SULPHUR [Sulph]:

- A.W. Cowperthwaite.

Synonym. Flores Sulphuris. Common names. Brimstone. Flowers of

Acts especially on the ganglionic nervous system, affecting primarily the venous capillary system, and through it affecting profoundly the entire vegetative sphere, penetrating deeply every recess of the human body. Precisely how this mighty agent operates, and exactly the channels through which it produces its wonderful changes in organic and functional life, may not be definitely known; the effects of these operations are ever before us, and offer conclusive evidence as to the character of the remedy in its general constitutional action, tainting the system, as it does, with a chronic miasm, peculiar to itself, yet simulating a vast array of pathological stages which have, for their peculiar expression, some character of cutaneous eruption. Thus, as we have indicated, the chief local action of Sulphur is found to be upon the skin, producing various forms of eruption, papular, vesicular, pustular and herpetic, is most noted action being an itching, vesicular formation, holding a marked resemblance to scabies or itch, and other kindred affections of the skin. Sulphur also affects particularly the lymphatic glandular system, the mucous membranes, especially of the eyes, bronchi, urethra and rectum, and the portal system, especially the haemorrhoidal vessels. However, as Allen remarks (Hand-book of Materia, Medica, p. 1056): "Since Sulphur is an integral part of every form of protoplasm, it follows that all tissues become affected by its abnormal exhibition, and no particular limit or character can be assigned to it."
Mind. Melancholy, sad, despondent, inclined to weep (Aur., Ign., Natr. mur., Plat., Puls., Rhus tox.). Discouraged and weary of life. peevish, irritable; fretful; ill-humored; quarrelsome (Bry., Cham., Nux v.). Indolence of mind and body; indisposed to anything-work, talk, pleasure, or motion (Nux v., Phos. ac.). Great anxiety and apprehension in the evening (Calc. c., Merc., Rhus tox.). Great tendency to religious and philosophical speculations (Verat. alb.). Weak memory (Anac., Kreos., Lach., Nux m.). particularly for names. Mental distraction; cannot think, or fix his mind on any subject (Calc. c., Gels., Natr. mur., Phos. ac., Sep.). Awkwardness at his work. Head. Great confusion of the head, with dizziness; with aching, as if a band were tied tight around the forehead (Coccul., Gels., Merc., Puls., Spig.). Vertigo; while walking in the open air (Arg. nit., Calc. c., Glon., Sep.), when stooping (Acon., Bell., Puls.), on looking down; when rising from a seat (Bell., Bry., Sulph.); when crossing a stream (Ferr.); with nosebleed mornings (Bell., Bry.). Heaviness, fullness, and pressure in the forehead. Rhus of blood to the head; with pulsation, heat, and pressure in the brain (Acon., Bell.). Pressive headache, especially in temples, in the morning, after rising. Pain is if the brain were beating against the skull, especially when nodding, or moving the head (Ars, Glon., Hyos., Nux m.). Every step is felt painfully in the head. Stitches in the head and out of the eyes. Tearing, tensive, jerking, or hammering pains in the head. Heavy, pressive, frontal headache, especially in the morning (Nux v.), with restlessness. Headache, as from a board in front of the head (Acon., Bell., Gels., Merc., Nitr. ac.). Pressive headache in vertex, as from a weight on top of the brain (Aloe.). Scalp, especially the vertex, painfully sensitive to touch (Cinch., Merc., Natr. Mur., Nitr. ac.). Profuse falling out of the hair (Graph., Hep. s., Lyc., Merc, Nitr. ac., Phos., Sep.). Roots of hair painful, especially to touch (Cinch., Ferr.). Violent itching of the scalp (Caust, Carb. ac., Graph., Sep., Sil.). Painful elevations on sinciput and vertex. Painful, inflamed, itching pimples on scalp and forehead (Hep. s., Sep., Sil.). Fontanelles close too late. Humid, offensive eruption, with thick pus, yellow crusts, itching, bleeding and burning (Ars., Graph., Hep. s., Merc., Sil.). Eyes. Inflammation of the eyes or lids, with swelling, redness of conjunctivae, and much itching, burning and smarting (Ant. crud., Arg. nit., Calc. c., Graph.). Dryness of the eyes in the room; lachrymation in the open air (Puls.). Lachrymation in the mornings, with burning. Retinitis, caused by over-use of eyes; congestion of optic nerve. Burning, dryness, smarting and itching of the margins of the lids. Pain in lid, as if rubbed against spiculae of glass. Burning and rubbing, dry sensation between the lids, as if sand were in them (Ars., Caust., Hep. s., Thuja.). Agglutinations of the lids at night (Calc. c., Lyc., Merc., Puls., Rhus tox., Sil.). Dryness in balls, and sensation as if they rubbed against the lids. Shooting pains in the eyes, and cutting stitches as from a knife, especially in right eye. Aching in the eyeballs in evening, with weight and loss of vision. Pustules and ulcers on and around the cornea (Hep. s., Nitr. ac., Still.), with redness of the eye, photophobia and lachrymation. Ulceration of the margins of the lids (Graph.). Great sensitiveness of the eyes to the light of the sun (Acon., Bell., Graph., Ign., Merc.). Burning in the eyes, and easy fatigue when reading. Dimness of vision, as of a veil before the eyes (Croc., Natr. mur., Petrol., Phos., Sep., Thuja). Dark points and spots floating before the eyes (Agar., Chel., Kali. c., Merc., Phos., Sep., Sil.). Flickering before the eyes (Carls.). Dazzled by looking long at an object. Ears. Pressure and pain in the ear when swallowing and sneezing, as if ulcerate. Sharp, shooting or drawing pains in the ear, sometimes extend to throat and head. Stitches in the left ear (Ars., Coni., Graph., Kali bi., Kali c.). Itching in the ears (Baryt. c., Hep. s., Merc. bin.). Ringing and roaring in the ears (Cinch., Merc., Sil.); in evening in bed with rush of blood to the head. Hardness of hearing, preceded by over-sensitiveness of hearing. Something seems to come before the ears. Swashing in the ears. Purulent, offensive otorrhoea, worse left ear. Ears very red with children. Nose. Nose swollen, red and inflamed (Bell., Phos.); internal ulceration. Violent, fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing (Acon., Cepa., Sang.); in evening land morning. Burning coryza in open air; stooped up when in the room. Bloody mucous discharge, when blowing the nose. Profuse secretion of thick, yellow, purulent mucus (Calc. c., Hydras., Puls.). Comedones not he nose. Dryness of the nose. Tip of nose red and shiny. Itching and burning in the nostrils, as if sore. Face. Paleness of face, and expression of great suffering, as after long illness. Eyes sunken, and blue rings around them (Cinch., Kali iod., Phos.). Heat and burning in the face, with dark-red face, or circumscribed red cheeks (Bapt.). Pressure and tearing pains in malar bone. Black comedones on face (Selen.), especially on forehead, nose, upper lip and chin. Swelling of the lips, especially the upper lip (Bell., Calc. c.). Swelling of lower lip, with eruption on it. Upper lip and margins of nose dry, scaly, rough and burning. Burning and sticking in upper lip in morning on rising, as if raw. Dryness of the lips. Painful eruptions around the chin. Herpes at the corners of mouth (Ant., curd., Ars.). Painful glandular swelling of the lower jaw; drawing, jerking pains. Mouth. Drawing, throbbing, or boring toothache; in the open air, or in slightest draft of air (Cinch.); from cold water (Ant. crud., Calc. c., Coccus, Staph.); in the evening and night, with pain in submaxillary glands. Swelling of the gums, with throbbing pain. Bleeding gums. Taste; bitter (Bry., Cinch., Coloc., Nux v., Puls.); pasty; offensive; sweetish (Ars., Bry., Merc., Plumb.); metallic (AEsc., Coccul., Merc, Naja); sour; in the morning. Tongue coated white, with red tip and borders (mostly in acute diseases). Blisters on the tongue and in the mouth dryness of the mouth, tongue and palate, with much thirst (Ars.). Mouth dry, insipid, and sticky in the morning. Foetid of sour smell from the mouth, especially in morning and after eating. Accumulation of saliva in mouth (Merc.). bloody (Nitr. ac.). or salty (Ant., crud., Merc., cor., Phos.); after eating. Throat. Roughness, rawness and dryness of the throat. Scraping in the throat; hawking and clearing throat (Amm. carb., Carb v., Phos.). Sore throat,with great burning and dryness; soreness begins on right side and goes to left; redness of tonsils. Stitches in throat when swallowing (Alum., Arg., nit.). A hard ball seems to rise in throat and to close the pharynx, and take away the breath (Asaf., Lyc.). Painful contraction of the throat when swallowing (Bell., Plumb.). Burning up into the throat, with sour eructations. Stitches and swelling in parotid and submaxillary glands. Stomach. Excessive, ravenous hunger; must eat frequently; if he does not eat, headache and lassitude. Complete loss of appetite (Alum., Ars., Cinch., Plumb.); feels full and aversion to food beginning to eat (Lyc.). constant thirst; thirst for beet (Acon., Coccul., Phos. ac., Sulph.). Milk disagrees, and causes much distress (Carb. v.), waterbrash (Natr. carb.), mornings or after meals (Ars., Nux v.). Heartburn. Sour or empty eructations, especially after meals and in morning (Ambr., Bry., Carb. v., Nux v., Phos.); testing of bad eggs. Burning in the stomach (Ars., Canth., Iris., Lob., Mez.). Nausea and qualmishness; mornings (Calc. c., Nux v., Puls.); before meals; during stool. Vomiting of food or acid substances, morning,s evening,s or after meals. Feeling of fullness in stomach after eating but little (Cinch., Led., Lyc.). Anxious pain in pit of stomach; at night with palpitation. Pain in region of stomach; after eating; at night, better from eructations. Empty, gone, faint feeling (Cimic., Hydras. Ign., Petrol., Puls., Sep.), about 11 o'clock A.M. Pressure and heaviness in the stomach, also after eating (Ars., Bry., Nux v., Phos.). Stitches in stomach and pit of stomach. Abdomen. Stitches, or dull, pressing pain in region of liver Acon., Ars., Bry., Calc. c., Chel., Cinch., Kali c., Merc., Nux v., Step.). Bile increased. Swelling and induration of the liver (Cinch., Phos.). Soreness in both hypochondria, which are sensitive to the touch, mornings. Stitches in region of spleen (Natr. carb., Natr. mur.); in left side of abdomen, on deep breathing. Griping pains about the navel, relieved by emission of flatus (Carb. v., Coloc.). Tension and pressure in the umbilical region. Distension of the abdomen (Carb. v., Cinch., Graph.). Rumbling and the abdomen (Agar., Aloe, Lyc., Zinc.). Stitches. Fullness and tension in abdomen, as from incarcerated flatulence (Carb. v., Cinch., Lyc., Kali c., Phos.). Bruised pain is muscles of abdomen on touch. Emission of much flatus, smelling of rotten eggs (Arn.); worse evening and night. Colic and griping in abdomen, relieved by bending double (Aloe., Coloc., Iris., Nux v., Rheum.); before stool. Cutting in hypogastrium, with thin stool. Pressure downward in abdomen, toward anus. Painful sensitiveness of the abdomen to touch (Acon., Bell., Cupr., Merc.). Stool and Anus. Burning and pressure in rectum during stool; burning in anus after stool (Natr. ars.). Violent stitches and crawling in rectum, especially in evening. Violent itching in rectum and anus (Caust., Nux v., Sil.). Sticking and sore pain in anus. Anus red, inflamed, swollen, covered with red veins. Much moisture about anus, with soreness and itching. Bearing-down in anus, in forenoon when sitting, with tenesmus. Sensation in rectum after stool as if something remained (Nux. v.). Itching in perineum, with soft stool. Frequent ineffectual urging to stool (Ambr., Coni., Natr., Carb., Nux v., sil.). Moist, blind, or bleeding haemorrhoids. Diarrhoea some hours after midnight, or driving out of bed early in the morning (Agar., Aloe., Dros., Natr. ars., Rumex., Podo.). Dysenteric stools, with colic; straining and violent tenesmus (Merc., Nux v.), especially at night. Involuntary stool when sneezing or laughing, with emission of flatus. Stools watery; frothy, green, or bloody mucus; pappy, greenish-yellow; foetid; slimy; tough; gluey; bloody; excoriating (Ars., Merc.); semi-fluid; involuntary (Ars.). Passing of thread- worms during stool. Constipation; stools hard, as if burnt (Bry.); scanty, difficult and insufficient. Urinary Organs. Retention of urine (Acon., Bell.), Frequent and sudden desire to urinate, especially at night, with copious discharge. Constant desire, with scanty urine. Dragging in bladder in the morning after urinating. Pressure soon after urinating, as from as full bladder. Nocturnal enuresis (Arn., Caust, Cupr., Graph., Puls.). Burning in the urethra, also white urinating (Ars., CAnth., Can. Sat., Coni.). Stitches and shooting pain in urethral in fore part. Itching in the urethra. Stream intermits, or is thinner than usual. Urine turbid (Ant. tart., Bell.); reddish; offensive (Calc., Kreos.); excoriating (Merc.); fatty pellicle. Male Organs. Involuntary emissions (Cinch., Phos. ac.). Coldness of penis; sexual powers much weakened (Agn., Berb., Caps.). Increased powers (Phos.). Inflammation and swelling, with redness and burning of the prepuce, with phimosis. Stitches in penis. Itching in glans penis (Mez.). Pressure and tension in testicles and spermatic cords. testicles relaxed (Camph.); hanging down (Clem.). Offensive sweat around the genitals. Itching of scrotum; in morning on waking. Soreness and moisture of scrotum (Petrol.). Female Organs. Menses too early, too profuse, but of too short duration; too late; suppressed (Cimic., Puls.). Menstrual blood thick, dark, and excoriating (Amm. carb.). During menses, headache, rush of blood to the head, nose bleed (bry., Ham.); pressure in pit of stomach; before menses, headache; fullness in chest. Profuse, yellowish, corrosive leucorrhoea (Ars., Sep.). Burning in the vagina; is scarcely able to keep still. Troublesome itching of the genitals, with papular eruption around them (Merc.). Erysipelatous inflammation of mammae (Rhus tox.); they are red, hot, hard, with red rays extending from nipple, and stitching pains. Respiratory Organs. Voice rough and hoarse, especially mornings; aphonia (Carb. v., Caust., Phos.). Roughness and scraping in throat, with much in the chest; causes cough (Cham., Nux v.)., Shortness of breath from talking (Dros.). or when walking in open air. Dyspnoea; oppression and anxiety (Acon., Ars., Puls.); at night when lying on the back. Attacks of suffocation, especially at night in bed; wants doors and windows open (Ars., Bapt., CArb. v.). Dry cough in the evening in bed, or waking from 49 sleep, at night (Coni. Hyos., Mez., Nux v., Puls., Rumex). Dry cough., with hoarseness, dryness in the throat, and watery coryza. Short, dry, violent cough, with pain in the sternum, or with stitches in the chest. Cough caused by rawness in the larynx (Phos., Rumex.). Congestion of blood to the chest. Heaviness. Weakness of the chest when talking (Carb. v., Stan.); also in evening when lying down. Bruised pain in upper part of chest. Pain in the chest as if sprained. Sensation of constriction in chest. Pain in the sternum on moving arm, with oppressed breathing. Tightness in chest, as if something had grown fast. Pressure in the chest, so she could hardly breathe. Stitches in chest, extending to back, or to left scapula (Kali c., Merc.); worse from breathing (Bry.). and from motion (Bry.), and when lying on the back. Burning in the chest rising to the face. Exudation after pneumonia. Heart and Pulse. Palpitation of the short, with anxiety (Acon., Ars., Spig., Verat. alb.); at night, in bed; when ascending. Pulse hard, full, and accelerated (Acon., Bell.). Stitches in praecordial region. Neck and Back. Stiffness in neck and back. Inflammation of cervical glands. Cracking in the cervical vertebrae, especially on bending head backward. Drawing, tension and stitches in nape of neck. Paralytic sprained pain in neck. Tensive pain between the scapulae, on motion and when lying down. Pain in back, as if sprained (Puls., Rhus tox.); or bruised. Violent bruised pain in small of back (Cupr.), and in the coccyx, especially when stooping or rising from a seat (Rhus tox.). Drawing pain in back, with weakness. Stitches in the shoulder blades, back and small of black. Curvature of spine; vertebrae softened. Limbs. Weakness and trembling of the limbs, especially hands and feet. Unsteadiness of joints. Limbs "go to sleep" (Sep., Sil.), especially when lying down. Bruised feeling, and drawing, tearing pains in the limbs (Bry., Coloc., Led., Lyc., Merc.). Cramp-like pain in muscles of limbs, on motion. Upper Limbs. Rheumatic, drawing, tearing pains in shoulders (left), arms and fingers. Stitches between the right shoulder, on motion, extending into the chest. Sensation of weakness and weariness in upper arms. Sprained pain and stiffness in wrist, worse in morning. Very disgusting, offensive sweat in the axillae. Great burning in the palms of the hands (Lach.). Skin of the hands hard, dry and cracked (Natr. mur.). Hang-nails (Natr. mur., Thuja.). Itching vesicles on back of hand. Thick, red chilblains on fingers. Numbness of the fingers. Ulcers about the nails. Lower LImbs. Weakness and heaviness of the limbs when walking; violent, shooting pain in hip-joint; worse from touch or motion; from turning over in bed; cannot rise from bed. Cramp-like, tensive pain in muscles of thigh. Itching and soreness between thighs when walking. Stiffness of the knee and ankle-joints. Tension in hollow of knees, as if contracted on stepping. Sticking in the knee and tibia. Weary pain in calves at night in bed. Sprained pain in left ankle, when standing and walking. Stiffness of malleoli. Cramps in the calves of the legs and soles of the feet (Carb. v., Selen.), principally at night (Calc. c., Camph., Cham., Ferr., Nit. ac., Nux v., Stil.); even when walking the calves are painful, as if too short. Burning in the soles (Calc. c., Lach., Sil.); wants them uncovered (Cham.). Sticking cutting pain in toes; about the nails. Corns, with aching and sticking pains. Coldness of the feet, especially the soles. Cold sweat on feet. Generalities. Extreme emaciation (Ars., Ferr., Phos.). Great debility and trembling (Alum., Cinch.); weariness and prostration. Sensitive to the open air; inclined to tremor of hands. Cannot walk erect; stoop-shouldered. Standing in the most disagreeable position. Child dislike to be washed and bathed (Ant., crud.). Child jumps starts and screams. Epilepsy, with stiffness; sensation as from a mouse running up arms to back, before the it. Dry, flabby skin. Glandular swelling, indurated or suppurating. Body offensive, despite washing. Skin. Voluptuous itching and tingling, with burning and soreness after scratching (Carb. ac.). Vesicular and herpetic eruptions, with much itching and burning (Crot. tig., Merc., Rhus tox.). Itching; worse from the warmth of the bed (Alum., Merc., Mez., Phos.). Formication over the whole body. Slight cuts and injuries inflame and suppurate (Borax, Cham., Graph., Hep. s., Sil.). Soreness in the folds of the skin (Graph., Hydras., Ign., Lyc., Merc.). Ulcers, with raised, swollen edges, bleeding easily (Asaf., Merc., Mez.); surrounded with pimples, and discharging foetid pus. Sleep. Irresistible sleepiness during the day (Ant. tart., Apis, Nux m.); wakefulness the whole night. Yawning. Restless sleep, with frequent waking. Late falling asleep. Violent starting on falling asleep (Ars., Bell., Hyos.). Vivid., frightful, vexation, anxious dreams (Arn., Aur., Puls.). Fever. Chilliness every evening in bed, followed by heat and profuse perspiration; in morning. Frequent internal chilliness, without thirst (Puls.). Chill creeping up the back. Chill and fever; no reaction; constantly sinking. Heat in afternoon and evening, with dry skin and excessive thirst. Frequent flushes of heat; sometimes ending with a little moisture and faintness. Morning sweat setting in after waking (Sep.). Sweat smelling of sulphur. Profuse night sweat (Cinch., Phos., Sil., Sulph. ac.). Perspiration from the least exertion (Ambr., Calc. c., Hep. s., Phos., Sil.). Aggravation. In evening, or after midnight; from warmth of bed; during rest; when standing; from touch; from washing or bathing; in the open air. Amelioration. During motion; on walking. Compare. Aloe, Ars., Bell., Calc. c., Cinch., Colch., Hep. s., Iodi., Lyc., Merc., Natr. m., Nitr. ac., Nux v., Phos., Psor., Puls., Rhus tox., Sep., Sil. Antidotes. Acon., Camph., Cham., Cinch., Merc., Puls., Rhus tox., Sep. Sulphur Antidotes. Cinch., Iod., Merc., Nitr. ac., Rhus tox., Sep.
As has been already suggested, Sulphur may be indicated in any disease, regardless of its character or of the tissue involved. It will, therefore, be impossible to give a complete resume of its clinical range. Its chief use is in chronic diseases. Often times it may be prescribed as an intercurrent remedy, even when its individual symptoms are absent, in both chronic and acute diseases, for the purpose of arousing the reactive energies of the system, when carefully selected remedies have failed to produce a favorable effect. This power of Sulphur depends upon its relation to Hahnemann's psora; and while we must admit that the latter theory was based upon false premises so far as the single disease, itch, was concerned, science having at that time failed to discover the parasitic nature of this disease, yet it is evident that Hahnemann only used the term scabies or itch to indicate some form of cutaneous eruption, and the term psora to indicate a constitutional taint dependent upon, or having for its external manifestation, some form of cutaneous eruption, not necessarily always identical with itch. This might be hereditary, or due to the suppression of an eruption; and while some skin diseases of a parasitic nature may be cured solely by external means, without immediate bad results, yet remote consequences are, possible, and in many instances at least a constitutional dyscrasia is thus established which afterwards more or less modifies and controls the course of any disease with which the individual may suffer. Sulphur is the chief remedy with which to combat this constitutional condition, often restoring the suppressed disease, and, if not, so controlling the dyscrasia that the action of other indicated remedies may not be interfered with. It is especially useful in people who are subject to eruptions upon the skin, and those in whom the skin is rough and harsh and the hair coarse; light-complexioned; lean, stoop- shouldered; offensive odor from the body; general dislike to and aggravation from washing or bathing. Said to be indicated for people who have very red lips, and redness of the other orifices of the body, often accompanied by soreness and burning. Diseases which alternate with some form of eruption on the skin. All forms of scrofulous disease. Rachitic complaints. Sufferings from the abuse of Mercury or Cinchona, and metals generally. In briefly considering some of the individual pathological states in which Sulphur is especially useful, the remarks just made on the general action of the drug, especially as regards the retrocession of eruptions, must be borne in mind in order to save repetition. It is useful in some of nervous disease; hysteria; epilepsy. chorea; paraplegia; neuralgia of various sorts, sometimes periodic. Sulphur does not produce any spinal or cerebral changes, but its nervous manifestations are due to spinal weakness and general constitutions conditions. Marasmus; tuberculosis, tubercular meningitis; hydrocephalus; differentiated from Calc. by the characteristics of the patient. Characteristic eruptions on the scalp (see symptoms.). Alopecia. A valuable remedy in many diseases of the eyes and lids, especially of a scrofulous nature. Conjunctivitis. Blepharitis. Styes. Tarsal tumors. Ulceration of lids. Painful inflammation from foreign bodies in the eyes (after Acon.). Pustular inflammation of conjunctiva; of cornea; ulcers on and about cornea; abscesses; always great pain, photophobia and lachrymation; usually worse at night; sharp, burning, sticking and itching; nightly agglutination, etc. Keratitis. Kerato- iritis. Retinitis. Asthenopia. Opacities of the vitreous. Cataract. Inflammation of the external and middle ear. Chronic nasal catarrh. Comedones. Tonsilitis. Pharyngitis. Dyspepsia and gastric troubles in general, with weak, faint feeling at stomach about 11 A.M. Dyspepsia from milk. Swelling and induration of liver. Engorged liver, with piles and other resulting conditions. Various abdominal troubles, with symptoms agreeing; usually follows Nux well. Ascites. An invaluable of the rectum, according to symptoms. Diarrhoea, especially in morning; great variety of stools (see symptom). Dysentery. A valuable remedy in chronic nephritis. Catarrh of the bladder. Chronic gonorrhoea. Phimosis. Hydrocele. Pruritus in both male and female. Amenorrhoea. Dysmenorrhoea. Menorrhagia. Vicarious menstruation. Leucorrhoea. Chlorosis. Uterine displacements, and various forms of uterine and pelvic inflammation, with Sulphur symptoms. Often useful i n chronic respiratory diseases. Aphonia. Laryngeal and bronchial catarrh. Whooping cough (vapors of Sulphur said to be extremely beneficial). Often useful in chronic asthma, especially after suppressed eruptions or discharges, even many years after. An extremely valuable remedy in chronic pneumonia, and in the later stages of acute pneumonia, when resolution does not take place, hepatization remaining, with dry cough, etc.; also in first stage of phthisis following pneumonia. Phthisis, with general Sulphur indications. Hydrothorax. Cardiac dropsy. Spinal irritation. Chronic rheumatism. Rheumatic gout. Synovitis. Lumbago. A most important remedy in skin diseases as already mentioned; vesicular, herpetic and pustular eruptions in general, with much itching and burning; worse at night from warmth of bed; also complaints from their suppression by external applications. The chief remedy in "itch" or scabies. Eczema. Acne. Intertrigo. Ulcers. Abscesses. Erysipelas. Eruptive fevers. Bilious fevers. Typhoid fever. Hectic fever. in fevers Sulph. maybe indicated by the symptoms of the case, or may be useful as intercurrent remedy, as already mentioned.


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