LYCOPUS VIRGINICUS chief indication for heart diseases

- A.W. Cowperthwaite.

Natural order. Labiatae. Common names. Bugle Weed. Virginia

Chief action is upon the heart, where it much resembles the action of Digitals, without, however, the cumulative effects or the latter. Primarily it weakens the power and vitality of the heart, decreasing the blood pressure in the arteries, and consequently the tension everywhere, and thus producing a condition of cardiac irritability, with depressed force. Secondarily, it gives rise to cardiac erethism, and if pushed far enough would result in hypertrophy with dilatation. As a result of the primary action upon the heart, a general venous stasis occurs in all the organs of the body, notably the liver, lungs and kidneys.
Eyes. Protrusion of the eyes, with tumultuous action of the heart; exophthalmus from cardiac disease. Dull pain in left supra- orbital region. Painful pressure in eyeballs (Aloe., Bapt., Cimic.). Stomach. Circumscribed pain and compression in region of stomach. Indigestion, with pain and distress in epigastric region. Stool. Diarrhoea, with griping and rumbling. Diarrhoea in jaundice, from weakened heart. Constipation. Urinary Organs. Urine scanty, thick and muddy, with oedema of the feet. Urine contains excess of mucus, epithelial cells, and oxalate of lime, 1012-1020 sp. gr. Diabetes mellitus. Respiratory Organs. Dyspnoea; sense of constriction in larynx. Cough, with slight pale expectoration. Intercostal pains (Cimic., Ranunc., Rhod., Rhus tox.). Pains in chest, with oppressed respiration. Heart and Pulse. Constriction pain an tenderness around the heart. Rheumatoid aching pains, and acute darting pains in in region of heart (Acon., Kalm., Rhus tox., Spig.). First sound of the heart displaced by a blowing sound of mitral regurgitations. Beats of heart more distinct on right side of sternum. Cardiac oppression and distress. Cardiac pulsation scarcely perceptible to touch (Digit.). Cardiac depression, with intermittent pulse and faintness (Digit.); also on quickly ascending (Ars.). Heart sounds indistinct; systolic running into diastolic. On waking, labored cardiac action, with frequent intermission. Feeble, quick, irregular action of the heart (Digit.). Action tumultuous and forcible (Spig., Verat. vir.); could be heart several feet from the bed; eyes protruding. Pulse quick, intermittent; feeble, irregular, intermittent; quickened at each inspiration; scarcely perceptible; extremely variable; irregular in rhythm; extremely compressible. Back. Acute rheumatoid pains in neck, back and loins (Rhus tox.). Limbs. Acute rheumatoid pains in all the limbs (Rhus tox.). Generalities. Rheumatoid pains, passing from left to right; returning to left side; chiefly affecting muscles and articulations; increased by movement; by cold air, and by concentrating the thought upon them. Aggravation. On alternate days. Compare. Acon Cact., Digit., Kalm., Spig., Verat. alb.
Lycopus is especially in cardiac irritability and weakness, whether from over-strain of the heart, from rheumatic disease, constitutional debility, or from the use of drugs or stimulants affecting the heart, such as tobacco, etc. It renders the beats of the heart slower, fuller and more regular. Palpitation from nervous irritation or organic cardiac disease. An excellent substitute for Digitalis in such affections, it quiets cough and irritation of the lungs; lessens arterial action in fevers and plethora. Haemoptysis in phthisis with palpitation, pains in chest and cardiac weakness. An excellent remedy for exophthalmia from cardiac disease, relieving the protrusion of the eyes and tumultuous action of the heart. Dysentery and diarrhoea. Pleurodynia. Rheumatism. Neuralgia, or rather, neuraloid pains.


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