- A.W. Cowperthwaite.

Synonym - Hepar Sulfuris Calcareum. Preparation - An impure

Acts especially upon the lymphatic glandular system, the skin and the respiratory mucous membrane; in the glands, producing enlargement and suppuration; in the skin, ulcers, eczematous eruptions, unhealthy skin, etc.; on the respiratory mucous membrane, catarrhal conditions, mostly of a croupous character. Dr. Allen says that Hepar "stimulates Mercury in its action on the glandular system, especially on the liver and kidneys; Sulphur, in its action on the skin and mucous membrane of the intestinal tract; Calcarea, in affecting the respiratory tract, and all of the foregoing in its general action on the connective tissue." The most essential feature of Hepar Sulph. is its tendency to promote suppuration.
Mind. Over-sensitiveness and irritability, with quick, hasty speech; sadness and bitter crying. Great weakness of memory (Anac., Kreos., Lach., Natr. mur., Nux m.) Head Vertigo when closing the eyes at siesta. Sticking headache; waking at night, with confusion, as if the head would burst. Tensive headache above the nose (Ign., Kali bi.). Constant pressive pain in one-half of the brain, as from a plug or a nail. Aching in the forehead like a boil. Pressive pain externally in right side of occiput, gradually extending to the nape of the neck, throat and shoulder blades. Boils on the head and neck, very sore on contact. Humid eruptions, feeling sore; of foetid odor; itching violently on rising in the morning; burning and sore on scratching (Graph., Merc., Nitr. ac., Sulph.). Nodosities on the head, sore to the touch. Falling off of the hair (Graph., Lyc., Nit. ac., Phos.). Eyes. Inflammation of the eyes and lids, sore to touch; lachrymation. Eyes ache from bright daylight, when moving them. Pressure in the eyes, as from sand (Ars., Caust., Sulph.). Agglutination of the lids at night (Graph., Lyc., Merc., Puls.); secretion of hardened mucus. Spasmodically closed eyelids (Merc.) in the morning. Smarting pain in external canthus. Pressing pain in eyeballs; they feel bruised when touched. Ulcers and specks on the cornea (Merc., Nitr. ac., Sil). Dimness of sight by candle- light. Blindness before the eyes on rising up after sitting bent over. Ears. Itching in the ears (Baryt. c., Sulph., Sil). Discharge of foetid pus form the ears (Aur., Bovis., Graph., Merc.). Scurfs on and behind the ears (Psor.). Nose. Sense of smell extremely sensitive (Agar., Bell., Coff. c., Colch., Lyc., Graph.); lost. Catarrh, with inflammatory swelling of the nose, which pains like a boil (Bell.). Discharge of bloody, offensive mucus from the nose (Graph., Thuja). Bones of the nose painful to the touch (Alum., Aur., Bry., Merc., Nitr. ac.). Face Yellow color of the face (Chel., Natr. mur., Sep.). Heat and redness of the face. Erysipelatous swelling of the cheeks (Bell., Graph., Lach., Rhus tox.). Bones of the face painful to touch (Carb. v., Kali bi.). Boils on lips, chin and neck, very painful to touch. Great swelling of the upper lip (Apis, Bell., Calc. c.), very painful to touch. Mouth. Toothache after drinking cold things, or opening the mouth; worse from biting teeth together. Offensive odor from the mouth (Arn., Iodi., Kreos., Nitr. ac., Nux v.). Aphthous ulcers on the gums and in the mouth (Borax, Hell., Iodi.), with base resembling lard (Merc.). Bitter taste in the mouth (Ars., Bry., Nux v., Puls.). Bitterness in back of throat, with natural taste of food. Throat Pressive and constrictive sensation in throat. Smarting rawness and scraping in the throat. Stitches in the throat extending to the ear (Bell., Kali bi.); worse on swallowing (Bry.); on turning the head. Fear of constriction, suffocation. Sensation as if a fish bone (Kali carb.) or a splinter were sticking in the throat (Alum., Arg. nit, Nitr. ac.). Sensation of a plug or internal swelling in throat when swallowing (Baryt. c., Kali bi.). Stomach Great desire for vinegar (Abies can., Sep.) and sour pungent things (Acon., Ant. tart., Cinch., Phos., Ptel., Verat. alb.). Disgust for food, especially fat (Ptel., Puls.). Eructations after eating. Stomach painful on walking, as if it hung loose. Nausea and vomiting every morning; of bile. Distension of pit of stomach; has to loosen the clothing (Lach., Lyc.). Gnawing in stomach as from acids, which also rises up into the throat. Pressure in the stomach after eating a little. Hunger in the forenoon (Sulph.). Abdomen. Contractive, clawing pains in the abdomen around the navel, in paroxysms (Coloc.), with nausea and heat of the cheeks. Abdomen distended and tense (Ant. crud., Cham., Cinch.). Rumbling in the abdomen (Agar., Aloe, Lyc., Sulph.). Stitches in the hepatic region. Swelling and suppuration of the inguinal glands; buboes. Stool and Anus. Faeces not hard, but expelled with great difficulty (Carb. v., Cinch.). Stools sour smelling (Podo., Rumex); greenish; clay- colored (Bell., Calc. c., Dolich., Podo., Myrica). Protrusion of hemorrhoids. Burning in rectum. Urinary Organs. Inflammation and redness of the orifice of the urethra (Can. sat.). Weakness of the bladder; enuresis (Caust., Sep.). Weakness of the bladder; enuresis (Caust., Sep.) Micturition impeded; has to wait awhile before urine passes; flow intermittent (Coni., Clem); cannot empty the bladder thoroughly; urine drops down vertically without force. Urine dark-red and hot; milky; turbid bloody; acrid, burning, corroding the prepuce; pale and clear; on standing becomes turbid and thick, and deposits a white sediment (Calc. c., Colch., Graph.). Male Organs. Chancre-like ulcers on the prepuce (Merc., Nitr. ac., Phyt.). Excoriation and humid soreness on genitals, and in fold between scrotum and thighs (Graph., Rhus tox.). Discharge of prostatic fluid after micturition or hard stool. Female Organs. Ulcers of uterus or mammae; stinging, burning edges; smelling like old cheese. Leucorrhoea with decayed odor. Discharge of blood between the menses. Respiratory Organs. Dyspnoea; weakness of larynx and chest; cannot speak aloud (Puls., Spong., Stan.). Hoarse, dry cough (Bell., Nux v.). Deep, rough, barking cough (Spong.). Cough caused by being uncovered, or any portion of body becoming cold (Rhus tox.); eating or drinking anything cold; tightness of breath; tickling in throat (Phos., Rumex, Sang., Sep.); cold air; crying; talking (Cinch., Nux v., Phos.) Cough which provokes vomiting (Ant. tart., Ipec.). Paroxysms of dry cough in evening. Croup with loose, rattling cough. Croup after dry, cold wind (Acon., Spong.), with swelling below the larynx, and great sensitiveness to cold air or water. Tenacious mucus in chest. Soreness in chest. Weakness of chest; cannot talk from weakness. Limbs. Drawing pains in all the limbs. Upper Limbs. Suppuration of the axillary glands (Sil.). Pain as from a bruise in bones of the arm. Skin of the hands cracked, rough and dry (Ars., Graph). Lower Limbs. Hip-joint feels sore, as if sprained, when walking (Arn.). Pain in nates and posterior part of thighs when sitting. Bruised pain in thighs; in knee. Swelling of knee, ankles and feet (Apis, Ars., Digit.). Cracks in the feet. Stitches in great toe. Generalities. Fainting from slight pains (Nux m.). General exhaustion. Sensitiveness to the air (Aur., Coccul., Sep., Sil.), with chilliness and frequent nausea. Glands inflamed, swell and suppurate (Graph., Merc.). Caries of bone (Kali bi., Mez., Staph.). Rheumatic swelling with heat, redness and sensation as if sprained. General aggravation from dry, cold winds. Skin. Unhealthy, suppurating skin; even slight injuries maturate and suppurate (Borax, Cham., Graph., Sil.). Eruptions very sensitive, sore to the touch. Eczema, spreading by means of new pimples appearing just above the old parts. Ulcers very sensitive to contact, easily bleeding (Asaf., Merc., Mez., Sulph.); burning or stinging edges; discharge corroding, smelling like old cheese; little pimples surrounding the principal ulceration. Sleep. Great sleepiness towards evening. Excess of thoughts prevents sleep after midnight. Anxious dreams of fires, etc. Fever. Chilliness in the open air. Pains aggravated during the febrile chill at night. Fever accompanying catarrhal conditions. Sweats easily, by even slight motion (Calc. c., Phos., Sep., Sil). Profuse, sour smelling offensive sweat (Arn., Ars., Carb. an., Sil). Night sweats (Calc. c., Cinch., Phos., Phos. ac., Sil.). Constant offensive exhalations from the body. Conditions. Ailments after west or northwest winds. Compare Ant. tart., Ars., Bell., Bry., Calc. c., Iodi., Kali bi., Lyc., Merc., Nitr. ac., Phos., Puls., Sep., Sil., Spong., Sulph.; after Hepar may be indicated: Bell., Nitr. ac., Spong. and Sil.; while these may precede it; Bell., Lach., Sil., Spong. and Zinc. Antidote. Vinegar, Bell., Cham., Sil. 26 Hepar Sulphur Antidotes. Mercurial and other metallic preparations; Iodine, and particularly the Iodide of Potash.
Undoubtedly the most generally acknowledged therapeutic value of Hepar is in its power to promote suppuration, whether in abscesses, glands or elsewhere. For this purpose it has long been used in homoeopathic practice, and has since been adopted by all schools of medicine. In all inflammations with threatened suppuration after Bell. has failed to bring abut resolution, and Merc. to cause absorption, or when no remedies have been employed, Hepar may be given in a high potency and prevent suppuration, but its chief use is in those cases where suppuration is inevitable, and it is desirable to hasten the process, under which circumstances the drug should always be given in a low potency. In all inflammations, whether suppurative or otherwise, in which Hepar is indicated there is always extreme sensitiveness of the affected part to the touch, and usually sharp, splinter-like pains. As this suppurative power of Hepar is universal, affecting all tissues and parts of the body, it is unnecessary to recapitulate the various localities or name the individual suppurative diseases in which it is useful. In a line with this suppurative action of Hepar comes its useful in cases where form impurity of the blood the skin becomes unhealthy, and e very cut or hurt suppurates. It is also useful in moist eruptions, especially eczema, which are sore, have foetid discharges, and bleed easily. Ulcers, sensitive to touch, foetid discharges, easily bleeding, etc. Skin diseases and suppurative processes resulting from the abuse of Mercury. Secondary syphilis. Probably the most important clinical use of Hepar is in croupous inflammations, especially of the respiratory tract. In laryngitis, and bronchitis, with loose rattling cough. In croup with great hoarseness, whistling breathing, and hard barking cough, accompanied by a rattling of mucus, the latter differentiating from Spongia, and the absence of a dry, hot skin, from Aconite, the Hepar patient being usually moist Spongia well. The respiratory troubles of Hepar usually arise from exposure to dry, cold west or northwest winds. A very characteristic general symptom of Hepar, and which is quite prominent in respiratory diseases, in a great sensitiveness to the slightest cold air, which, with a tendency to easy and profuse sweating, indicates the drug in many diseases. Often indicated and very valuable in pneumonia, especially chronic with profuse purulent expectoration. Late stage of pleuritis. Pulmonary phthisis; abscess of the lungs. Hepar is useful in a variety of eye diseases, especially of a scrofulous nature, and when there is a suppurative tendency, with general Hepar symptoms. Conjunctivitis with profuse muco-purulent discharge. Blepharitis. Inflammations of margins of lids and the meibomian glands. Ulcers of the cornea. Kerato-iritis. Otitis, with discharge of foetid, bloody pus; especially after Mercury. Nasal catarrh, with offensive bloody discharge. Ozoena, bones of nose very sensitive; inflamed and swollen nostrils. Aphthous ulcers on mouth and jaws. Unhealthy gums, bleed easily. Tonsilitis in suppurative stage, with characteristic splinter-like sticking pains, and other Hepar symptoms. Atonic dyspepsia, especially after Mercury, with desire for sour pungent things, etc. Chronic intestinal catarrh, with inactivity of rectum, soft stools requiring great effort (Alumina); stools sour and usually of a greenish color. Liver troubles, with clay-colored stools. Atony of the bladder, micturition slow, cannot empty the bladder thoroughly; enuresis. In the genital system Hepar is seldom useful except when its characteristic eruptions or suppurative process are present, such as have already been mentioned. Often a valuable remedy in marasmus of children with the characteristic diarrhoea above mentioned, weak digestion, sensitive to cold air, etc. Very useful in catarrhal fever, without high temperature, and with sensitiveness to slightest cold, easy and profuse sweating, etc.


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