KALI BICHROMICUM:Acts prominently upon the mucous membranes, especially of the respiratory and alimentary tracts.

- A.W. Cowperthwaite.

Common name.-Bichromate of Potash. Preparation.-Trituration

Acts prominently upon the mucous membranes, especially of the respiratory and alimentary tracts, and to a less extent of the uterus, producing catarrhal inflammations, characterized by an excessive secretion of mucous, which is viscid and tough in its character. This action at times goes on to erosion and ulceration; or, in the respiratory tract, to the formation of false membranes. The drug also acts to a considerable extent upon the glandular system, especially thee liver and kidneys, producing sympathetic disturbances in the former, and acute inflammation of the kidneys with albuminuria, and upon the skin and fibrous tissues and periosteum, its action in general representing congestion, disorganization and even destruction of the parts.
Head. Vertigo, with nausea and inclination to vomit, when rising from a seat (Bry., Sulph.). Confusion and heaviness in the head. In morning, on awaking (Natr. mur.), pain in the forehead and vertex; later extends to the back of the head. Violent shooting pain from root of nose along left orbital arch to extreme angle of eye, with dim sight, like a scale on the eye; begins in morning, increase until noon, and ceases towards evening. Frontal headache, usually over on eye (Sang.). Bones of the head feel sore (Merc., Nitr. ac., phos. ac.). Eyes. Inflammation, with yellow discharge, and agglutination in thee morning (Merc., Puls., Sulph.). In the eyes, itching heat; burning; pressure (Acon., Ars., Merc., Sulph.). Photophobia with lachrymation and burning (Ars.); worse evening and night, with pain as from sand in the eyes. Margins of lids very red, raw feeling, roughness of margins, so that winking causes rubbing of the balls; dryness; burning pain; itching. Redness of conjunctiva, with lachrymation. Pustules on conjunctiva; on cornea (Merc., Nitr. ac., Sil.). Long-lasting, dense opacities of the cornea. Ears. Violent stitches in the lift ear (Ars., Sulph.), extending into roof of mouth, side of head and neck; glands swollen; neck painful to touch (Hep. s.,Merc.). Nose. Ulceration of thee septum narium (Alum., Aur., Nitr. ac.); purulent inflammation of the whole nasal mucous membrane (Graph., Merc., Nitr. ac., Sil.). Formation of hard plugs in the nostrils. Tough, stringy discharge from the nose (Kali iod.). Coryza fluent, excoriating nose and lips (Ars., Cepa); discharge of mucus streaked with light-colored blood. Shooting from root of nose along frontal sinuses. Great dryness of the nose (Bell., Graph.), with feeling of pressure in nasal bones; also extending along frontal sinuses with soreness and burning. Sensation as if the nose were swollen and stiff; must blow out a thick substance, but no discharge; feels as if a heavy weight were hanging from it. Pressure or pressive pain at root of nose (Acon., Merc., Iod., Natr. ars.). On blowing nose, violent stitches in right side of nose, as though two loose bones were rubbed against each other. Soreness in the nose; scabs on septum (Alum., Ant crud., Aur., Graph., Nitr. ac.). Face. Pale, yellowish complexion; acne. Bones of face sensitive, painful, as if bruised (Hep. s., Nitr. ac.). Ulcers on the lips, with indurated edges and smarting. Mouth. Tongue smooth, red and cracked (Bell., Rhus tox.); dry and red (Bapt.); coated thick, whitish yellow (Podo., Merc., Nux v.). Painful ulcers on the tongue; aphthae. Dryness in the mouth (Ailanth., Ant. crud., Ars., Bry., Nux m., Hyos.). Viscid, sticky saliva in mouth and upper part of throat (Merc. cor.). Throat. Hawking of much thick, tenacious mucus in the morning (Alum.., Amm. carb.); and gelatinous. Deep excavated sore, with a reddish areola, and containing a yellow, tenacious matter at the root of the uvula. Uvula and tonsils red, swollen, painful (Bell.), and finally ulcerated (Apis, Merc.), surrounding tissues dark, livid and swollen (Ailanth., Bapt.). OEdematous uvula. Dryness in fauces in morning on waking with painful swallowing. Sensation if a hair in the fauces (on tongue, Natr. mur.). Sensation of a plug in the throat; not relieved by swallowing (Baryt. c., Bell., Hep. s.). Sharp, shooting pains in the left tonsil, extending toward the ear (Agar., Bell., Cepa, Hep. s.); relieved by swallowing. Stomach. Complete loss of appetite (Alum., Ars., Cinch., Natr. mur., Sulph.). Great thirst, especially for acid drinks (Cinch., Hep. s.); longing for beer. Sudden nausea; with hot eructations and sweetish flat salivation. Vomiting of a thin, pinkish, glairy fluid; sour; undigested; bile. Heartburn; in evening after tea; after dinner; in night. Burning pain in pit of stomach extending into throat and mouth. Pressure and heaviness in the stomach immediately after eating (Bry., Nux v., Puls.). Indigestion; stomach diseased by meat. Pains, uneasiness in stomach, alternate with pains in limbs. Gastric symptoms supersede the rheumatic. Abdomen. Stitches in right hypochondrium (Bry., Kali c.); in region of spleen (Bry., Kali c.); through abdomen, extending to spinal column. Distension of the abdomen. Stool and Anus. Burning pain in anus; after stool; in forenoon with pressure. Sensation of a plug in anus in afternoon when sitting. Fullness of haemorrhoidal vessels. Diarrhoea; Profuse; liquid; involuntary; of mucus and blood. Dysentery; stool consisting of brown, frothy water (Ars., Rumex), or bloody, with painful pressure, urging and tenesmus. Periodical dysentery every year. Constipation; stool scanty and lumpy, followed by burning and pressure in thee anus. Urinary Organs. When urinating burning in bulbus urethra; in glands of urethra; in fossa navicularis. Some time in passing urine. Frequent micturition, with burning after urinating. scanty red urine, with pain across the back. Scanty urine, with copious whitish or mucous deposit. Male Organs. Absence of sexual desire. Chancres ulcerating deeply. Stitches in prostate when walking; must stand still; prostatic fluid escapes at stool. Gleet, with stringy or jelly-like profuse discharge. Female Organs. Menses too early, with giddiness, nausea and headache. Leucorrhoea, yellow, ropy (Hydras.); pain and weakness across the small of back, and dull, heavy pains in hypogastrium. Respiratory Organs. Hoarseness and accumulation of large quantities of mucus in the larynx (Rumex, Samb.), in the morning. Tickling in larynx causing hawking, coughing and clearing the throat; tickling extending into mouth and ears. Rough, hoarse voice (Carb. v.). "Stuffing" cough, with pain in the chest and expectoration of yellow or yellowish green though matter. Expectoration of very tough mucus (Phos.), so viscid that it drew in strings down to the feet. Cough hoarse, metallic; false membrane formed, difficult to detach (Brom., Iod.), with expectoration of stringy mucus; coughs up casts of elastic fibrinous nature; loud mucous rales; wheezing, rattling in sleep. Dry hacking cough; in the evening; with hoarseness; with stitches in the chest; dyspnoea; wheezing and panting; with tightness at bifurcation of bronchia; as if mucous membranes were thickened. Stitches in sides of chest; in region of left nipple. Cough caused by tickling in larynx; by irritation in trachea; by tickling at bifurcation of bronchi. Cough worse undressing; morning on waking; after eating; deep inspiration; better after getting warm in bed; when exercising. Back. Pain in small of back, especially in the morning Pain in coccyx while sitting. Limbs Rheumatic pains in limbs. Upper Limbs. Bones of hands as if bruised, when pressed; ulcers on fingers, with caries. P psoriasis diffusa of hands, degenerating into impetigo. Lower Limbs. Pain in course of left sciatic nerve, from behind great trochanter to calf; pressure on nerve causes shooting along whole leg. Tearing in right tibia. Soreness in heels when walking. Ulcers on previously inflamed feet. Generalities. Great prostration (Ars., Cinch., Phos.). Pains in small spots, which can be covered by point of finger. Drawing, tearing pains fly rapidly from one place to another (Benzoic., Led., puls.); better on moving the affected parts. Bones feel bruised; caries (Asaf., Hep. s., Mez., Phos. ac..). Drawing in various parts; in sheaths of muscles; near bones, as if in periosteum; in neck, back and limbs; in morning on waking, better on rising. Weakness and discomfort; mornings. General sick feeling; afternoons. Indisposition, better in thee open air, with nausea. Most symptoms aggravated in the morning. Diphtheritic formations on mucous membranes. Plastic exudations of ropy, stringy mucus. Skin. Papular eruptions, especially on forearms. Ulceration deep, as if cut out with a punch, edges regular. Ulcers especially painful in cold weather. Conditions. Especially useful in fat, light-haired persons; fat, chubby children. Compare.. Ars., Ant.. crud.., Brom.., Hep. s., Iod., Kali iod., Lach., Merc., Mez., Nitr. ac., Phytol., Puls., Sil., Spong. Antidotes.. Ars., Lach., Puls.
Kali bich, is an invaluable remedy in the treatment of catarrhal conditions of any part, especially when characterized by a discharge of tenacious stringy mucus. An excellent remedy in catarrhal conjunctivitis with symptoms already described, the inflammation being rather indolent in character. Small deep ulcers in cornea, with tendency to perforation. Subacute scrofulous inflammation of the cornea and iris. Acute iritis, later stages, especially syphilitic. Inflammation and ulceration of the middle ear, involving the tympanum, sharp, stitching pains shooting into the nape and neck; glands swollen. A most valuable remedy in nasal catarrh, either acute or chronic, with characteristic discharge; nose obstructed; heavy pressive pain at root of nose, or shooting pains from root of nose along frontal sinuses; ulceration; sometimes hard plugs form in nostrils, and when detached leave am eroded pr i;ulcerated surface; dropping of mucus from the posterior nares (Hydr.). Equally valuable in catarrhal inflammation of the throat and fauces; accumulation of much thick, tenacious mucus, difficult to detach; posterior wall of pharynx dry, dark and livid. Ulcers in pharynx, small and deep; with foetid cheesy exudation. Also inflammation of uvula and tonsils, finally ulcerating. Follicular pharyngitis. Follicular tonsilitis. Diphtheria, membrane tenacious, thick and yellow, like wash-leather. In all throat troubles a shooting pain from the throat to the ear is characteristic. Syphilitic ulceration of fauces, surrounding parts of a coppery-red color. Gastric catarrh, vomiting a thin glairy mucus. Dyspepsia; especially in drunkards; from malt liquors. Acid dyspepsia. Gastric symptoms supersede rheumatism. Gastric and rheumatic symptoms alternate. Round perforating ulcer of the stomach. Gastro-intestinal catarrh with stringy mucous discharges; sour or bilious vomiting. Duodenal catarrh, symptoms agreeing. Dysentery occurring periodically every year, in the spring or early summer; tongue dry, red and cracked; with characteristic stools and other symptoms already given. Urethritis with symptoms noted under "Urinary Organs." Nephritis. Venereal ulcers or chancres, deep, with offensive cheesy exudation. Leucorrhoea, yellow, ropy, can be drawn out in strings. Pruritus vulva. Kali bich, is especially useful in catarrhal affections of the lower air passages. Subacute or chronic laryngeal catarrh, with hoarseness and profuse accumulation of tenacious mucus. A most valuable remedy in membranous croup, especially in the later stages; hoarse metallic cough, labored breathing, tenacious expectoration, causing gagging and efforts to vomit, little or no fever. Subacute or chronic bronchitis with cough and other symptoms already noted under their proper heads. Asthma dependent on bronchiectasis, with characteristic exudation. Asthma, worse from 3 to 4 A.M., liable to recur in winter weather, or in chilly weather during summer. Neuralgia of the coccyx, worse when sitting. Sciatica, left side. Syphilitic periostitis. Syphilitic ulceration of the tongue. Aphthae. The ulceration of Kali bich. is very characteristic, being deep as if cut out with a punch, edges regular (superficial and widespread, Merc.). Has been found useful in lupus. Popular eruptions. Measles with characteristic catarrhal symptoms of eyes and respiratory organs already mentioned. Sometimes useful in rheumatism, especially of fingers and wrists, occurring in cool weather during spring or summer. Ailments from vapors of Arsenic; from Merc., especially the Iodide of Mercury.


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