- A.W. Cowperthwaite.

Natural order - Compositae. Common names - Purple corn flower.

Through its action upon the cerebro-spinal system Echinacea stimulates to increased activity every organ and function of the entire system. Secretion, exertion, absorption, assimilation and general nutrition are all increased and the functional activities of the body are all improved and regulated. Through this action in cases of auto-infection farther infection is prevented and resulting disturbances of the system are corrected. Especially when retrograde metabolism, tissue waste, is occurring is its action most pronounced, stimulating tissues to normal conditions with surprising effectiveness. That this results form positive effects upon the lymphatic system and the blood is quite probable. The latter is rapidly strengthened and purified as is evident from the disappearance of anaemic symptoms and the restoration to a normal color of those who from any cause presented a sallow, pallid or dingy appearance of the skin. Notwithstanding this important action of Echinacea, the drug is apparently non-toxic, and outside of its prompt functional effects, it has no influence over organs or tissues. Very few objective symptoms are obtained from large doses. Those given later on are almost exclusively of clinical origin. The foregoing description of the action of Echinacea so far as known removes to a great extent from the realms of empiricism the very common and successful use of the drug in the treatment of the symptoms of blood poisoning and septic conditions in general, not or traumatic origin. Typhoid fever; Diphtheria; Scarlet fever; Erysipelas; Gangrene; Puerperal sepsis; Appendicitis; Cerebro- spinal meningitis; Malignant diseases in general; snake bites; bites of poisonous animals and insects; Rhus poisoning, and other poisonous plants; ulcers; bed sores, carbuncles, etc., given internally and applied locally. Foul-smelling discharges from any source. Valuable as a local cleansing and antiseptic wash.
Head Headache, with a peculiar periodical flushing of the face, even to the neck; dizziness and profound prostration. Nose. Foul-smelling discharge; membranous formation protruding. Mouth. Canker, gums recede and bleed easily, corners of mouth and lips crack; tongue dry and swollen; sordes. Tongue, lips, and fauces tingle, with sense of fear about heart (Acon.). White coating of tongue, with red edges. Stomach Sour belching and heartburn. Nausea; better lying down. Throat Tonsils purple or black, gray exudation extending to posterior nares and air-passages. Respiratory Organs. Pain as of a lump in chest and under sternum. Pain in pectoral muscles. Urinary Organs Albuminous, scanty, frequent and involuntary. Female Organs. Puerperal septicaemia; discharges suppressed; abdomen sensitive and tympanitic. Skin. Recurring boils. Carbuncle. Lymphatics enlarged. Fever Chilliness, with nausea. Cold flashes all over back. Compare Arsen., Baptisia., Lach., Rhus.


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