STRICTURE OF URETHRA [Stricture of Urethra]:


Aconite [Acon]
Painful, anxious urging to urinate; burning and tenesmus of neck of bladder; itching of prepuce,pinching and piercing in glans on urinating , (<) at night and in warm room, (>) in open air and when sitting still.
Belladonna [Bell]
Retention of urine, which is scanty fiery-red or dark and turbid;spasmodic stricture, difficult discharge of a few drops of bloody urine; (>) while standing.
Clematis [Clem]
Long-lasting contraction and constriction of urethra, urine passes only in drops ; frequent and scanty micturition; great burning at the commencement of urination; when urinating urethra is painful to touch; (<) at night and from heat of bed. Coffea [Coff] Hysterical cases, little sufferings seem unbearable; excited sexual organs, but without seminal emission,(>) from cold water applications.
Erigeron-can [Erig]
Haemorrhage from bladder or urethra.
Iodum [Iod]
Stricture with obstinate retention of urine, which is dark, thick, ammoniacal.
Mercurius [Merc]
Purulent, greenish discharge, haemorrhage from urethra; constant desire to urinate but none passes, or red brown urine, extremely turbid and smelling sour.
Nitric-acid [Nit-ac]
Stricture resulting from gonorrhoea or syphilis; discharge of bloody mucus from urethra;foetid or greenish urine; burning in urethra during micturition, with violent pain after frequent itching of gland.
Nux-vomica [Nux-v]
Pressing pain in meatus, between the acts of micturition, accompanied by shuddering; sharp pressure, as with a cutting instrument,in forepart of urethra, painful ineffectual desire too urinate.
Pulsatilla [Puls]
Stricture of urethra from suppressed gonorrhoea;itching burning on inner side of prepuce;painful and scanty emission of slimy and sanguinolent urine, which deposits a purulent-looking sediment.
Silicea [Sil]
Desire to urinate, with scanty emission and smarting of urethra; pressure on bladder when urinating, with subsequent burning;redness of prepuce, near corona, as if excoriated;desire to urinate, something scanty emission or again a copious flow.
Sulphur [Sulph]
Retention of urine; discharge of urine only by drops; foetid urine, with greasy pellicle on it; haemorrhage from urethra; stitches in bladder; cutting pain in urethra when urinating; secondary gonorrhoea; coldness of penis; (<) after midnight, in bed from water and washing; (>) from motion, heat and dry weather.
Thuj [Thuj]
Stitches in urethra when urging to urinate; sensation as if a drop were running through urethra; impotence after gonorrhoea; (<) in cold wet weather and from heat of bead; (>) in warm wet weather.


  1. Stricture Urithra

    Problem was detected in 2005,
    started homeopathy treatment in hapur continued soo long.
    In 2011 decided to be operated and done urithroplasty open
    again follow up by urithrotomy in 2012 continued dilation for next 1 year.

    Now the problem reocurred, Wanted some solid treatment in homeopathy.

    Pl. revert

    1. Start with Nitric acid 200c, take just 2 pills and wait for 15 days.


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