KALI CHLORICUM:Acts as a violent irritant upon the mucous membranes, especially of the gastro-intestinal tract.

- A.W. Cowperthwaite.

Synonym.-Potassium Chlorate. Common name.-Chlorate of Potash.

Acts as a violent irritant upon the mucous membranes, especially of the gastro-intestinal tract, where it causes acute ulcerative stomatitis, the whole mucous surface becoming red and tumid, while in the cheeks, lips, etc., it produces numerous gray-based ulcers. It also acts upon the salivary glands, causing a profuse secretion of acrid saliva. It may also cause ulceration of the stomach and bowels, and dysentery with gangrenous tendencies, and accompanied with profound prostration. It also acts upon the kidneys, causing at first diuresis and afterwards suppression of urine and violent nephritis. Like all the potash salts, though in a greater degree, it depresses the heart's action even to paralysis, rapidly diminishes the bodily temperature.
Mind. Alternate states of cheerfulness and ill-humor. Head. Confusion in head and vertigo. Tension in forehead with sneezing and coryza. Crusta lactea, sore or scalded head of children. Eyes. Luminous appearance before eyes when coughing or sneezing. Congestion to the eyes, they feel irritated; redness in evening with pain. Conjunctivitis and Keratitis (scrofulous) with a formation of phlyctenulae, but only superficial. Nose. Violent coryza, sneezing and profuse secretion of mucus. Bleeding of nose; at night; from right nostril. Face. Pale, bluish. Livid. Suffering expression. Tensive drawing in left cheek near orbital margin. Lightning like neuralgic pains in face, left side, worse from talking, eating or slightest touch, followed by numbness. Mouth. Symmetrical ulcers on sides of tongue. Ulcerative and follicular stomatitis, mucous surfaces red and tumid, and gray- based ulcers in cheeks, lips, etc. Salivation; acrid. Throat. Scraping. Rawness. Dryness. Swallowing difficult. Catarrh of mucous membranes of fauces, tonsils and pharynx, with white exudation. Croupous diphtheritic exudation. Submaxillary glands swollen, throat red and oedematous. Stomach. Nausea and vomiting. Acute gastritis. Gastralgia. Cutting pains in stomach. Stool. Diarrhoea. Dysentery, much blood passing with the slime. Hard stool, at last mixed with mucus and blood. Urinary Organs. Nephritis. Frequent urging. Could only pass a few drops of bloody urine. Haematuria. Urine scanty, black and albuminous. Albuminuria during gestation. Respiratory Organs. Hoarseness. Irritation to cough in larynx. Violent cough with catarrh. Tightness and constriction of chest; as from sulphur fumes. Heart. Praecordial anxiety. Perceptible but not accelerated beating of heart, with coldness in cardiac region. Palpitation, with constriction of the chest. Pulse: rapid; compressible; slow, small, weak; diminished in fullness and force. Skin. Cyanosis, worse on lips and extremities. Pustules. Pimples. Vesicles, with itching. Compare. Bell, Borax, Calc. c., Canth., Hydras., Merc. iod., Nitr. ac., Phytol.
Kali chlor. is especially useful in aphthae and stomatitis; ulcerative, mercurial or scrofulous; follicular; gangrenous; in children or nursing women; foetor oris; salivation. Extremely useful in gangrene of the mouth in children, both internally and follicular pharyngitis; and has been used successfully, both internally and as a gargle, in the treatment of true diphtheria; but according to Allen, on account of its action upon the kidneys, Kali chlor. is a "dangerous drug in diphtheria, and cases have been killed by its unwise administration." Epithelioma of the mouth and face. Scorbutis, especially after Mercury; offensive smell. Conjunctivitis and Keratitis. Gastritis. Dysentery with cutting as from knives; frequent stools; tenesmus; evacuations of only a little clear blood; great prostration. Chordee. Catarrhal conditions in general. Eczema. Vesicular and pustular eruptions.


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