- A.W. Cowperthwaite.

Synonym. Lichen Pulmonarius. Natural order. Lichenes. Common

Acts upon the mucous lining of the respiratory tract, producing symptoms of a catarrhal character.
Mind. General confusion of idea;s inability to concentrate them. Head. Dull sensation in the head, with sharp, darting pains through the vertex, side of face and lower jaw. Dull, heavy pressure in forehead and root of nose (Acon., Kali bi., Phyt.); increasing during the day. Catarrhal headache before the discharge sets in. Eyes. Burning in eyelids, with soreness of the ball in closing the lids or turning the eyes, increasing in intensity all day. Catarrhal conjunctivitis, with profuse, mild discharge. Nose. Feeling of fullness and heavy pressure at root of nose (Acon., Kali bi.). tingling in right side of nose; loss of smell; dry coryza. Acute catarrh of nasal passages; influenza (Acon.). Constant need to blow nose, but no discharge results. Excessive and painful dryness of mucous membrane; secretions dry rapidly, forming scabs, difficult to dislodge. Stool. Diarrhoea, with much associated with cough. Respiratory Organs. Dry cough; worse evening and night; can neither sleep not lie down. Severe, dry, racking cough, caused by tickling in larynx and bronchia. Incessant, wearing, racking cough in consumptives. Spasmodic stage of whooping cough. Oppression of the lungs. Limbs. Darting pains in arms, fingers, joints, thighs and toes. Generalities. General feeling of dullness and malaise, as when a catarrh is coming on (Gels., Hydras.). Legs feel as if floating in the air; she feels light and airy, without any sensation of resting on the bed (Asar.); hysterical chorea. Compare. Acon., Dulc., Hydras., Kali bi., Merc., Rumex., Sang.
Sticta pulmon. is especially useful in catarrhal affections as indicated in the prove symptoms. Influenza. Conjunctivitis. Nasal catarrh. Hay fever. Bronchitis. Whooping cough. Phthisis. Cough during measles. Occasionally useful in hysteria. Inflammatory rheumatism of the small joints. Rheumatism of the wrists; of the knee. Housemaid's knee.


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