STOMATITIS [Stomatitis]:

AEthusa-cyn [Aeth]
Sensation as if tongue were too long and pressing against teeth; profuse salivation or dryness of mouth; taste bitter; diarrhoea or constipation; infant vomits the milk or substance resembling milk; aphthae are applied; child cries as if from colic; undigested food in stools.
Alumen [Alumn]
Gums swollen and inflamed, spongy, covered with a dirty, gray coating; teeth surrounded by proud flesh; spreading ulcers in mouth; profuse, offensive ptyalism, mercurial or otherwise.
Ammonium-carb [Am-c]
Buccal cavity filled with vesicles and ulcerated depressions; tongue swollen stiff; burning on tongue; tonsils large, bluish; nose stopped up, arousing the child at night; great prostration; hollow cough; sensitive to cold air and drinks.
Apis-mell [Apis]
Rosy-red mouth and fauces; mucous surface swollen; tongue swollen and studded with small blisters, also in clusters on tongue and also its border; mouth and margin of tongue feel scalded; slight thirst.
Arsenicum [Ars]
Malignant ulceration in mouth; edges of tongue, ulcerated; aphthae with violent burning pains; ulcers and blisters turn livid and black; swollen and readily-bleeding gums; looseness of teeth; ptyalism; restlessness and great exhaustion.
Arum-triph [Arum-t]
Great swelling of lining membrane and tongue, will not or cannot open mouth; mouth raw, burning, bleeding; putrid odor; lips as if scalded; lips and nose chapped and bleeding, picks nose and lips; burning-biting sensation in mouth and throat; mercurial or idiopathic salivation; acute stomatitis.
Baptisia [Bapt]
Soreness of teeth and gums, which ooze blood and look dark- purplish; thick and swollen tongue, yellow or brown down centre, with red, shining edges; numb, pricking sensation of tongue, foul breath and bad taste in mouth; sore, ulcerated mouth; CHRONIC MERCURIAL sore mouth; gums loose, flabby, dark-purplish, and intolerable foetor; STOMATITIS MATERNA; CANCRUM ORIS, with profuse salivation, breath foul, offensive stools, feeble state and great prostration; patient can only swallow fluids, even a small lump of thickened milk will cause gagging; chronic ulcers in mouth, extending down alimentary canal, with profuse, watery, foul stools, sore mouth of babies and APHTHAE OR PERSONS IN LAST STAGE OF CONSUMPTION.
Benzoic-acid [Benz-ac]
Extensive ulceration of tongue and inside of cheeks; heat around mouth; tongue is spongy on surface, with deep cracks and spreading ulcers; heat in oesophagus, as from acid eructations; white, foetid, liquid stools; urine deep-red and of very strong odor.
Borax [Bor]
GANGRENOUS STOMATITIS; rapidly-forming ulcers in mouth, tongue and inside of cheeks; bleeding when touched; aphthae with salivation, red blisters on tongue, mucous surface of palate shrivelled; child cries when nursing, lets go the nipple on account of pain; dreads downward motion, is fretful, cries night and day; tenacious mucus in throat; hot urine, with pungent smell; obstinate green stools.
Bryonia [Bry]
MOUTH SO DRY THAT THE CHILD CANNOT NURSE TILL IT IS MOISTENED; dry lips, rough and cracking, with thirst; aphthae, with infantile diarrhoea and open fontanelles, tongue furred, especially in middle; loose stools, painful and undigested.
Calcarea-carb [Calc]
DRY MOUTH ALTERNATING WITH SALIVATION; difficult dentition; tongue pains as if ulcerated; painful blisters on tongue and palate; heat in mouth, with hot breath; sore mouth of children, canker-sores, especially during teething; leucophlegmasia.
Cantharis [Canth]
Burning or smarting vesicles and canker of mouth; great dryness of mouth; constant desire to urinate, passing only a few drops at a time: constipation or diarrhoea; aversion to all kinds of food.
Capsicum [Caps]
Suitable to fat, but flabby, sluggish children; or to phlegmatic, plethoric persons, who lead a sedentary life; teeth dirty and painful; gums hot, burning, swollen, inflamed and sensitive, gums spongy, retracted from teeth; tongue and inside of lips full of flat, sensitive, spreading ulcers; with a lardaceous centre; odor foetid, unbearable, like carrion, saliva viscid, offensive, copious.
Carbo-veg [Carb-v]
Mouth very hot, tongue almost immovable, with escape of bloody saliva; throat falser as if dried with blotting paper; gums recede and bleed easily, oozing of blood, edges of gums yellow, indented, teeth loose and bad smell of ulcers.
Caulophyllum [Caul]
STOMATITIS MATERNA; aphthae sensation of dryness and heat in mouth; distress in fauces, with frequent inclination to swallow; teeth feel sore, elongated; canine hunger, with white-coated tongue; tremulous weakness felt over entire body; great atony.
Chamomilla [Cham]
Excessive fretfulness; child wants to be carried about all the time; gums red and tender during dentition, heat in mouth; thirst for cold water and acid; griping, tearing colic; painful, thin, green stools, like chopped eggs, smelling sour.
China [Chin]
Burning as form pepper on top of tongue, followed by salivation; mouth very moist from an unusual flow of saliva; tongue dotted here and there with yellowish vesicles, some of them broken and looking sore; fauces very red; child in bad humor, hungry, but could not take the breast; salivation, day and night, with great weakness, especially of stomach; looseness of teeth, bad breath; great debility.
Cistus-can [Cist]
Dryness and heat of mouth, swollen and bleeding gums, looseness of teeth, especially adapted to scrofulosis.
Conium [Con]
Gangrene, gray-ashy hue of ulcers; lips and teeth covered with black crusts; drawing pains and fine stitches in gums and teeth.; gums swollen, bluish-red and bleed easily; frequent diarrhoea and copious urination.
Cornus-cir [Corn]
STOMATITIS MATERNA; aphthous stomatitis of children; ulceration of the buccal mucous membrane from a cold or gastric derangement; scrofulous ulceration of the tongue, gums and mouth.
Dulcamara [Dulc]
Rheumatic, also abuse of mercury; with ptyalism and swollen cervical glands, impeding talking, chewing and swallowing; foetid breath; (>) by holding cold water in mouth; CANCRUM ORIS, ulceration trivial, but swelling extreme, with spongy, loose gums and swollen tongue.
Eupatorium-arom [Eup-a]
Great soreness of mouth, especially of tongue, in infants with high color of skin and innumerable red dots or minute papules on face; nervous irritability.
Gelsemium [Gels]
Sore mouth, coincident with febrile and catarrhal states, intermittent or remittent type.
Hamamelis [Ham]
BLEEDING AND SPONGY GUMS; dryness of mouth; burnt sensation on tongue; blisters on the sides of tongue; canker spots near the tip.
Helleborus [Hell]
Canker in mouth, yellowish sores, with raised edges; corners of mouth sore, upper lips cracked; salivation.
Hepar-sulph [Hep]
White aphthous pustules on inside of lips and cheeks and on tongue.
Hydrastis [Hydr]
STOMATITIS MATERNA; mercurial sore mouth; aphthae of children; sticky mouth; excessive secretion of tenacious mucus from the mouth, so profuse that it may be REMOVED IN LONG, TENACIOUS SHREDS; peppery taste in the mouth, dryness of tongue, with sensation as if it had been burnt; it felt raw and sore and had a dark-red appearance with raised papillae.
Iris-vers [Iris]
Painful burning in the mouth and fauces; tongue feels as if it had been scalded; constant discharge of saliva; ulcers on the mucous membrane of the cheeks; hunger with inability to eat; constipation, followed by offensive pancreatic diarrhoea.
Iodum [Iod]
Aphthous eruption in the mouth of offensive odor; copious foetid saliva; nasal catarrh thin, excoriating; gums red and swollen, and receding from teeth, bleeding easily, with small, ash-colored and painful ulcers.
Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]
APHTHOUS ULCERS EATING DEEPLY; stringy mucus in mouth and throat; deep ulcer on edges of tongue; tongue coated thick yellow, edges red and full of small painful ulcers; foul tongue; profuse ptyalism; throat swollen and painful; languor; syphilitic affections of mouth and fauces.
Kali-iod [Kali-i]
Ulcerative condition of gums, tongue and cheeks, attended with swelling, bloody saliva; burning vesicles on tongue; irregular ulcers, looking as if coated with milk; nasal catarrh, especially in nursing women.
Kali-mur [Kali-m]
Follicular stomatitis, with extreme foetor; gums bleed easily; feeling of coldness on tongue; whole mucous surface red and tumid, and on cheeks and lips numerous gray-based ulcers; profuse secretion of acid saliva; thin, liquid stools; glands enlarged and tender.
Lachesis [Lach]
Bluish ulcers, blood oozing from gums, which look dark-red and purplish; salivation, foetor; tongue dry, red and glistening, especially at the tip, sides and tip covered with blisters; fluids return through nose; can bear no clothing to touch face and neck; offensive stools; urine of a strong odor, with perspiration in axillae.
Lycopodium [Lyc]
Sores near the fraenum of tongue, feeling scalded and raw;; ulcers on and under tongue; putrid breath, especially mornings; gums bleed violently when touched; TEETH EXCESSIVELY PAINFUL TO TOUCH AND OF BAD COLOR; faintish at certain hours of the day.
Mercurius [Merc]
Red, spongy, RECEDING, ulcerated gums with BURNING PAINS AT NIGHT, and soreness, especially when touched; LOOSE TEETH, INFLAMED,SORE, ULCERATED TONGUE AND MOUTH, somewhat covered with aphthae; foetid, cadaverous smell from the mouth and ulcers; profuse discharge of foetid and even bloody saliva, with ulceration of the orifice of the stenonian duct; the tongue is swollen, stiff, hard, or moist and covered with white mucus; pale face and chills; burning diarrhoeic stools; induration of tongue by teeth; scurvy.
Mercurius-cor [Merc-c]
Mouth terribly swollen; lips swollen and everted; ptyalism; nose sore and stuffed up with a gluey secretion.
Muriatic-acid [Mur-ac]
DEEP-BLUE ULCERS; painful, burning blisters on tongue; deep ulcers on tongue with black bases and everted edges; mucous lining of lips inflamed, red and painful, stripped of epithelium and dotted with whitish points; copious salivation; foetid breath; excessive prostration.
Natrum-mur [Nat-m]
Swollen, readily-bleeding gums, with great sensitiveness to cold and warm substances; ulcers and blisters in the mouth, on the tongue and gums, with burning pains and impeded speech; ptyalism, rigidity of the tongue, especially on one side.
Nitric-acid [Nit-ac]
YELLOW ulcers; pricking pains in mouth, as form a splinter; sores on inner sides of cheeks; blisters and vesicles on and around lips; bleeding, white and swollen gums; loose teeth; sore mouth, with stinging pains; foetid smell from the mouth; ptyalism.
Nitro-muriatic-acid [Nit-m-ac]
(Aqua regia). - Excoriations never reach deeper than cuticle, over interior surface of mouth and tongue, without any foetor, but burning sensation in mouth and down oesophagus, ptyalism, feeling of lowness and depression.
Nux-vomica [Nux-v]
Suitable to thin persons of lively temper and sedentary habits, especially for foul and painful swelling of the gums, with burning or beating pains, foetid ulcers, pimples and painful blisters in the mouth, on the gums, palate and tongue; ptyalism at night, bloody saliva; tongue white and thickly coated with mucus; foetid odor from the mouth; pale face, with sunken cheeks and dim eyes; emaciation; constipation; angry, irritable mood. Stomach ache of gastric origin.
Phytolacca [Phyt]
Mercurial ptyalism; inflammation and ulceration of the buccal cavity; tenderness and heat in the roof of the mouth and on the tongue; yellowish saliva of a metallic taste; tongue feels rough, with blisters on both sides and very red tip; teeth feel very sore and elongated; secretion from mouth, throat and salivary glands much increased, and of a thick, tenacious, ropy consistency; teeth clenched; lips everted and firm; great pain at root of tongue when swallowing.
Plumbum [Plb]
Aphthae, dirty-looking ulcers and purple blotches in mouth and on tip of tongue; teeth turn black; gums swollen, painful, with hard tubercles, show a lead-colored line; sweetish saliva; urine often dribbles, is high-colored and foetid.
Podophyllum [Podo]
Copious salivation; offensive odor from the mouth; soreness of the mouth and tongue on waking in the morning; stomatitis materna; tongue red, dry, cracked, somewhat swollen and often bleeding.
Ranunculus-scel [Ran-s]
Mapped tongue, denuded patches on tongue, the remainder being coated, with burning and rawness; smarting in palate and fauces; ptyalism.
Rhus-ven [Rhus-v]
INTENSE REDNESS of the mucous membrane of the tongue, cheeks and fauces, with small vesicular points, with the feeling as if the mouth and throat had been scalded.
Sinapis-alba [Sin-a]
Sore mouth, accompanied by hot, burning sore eructations; little white ulcers surrounded by red mucous membrane; ulcers on tongue, with violent burning pain, making even bland food and drink unbearable.
Staphisagria [Staph]
Pale white, ulcerated, or painful and swollen gums; READILY BLEEDING SPONGY EXCRESCENCES on the gums and in the mouth; mouth and tongue are ulcerated and covered with blisters; discharge of saliva, which is at times bloody; stinging pains on the tongue; sickly complexion, with sunken cheeks, hollow eyes, surrounded with blue rings, swelling of the cervical glands, and blisters under the tongue.
Sulphur [Sulph]
Readily-bleeding, receding and swollen gums, with beating pains; blisters and aphthae in the mouth and on the tongue with burning and soreness, especially when eating; foetid and sour smell from the mouth; ptyalism or bloody saliva; tongue thickly coated, whitish or brownish; slimy, greenish stools, with tenesmus; rash; restlessness at night, etc.
Sulphuric-acid [Sul-ac]
Aphthae; swollen, ulcerated and readily-bleeding gums; profuse ptyalism; great weakness; ECCHYMOSIS; yellowish white gums; skin yellow; patient nervous, hasty, constantly complains of trembling, which is not observed by others; great weakness and exhaustion.
Syphilinum [Syph]
Nursing sore mouth in women with a syphilitic taint in them; smarting, burning sores in mouth with disgusting foetor oris.
Thuja [Thuj]
Aphthae; ulcers in mouth; gums swollen, inflamed, dark red in streaks; mucous tubercles in fauces.


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