQUENT HAWKING OF SMALL SOLID LUMPS, WHICH HE MUST SWALLOW.
Petroleum [Petr]
Complication with catarrh of Eustachian tube; when swallowing, food enters posterior nares; dry throat, pain in nape of neck when swallowing; foetid breath; hawking of a tough, disagreeable- tasting phlegm, mornings; swelling and induration of glands.
Phosphorus [Phos]
Muscular angina with fatty degeneration; tonsils and uvula much swollen; uvula elongated, with dry and burning sensation; dryness of throat day and night, it fairly glistens; rawness and scraping in pharynx, (<) evening, hawking mornings; mucus in throat removed with difficulty, is quite cold as it comes into the mouth, white, transparent, in lumps; sensation as of cotton in throat; desire for something refreshing and cold.
Phytolacca [Phyt]
Sensation in the pharynx like that caused by eating choke-pears; soreness of the throat, and a feeling when swallowing saliva as if a lump had formed there; soreness of the posterior fauces, and apparent extension of the irritation into the Eustachian tubes; swelling of the soft palate and tonsils; feeling as if a ball of red-hot iron had lodged in the fauces and the whole length of the oesophagus when swallowing; PAIN IN SWALLOWING HOT LIQUIDS OR SOLID FOOD; sensation as if the trachea were being strongly grasped; hawking to rid the throat and posterior nares of ;mucus, which relieves the choked feeling; sensation of scraping and rawness in throat and tonsils; great dryness of throat at bedtime; muscular soreness; groans when moved; restlessness and prostration.
Plumbum [Plb]
ANGINA GRANULOSA, going from left to right; tough mucus in fauces and posterior nares; constriction in throat when trying to swallow, with great urging to do so; fluids can be swallowed, but solids come back into mouth; burning in oesophagus and stomach some hours after eating, spasmodic stricture; sensation of a plug in throat.
Pulsatilla [Puls]
Exterior lancinating pains on swallowing, pressure in throat; sensation of s welling in uvula and velum; during or without swallowing sensation of roughness and pain in throat; stitches between acts of swallowing; as if swollen, or a lump in it during deglutition; throat inflamed, bluish-red; throat dry, (<) mornings, with tough mucus in throat, foetid breath and dry cough; throat sore, with sensation of choking, (<) swallowing saliva and after food; hoarseness, cough, with scratching and tickling in trachea, copious and consistent expectoration and dyspnoea.
Rhus-tox [Rhus-t]
Stitching-stinging pain in tonsils, worse when beginning to swallow; throat sore, feels stiff, after straining it; sensation of swelling in throat, with contusive pain, even when talking; cellulitis of neck, parotitis; oesophagitis; whining mood.
Sabadilla [Sabad]
Tonsillitis after coryza; suppuration; right tonsil remains swollen and indurated; when swallowing or not swallowing, feeling in throat of a body which he must swallow down; sensation of a skin hanging loosely in throat, must swallow over it; stitches in throat when swallowing, better from eating warm food.
Sanguinaria [Sang]
Ulcerated sore throat; chronic dryness in the throat, and sensation of swelling in the larynx and expectoration of thick mucus; aphonia, with swelling of the throat; continual severe cough without expectoration, with pain in the head, and circumscribed redness of the cheeks; tormenting cough, with exhaustion; feeling of dryness in the throat, not diminished by drinking; heat in throat relieved by inspirations of cold air.
Senega [Seneg]
Mouth and throat dry; tenacious mucus, difficult to hawk up; scraping and roughness; constriction of fauces; short hacking cough, which tears and scrapes the throat, ENTIRE LOSS OF VOICE, EVEN WHISPERING IS VERY PAINFUL to throat and provokes cough, (<) in fresh air and from walking fast.
Sepia [Sep]
Pain in throat, as if raw, when swallowing; stitching and scraping from empty deglutition; offensive smell from mouth; profuse flow of salty saliva, yet throat is very dry; much mucus in throat with hawking mornings; sensation of a plug in inflamed throat, (<) left side; coldness between shoulders as from a cool hand; painless swellings of lymphatic glands.
Silicea [Sil]
Tough slime in fauces; tonsils swollen, each effort to swallow distorts face; pricking in throat, as from a pin, causing cough; throat feels as if filled up, as if he could not swallow; frequent cough bringing up white, frothy, saltish mucus, (<) towards evening; swallowing difficult, as from paralysis of velum, food gets easily into choanae and is ejected through nose; suppurating tonsils fail to heal.


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